Ohio attorney general admits to affair

I disagree. I think adultery is wrong and displays poor judgement and a chink in the moral character armor. I also think if there was one standard response by both parties, regardless who the person was and/or what party they belonged to, it would stop most of this double-standard BS.

Not for those that can't see the wrongs of their own party, but for normal, critically thinking people it would.

So I guess you're going to vote Dem in the upcoming presidential election?
Personal and professional life does matter.

So then you would care that McCain cheated on his wife.

Im not that familiar with the details of the McCain affair, did he do anything explicitally illegal? And that doesnt include archaic, ages old ignored laws of adultery, which havent been enforced one iota in this century, or the second half of last century.

So then you don't care that McCain cheated on his wife, unless he did something illegal.

Wait, wha? Nice bout of hypocrisy there. :clap2:

engaging in activities with a known, large prostitution ring illegal?

Yes. What Spitzer did was illegal.

using one's posistion of power via their job posistion to force a subordinate female employee into the doggie posistion, illegal?

Is your claim that thats what the AG did? Any evidence for that?

Using ones power as an elected gov't official, and the office of such elected posistion, to force another to engage in sex, illegal?

Again, who did this exactly?

Commiting perjury to a GRAND JURY, illegal?


Prostitutes are not employees of the person engaging in the sexual act.

Yes, thats correct. Your point?

There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between engaging in an act of sex with a prostitute who is not part of an organized ring, and one who is, with the person engaging in the act FULLY aware of the organized ring, particularly when that person is the head of criminal enforcement of an entire state.

Really? Whats the difference? Legally they are identical.
what happened to that famous moderation, gunny? you feeling cranky?

could also be that dems don't care about people having affairs...that would be ther rabid right... you know, the guys who impeach presidents for bj's.

and don't give *me* the nonsense about him lying about it. i'd still defy any man to admit adultery in front of their wife. :rolleyes:

Hillary was on the Grand Jury????:rolleyes:

Resorting immediately to a personal punch on Gunny, what does that say about you having anything else to counter his point? Yea, thought so.....:clap2:
At some point, you have no choice. He did not have any effective ability to administer the power of his office.

Err, yes actually he still retained all the powers of the Governor of New York.

Other times that doesnt occur, and when thats the case, Dems NEVER will voluntarily resign. And their supporters will "justify" it somehow.


Spitzer voluntarily resigned. No matter how you want to spin it, he voluntarily resigned.
Personal and professional life does matter.

Im not that familiar with the details of the McCain affair, did he do anything explicitally illegal? And that doesnt include archaic, ages old ignored laws of adultery, which havent been enforced one iota in this century, or the second half of last century.

Also, is :

engaging in activities with a known, large prostitution ring illegal?

using one's posistion of power via their job posistion to force a subordinate female employee into the doggie posistion, illegal?

Using ones power as an elected gov't official, and the office of such elected posistion, to force another to engage in sex, illegal?

Commiting perjury to a GRAND JURY, illegal?

Prostitutes are not employees of the person engaging in the sexual act.
There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between engaging in an act of sex with a prostitute who is not part of an organized ring, and one who is, with the person engaging in the act FULLY aware of the organized ring, particularly when that person is the head of criminal enforcement of an entire state.

Like I said, it would depend on the circumstances if they ever got my vote again.

But no, unless it is forced, I can't see much of a difference between having an affair with an employee and having one with a neighbor. And prostitution is illegal, no matter how the particular payment is handled.
So then you would care that McCain cheated on his wife.

So then you don't care that McCain cheated on his wife, unless he did something illegal.

Wait, wha? Nice bout of hypocrisy there. :clap2: .

Typical garbage response by a lib. Please show where I said I dont care what McCain did because it wasnt illegal, and please DO READ AGAIN, where I stated there is a DIFFERENCE between having an affair,.....; and forcing an employee to have sex, and/or having sex with a prostitute from an organized ring.

Yes. What Spitzer did was illegal.

Is your claim that thats what the AG did? Any evidence for that?

Again, who did this exactly?


Yes, thats correct. Your point?

Really? Whats the difference? Legally they are identical.

Not even CLOSE. Do you equate organized crime with individuals who commit crimes? Do you equate a pusher to a user of illegal drugs?
There is a stack of laws broken when an organized ring is involved in prostitution that arent broken when one individual is involved.

Also, with John McCain and his "affair", there are times when circumstances dictate that I would have no negative judgement towards the person, and rightly so, whereas a sexual act with a prostitute is illegal, ALWAYS, and when involving an organized prostitution ring, even more so.

