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Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

You have no idea how much we wish that.

Yeah, that's why you guys are pissing yourself.

Here's the real problem you guys have. WHEN recession breaks out this year or next, Trump won't have a leg to stand on. Even Republicans won't want to be caught having a drink with him.

The Knock Out game is a violent assault against people of non-color.

Never happened. Stop watching Fox News, it's making you stupider...

But lying doesn't make it reality. Your idiotic claim of this "toy" thing is as stupid as me saying the officer seen a bee buzzing around the kid and he tried to shoot it before it stung the boy.

Except it was a toy, and Loehmann really was an unstable loon.

* Several local law enforcement agencies investigated the shooting. No evidence of wrongdoing found.
* Grand jury watched the video frame by frame, ruled no wrongdoing found.
*DumBama's justice department investigation, no wrongdoing found.

Actually, the DOJ never got involved in this one. They don't get involved in any of these. They didn't even make noise about doing it in this case.

But funny thing, when the PD and the (Now unemployed) Prosecutor were covering it up, the city paid out SIX MILLION to Tamir's family, because they knew the minute they got this in front of a real jury and someone asked Loehmann about his crying jags on the firing range, they'd be renaming Cleveland "Rice City"
recession are you referring to?
Commie boot lickers? Tell me, who did the US Communist Party endorse in the Hillary election? How about the Obama election? How about Sanders?

If you look at the US Communist Party manifesto, you would see very few differences between their platform and the Democrat platform. What you would also note is their utter disdain for President Bush, President Trump, and even President Reagan.

You can't name me one policy of DumBama that was responsible for the economic turn around. If you can, tell me, which one was it? Increasing business taxes? Increasing their regulations? Burdening them with Commie Care? What?????

DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. He has regulated many businesses out of existence. It's why we had the slowest post recession growth during his time in office. He was not responsible for that. The Federal reserve was with Quantitive Easing. Businesses (taking advantage of that) were also responsible.
Funny and who in the election did the Nazi party the KKK and the white supremacist endorse. The market is always sensitive to who's elected as president and know from the facts that electing a democrat is a major plus for them as investors and a total complete disaster over time electing a right winger as president. This isn't complicated, simply look at what happened literally the day Obama's was put into office.The market reversed course and flew to where it is now and now is still Obama's economy. There is no chart from the beginning of Obama's presidency till now that you can find that shows anything other then the fact that you can't see any increase in the rate of increase but does in a few charts shows a slow down when scum bag was elected. You surely can't win this argument because other then lies and distortion you have no response.
The idiots from the right that are pointing at the democrats being Socialist and communist are just straight out stupid. There is a definition of socialism and communism and there is no major tenet of them that would suggest any way that there is any communists or socialist governing any where in this country. Simple proof, there is one tenet that has to exist for theere to be either communism or socialism and that is that the means of production is owned and run by government and the sales of their products is also charged to the government. There is none of that anywhere in this country nor is their anyone on the left that is promoting it, Your party charge of us being communist or socialist is straight out stupid with a capital S.

Really? So explain how an admitted Socialist is running for the second time as the nominee for the Democrat party. Explain how the most popular Congresswoman on the left is also an admitted Socialist.

Of course they don't have the power to rule anything yet. There are not enough of them in the party. But as time progresses, so does the Democrat party. They are stepping over Socialism right into Communism.

As for Trump supporters, of course they are behind him in only one regards, and that is his tough stance on border control. Most of the immigrants are coming from the south, not Europe.

The true Nazi's are actually the Democrats in every other way. They spent nearly three years trying to overturn a fair election. Democrats feel they own this country, and anybody against their power is a threat to the state. Piglosi and the Democrats just issued a warning to the Supreme Court about their ruling on cases. A threat to the Supreme Court? This is what I'm talking about. They don't respect who the people chose, and they certainly don't respect their choices for the courts. Sorry, but we live in an elective Republic, and that's how we do things.

You can't change the fact that the Nazi Party in the US backs Trump. They have NEVER backed either the Democratic nor the Republican party. But they do back the party of Trump. Why is that? Now, you can lie out your ass like you are doing now. Or you can try and spin history where you claim the old Nazis were Socialists when in fact they were right wing fascists. Well, here is Merrian Webster's definition, not the bastarized BS you keep claiming. You will see that if Trump were left unchecked this is exactly where things would lead.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

BTW, Mussolini and his government fit that same definition as did Hitler and his nazi government. Fascism fights to defeat liberal Democracy as well as any form of Socialism. It uses unfettered Capitalism to get and keep it's power. But you keep rewriting history and lying out your ass. You keep covering for your Fuehrer. You keep disregarding the damage that's being done in this extremely important time in history. But when your Fuehrer is done and the Republican Party rebuilds (should take it about 10 years) the damage that an unchecked Democratic Party and it's leftist ways without moderation will be on your butt. I probably won't be alive to see it but my Grand Kids will be. But they are going to have to pay off the debt as will their Grand Children.

