Oh well...Another global warming protest delayed by cold...


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
I have to say, this never gets old! When will they learn to schedule these events in the summer when it's actually.....you know......warm? Oh well, they go to an Ivy Leagues school so they must be super duper smart:laugh::laugh:

"Yale anti-fossil fuel campaigners have indefinitely postponed a protest that was set for this weekend due to “unfavorable weather conditions and other logistical issues.”

Fossil Free Yale, a group pushing the university to divest itself from fossil fuels, told the Yale Daily News that frigid, snowy weather set for this weekend will mean their global warming protest will have to be postponed.

FFY’s Mitch Barrow said that “unfavorable weather conditions and other logistical issues, including some cancellations from speakers and performance groups” would mean they would not be able to rally on Global Divestment Day — a day where environmental groups urge institutions like Yale to divest from fossil fuels, like coal, natural gas and oil."

It s Too Cold To Protest Global Warming At Yale The Daily Caller
December, 2012

Climate Change ship gets stuck in the ice.

"The predicament and subsequent rescue of 52 passengers – both tourists and scientists – on the Russian ship Academik Shokalskiy has gripped media around the world. The smooth rescue was impressive and a great relief, although the vessel itself and its crew are still stuck – and now one of the icebreakers sent to help in the rescue, the Chinese ship Xue Long, is itself stuck in the ice.

Some commentators have remarked on what they describe as the 'irony' of researchers studying the impact of a warming planet themselves being impeded by heavy ice. With some even suggesting that the situation is itself evidence that global warming is exaggerated

Ironic? Nooooo.
"Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a fraud!".

Since the data contradicts them, that's now the best deniers can do. That, and a bit of hippie-punching. They've given up completely on the actual science.
Look, another hot day! Look, another growth of the ice sheet! Look, a volcano blows! Another agw sign!
"Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a fraud!".

Since the data contradicts them, that's now the best deniers can do. That, and a bit of hippie-punching. They've given up completely on the actual science.
Blizzard of Nor Easters No Surprise Thanks to Climate Change

Going to Extremes

Such heavy storms have increased by more than 70 percent in the past six decades in the Northeast, according to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report. Called extreme precipitation, these are the top one percent of blizzards or rainstorms that pack the heftiest punch, threatening sudden floods or paralyzing snowdrifts. The trend has hit nationwide, but with less impact in drier regions such as the Southwest, which has seen only a 5 percent increase in such events.

These storms result from a paradox of global warming in which warmer air temperatures mean more moisture is stuffed into clouds. That's why when it rains—or snows—it pours harder than ever out of those overstuffed skies.​
predictable: Blizzard of Nor Easters No Surprise Thanks to Climate Change

Climate Conundrum

"We can't make too big a deal of every single storm and say it is caused by climate change," Wuebbles says. "But what we are seeing today is completely typical of what you would expect to see in a warming climate."


So when warm, wet clouds meet cold Canadian winds over the Northeast, a storm like Monday's is the result, with National Weather Service weather models "insisting that this storm will evolve into a high impact winter storm/blizzard."​
I'm an environmentalist. I worry about deforestation, chemical pollution, Monsanto, bio-engineering, dumping shit (literally and figuratively) in the ocean, nukes, over-consumption of resources. Screw the oil industry. I don't like anything about oil. I heat my house with wood. I ride a bike and use public transportation when I can. This global warming hysteria is a distraction for armchair environmentalists who just read headlines and want world government to save them, and then they can personally go on generating mountains of garbage.

FY 2015 budget proposals; NOAA gets a $165 million raise for climate change satellites. The RSS satellite data is not cooperating with the global warmaggedeonist projections, and was ignored in their 2014 Hottest Year Ever study, so maybe they want to re-tool them; the EPA budget cuts $555 million from programs to protect drinking water, but gets a $41 million raise for climate change research; NASA gets a cut for space exploration, but a raise for climate change. USGS gets a 37% raise for climate change, no doubt at the expense of something more worthy.

Even the Pentagon now uses climate change to argue for a larger budget, saying that climate change is a global destabilizing factor. This scientist-for-hire ridiculousness has become a huge cash cow for an increasing number of budget slices in the pie. It's as simple as that. I don't know what's happening with the climate. I would say that it was a warm year last year (but not a record year).

There is one simple fact that cannot be denied--climate change pays. You can't look at the budget and deny that. We understand the invested interest of a firemen's union arguing for a larger budget. They make a case, like closing down station 7 will lead to a disaster. Same with the prison lobby-- build more prisons or crime will go up. We generally agree or disagree, but we take into account their invested interests when we listen to their arguments. We should do the same for the climate change lobby, because it's exactly that-- a lobby.
"Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a fraud!".

Since the data contradicts them, that's now the best deniers can do. That, and a bit of hippie-punching. They've given up completely on the actual science.

Still trying that tired old meme mammy? The facts don't support your side. That is the reality. The only "facts" that support yours are the ones generated by the computer models. And, as any good scientist can tell you. Models aren't facts.
Blizzard of Nor Easters No Surprise Thanks to Climate Change

Going to Extremes

Such heavy storms have increased by more than 70 percent in the past six decades in the Northeast, according to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report. Called extreme precipitation, these are the top one percent of blizzards or rainstorms that pack the heftiest punch, threatening sudden floods or paralyzing snowdrifts. The trend has hit nationwide, but with less impact in drier regions such as the Southwest, which has seen only a 5 percent increase in such events.

