Our political leaders on both sides are doing their level best to get us into a nasty war and it needs to stop

Then you may not ever vote again, because apparently there are no real antiwar candidates.

Can you name just one that has had the courage to say so and go against the grain of America?
Tulsi Gabbard.
From Graham to Booker to Biden to our own state department & pentagon and MANY other politicians on both sides.
We are inflaming anger in the middle east all while NOT securing our border. That is a HUGE national security risk that seemingly everyone on the left and half the right are ignoring.
Constant warnings coming out of our state department. Embassies attacked. Endless threats. How far is Biden going to push this???

Why can't we just mind our own damn business. If we are attacked or a clear threat to our way of life is established then and only then should we be rattling our sabers.

Biden is making the world a more dangerous place and half of the damn GOP is cheering him on.

Infuriating watching my children's money being blown by our detached leaders.

Also the squad should be expelled from congress for all their inflammatory rhetoric surrounding this mess. They're clearly not fully committed to AMERICA

From Graham to Booker to Biden to our own state department & pentagon and MANY other politicians on both sides.
We are inflaming anger in the middle east all while NOT securing our border. That is a HUGE national security risk that seemingly everyone on the left and half the right are ignoring.
Constant warnings coming out of our state department. Embassies attacked. Endless threats. How far is Biden going to push this???

Why can't we just mind our own damn business. If we are attacked or a clear threat to our way of life is established then and only then should we be rattling our sabers.

Biden is making the world a more dangerous place and half of the damn GOP is cheering him on.

Infuriating watching my children's money being blown by our detached leaders.

Also the squad should be expelled from congress for all their inflammatory rhetoric surrounding this mess. They're clearly not fully committed to AMERICA
Much to commend in your post. However we have had diplomatic relations since 1948 and an undeniable mutual defense treaty with Israel for at most of the time since. That obligates us to support them when attacked. And because of their strategic importance to U.S. security in the near East and our positions in Europe, we have an interest in keeping Israel as a strong ally. Israel does not need us to join in the fighting but I strongly support making sure they have the weapons and ammo needed to take out Hamas and defend against an increasingly belligerent Hezbollah from the West Bank.

We have had diplomatic relations with the Ukraine since 1991 when it first established independence from Russia. We have had diplomatic relations with Russia off and on since the early 19th Century. We had no mutual defense treaty with either country until Biden sort of established one in 2021:
Tulsi Gabbard.
No, none exist. There are lots who will profess that they aren't prowar, but there are none who will say that they're unequivocally antiwar.

That wouldn't be politically survivable.

But you get the point!
Then you may not ever vote again, because apparently there are no real antiwar candidates.

Can you name just one that has had the courage to say so and go against the grain of America?
Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders.
You may have found the only possible choice. But if Bernie was pushed into a corner and forced to say the word, he would have to slither out with an excuse.

The 'antiwar' creature simply can't survive in America politically.

But how delightful to be able to get an audience that are scrambling to find one!

To what point? Two or three remain standing against the entire US congress of 600-700?
You may have found the only possible choice. But if Bernie was pushed into a corner and forced to say the word, he would have to slither out with an excuse.
No, Sanders is one of the few people who sticks to his principles.

The 'antiwar' creature simply can't survive in America politically.

But how delightful to be able to get an audience that are scrambling to find one!

To what point? Two or three remain standing against the entire US congress of 600-700?
This "pro-war" meme is horseshit.

Were the people trying to stop Hitler "pro-war"?

"Just give him what he wants and he will stop!"

Our pro-Putin propagandists are turning their viewers into appeasement useful idiots.

while im not in any way commenting on the conflicts being discussed in this thread.......I will say this is a ridiculous statement. Sept. 11th , 2001 proved that rag tag third worlders can threaten the absolute HELL out of us.
And they did that precisely because of our constant meddling in their shit. Not justification but a fact.
So go ahead, keep poking the hornet nest dumbass
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Many of you don't seem to understand there is a big difference of being 'anti-war' vs having to defend your own country and people from a direct attack. Yes sometimes war is necessary for the security of a nation but neither of those circumstances are on the table at the moment.

Our responsibility to those that have been attacked shouldn't be as great as what we've put out there just because of the needs of this country should come first.

Selfish??? Maybe.....but war is coming to the US whether we like it or not and it would be best if we were ready for it by increasing our own strengths instead of giving it all away

Build Back Better should have meant building the US strength, reserves and security FIRST......yet here we are everyone getting butt hurt over a bunch of shit none of us can do a damn thing about and blaming the other side for it.

United we stand, divided we fall.......and we been on the downslide for years and nobody has done a damn thing about it. Not Biden, not Trump, not Obama and not Bush and on and on
Yeah, but, what if Japan had never bombed Pear Harbor? Hitler would have taken over the world, eventually including us too. We and history should thank Japan for bombing us. It literally saved the world.
Israel Is on the Front Lines of Civilization's War Against the Nazislamis

I hope Israel does what's necessary, to deport all these savages, making them run for their lives. And the whole world needs to follow that example.

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