Oh No the economy is growing, hurry cons make a mess of something to stop it

You insult me so you can pretend the fact filled article doesnt exsist.

You dont WANT to think we are recovering.

you are correct.
We dont want to have to think it based on inconclusive data.

The administration wants us to think it for political expediency.

We go with hard core facts.

Unemployment is at 9.1%

Enough said.
Economy Growing at Fastest Pace - Bloomberg

read the article and insult all the experts in it then

I did...
“Although the latest news on the U.S. economy is somewhat more encouraging than that from earlier in the year, we should not take much solace from that,” he said. “The U.S. economy continues to face several obstacles,” including consumers cutting debt and caution by businesses.

“We also continue to face significant downside risks, mostly related to the stress in the euro zone,” Dudley said.
Did your insults of them change the FACTS they gave?

I think someone needs to explain to you the article you're citing. Do you have an adult around that can help you?

BTW forecasts and projections are not what I would call written in stone facts.
Because you DONT WANT the country to improve

You should really quit bumping your ignorant hack thread. That's abuse of the board.

Let it die out just like it should so we don't have to look at it anymore.
why is it you people FEEL COMPELLED to trash a Bllomberg Article that quotes

Harlen Kent CEO
Mr LaVorna of Deutsche bank
Mr Feroli cheif economist of jpm Chase
Mr Hermann economic stratagist
Willian C Dudley of the fed in NY
David Greeenlaw of Morgan Stanley
Ted Wiesman of Morgan Stanly
Karen Hoguet CEO
The staff at the conferance board

as if it were lies?

U.S. Economy Growing at Fastest Pace of

Aren't these the same people that are responsible for destroying the economy?
With their predictions?
And now they are prdeicting "possible growth"?
Until we have real growth at about 5% we are barely treading water.
You dont get to deside what information is allowed to be posted on this site PR
why is it you people FEEL COMPELLED to trash a Bllomberg Article that quotes

Harlen Kent CEO
Mr LaVorna of Deutsche bank
Mr Feroli cheif economist of jpm Chase
Mr Hermann economic stratagist
Willian C Dudley of the fed in NY
David Greeenlaw of Morgan Stanley
Ted Wiesman of Morgan Stanly
Karen Hoguet CEO
The staff at the conferance board

as if it were lies?

U.S. Economy Growing at Fastest Pace of

Aren't these the same people that are responsible for destroying the economy?
With their predictions?
And now they are prdeicting "possible growth"?
Until we have real growth at about 5% we are barely treading water.

Oh they are , then you can go get the proof they are right?
There is NOT one single post in this thread from a con who has expressed happiness about these positive signs in the economy.

You dont get to deside what information is allowed to be posted on this site PR

You don't get to abuse the board either. You're bumping this bull shit thread to keep it at the top of the most recent and most active search function. It's obvious. Just knock it off. We all can see what you're doing. You're such a hack that you want to keep your liberal hack thread right in everyone's face so you're bumping it.

Fuck off, and let it go.
why is it you people FEEL COMPELLED to trash a Bllomberg Article that quotes

Harlen Kent CEO
Mr LaVorna of Deutsche bank
Mr Feroli cheif economist of jpm Chase
Mr Hermann economic stratagist
Willian C Dudley of the fed in NY
David Greeenlaw of Morgan Stanley
Ted Wiesman of Morgan Stanly
Karen Hoguet CEO
The staff at the conferance board

as if it were lies?

U.S. Economy Growing at Fastest Pace of

Aren't these the same people that are responsible for destroying the economy?
With their predictions?
And now they are prdeicting "possible growth"?
Until we have real growth at about 5% we are barely treading water.

Oh they are , then you can go get the proof they are right?

With ease.
March 12 (Bloomberg) -- JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Citigroup Inc. helped cause the failure of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. by demanding more collateral and changing guarantee agreements, according to a report on the biggest bankruptcy in U.S. history.

JPMorgan, Citigroup Helped Doom Lehman, Report Says (Update3) - Bloomberg

5) The Securities and Exchange Commission changed the leverage rules for just five Wall Street banks in 2004. The “Bear Stearns exemption” replaced the 1977 net capitalization rule’s 12-to-1 leverage limit. In its place, it allowed unlimited leverage for Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns. These banks ramped leverage to 20-, 30-, even 40-to-1. Extreme leverage leaves very little room for error.

The AIG Scam (and Other Financial Misdeeds)
I don't see how you can make the claim that the economy is growing when you have stupid demoncrats that piss away a half a trillion dollars on solyndra and say oh well! .. there will be a few temps hired for the Christmas Season and the liars will trumpet that the economy is growing.. yo mmakkkke me laugh.. right out loud.

Willow forgive me and I respect your opinion as I do everyone's, however everytime I hear how bad Solyndra was and how bad it is to invest in energy starups I am reminded of Enron and the 1.2 Billion that was never recovered by the previous Administration. I didn't hear anyone at the time calling for an end to oil and natural gas investment by the Federal Govt. because of the Enron or Texaco Bankrupty. The point is Willow that it's not such a bad thing to invest in technologies that might contribute to this nations energy needs as well as employ this nations citizens regardless of what that technology may be. Some of them might fail in the process but if it eventually leads to our nation stronger and not sending billions overseas to nations that don't like us very much then. While it's prudent to make sure that the money is spent wisely and this applies to every single department in Govt. sometimes Willow that money is going to go to places like I mentioned above, but in the end if it results in our economy stronger over the long term regardless of the loss then it's money well spent. As for the economy itself I am of the opinion that while the economy is improving it has a long long long way to go to call itself recovered. In my humble opinion am for investing in this nation and our people for a change and regardless of the person's politics as long as they wish to see this nation prosper I'm for that.

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