Oh, Now I get it!

I did not watch any Star Trek episode that did not have William Shatner in it, used to be that whey with movies,,,but I did try with Patrick, but he was just not Jewish enough to make it work...
I would just assume you watched all of Patrick's star trek episodes because he was a flaming gay??? Btw he is a great actor.

By the way he's not gay you idiot.
news flash: Patrick is a flaming gay
This is news to me.

Besides, James T. Kirk is the only Captain of the Enterprise in my Universe.
I did not watch any Star Trek episode that did not have William Shatner in it, used to be that whey with movies,,,but I did try with Patrick, but he was just not Jewish enough to make it work...
TNG was an intellectual ego trip, as Picard has a lot of good speeches and goes into various social issues. But still not the same as the original, even though they tried to be at times.
Oh. One more thing.

If the Duggar's weren't worshipped, why'd they have a popular TV show and why did so many right wing politicians want to have their picture taken with the pervert?







I did not watch any Star Trek episode that did not have William Shatner in it, used to be that whey with movies,,,but I did try with Patrick, but he was just not Jewish enough to make it work...
I would just assume you watched all of Patrick's star trek episodes because he was a flaming gay??? Btw he is a great actor.

By the way he's not gay you idiot.
news flash: Patrick is a flaming gay

God you are dumb, Patrick Stewart is happily married to a woman you moron.

Isn't sad that we can no longer just say "he is happily married?" Now we have to specify the sex of his spouse.
Oh. One more thing.

If the Duggar's weren't worshipped, why'd they have a popular TV show and why did so many right wing politicians want to have their picture taken with the pervert?







You're almost catching on, tu quoque boi.

The river of corruption and perversion washes along both sides of the street. There is no Moses pushing it away from yours. Your team is wallowing in it just as much as the other.
Oh. One more thing.

If the Duggar's weren't worshipped, why'd they have a popular TV show and why did so many right wing politicians want to have their picture taken with the pervert?







You're almost catching on, tu quoque boi.

The river of corruption and perversion washes along both sides of the street. There is no Moses pushing it away from yours. Your team is wallowing in it just as much as the other.

I thought I started the OP and you tu quoqued. I'll have to scroll through the thread to see who posted the OP

How much time did it take for you to strap on the Obama kneepads when you read the OP or do you keep them on now 24/7?
Last edited:
I did not watch any Star Trek episode that did not have William Shatner in it, used to be that whey with movies,,,but I did try with Patrick, but he was just not Jewish enough to make it work...
I would just assume you watched all of Patrick's star trek episodes because he was a flaming gay??? Btw he is a great actor.

By the way he's not gay you idiot.
news flash: Patrick is a flaming gay

God you are dumb, Patrick Stewart is happily married to a woman you moron.
So was Bruce Jenner three times, he is a Peter puffer , gay as hell but don't stop the charades stop you.
Oh. One more thing.

If the Duggar's weren't worshipped, why'd they have a popular TV show and why did so many right wing politicians want to have their picture taken with the pervert?







You're almost catching on, tu quoque boi.

The river of corruption and perversion washes along both sides of the street. There is no Moses pushing it away from yours. Your team is wallowing in it just as much as the other.

I thought I started the OP and you tu quoqued. I'll have to scroll through the thread to see who posted the OP

How much time did it take for you to strap on the Obama kneepads when you read the OP or do you kuct keep them on now 24/7?
Poor Frank. You're hallucinating. I made no mention of Obama. I directly addressed your OP. You mentioned the Duggars, so I talked about the Duggars.

YOU brought up Obama, tu quoque boi.

And you'll have to scroll through the thread to see who posted the OP?!?! Wow. You really do have a memory like that of a goldfish! YOU posted the OP!
Oh. One more thing.

If the Duggar's weren't worshipped, why'd they have a popular TV show and why did so many right wing politicians want to have their picture taken with the pervert?







You're almost catching on, tu quoque boi.

The river of corruption and perversion washes along both sides of the street. There is no Moses pushing it away from yours. Your team is wallowing in it just as much as the other.

I thought I started the OP and you tu quoqued. I'll have to scroll through the thread to see who posted the OP

How much time did it take for you to strap on the Obama kneepads when you read the OP or do you kuct keep them on now 24/7?
Poor Frank. You're hallucinating. I made no mention of Obama. I directly addressed your OP. You mentioned the Duggars, so I talked about the Duggars.

YOU brought up Obama, tu quoque boi.

And you'll have to scroll through the thread to see who posted the OP?!?! Wow. You really do have a memory like that of a goldfish! YOU posted the OP!

You didn't directly address the OP, which made the point that Progressives are a hivemind. You merely validated the Prog Collective hivemindedness by attempting, and failing, to show us that Republicans really love, worship and take our marching orders from Duggars -- a family I'd never heard of until the Prog Collective got their orders to tell us what awful people they are.
I did not watch any Star Trek episode that did not have William Shatner in it, used to be that whey with movies,,,but I did try with Patrick, but he was just not Jewish enough to make it work...
I would just assume you watched all of Patrick's star trek episodes because he was a flaming gay??? Btw he is a great actor.

By the way he's not gay you idiot.
news flash: Patrick is a flaming gay

God you are dumb, Patrick Stewart is happily married to a woman you moron.
So was Bruce Jenner three times, he is a Peter puffer , gay as hell but don't stop the charades stop you.

^^^ proof there is no fixing stupid no matter how many times Patrick Stewart says he isn't gay.
I did not watch any Star Trek episode that did not have William Shatner in it, used to be that whey with movies,,,but I did try with Patrick, but he was just not Jewish enough to make it work...
I would just assume you watched all of Patrick's star trek episodes because he was a flaming gay??? Btw he is a great actor.
Not gay, himself, but a big gay rights advocate. Who, btw, has publicly called Foul to those that would force a baker to make his artistic expression of something he doesn't believe in
I did not watch any Star Trek episode that did not have William Shatner in it, used to be that whey with movies,,,but I did try with Patrick, but he was just not Jewish enough to make it work...
TNG was an intellectual ego trip, as Picard has a lot of good speeches and goes into various social issues. But still not the same as the original, even though they tried to be at times.

Trying to be like TOS was what nearly sunk TNG in the early go. The turn for a slightly darker and significantly more intellectual approach was what transformed the show not only into a viable series, but the most successful series of its time. It was vastly superior in every way to TOS. It was definitely superior sci-fi, and remains one of the best examples (along with DS9) in the genre of the strength of the sci over the fi. TNG brought sci-fi into the mainstream. In many ways, TNG was the first major work of true science fiction, among a genre that should probably be more accurately called science fantasy. TNG could be taken seriously. With very few exceptions, you could believe what was happening was really, truly possible in the very world in which we all live. Even where TNG initially slipped into the fantasy gaffe early on, the development of the series typically dealt with that very well, the most notable example being the Q race.

Evidencing this point, Voyager attempted to create a much more TOS-like series, often times freely abandoning a basic scientific logic framework for purely imaginative concepts. The result was often disasterous, turning the series into arguably the worst series of the franchise and little more than cult fodder.
Isn't sad that we can no longer just say "he is happily married?" Now we have to specify the sex of his spouse.

Uh, no.

Especially when the very subject is the man's sexual orientation. Your comment is like saying "Isn't it sad that in order to talk about a person's race you have to specify his race?"

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