Oh No the economy is growing, hurry cons make a mess of something to stop it

Fact: Bloomberg recognizes the holiday season is coming and gives projections on the 4th Quarter based on the history the US has with growth in the 4th quarter due to the holiday season.

Fact: TM hijacks these projections and claims the growth will be due to Obama, somehow, maybe just because he is alive.

Fact: The Bloomberg article does not agree with TM nor has anyone that I have seen in this thread agree with TM that the projected growth in Q4 will be because of Obama and his policies.

So do I get an answerr on these easily proven facts I provided or will you ask more questions like "Why do you hate America?"
wow all that nonsensical crap really did make the economic gains spoken of the the bloomberg article with all the quotes from bunsiness insiders and economic experts go away.

Your dreams did not come true the facts in the article still exsist
The bigger question is will the economy continue to improve??

I hope it does but I won't take any bets on it.

TDM is more than welcome to do handprings over her FACTS.

I on the other hand will take it all with a grain of salt.

Thank the stars.

You are coming arround.

We all should be happy about good economic signs and facts.

You have begun to turn the corner on a life filled to the brim with poltical irrationality

Unlike you TDM I don't believe everything I read and about half of what I see.

If it make you happy to believe the economy is improving then by all means be happy.

I see a snapshot of one particular momemt in the economy and doubt seriously that it will vastly improve bey Nov 2012.

However if you want it to improve. Get rid of Barry and his possee and get someone else in there who actually knows what the hell he or she is doing.

Barry sure as hell hasn't got a fucking clue.

all you care about is nov 2012?

And here I thought you were making progress
They will certainly do that. The Cons care nothing for the citizens of this nation. All they know is getting their way, and aiding the very wealthy. They will destroy the recovery just to attempt to destroy this Presidency.

It is time for every citizen of good conscience to get out and vote in a government that cares for the citizens of this nation.

That should be becoming more and more evident each day. They have now hijacked the Super Committee and will blame the Dems for failure. All the whilem hoping that the Committee failure will sink the economy again...The GOP official stance is:

wow all that nonsensical crap really did make the economic gains spoken of the the bloomberg article with all the quotes from bunsiness insiders and economic experts go away.

Your dreams did not come true the facts in the article still exsist

So TM, can you point out the direct quotes in the Bloomberg article that credit Obama for the forecasted projections of growth in the 4th quarter?

I can point out where they directly talk about the holiday season...

There is no possible way TM is a Democrat/liberal… I mean, how many threads can a person start that goes into the 5-20 pages and still does not have a single person from the left agree with them? Even if TM is lucky to get that one person to agree with her it’s almost always the same people, RW/Rtard/Shaman and so on… All I have to do is post a “I hate Republicans” thread and there is a 96% chance one of them will post on it in support.

I honestly think TM is a plant, I mean people talk about her posting on other boards and how she is destroyed there too. TM does a better job of destroying herself and the left. TM is a abnormality in the partisan hack world as she is considered extreme even to other fully fledged hacks.

From your own link...

The economy appears to be gathering some strength and could pick up speed in the winter, according to a widely watched gauge of future business activity released Friday.

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index rose 0.9 percent in October, up sharply from a 01, percent increase in September and a 0.3 percent rise in August. The private research group said much of the increase was due to a rise in building permits for future construction.

“The LEI is pointing to continued growth this winter, possibly even gaining a little momentum by spring. The lack of confidence has been the biggest obstacle in generating forward momentum, domestically or globally. As long as it lasts, there is a glimmer of hope,” said Conference Board economist Ken Goldstein in a statement.

Notice all the bolded words, TM??

The use of these qualifiers makes this an opinion piece, not solid facts.

Your own link failed you again.
why do you ignore all the facts presented in the article and ONLY see those words?

all you care about is nov 2012?

And here I thought you were making progress

Ah, I hate to point out the obvious but in case you haven't noticed, TM...all this Administration cares about is November, 2012. The "jobs bill" that Obama FINALLY gave us after making the country wait while he got in some golf on Martha's Vineyard was nothing more than political theater...something he knew very well would never be passed. Obama's backtracking on EPA regulations on green house gasses? That's on "hold" until after November, 2012 because Barack knows quite well that it will raise energy prices and cost jobs. The oil pipeline across America that could bring badly wanted jobs? That's on hold until...drum roll please...2013. Care to explain why? I think it's because Barack doesn't want to infuriate his environmental base so he's decided to push the decision on that off until after the election. Funny how he's run around the country demanding that Congress act NOW on his jobs bill but when it comes to something that could conceivably bring tens of thousands of jobs to people who desperately need them, Obama is content to wait another year.

From your own link...

The economy appears to be gathering some strength and could pick up speed in the winter, according to a widely watched gauge of future business activity released Friday.

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index rose 0.9 percent in October, up sharply from a 01, percent increase in September and a 0.3 percent rise in August. The private research group said much of the increase was due to a rise in building permits for future construction.

“The LEI is pointing to continued growth this winter, possibly even gaining a little momentum by spring. The lack of confidence has been the biggest obstacle in generating forward momentum, domestically or globally. As long as it lasts, there is a glimmer of hope,” said Conference Board economist Ken Goldstein in a statement.

Notice all the bolded words, TM??

The use of these qualifiers makes this an opinion piece, not solid facts.

Your own link failed you again.

About once a month TM posts something just like that and finds some reason as to why it didn't work out... Some reason always being "Evil Republicans."
The Conference Board Leading Economic Index rose 0.9 percent in October, up sharply from a 01, percent increase in September and a 0.3 percent rise in August. The private research group said much of the increase was due to a rise in building permits for future construction.

Jobless claims have been trending down, manufacturing activity has increased and inflation is low.


all you care about is nov 2012?

And here I thought you were making progress

Making progress because you thought I was agreeing with YOU??

Don't make me laugh.

Your just about the last person on this board I would agree with on anything.

You are so blinded by your partisan hate that you completely ignore the fact that Barry sucks as POTUS. You can't seem to see what a horrible job this guy has done.

All you see is the fact that he's a Dem and as a Dem he's jut the greatest.

Take the blinders off and take a good long look at Barry and his polices.

If he hasn't fixed the economy in three years than baby he ain' t going to.
these articles mention consumer confidence as a hinge pin.

i know what that means cons will do.

They will talk trash about any good economic news in the hopes of destroying any economic gains.

prove me wrong if you wish to cons.

I will welcome true American spirit over partisan hackery of trying to harm the American people and our country with doomsaying
why do you ignore all the facts presented in the article and ONLY see those words?

Because those words have meanings, and are important to the context of the article.

You should look up the definitions of those words so you can properly understand. After all, you are big on telling others all about definitions.
The facts are important too.

What does it gain you to deny the facts that show the economy is improving?

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