Ohio GOP Senate primary endorsements: Hawley & MTG for JD Vance, Cawthorn & Cruz for Josh Mandel, Rand Paul for Mike Gibbons, Trump not yet endorsed!

aka...talking points emails sent by your party masters.
My link from the history website is solid, and of all the claims, theirs is the lowest counts, because smart people err in minimal when they can. Others are not so generous to the stalinists we thought died along with Stalin's death. But history tells its own story about the repeat rape of a country by a bully like Putin of which Stalin and his KGB excelled at:


The 1932 KGB-imposed famine:



A string of carts with bread confiscated from peasants, circa 1932.
Sovfoto/UIG/Getty Images

Russian Government​

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aka...talking points emails sent by your party masters.
I'm not active in my party, never was, am or will be. I am a Republican because when I married one I promised him I would never cancel his vote. He died 6 years ago, I still belong to the party by proxy of the best man I ever met, who ever lived on this planet, my late husband.
The link from your history website told you it was Biden's fault Russia invaded Ukraine?

Can I see that link?
I put two links about Russia invading Ukraine.but it is only my opinion the 2020 election was illegally stolen from Trump and given to Biden by the deep state with his fullknowledge and acceptance of their decision to beat up Trump with more and more and more false witnesses against him. I blame Biden for removing a President through avarice and cheating because I think he too is deep state, but alas and alak has developed old-age demtia which makes him a puppet of an oligarch of mainly Democrats pulling a series of fast ones and fluffed by unscrupulously well paid conartists masquerading as media journalists. Hah! I'd like to see the Republicans take their rightful jobs back in Congress and that the people would give them a 2/3rds mandate in which they could put the constitution back on track by retroactivating laws still on the books that gives harsh penalties for harsh treasonous acts against the people of the United States whom I believe with all my heart elected Donald Trump, but were bumped to the sideline by downloads of a lot of phony baloney ballots created by themselves for themselves to screw the people out of their true wishes that Donald Trump be President by a vast majority, much to the chagrin of the Dowagers Clinton, Pelosi, Waters, et al, and abject propagandists Schiff et al who beat themselves up trying to pin false witness offenses against President Trump. And that's what I think. I think President Trump should be reinstated imediately to the presidency to get rid of the Russian temptation to continue their little scorch the earth murders of children, women, and adult men who were born in and are citizens of Ukraine. Refusal to do right is a classic trait of cheaters, and Biden was there sucking up Foreign Aid billions of dollars for his wealth and reelections. God save the planet from Democrats ever having one iota of power for the duration of the world.

I believe I am pretty close to the truth in everything I said. This country will die of mob rule if we don't stop them immediately before they get another country killed by the Russia Obama and Hillary teamed up with to give them 20% of our uranium resources and several billion barrels of oil just waiting in the seas beneath the 3 Aleutian Islands they gave to Russia to win lots and lots of campaign spending cash for Hillary, for Joe Biden, and for other people they needed to vote in their communist agendas against the people of the United States of America. The liars of the press don't bother me I just change channels so I can hear the truth of all political matters on Fox, NewsMax, the Blaze, et al who defend the Constitution, and I hope that for their interference in the people's vote, the parties who lied their asses off in order to illegally impeach President Trump.

The Democrats have trashed this nation, under God, and they will pay a price for their wrongdoing. They betrayed the American people, and now, the people of Ukraine with a brain dead leader they shoved into office on the down low of the most corrupt politics this nation has ever been deceived by. I think that if the Democrats had decided they would live with the people's choice of President Trump by a whopping majority, the Ukraine would never have been bitchslapped to death by Vladimir Putin, the most advantage-taking criminal who ever walked the halls of the Hermitage.
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aka...talking points emails sent by your party masters.
My masters are the Lord God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit who all had a creator of Heaven and Earth according to the Book of John in the New Testament. I respect His laws that the Founders used to form the Constitution of the United States of America. Their system of government has been the dream of people from all over the earth and always will if we keep it. The Democrats don't seem to like the Constitution by their dirty deeds, lying to bring about a rival's fall, not to mention our God who inspired it.

My masters are the Lord God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit who all had a creator of Heaven and Earth according to the Book of John in the New Testament. I respect His laws that the Founders used to form the Constitution of the United States of America. Their system of government has been the dream of people from all over the earth and always will if we keep it. The Democrats don't seem to like the Constitution by their dirty deeds, lying to bring about a rival's fall, not to mention our God who inspired it.

Why is it the people that yell the loudest on here about being Christians are also the least Christ like people on the forum?
Why is it the people that yell the loudest on here about being Christians are also the least Christ like people on the forum?
Mr. Gator, I respect you for having to deal with leftist leaders who deal in constant omissions as well as beliefs in the truth being optional. Some of us just can't ignore the truth that is far more painful than listening to a faerie tale. Jesus taught Mosaic wisdom from time to time. My family parents came from parents who were children of pastors, one a family of ministers and schoolmarms, the other an old school evangelist whose wife was an Indian princess and daughter of a famous indian chief who was very into the great spirit when the Indian wars were over.