So what damage do you speak of? The great economy, low taxes, what?

The debt increases regardless who is President, so that seems to be a problem nobody can stop. The right wants to use money to protect the country and take less from citizens, and the left wants to use the money for......yes.......socialism.

I just explained why they back up Trump, and that is Trump is attending to (or trying to) the border problem. Even the Nazi's are smart enough to see the entire Democrat plan, and that is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. When they succeed in that, we will be taking the first step towards ending the Great Experiment.

I read "Free Ride, Free Ride, Free Ride" over and over again. The Debt can be take care of. Yes it takes years and decades but it can be taken care. But it has to start. The ones you insult by calling them Rinos are almost all Fiscal Conservatives. That was the main focus of the Republican Party before the Party of Trump and of course Bush Jr.. AFter the party of Trump is gone, it's going to take at least 10 years to put the Republican Party back together again where it can become a Fiscal force once again. So don't give me that crap that no one can do anything about it. That's just another free ride.

The Border Problem was created by Trump who went after the Muslims. It just so happens that it affected the southern borders as an after thought. The 2000 and 3000 person carvans didn't exist before. Before, the seekers could either make their way to the US Embassy in their respective countries or jump across to another country and apply there. About 15% were approved and there were non profit agencies that would assist them getting to the US and doing all the paperwork. But when that was ended, here they came, all of them. What was left was that they had to get into the US and apply for asylum in the US. Once more, you just gave another free ride. You will notice that the 2000 and 3000 person caravans have stopped. It isn't just Mexico putting a stop to it. They can now apply for asylum in different countries at the US Embasies like it always we before your Goon screwed the pooch. But everyone is stuck with the thousands that are already at the border now and they have no way or how to go anywhere else.

Speaking of taking less from the Citizens. My Taxes went up. My Medicare went down, my Tricare went down. yes, others benefited from it but NOT the seniors that paid into the Social Security all of their lives. And that isn't Trumps money. It's MY money and he is just stealing.
did he go after Muslims, give the quote and link
Commie boot lickers? Tell me, who did the US Communist Party endorse in the Hillary election? How about the Obama election? How about Sanders?

If you look at the US Communist Party manifesto, you would see very few differences between their platform and the Democrat platform. What you would also note is their utter disdain for President Bush, President Trump, and even President Reagan.

You can't name me one policy of DumBama that was responsible for the economic turn around. If you can, tell me, which one was it? Increasing business taxes? Increasing their regulations? Burdening them with Commie Care? What?????

DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. He has regulated many businesses out of existence. It's why we had the slowest post recession growth during his time in office. He was not responsible for that. The Federal reserve was with Quantitive Easing. Businesses (taking advantage of that) were also responsible.
Funny and who in the election did the Nazi party the KKK and the white supremacist endorse. The market is always sensitive to who's elected as president and know from the facts that electing a democrat is a major plus for them as investors and a total complete disaster over time electing a right winger as president. This isn't complicated, simply look at what happened literally the day Obama's was put into office.The market reversed course and flew to where it is now and now is still Obama's economy. There is no chart from the beginning of Obama's presidency till now that you can find that shows anything other then the fact that you can't see any increase in the rate of increase but does in a few charts shows a slow down when scum bag was elected. You surely can't win this argument because other then lies and distortion you have no response.
The idiots from the right that are pointing at the democrats being Socialist and communist are just straight out stupid. There is a definition of socialism and communism and there is no major tenet of them that would suggest any way that there is any communists or socialist governing any where in this country. Simple proof, there is one tenet that has to exist for theere to be either communism or socialism and that is that the means of production is owned and run by government and the sales of their products is also charged to the government. There is none of that anywhere in this country nor is their anyone on the left that is promoting it, Your party charge of us being communist or socialist is straight out stupid with a capital S.

Really? So explain how an admitted Socialist is running for the second time as the nominee for the Democrat party. Explain how the most popular Congresswoman on the left is also an admitted Socialist.

Of course they don't have the power to rule anything yet. There are not enough of them in the party. But as time progresses, so does the Democrat party. They are stepping over Socialism right into Communism.

As for Trump supporters, of course they are behind him in only one regards, and that is his tough stance on border control. Most of the immigrants are coming from the south, not Europe.

The true Nazi's are actually the Democrats in every other way. They spent nearly three years trying to overturn a fair election. Democrats feel they own this country, and anybody against their power is a threat to the state. Piglosi and the Democrats just issued a warning to the Supreme Court about their ruling on cases. A threat to the Supreme Court? This is what I'm talking about. They don't respect who the people chose, and they certainly don't respect their choices for the courts. Sorry, but we live in an elective Republic, and that's how we do things.

