Oh snap! China laughs at Trump and the US Media

China Shrugs Off Trump Twitter Jab on North Korea
When it came to the question of whether Trump should use his Twitter account to make important foreign policy statements, Geng merely commented that, “We don’t pay attention to the features of foreign leaders’ behavior. We focus more on their policies.”

Count on the Chinese for an insult delivered with a calm smile.

Expect a lot of this, world leaders mocking Trump. I mean, what's he gonna do, cry at them in another Twitter rant? They want him to look deranged, and damage the reputation of the USA.

Conservatives pay the salaries of our nutty conservative mainstream media, so our media has to bow and scrape. Not so elsewhere in the world. It will be an interesting contrast, the whole planet laughing at what a pissy manchild Trump is, while our conservative mainstream media licks his boots even more frenetically. I imagine they'll push the "If you laugh along with the rest of the world, you're not loyal to the USA!" card. We'll respond by laughing even harder, and that will really trigger the Trump-snowflakes.

Isn't it hard to talk with China's dick in your mouth?
Trump is not Obama

True dat. The world respected Obama, instead of laughing hard at him.

I need to find some "Miss me yet?" bumperstickers with Obama on them. They'd be very, very popular with normal people, and they'd trigger the Trump-snowflakes. I've seen it on T-shirts, but I want a bumpersticker.
PROVE that the world respects Obama, go on, give us some proof.

Korea continues to develop nukes. Iran spies on us, and gets the US to give it deals, while not even giving up hostages.

Russia, while under crippling sanctions, continues to grow, make an alternative economic trade bloc, and alternative trade stratagem. Germany is growing strategically and economically closer to Russia. . .

Meanwhile, Russia continues to make attempts to liberalize domestically, while our own Deep State smears them mercilessly, telling lies and spreading useless and unverified war propaganda. We expel their citizens and diplomats, they invite ours to celebrations.

The Deep State war propaganda that is being foisted upon the American public nightly is, to my knowledge, only believed by the baby boomers and elders who don't bother to go on-line and educate themselves about what is actually going on. . . .

There is a wave of discontent and reactionary disgust in Europe that threaten to unravel the EU and shift the politics of the continent significantly to the right, stirring up blame on the Obama regimes neo-liberal global leadership for the whole debacle . . .

Soon, nations of Europe may actually want to lessen the role of NATO and other international organizations. I don't see much respect for what he has done. . . .

But give it a go. Try to prove that he has admiration and respect. I wouldn't hold up celebrities and a peace prize. That would probably make the membership fall out of their chairs with laughter.
China Shrugs Off Trump Twitter Jab on North Korea
When it came to the question of whether Trump should use his Twitter account to make important foreign policy statements, Geng merely commented that, “We don’t pay attention to the features of foreign leaders’ behavior. We focus more on their policies.”

Count on the Chinese for an insult delivered with a calm smile.

Expect a lot of this, world leaders mocking Trump. I mean, what's he gonna do, cry at them in another Twitter rant? They want him to look deranged, and damage the reputation of the USA.

Conservatives pay the salaries of our nutty conservative mainstream media, so our media has to bow and scrape. Not so elsewhere in the world. It will be an interesting contrast, the whole planet laughing at what a pissy manchild Trump is, while our conservative mainstream media licks his boots even more frenetically. I imagine they'll push the "If you laugh along with the rest of the world, you're not loyal to the USA!" card. We'll respond by laughing even harder, and that will really trigger the Trump-snowflakes.
Oh snap! Donald J. Trump is the the next POTUS and China is fucked.

well it won't be china's business as usual. I hope things get shaken and brings some change...........for the better.
Anything to take China out of it's safety zone and make them question their policy of the moment.

No, I don't want a war, not in the conventional sense, but a trade war or at least knocking one leg out from under china would be a very good start.

Just enough to wipe that smug smile of china face for a moment before they sit down and work out a "different" compromise that benefits the US more than the status quo

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