These storms result from a paradox of global warming in which warmer air temperatures mean more moisture is stuffed into clouds. That's why when it rains—or snows—it pours harder than ever out of those overstuffed skies.​

Ummm, no they haven't. The actual records show that the number of major storms impacting the US has dropped. If you want to see a major storm decade try the 1950's. THEY, were terrible.
"Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a fraud!".

Since the data contradicts them, that's now the best deniers can do. That, and a bit of hippie-punching. They've given up completely on the actual science.
I'm an environmentalist. I worry about deforestation, chemical pollution, Monsanto, bio-engineering, dumping shit (literally and figuratively) in the ocean, nukes, over-consumption of resources. Screw the oil industry. I don't like anything about oil. I heat my house with wood. I ride a bike and use public transportation when I can. This global warming hysteria is a distraction for armchair environmentalists...
Like NASA? Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet

I bet the science never landed men on the moon.
Blizzard of Nor Easters No Surprise Thanks to Climate Change

Going to Extremes

Such heavy storms have increased by more than 70 percent in the past six decades in the Northeast, according to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report. Called extreme precipitation, these are the top one percent of blizzards or rainstorms that pack the heftiest punch, threatening sudden floods or paralyzing snowdrifts. The trend has hit nationwide, but with less impact in drier regions such as the Southwest, which has seen only a 5 percent increase in such events.

These storms result from a paradox of global warming in which warmer air temperatures mean more moisture is stuffed into clouds. That's why when it rains—or snows—it pours harder than ever out of those overstuffed skies.​
what climate has changed? Please explain. Name a location where the weather today is opposite of 30 years ago. Name one! That would be climate change.
Blizzard of Nor Easters No Surprise Thanks to Climate Change

Going to Extremes

Such heavy storms have increased by more than 70 percent in the past six decades in the Northeast, according to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report. Called extreme precipitation, these are the top one percent of blizzards or rainstorms that pack the heftiest punch, threatening sudden floods or paralyzing snowdrifts. The trend has hit nationwide, but with less impact in drier regions such as the Southwest, which has seen only a 5 percent increase in such events.

These storms result from a paradox of global warming in which warmer air temperatures mean more moisture is stuffed into clouds. That's why when it rains—or snows—it pours harder than ever out of those overstuffed skies.​
Ummm, no they haven't. The actual records show that the number of major storms impacting the US has dropped. If you want to see a major storm decade try the 1950's. THEY, were terrible.

what is this, select a year? :rofl:

good gawd, man. I'll go with NASA science over your imaginings and year picks Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet
Blizzard of Nor Easters No Surprise Thanks to Climate Change

Going to Extremes

Such heavy storms have increased by more than 70 percent in the past six decades in the Northeast, according to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report. Called extreme precipitation, these are the top one percent of blizzards or rainstorms that pack the heftiest punch, threatening sudden floods or paralyzing snowdrifts. The trend has hit nationwide, but with less impact in drier regions such as the Southwest, which has seen only a 5 percent increase in such events.

These storms result from a paradox of global warming in which warmer air temperatures mean more moisture is stuffed into clouds. That's why when it rains—or snows—it pours harder than ever out of those overstuffed skies.​
what climate has changed? Please explain. Name a location where the weather today is opposite of 30 years ago. Name one! That would be climate change.

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Opposite? Weather?

Global Climate Science says the Earth has warmed. No one with a handful of working brain cells and ANY credibility denies this. I do not say the climate is changing, NASA does.
"Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a fraud!".

Since the data contradicts them, that's now the best deniers can do. That, and a bit of hippie-punching. They've given up completely on the actual science.

Still trying that tired old meme mammy? The facts don't support your side. That is the reality. The only "facts" that support yours are the ones generated by the computer models. And, as any good scientist can tell you. Models aren't facts.
and she still hasn't provided the experiment to prove her case. We know she can't but it's still funny she's still here with that failure.
Blizzard of Nor Easters No Surprise Thanks to Climate Change

Going to Extremes

Such heavy storms have increased by more than 70 percent in the past six decades in the Northeast, according to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report. Called extreme precipitation, these are the top one percent of blizzards or rainstorms that pack the heftiest punch, threatening sudden floods or paralyzing snowdrifts. The trend has hit nationwide, but with less impact in drier regions such as the Southwest, which has seen only a 5 percent increase in such events.

These storms result from a paradox of global warming in which warmer air temperatures mean more moisture is stuffed into clouds. That's why when it rains—or snows—it pours harder than ever out of those overstuffed skies.​
Ummm, no they haven't. The actual records show that the number of major storms impacting the US has dropped. If you want to see a major storm decade try the 1950's. THEY, were terrible.

what is this, select a year? :rofl:

good gawd, man. I'll go with NASA science over your imaginings and year picks Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet

No, it's a selected DECADE. There were more storms in that decade, of major size, than we have had all through the 2000's. That's a fact. Storms run in cycles just like the climate. You AGW faithful ignore that and claim every storm is indicative of global warming. That's simply ridiculous, and has been shown to be so every time it is posited.

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