You can't change the fact that the Nazi Party in the US backs Trump. They have NEVER backed either the Democratic nor the Republican party. But they do back the party of Trump. Why is that? Now, you can lie out your ass like you are doing now. Or you can try and spin history where you claim the old Nazis were Socialists when in fact they were right wing fascists. Well, here is Merrian Webster's definition, not the bastarized BS you keep claiming. You will see that if Trump were left unchecked this is exactly where things would lead.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

BTW, Mussolini and his government fit that same definition as did Hitler and his nazi government. Fascism fights to defeat liberal Democracy as well as any form of Socialism. It uses unfettered Capitalism to get and keep it's power. But you keep rewriting history and lying out your ass. You keep covering for your Fuehrer. You keep disregarding the damage that's being done in this extremely important time in history. But when your Fuehrer is done and the Republican Party rebuilds (should take it about 10 years) the damage that an unchecked Democratic Party and it's leftist ways without moderation will be on your butt. I probably won't be alive to see it but my Grand Kids will be. But they are going to have to pay off the debt as will their Grand Children.

So what damage do you speak of? The great economy, low taxes, what?

The debt increases regardless who is President, so that seems to be a problem nobody can stop. The right wants to use money to protect the country and take less from citizens, and the left wants to use the money for......yes.......socialism.

I just explained why they back up Trump, and that is Trump is attending to (or trying to) the border problem. Even the Nazi's are smart enough to see the entire Democrat plan, and that is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. When they succeed in that, we will be taking the first step towards ending the Great Experiment.

I read "Free Ride, Free Ride, Free Ride" over and over again. The Debt can be take care of. Yes it takes years and decades but it can be taken care. But it has to start. The ones you insult by calling them Rinos are almost all Fiscal Conservatives. That was the main focus of the Republican Party before the Party of Trump and of course Bush Jr.. AFter the party of Trump is gone, it's going to take at least 10 years to put the Republican Party back together again where it can become a Fiscal force once again. So don't give me that crap that no one can do anything about it. That's just another free ride.

The Border Problem was created by Trump who went after the Muslims. It just so happens that it affected the southern borders as an after thought. The 2000 and 3000 person carvans didn't exist before. Before, the seekers could either make their way to the US Embassy in their respective countries or jump across to another country and apply there. About 15% were approved and there were non profit agencies that would assist them getting to the US and doing all the paperwork. But when that was ended, here they came, all of them. What was left was that they had to get into the US and apply for asylum in the US. Once more, you just gave another free ride. You will notice that the 2000 and 3000 person caravans have stopped. It isn't just Mexico putting a stop to it. They can now apply for asylum in different countries at the US Embasies like it always we before your Goon screwed the pooch. But everyone is stuck with the thousands that are already at the border now and they have no way or how to go anywhere else.

Speaking of taking less from the Citizens. My Taxes went up. My Medicare went down, my Tricare went down. yes, others benefited from it but NOT the seniors that paid into the Social Security all of their lives. And that isn't Trumps money. It's MY money and he is just stealing.
When did he go after Muslims, give the quote and link
Commie boot lickers? Tell me, who did the US Communist Party endorse in the Hillary election? How about the Obama election? How about Sanders?

If you look at the US Communist Party manifesto, you would see very few differences between their platform and the Democrat platform. What you would also note is their utter disdain for President Bush, President Trump, and even President Reagan.

You can't name me one policy of DumBama that was responsible for the economic turn around. If you can, tell me, which one was it? Increasing business taxes? Increasing their regulations? Burdening them with Commie Care? What?????

DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. He has regulated many businesses out of existence. It's why we had the slowest post recession growth during his time in office. He was not responsible for that. The Federal reserve was with Quantitive Easing. Businesses (taking advantage of that) were also responsible.
Funny and who in the election did the Nazi party the KKK and the white supremacist endorse. The market is always sensitive to who's elected as president and know from the facts that electing a democrat is a major plus for them as investors and a total complete disaster over time electing a right winger as president. This isn't complicated, simply look at what happened literally the day Obama's was put into office.The market reversed course and flew to where it is now and now is still Obama's economy. There is no chart from the beginning of Obama's presidency till now that you can find that shows anything other then the fact that you can't see any increase in the rate of increase but does in a few charts shows a slow down when scum bag was elected. You surely can't win this argument because other then lies and distortion you have no response.
The idiots from the right that are pointing at the democrats being Socialist and communist are just straight out stupid. There is a definition of socialism and communism and there is no major tenet of them that would suggest any way that there is any communists or socialist governing any where in this country. Simple proof, there is one tenet that has to exist for theere to be either communism or socialism and that is that the means of production is owned and run by government and the sales of their products is also charged to the government. There is none of that anywhere in this country nor is their anyone on the left that is promoting it, Your party charge of us being communist or socialist is straight out stupid with a capital S.

Really? So explain how an admitted Socialist is running for the second time as the nominee for the Democrat party. Explain how the most popular Congresswoman on the left is also an admitted Socialist.

Of course they don't have the power to rule anything yet. There are not enough of them in the party. But as time progresses, so does the Democrat party. They are stepping over Socialism right into Communism.