Hey, have you heard of sex slaves? Imported ones from Russia, Korea, etc?
Guess what, they are always part of an organized prostitution ring, whereas individuals who engage in prostitution are never involved with sex slave rings, by definition.
Not even CLOSE. Do you equate organized crime with individuals who commit crimes?

When they both have the same effect, yes.

Do you equate a pusher to a user of illegal drugs?

No, you don't. HENCE someone who utilises a prostititon ring vs. an individual prostitute is the same thing, even though on the other end they are different.

There is a stack of laws broken when an organized ring is involved in prostitution that arent broken when one individual is involved.

For the John? No, actually theres not. For the Prostitutes? Possibly. But as you said the pusher isn't the same as the user.

Also, with John McCain and his "affair", there are times when circumstances dictate that I would have no negative judgement towards the person,

Like them being a Republican? :rofl:

and rightly so, whereas a sexual act with a prostitute is illegal, ALWAYS, and when involving an organized prostitution ring, even more so.

Yes its illegal. Actually they are both illegal in the same amount. There aren't any extra penalties for getting your hooker from the corner or from the internet or from a prostititon ring.

Hey, have you heard of sex slaves? Imported ones from Russia, Korea, etc?

Yes, I have.

Guess what, they are always part of an organized prostitution ring, whereas individuals who engage in prostitution are never involved with sex slave rings, by definition.

Thats nice. Also extremely irrelevant. Spitzer didn't utilize a sex slave ring. Kristen was an American girl from NJ. She wasn't a sex slave.
Typical garbage response by a lib. Please show where I said I dont care what McCain did because it wasnt illegal,

Then why does it matter if it was illegal or not?

and please DO READ AGAIN, where I stated there is a DIFFERENCE between having an affair,.....; and forcing an employee to have sex,

Yeah, I read it. Who again forced an employee to have sex?
So then you would care that McCain cheated on his wife..

Would care?
I would expect an elected official to resign if he did something illegal. If he did something immoral, yet legal, then I wouldnt expect him to resign over just that. Its called, MYOB. Would I care? Not really, unless I thought it would show, or cause him to have an effect on his professional duties. I dont know him or his wife personally, so I cant be "concerned" about it at that level.

So then you don't care that McCain cheated on his wife, unless he did something illegal.

Wait, wha? Nice bout of hypocrisy there. :clap2:

Yes. What Spitzer did was illegal.

Is your claim that thats what the AG did? Any evidence for that? .

somebody else made the claim, not I. EDITED: Apparently you need to go and re read another part of the thread, ITS CALLED the first sentence of the thread. "Attorney General admits....with an employee"
Again, who did this exactly?.

Dunno, you tell me. WHy was it brought up in this thread, and who was it who claimed there is no difference between an affair and having sex with a fellow employee?

Yes, thats correct. Your point?.

someone else stated otherwise.

Really? Whats the difference? Legally they are identical.
Then why does it matter if it was illegal or not?

Yeah, I read it. Who again forced an employee to have sex?

Because elected officials are in a posistion to determine laws, legalities and enforcement of such legalities.
Would care?
I would expect an elected official to resign if he did something illegal.
If he did something immoral, yet legal, then I wouldnt expect him to resign over just that. Its called, MYOB.

So...you don't care about McCain because he did nothing illegal.

And apparently you don't care about the Ohio AG, since he did nothing illegal either.

Would I care? Not really, unless I thought it would show, or cause him to have an effect on his professional duties. I dont know him or his wife personally, so I cant be "concerned" about it at that level.

Well, the Ohio AG will be glad to have your support.

Dunno, you tell me. WHy was it brought up in this thread, and who was it who claimed there is no difference between an affair and having sex with a fellow employee?

There isn't. The difference is ONLY if one is in a position of power over the other AND they used that position of power. Only one of those things has been shown here.

someone else stated otherwise.

Because elected officials are in a posistion to determine laws, legalities and enforcement of such legalities.

Right...so exactly what I said you said. That you don't care about McCain because it wasn't illegal. :clap2:
So...you don't care about McCain because he did nothing illegal.

And apparently you don't care about the Ohio AG, since he did nothing illegal either.

Well, the Ohio AG will be glad to have your support.

There isn't. The difference is ONLY if one is in a position of power over the other AND they used that position of power. Only one of those things has been shown here.


One in a position of power can be determined to be coercing behavior from someone they have power OVER even if that person is an adult and seems to be a willing participant. You would think legal minds would know that.

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