Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine vetoes bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors

One can count to the growing numbers of de-transitioners, who's stories are out there for all to see.

One shouldn't have to even advocate for not mutilating or drugging kids whos bodies are functioning normally, even if their minds aren't. Evidently you missed that memo.
So, no data, you refuse to provide data, and when asked to show your work you drop to insults. I expected better from Marty.
Yet you openly advocate for mutilating and drugging kids.
You mean healthcare? You being a Bingo about it doesn't scare me off. :dunno:

You can make up pejoratives for it all you like but when it comes time to produce objective evidence, gender affirming care, is what ends up being supported by the medical community. No one is moved by your empty claims.
You mean healthcare? You being a Bingo about it doesn't scare me off. :dunno:

You can make up pejoratives for it all you like but when it comes time to produce objective evidence, gender affirming care, is what ends up being supported by the medical community. No one is moved by your empty claims.

That isn't "healthcare."

They once supported cigarette smoking as well, and bloodletting.
That isn't "healthcare."

They once supported cigarette smoking as well, and bloodletting.
That's fine. I accept that you want to question the policy. Go ahead and do so with something other than ignorant bigotry that gets laughed at by every educated medical professional in the field.
Thats not data, thats a single anecdote. And again you resort to insults both directly and via PMing. Instead of calmly discussing the topic, you resort to insults. Thats not how to win an argument.
That's fine. I accept that you want to question the policy. Go ahead and do so with something other than ignorant bigotry that gets laughed at by every educated medical professional in the field.

Credentialed, not educated.

And even educated people fall for social idiocy. All those eugenics morons were doctors and other educated people.
Thats not data, thats a single anecdote. And again you resort to insults both directly and via PMing. Instead of calmly discussing the topic, you resort to insults. Thats not how to win an argument.

That's not just one, but a few case studies.

And the 2nd link is data, just data you don't like.

Now go outlive your progeny and die alone.
Credentialed, not educated.

And even educated people fall for social idiocy. All those eugenics morons were doctors and other educated people.
That still isn't an argument. We're not talking eugenics. We're talking gender affirming care. If you want to question the practice have at. I'm listening. Let's hear you best rational argument against it.
That's not just one, but a few case studies.

And the 2nd link is data, just data you don't like.

Now go outlive your progeny and die alone.
The Heritage Foundation? Now you're just being fundamendentlaly unserious. Thats not a medical journal.
The Heritage Foundation? Now you're just being fundamendentlaly unserious. Thats not a medical journal.

Attack the source, like any weakling.

And considering how shitty medical journals are these days, your standard holding is comical.

They need psychological help, without being led to believe that chopping off their breasts or wing wang will fix those problems.
Under whose supervision? This sounds like Big Brother shit!
Hmmm. Your illk always whines when made to abide by common decency, morality, and the Laws of our Land. You should move somewhere else.
There’s no evidence that gender affirming care is ‘harmful’ to minors; indeed, the evidence indicates withholding care causes harm.

But the willfully ignorant right will continue to remain ignorant, continue to increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty, even if it means harming transgender youth.
Children are impressionable and will go along with their parents, teachers, doctors, if they are persuaded to do so.

Again, we have children today who regret going through this momentous decision, which is why they need to at least wait till they are consenting adults.
It should be up to the parents and their child’s doctors – not the state.

Parents know what’s best for their children, not government.

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