As for Trump supporters, of course they are behind him in only one regards, and that is his tough stance on border control. Most of the immigrants are coming from the south, not Europe.

The true Nazi's are actually the Democrats in every other way. They spent nearly three years trying to overturn a fair election. Democrats feel they own this country, and anybody against their power is a threat to the state. Piglosi and the Democrats just issued a warning to the Supreme Court about their ruling on cases. A threat to the Supreme Court? This is what I'm talking about. They don't respect who the people chose, and they certainly don't respect their choices for the courts. Sorry, but we live in an elective Republic, and that's how we do things.

You can't change the fact that the Nazi Party in the US backs Trump. They have NEVER backed either the Democratic nor the Republican party. But they do back the party of Trump. Why is that? Now, you can lie out your ass like you are doing now. Or you can try and spin history where you claim the old Nazis were Socialists when in fact they were right wing fascists. Well, here is Merrian Webster's definition, not the bastarized BS you keep claiming. You will see that if Trump were left unchecked this is exactly where things would lead.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

BTW, Mussolini and his government fit that same definition as did Hitler and his nazi government. Fascism fights to defeat liberal Democracy as well as any form of Socialism. It uses unfettered Capitalism to get and keep it's power. But you keep rewriting history and lying out your ass. You keep covering for your Fuehrer. You keep disregarding the damage that's being done in this extremely important time in history. But when your Fuehrer is done and the Republican Party rebuilds (should take it about 10 years) the damage that an unchecked Democratic Party and it's leftist ways without moderation will be on your butt. I probably won't be alive to see it but my Grand Kids will be. But they are going to have to pay off the debt as will their Grand Children.

So what damage do you speak of? The great economy, low taxes, what?

The debt increases regardless who is President, so that seems to be a problem nobody can stop. The right wants to use money to protect the country and take less from citizens, and the left wants to use the money for......yes.......socialism.

I just explained why they back up Trump, and that is Trump is attending to (or trying to) the border problem. Even the Nazi's are smart enough to see the entire Democrat plan, and that is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. When they succeed in that, we will be taking the first step towards ending the Great Experiment.

I read "Free Ride, Free Ride, Free Ride" over and over again. The Debt can be take care of. Yes it takes years and decades but it can be taken care. But it has to start. The ones you insult by calling them Rinos are almost all Fiscal Conservatives. That was the main focus of the Republican Party before the Party of Trump and of course Bush Jr.. AFter the party of Trump is gone, it's going to take at least 10 years to put the Republican Party back together again where it can become a Fiscal force once again. So don't give me that crap that no one can do anything about it. That's just another free ride.

The Border Problem was created by Trump who went after the Muslims. It just so happens that it affected the southern borders as an after thought. The 2000 and 3000 person carvans didn't exist before. Before, the seekers could either make their way to the US Embassy in their respective countries or jump across to another country and apply there. About 15% were approved and there were non profit agencies that would assist them getting to the US and doing all the paperwork. But when that was ended, here they came, all of them. What was left was that they had to get into the US and apply for asylum in the US. Once more, you just gave another free ride. You will notice that the 2000 and 3000 person caravans have stopped. It isn't just Mexico putting a stop to it. They can now apply for asylum in different countries at the US Embasies like it always we before your Goon screwed the pooch. But everyone is stuck with the thousands that are already at the border now and they have no way or how to go anywhere else.

Speaking of taking less from the Citizens. My Taxes went up. My Medicare went down, my Tricare went down. yes, others benefited from it but NOT the seniors that paid into the Social Security all of their lives. And that isn't Trumps money. It's MY money and he is just stealing.

What country do you live in? The southern border has been a problem for generations. Even Reagan addressed this problem when he gave amnesty to all those illegals. The Democrats promised if he did that, they would take action on the border which they never did. This hardly started with Trump.

Invaders are using our own system against us. They know when they get here, they will never be granted asylum in most cases. But in the past, YES, THE PAST, they were given court dates which they never attended; at least not the final one where the final decision was made. But they applied for asylum because it was a way to enter the country without crossing rivers or deserts. After they applied, we let them in to wait years for their date. It has nothing to do with being able to apply elsewhere.

The slowdown is because of Mexico's actions on their southern border. Every border agent I seen being interviewed credits Trump with that. As for your Medicare or SS, if you live the average lifespan in this country, you will withdraw much, much more than you put in. That's why the system is failing.