Some of us are bound to our beliefs, but you can realize the difference between those who have salvation and those who never think about such is less than a micron in difference. That makes the only difference is that human beings in the same political party can be further apart that opposite ends of political dichotomy. I don't care that you think your party is better. But I see the leaders on the left as people who lead their followers on downward paths that do not believe in faithful obedience to the laws of truth that come from thousands of years of believing in the creator as the highest power we know, and accepting precepts that bring people to love the Kingdom of God but also to get along with their fellow travelers on this earth.

It seems to me that you think Christian people should cover themselves with a pail and never be heard from. Would you let us expect the same example for yourself? Christ was usually meek, but when his father's church was beset by people collecting money that they claimed would pay for forgiveness of any sins from sellers profiting from merchandise in his father's house. And he took a cat o' nine tails to drive out people who lied about their inclusion to grace of God by payments believers made to themselves. Not only is that nowhere in the Bible, but God actually ended human sacrifices in his servant Abraham. Now sacrifices are not needed at all when Jesus Christ became the sacrifice for all time in the House of our God.

We believe god looks upon the heart of those who love him and rejoices when he finds we cherish the truth enough to take flak from those who seldom realize there is wisdom in the Word, and the Word is in the Bible written by prophets of faith in God's omnipotence and love for his creations in this world, chiefly mankind, but with a passion for having us be good stewards to the other creatures he made that we share the planet with. We may have loud confidence in our master, but God is all good and no bad whatever when you live within the parameters of his kingdom, even though you are every bit as human as those who don't hear the Word nor have any use for it in their lives whatever. You will not see many of God's people here lying for expediently nor hosting anti-God rhetoric. Seems that that disappoints you but believing leaves us with a target on our backs for those who hate God, hate his precepts, laws, and prayers of his people. We know that as chastisement, which if we stay in the Kingdom, we are safe in God's love and caring for all time.

I'm getting sleepy so bye. :bigbed: Have a lovely evening. I hope you will not bear grudges against God any more. A lot of his people post here. I bless their faith in God.
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Mr. Gator, I respect you for having to deal with leftist leaders who deal in constant omissions as well as beliefs in the truth being optional. Some of us just can't ignore the truth that is far more painful than listening to a faerie tale. Jesus taught Mosaic wisdom from time to time, and at a very early age in a family whose parents were both children of pastors, one a family of ministers and schoolmarms, the other an old school evangelist whose wife was an Indian princess of a famous indian chief who was very into the great spirit.

Some of us are bound to our beliefs, but you must realize the difference between those who have salvation and those who never think about such is less than a micron in difference. That makes the only difference is that human beings in the same political party can be further apart that opposite ends of political dichotomy. I don't care that you think your party is better. But I see the leaders on the left as people who lead their followers on paths that do not believe in faithful obedience to the laws of truth that come from thousands of years of believing in the creator as the highest power we know, and accepting precepts that bring people to love the Kingdom of God but also to get along with their fellow travelers on this earth.

It seems to me that you think Christian people should cover themselves with a pail. Would you let us expect the same example for yourself? Christ was usually meek, but when his father's church was set by people collecting money that would pay for their forgiveness of any sins from sellers profiting from merchandise in his father's house. And he took a cat o' nine tails to drive out people who lied about their inclusion to grace of God by payments believers made to themselves.

We believe god looks upon the heart of those who love him and rejoices when he finds they cherish the truth enough to take flak from those who seldom realize there is wisdom in the Word, and the Word is in the Bible written by prophets of faith in God's omnipotence and love for his creations in this world, chiefly mankind, but with a passion for having us be good stewards to the other creatures he made that we share the planet with. We may have loud confidence in our master, but God is all good and no bad whatever when you live within the parameters of his kingdom, even though you are every bit as human as those who don't hear the Word nor have any use for it in their lives whatever. You will not see many of God's people here lying for expediently nor hosting anti-God rhetoric. Seems that that disappoints you but believing leaves us with a target on our backs for those who hate God, hate his precepts, laws, and prayers of his people. We know that as chastisement, which if we stay in the Kingdom, we are safe in God's love and caring for all time.

I think Christian people should be Christ like. One thing He never did was hate. There is a lot of hate around these days
I think Christian people should be Christ like. One thing He never did was hate. There is a lot of hate around these days
Christ hated liars. And he took a cat of nine tails to several of them who lied about God's forgiveness for those who were sorry for their sins and tried to sell them pigeons to sacrifice for sin for a huge profit to themselves..

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