Oh No the economy is growing, hurry cons make a mess of something to stop it

U.S. Economy Growing at Fastest Pace of the Year - Bloomberg

The U.S. economy may end 2011 growing at its fastest clip in 18 months as analysts increase their forecasts for the fourth quarter just a few months after a slowdown raised concern among investors.

Economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) in New York now see gross domestic product rising 3 percent in the final quarter, up from a previous prediction of 2.5 percent. Macroeconomic Advisers in St. Louis increased its forecast to 3.2 percent from 2.9 percent at the start of November, while New York-based Morgan Stanley & Co. boosted its outlook to 3.5 percent from 3 percent.

“The incoming data on consumption, business spending and residential investment all point to GDP growth in the fourth quarter tracking 3.3 percent,” said John Herrmann, senior fixed-income strategist at State Street Global Markets in Boston.

Hey dummie, before you go celebrate you ought to look up the definition for the word "may".

The GDP went went up 3 percent and was projected to go up 2.5 percent.

Wow, huge gain!!!.

Plus, we're going into the holiday season and growth always edges up
Lets just see if the economy is still growing once the holidays are over.

If it is. Then we can celebrate.

Barry and his possee of nitwits will of course take any credit but really what the hell have they done??

Jack shits the answer to that one.

Economy's been growing for the last three years. It slowed after 2010. UE has been going down too at a steady clip.
U.S. Economy Growing at Fastest Pace of the Year - Bloomberg

The U.S. economy may end 2011 growing at its fastest clip in 18 months as analysts increase their forecasts for the fourth quarter just a few months after a slowdown raised concern among investors.

Economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) in New York now see gross domestic product rising 3 percent in the final quarter, up from a previous prediction of 2.5 percent. Macroeconomic Advisers in St. Louis increased its forecast to 3.2 percent from 2.9 percent at the start of November, while New York-based Morgan Stanley & Co. boosted its outlook to 3.5 percent from 3 percent.

“The incoming data on consumption, business spending and residential investment all point to GDP growth in the fourth quarter tracking 3.3 percent,” said John Herrmann, senior fixed-income strategist at State Street Global Markets in Boston.

Hey dummie, before you go celebrate you ought to look up the definition for the word "may".

The GDP went went up 3 percent and was projected to go up 2.5 percent.

Wow, huge gain!!!.

Plus, we're going into the holiday season and growth always edges up slightly.
Lets just see if the economy is still growing once the holidays are over.

If it is. Then we can celebrate.

Barry and his possee of nitwits will of course take any credit but really what the hell have they done??

Jack shits the answer to that one.

Economy's been growing for the last three years. It slowed after 2010. UE has been going down too at a steady clip.

Yep, UE is going down. Those 99 weeks are running out.
BULLETIN........a favorable economic report surfaces...TM and others make threads saying look how great the economy is.

BULLETIN......an unfavorable economic report comes out next week....right wing posters will make threads saying how bad the economy is.

More at 11.
BULLETIN........a favorable economic report surfaces...TM and others make threads saying look how great the economy is.

BULLETIN......an unfavorable economic report comes out next week....right wing posters will make threads saying how bad the economy is.

More at 11.

Why are you lying about what I said?
Construction Permits

Housing construction permits climbed last month to their highest level since March 2010, according to Commerce Department data, as the near record-low mortgage rates lured some buyers into the market.

The future pace of consumer spending ultimately will be decided by the growth of household income, which in turn is tied to the health of the job market.

And there, Herrmann saw some reason to be optimistic. He forecast that private-sector payrolls would rise an average 160,000 per month for the rest of this year and by 200,000 per month in the first four months of 2012. Private payrolls increased 104,000 in October.

In a sign that the job market may be improving, claims for unemployment benefits dropped to their lowest level in seven months in the week ended Nov. 12, to 388,000, Labor Department figures released yesterday showed.

“With Europe an albatross around our necks, the fact that the economy is firming and performing better than expected is really encouraging,” said Omair Sharif, an economist at RBS Securities Inc. in Stamford, Connecticut.

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I know it pains the right to admitt things are moving the right direction.

Please remember the rest of America like thiss directional move even if it makes you shit your pants
If you try to do another Debt Ceiling like sabotage of our economy you will end up in the trash heap of history
The amazing thing about the American economy is that if you don't keep threatening to pass anti-business regulations it WILL rebound from recessions. What economic neophytes like TM can't seem to grasp is that economic growth has been dampened for the past two years in large part because of legislation passed or proposed by the Obama Administration. When you call for the passage of Cap & Trade legislation and tell the EPA that they're calling the shots on green house gas emissions regulations...there IS a correlating response. Businesses look at their energy costs potentially going through the roof and they don't pull the trigger on expansions or even worse they look overseas.

What we've seen over the past six months or so is Barack Obama backing off on his progressive agenda trying desperately to get something going with the economy so he can get reelected...hence the reining in of the EPA and no more talk about things like Cap & Trade and Card Check.

My question to any independent voters out there is this...do any of you honestly believe that if Barack Obama is elected to a second term that he won't go right back to seeking the very same progressive agenda that stymied economic growth for the early part of his first term? I'll make the prediction here and now that if he IS reelected that the EPA is once again given the green light on imposing green house gas emission standards.
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well well well . we are making progress.

They have stopped denying the economic FACT that we are recovering under Obamas lead.
The U.S. economy may end 2011 growing at its fastest clip in 18 months

#1: You don't get out much, do you? Things suck out there, honey.

#2: It "may" grow faster by the end of the year? Faster then the last 18 months of recession?

well well well . we are making progress.

They have stopped denying the economic FACT that we are recovering under Obamas lead.

Yet you haven't stopped denying we were suffering for 3 years under Obama's so called leadership have you?
If you try to do another Debt Ceiling like sabotage of our economy you will end up in the trash heap of history

We realize your understanding of economics only rivals your imagination.

Calling you a whack job just doesnt do you justice, you are much worse.
No matter what the figures are, you really have to wait for the revised figures which will be closer to the truth.

Sort of like those unemployment figures that show hiring. Then in a few months, the truth comes out and another half million jobs have been lost.

The economy is not going to show any significant improvement until obama is out of office.
No matter what the figures are, you really have to wait for the revised figures which will be closer to the truth.

Sort of like those unemployment figures that show hiring. Then in a few months, the truth comes out and another half million jobs have been lost.

The economy is not going to show any significant improvement until obama is out of office.

Take out the extra federal dollars and tell us where we are really at!

They pump in a trillion and say look the economy is growing.

The only thing growing is debt and the debt service payments.

Damn democrats are morons.

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