Oh No! Say it ain't So Joe.... Yo-ko-Ma offering 1 million Americans JOBs???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Trump could not show up and be a better president than the meat puppet faggot was.

Ok..OK... I took liberties...
I know it isn't Yoko-Ma... I took more liberties... but really I thought China was our big bad enemy???
Alibaba to discuss expansion plans with Trump; company aims to create 1 million US jobs over the next 5 years
Alibaba job boom: Jack Ma chats with Trump about creating 1 million US jobs over 5 years

So will Amazon have to "Trump" Alibaba???
Stay tuned folks and Trump isn't even inaugurated yet!
Here's another example of job creation by a foreign owned company.
This Chinese Company Moved Production to South Carolina to Save Money
US Based firms getting into the act as well
Johnson Controls breaks ground on $150m lead acid battery recycling plant
Back to the foreign investment side
And finally...To make the lefty snowflakes whine even more...
Chinese manufacturers are setting up shop in the U.S.

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