If we want to keep these programs (and most Americans do) then we need to fund them. That's all. I haven't had a raise in SS or Medicare deductions in many years, even decades with Medicare. How is it insurance companies have to keep raising rates annually, and the government, not one cent????
Funny and who in the election did the Nazi party the KKK and the white supremacist endorse. The market is always sensitive to who's elected as president and know from the facts that electing a democrat is a major plus for them as investors and a total complete disaster over time electing a right winger as president. This isn't complicated, simply look at what happened literally the day Obama's was put into office.The market reversed course and flew to where it is now and now is still Obama's economy. There is no chart from the beginning of Obama's presidency till now that you can find that shows anything other then the fact that you can't see any increase in the rate of increase but does in a few charts shows a slow down when scum bag was elected. You surely can't win this argument because other then lies and distortion you have no response.
The idiots from the right that are pointing at the democrats being Socialist and communist are just straight out stupid. There is a definition of socialism and communism and there is no major tenet of them that would suggest any way that there is any communists or socialist governing any where in this country. Simple proof, there is one tenet that has to exist for theere to be either communism or socialism and that is that the means of production is owned and run by government and the sales of their products is also charged to the government. There is none of that anywhere in this country nor is their anyone on the left that is promoting it, Your party charge of us being communist or socialist is straight out stupid with a capital S.

Really? So explain how an admitted Socialist is running for the second time as the nominee for the Democrat party. Explain how the most popular Congresswoman on the left is also an admitted Socialist.

Of course they don't have the power to rule anything yet. There are not enough of them in the party. But as time progresses, so does the Democrat party. They are stepping over Socialism right into Communism.

As for Trump supporters, of course they are behind him in only one regards, and that is his tough stance on border control. Most of the immigrants are coming from the south, not Europe.

The true Nazi's are actually the Democrats in every other way. They spent nearly three years trying to overturn a fair election. Democrats feel they own this country, and anybody against their power is a threat to the state. Piglosi and the Democrats just issued a warning to the Supreme Court about their ruling on cases. A threat to the Supreme Court? This is what I'm talking about. They don't respect who the people chose, and they certainly don't respect their choices for the courts. Sorry, but we live in an elective Republic, and that's how we do things.

You can't change the fact that the Nazi Party in the US backs Trump. They have NEVER backed either the Democratic nor the Republican party. But they do back the party of Trump. Why is that? Now, you can lie out your ass like you are doing now. Or you can try and spin history where you claim the old Nazis were Socialists when in fact they were right wing fascists. Well, here is Merrian Webster's definition, not the bastarized BS you keep claiming. You will see that if Trump were left unchecked this is exactly where things would lead.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

BTW, Mussolini and his government fit that same definition as did Hitler and his nazi government. Fascism fights to defeat liberal Democracy as well as any form of Socialism. It uses unfettered Capitalism to get and keep it's power. But you keep rewriting history and lying out your ass. You keep covering for your Fuehrer. You keep disregarding the damage that's being done in this extremely important time in history. But when your Fuehrer is done and the Republican Party rebuilds (should take it about 10 years) the damage that an unchecked Democratic Party and it's leftist ways without moderation will be on your butt. I probably won't be alive to see it but my Grand Kids will be. But they are going to have to pay off the debt as will their Grand Children.

So what damage do you speak of? The great economy, low taxes, what?

The debt increases regardless who is President, so that seems to be a problem nobody can stop. The right wants to use money to protect the country and take less from citizens, and the left wants to use the money for......yes.......socialism.

I just explained why they back up Trump, and that is Trump is attending to (or trying to) the border problem. Even the Nazi's are smart enough to see the entire Democrat plan, and that is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. When they succeed in that, we will be taking the first step towards ending the Great Experiment.

I read "Free Ride, Free Ride, Free Ride" over and over again. The Debt can be take care of. Yes it takes years and decades but it can be taken care. But it has to start. The ones you insult by calling them Rinos are almost all Fiscal Conservatives. That was the main focus of the Republican Party before the Party of Trump and of course Bush Jr.. AFter the party of Trump is gone, it's going to take at least 10 years to put the Republican Party back together again where it can become a Fiscal force once again. So don't give me that crap that no one can do anything about it. That's just another free ride.

The Border Problem was created by Trump who went after the Muslims. It just so happens that it affected the southern borders as an after thought. The 2000 and 3000 person carvans didn't exist before. Before, the seekers could either make their way to the US Embassy in their respective countries or jump across to another country and apply there. About 15% were approved and there were non profit agencies that would assist them getting to the US and doing all the paperwork. But when that was ended, here they came, all of them. What was left was that they had to get into the US and apply for asylum in the US. Once more, you just gave another free ride. You will notice that the 2000 and 3000 person caravans have stopped. It isn't just Mexico putting a stop to it. They can now apply for asylum in different countries at the US Embasies like it always we before your Goon screwed the pooch. But everyone is stuck with the thousands that are already at the border now and they have no way or how to go anywhere else.

Speaking of taking less from the Citizens. My Taxes went up. My Medicare went down, my Tricare went down. yes, others benefited from it but NOT the seniors that paid into the Social Security all of their lives. And that isn't Trumps money. It's MY money and he is just stealing.

What country do you live in? The southern border has been a problem for generations. Even Reagan addressed this problem when he gave amnesty to all those illegals. The Democrats promised if he did that, they would take action on the border which they never did. This hardly started with Trump.

