Ohhh noes it's a big and scary INOPERABLE AR-15

the only crime is spending taxpayer $$ investigation after investigation, finding nothing, and continuing the investigation only to find nothing ... then remind everyone how broke the country is.

idiots don't believe them and laud further investigations then believe them when the say we are broke..

but that's exactly RW's are idiots .....

Well if they would stop stalling and give them the information that they ask for, it would not be costing so much.
We had to have a RW group go to court over the freedom of information act in order to get some actual information.
Still nothing is being done because the head of the justice dept. won't do anything about it.

I bet that has nothing to do with the report the RW filed and admitted they could find nothing doesn't it?

Watched it on c-span
IRS Leak Lois Lerner National Organization Marriage
All came to light after Judicial Review got the e-mail by court order.

Friday, November 1, 2013 ^^^^^^^^

have they arrested Lois yet ?

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: :mm:

Nope the corrupt Judicial Dept. has not allowed it.

uh huh, riiiiiiiiiight.



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