Invaders are using our own system against us. They know when they get here, they will never be granted asylum in most cases. But in the past, YES, THE PAST, they were given court dates which they never attended; at least not the final one where the final decision was made. But they applied for asylum because it was a way to enter the country without crossing rivers or deserts. After they applied, we let them in to wait years for their date. It has nothing to do with being able to apply elsewhere.

The slowdown is because of Mexico's actions on their southern border. Every border agent I seen being interviewed credits Trump with that. As for your Medicare or SS, if you live the average lifespan in this country, you will withdraw much, much more than you put in. That's why the system is failing.

If we want to keep these programs (and most Americans do) then we need to fund them. That's all. I haven't had a raise in SS or Medicare deductions in many years, even decades with Medicare. How is it insurance companies have to keep raising rates annually, and the government, not one cent????

It used to be a very much smaller problem when we primarily had only to deal with Mexicans illegally entering into the US. Hardly any children. The Border Patrol knew how to handle that and had the manpower, resources and training to do that job. But the refusal of the Embassies in the other countries to accept the applications for entry made the journey from the top 3 Central American Countries a necessity to those people where if they make it to the US Soil, they can apply. That was an offshoot of the Muslim game Trump dreamed up in 2017. You are still giving him a free ride.

Yes, it's a mess now and we need to temporarily fund it. And the Embassies are now able to process the applications once again. It's not all Mexican intervention and never was. That's Trump trying to make you look another direction to hide his gaff. No more free rides. We need to get a handle on it and get the Border Patrol back to patrolling the border. Even if it means increasing the funding. But we are paying for a Trump mistake. No more free rides on this one.
Really? So explain how an admitted Socialist is running for the second time as the nominee for the Democrat party. Explain how the most popular Congresswoman on the left is also an admitted Socialist.

Of course they don't have the power to rule anything yet. There are not enough of them in the party. But as time progresses, so does the Democrat party. They are stepping over Socialism right into Communism.

As for Trump supporters, of course they are behind him in only one regards, and that is his tough stance on border control. Most of the immigrants are coming from the south, not Europe.

The true Nazi's are actually the Democrats in every other way. They spent nearly three years trying to overturn a fair election. Democrats feel they own this country, and anybody against their power is a threat to the state. Piglosi and the Democrats just issued a warning to the Supreme Court about their ruling on cases. A threat to the Supreme Court? This is what I'm talking about. They don't respect who the people chose, and they certainly don't respect their choices for the courts. Sorry, but we live in an elective Republic, and that's how we do things.

You can't change the fact that the Nazi Party in the US backs Trump. They have NEVER backed either the Democratic nor the Republican party. But they do back the party of Trump. Why is that? Now, you can lie out your ass like you are doing now. Or you can try and spin history where you claim the old Nazis were Socialists when in fact they were right wing fascists. Well, here is Merrian Webster's definition, not the bastarized BS you keep claiming. You will see that if Trump were left unchecked this is exactly where things would lead.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

BTW, Mussolini and his government fit that same definition as did Hitler and his nazi government. Fascism fights to defeat liberal Democracy as well as any form of Socialism. It uses unfettered Capitalism to get and keep it's power. But you keep rewriting history and lying out your ass. You keep covering for your Fuehrer. You keep disregarding the damage that's being done in this extremely important time in history. But when your Fuehrer is done and the Republican Party rebuilds (should take it about 10 years) the damage that an unchecked Democratic Party and it's leftist ways without moderation will be on your butt. I probably won't be alive to see it but my Grand Kids will be. But they are going to have to pay off the debt as will their Grand Children.

So what damage do you speak of? The great economy, low taxes, what?

The debt increases regardless who is President, so that seems to be a problem nobody can stop. The right wants to use money to protect the country and take less from citizens, and the left wants to use the money for......yes.......socialism.

I just explained why they back up Trump, and that is Trump is attending to (or trying to) the border problem. Even the Nazi's are smart enough to see the entire Democrat plan, and that is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. When they succeed in that, we will be taking the first step towards ending the Great Experiment.

I read "Free Ride, Free Ride, Free Ride" over and over again. The Debt can be take care of. Yes it takes years and decades but it can be taken care. But it has to start. The ones you insult by calling them Rinos are almost all Fiscal Conservatives. That was the main focus of the Republican Party before the Party of Trump and of course Bush Jr.. AFter the party of Trump is gone, it's going to take at least 10 years to put the Republican Party back together again where it can become a Fiscal force once again. So don't give me that crap that no one can do anything about it. That's just another free ride.

The Border Problem was created by Trump who went after the Muslims. It just so happens that it affected the southern borders as an after thought. The 2000 and 3000 person carvans didn't exist before. Before, the seekers could either make their way to the US Embassy in their respective countries or jump across to another country and apply there. About 15% were approved and there were non profit agencies that would assist them getting to the US and doing all the paperwork. But when that was ended, here they came, all of them. What was left was that they had to get into the US and apply for asylum in the US. Once more, you just gave another free ride. You will notice that the 2000 and 3000 person caravans have stopped. It isn't just Mexico putting a stop to it. They can now apply for asylum in different countries at the US Embasies like it always we before your Goon screwed the pooch. But everyone is stuck with the thousands that are already at the border now and they have no way or how to go anywhere else.

Speaking of taking less from the Citizens. My Taxes went up. My Medicare went down, my Tricare went down. yes, others benefited from it but NOT the seniors that paid into the Social Security all of their lives. And that isn't Trumps money. It's MY money and he is just stealing.

What country do you live in? The southern border has been a problem for generations. Even Reagan addressed this problem when he gave amnesty to all those illegals. The Democrats promised if he did that, they would take action on the border which they never did. This hardly started with Trump.

Invaders are using our own system against us. They know when they get here, they will never be granted asylum in most cases. But in the past, YES, THE PAST, they were given court dates which they never attended; at least not the final one where the final decision was made. But they applied for asylum because it was a way to enter the country without crossing rivers or deserts. After they applied, we let them in to wait years for their date. It has nothing to do with being able to apply elsewhere.

The slowdown is because of Mexico's actions on their southern border. Every border agent I seen being interviewed credits Trump with that. As for your Medicare or SS, if you live the average lifespan in this country, you will withdraw much, much more than you put in. That's why the system is failing.

If we want to keep these programs (and most Americans do) then we need to fund them. That's all. I haven't had a raise in SS or Medicare deductions in many years, even decades with Medicare. How is it insurance companies have to keep raising rates annually, and the government, not one cent????

It used to be a very much smaller problem when we primarily had only to deal with Mexicans illegally entering into the US. Hardly any children. The Border Patrol knew how to handle that and had the manpower, resources and training to do that job. But the refusal of the Embassies in the other countries to accept the applications for entry made the journey from the top 3 Central American Countries a necessity to those people where if they make it to the US Soil, they can apply. That was an offshoot of the Muslim game Trump dreamed up in 2017. You are still giving him a free ride.

Yes, it's a mess now and we need to temporarily fund it. And the Embassies are now able to process the applications once again. It's not all Mexican intervention and never was. That's Trump trying to make you look another direction to hide his gaff. No more free rides. We need to get a handle on it and get the Border Patrol back to patrolling the border. Even if it means increasing the funding. But we are paying for a Trump mistake. No more free rides on this one.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Asylum claims always had to be made on our land. After Trump ordered foreigners to apply at their embassies, a liberal judge stopped it, just like they stopped him from refusing asylum claims if they didn't come in at a point of entry.

Nearly all of Trump's attempts to control the border were stopped by congressional Democrats or commie activist judges. Left without resistance, the border problems would be pretty much solved today. All the great ideas to control the problem came from Trump, and stopped by Democrats, because Democrats want as many of these vermin in the country as they can get.
Really? So explain how an admitted Socialist is running for the second time as the nominee for the Democrat party. Explain how the most popular Congresswoman on the left is also an admitted Socialist.

Of course they don't have the power to rule anything yet. There are not enough of them in the party. But as time progresses, so does the Democrat party. They are stepping over Socialism right into Communism.

As for Trump supporters, of course they are behind him in only one regards, and that is his tough stance on border control. Most of the immigrants are coming from the south, not Europe.

The true Nazi's are actually the Democrats in every other way. They spent nearly three years trying to overturn a fair election. Democrats feel they own this country, and anybody against their power is a threat to the state. Piglosi and the Democrats just issued a warning to the Supreme Court about their ruling on cases. A threat to the Supreme Court? This is what I'm talking about. They don't respect who the people chose, and they certainly don't respect their choices for the courts. Sorry, but we live in an elective Republic, and that's how we do things.

You can't change the fact that the Nazi Party in the US backs Trump. They have NEVER backed either the Democratic nor the Republican party. But they do back the party of Trump. Why is that? Now, you can lie out your ass like you are doing now. Or you can try and spin history where you claim the old Nazis were Socialists when in fact they were right wing fascists. Well, here is Merrian Webster's definition, not the bastarized BS you keep claiming. You will see that if Trump were left unchecked this is exactly where things would lead.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

BTW, Mussolini and his government fit that same definition as did Hitler and his nazi government. Fascism fights to defeat liberal Democracy as well as any form of Socialism. It uses unfettered Capitalism to get and keep it's power. But you keep rewriting history and lying out your ass. You keep covering for your Fuehrer. You keep disregarding the damage that's being done in this extremely important time in history. But when your Fuehrer is done and the Republican Party rebuilds (should take it about 10 years) the damage that an unchecked Democratic Party and it's leftist ways without moderation will be on your butt. I probably won't be alive to see it but my Grand Kids will be. But they are going to have to pay off the debt as will their Grand Children.

So what damage do you speak of? The great economy, low taxes, what?

The debt increases regardless who is President, so that seems to be a problem nobody can stop. The right wants to use money to protect the country and take less from citizens, and the left wants to use the money for......yes.......socialism.

I just explained why they back up Trump, and that is Trump is attending to (or trying to) the border problem. Even the Nazi's are smart enough to see the entire Democrat plan, and that is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. When they succeed in that, we will be taking the first step towards ending the Great Experiment.

I read "Free Ride, Free Ride, Free Ride" over and over again. The Debt can be take care of. Yes it takes years and decades but it can be taken care. But it has to start. The ones you insult by calling them Rinos are almost all Fiscal Conservatives. That was the main focus of the Republican Party before the Party of Trump and of course Bush Jr.. AFter the party of Trump is gone, it's going to take at least 10 years to put the Republican Party back together again where it can become a Fiscal force once again. So don't give me that crap that no one can do anything about it. That's just another free ride.

The Border Problem was created by Trump who went after the Muslims. It just so happens that it affected the southern borders as an after thought. The 2000 and 3000 person carvans didn't exist before. Before, the seekers could either make their way to the US Embassy in their respective countries or jump across to another country and apply there. About 15% were approved and there were non profit agencies that would assist them getting to the US and doing all the paperwork. But when that was ended, here they came, all of them. What was left was that they had to get into the US and apply for asylum in the US. Once more, you just gave another free ride. You will notice that the 2000 and 3000 person caravans have stopped. It isn't just Mexico putting a stop to it. They can now apply for asylum in different countries at the US Embasies like it always we before your Goon screwed the pooch. But everyone is stuck with the thousands that are already at the border now and they have no way or how to go anywhere else.

Speaking of taking less from the Citizens. My Taxes went up. My Medicare went down, my Tricare went down. yes, others benefited from it but NOT the seniors that paid into the Social Security all of their lives. And that isn't Trumps money. It's MY money and he is just stealing.

What country do you live in? The southern border has been a problem for generations. Even Reagan addressed this problem when he gave amnesty to all those illegals. The Democrats promised if he did that, they would take action on the border which they never did. This hardly started with Trump.

Invaders are using our own system against us. They know when they get here, they will never be granted asylum in most cases. But in the past, YES, THE PAST, they were given court dates which they never attended; at least not the final one where the final decision was made. But they applied for asylum because it was a way to enter the country without crossing rivers or deserts. After they applied, we let them in to wait years for their date. It has nothing to do with being able to apply elsewhere.

The slowdown is because of Mexico's actions on their southern border. Every border agent I seen being interviewed credits Trump with that. As for your Medicare or SS, if you live the average lifespan in this country, you will withdraw much, much more than you put in. That's why the system is failing.

If we want to keep these programs (and most Americans do) then we need to fund them. That's all. I haven't had a raise in SS or Medicare deductions in many years, even decades with Medicare. How is it insurance companies have to keep raising rates annually, and the government, not one cent????

It used to be a very much smaller problem when we primarily had only to deal with Mexicans illegally entering into the US. Hardly any children. The Border Patrol knew how to handle that and had the manpower, resources and training to do that job. But the refusal of the Embassies in the other countries to accept the applications for entry made the journey from the top 3 Central American Countries a necessity to those people where if they make it to the US Soil, they can apply. That was an offshoot of the Muslim game Trump dreamed up in 2017. You are still giving him a free ride.

Yes, it's a mess now and we need to temporarily fund it. And the Embassies are now able to process the applications once again. It's not all Mexican intervention and never was. That's Trump trying to make you look another direction to hide his gaff. No more free rides. We need to get a handle on it and get the Border Patrol back to patrolling the border. Even if it means increasing the funding. But we are paying for a Trump mistake. No more free rides on this one.
waiting on that quote from trump about Muslims, why you avoiding posting it
Nope, they are anti-fascists. Which is why they show up to take on the fascist rightwing neonaziss, kkk and other assorted white supremacists. Unfortunately, some of them do cross the line and attack innocent folks. I condemn such attacks. But I have no problem with them going after fascists.

So now the definition of fascism:

(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc.,and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
(sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
(initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism,especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Definition of fascism | Dictionary.com

Unless you are going to lie about it, these definitions are more left than right. Let's look at that:

A dictator having complete power, and forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism. Now who is it that sends people to opposition rallies to disrupt them? Who is it that stops rallies with threats or violence? Who is it that marches in protest at their colleges to stop conservative speakers? Who is it that sent government agencies to spy on a political opponent and even illegally submitted false documents to get surveillance warrants? Who said that you should "shout them down" anytime you are in presence of conservatives at a restaurant?

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

Regimenting all industry and commerce. How, by lowering their taxes and removing regulations?

Who is it that "regimented" industries like Solyndara, Planned Parenthood, electric cars manufacturers, trial lawyers? Who uses taxpayer money to subsidize windmill and solar panel industries and instillation? Who closed down auto dealerships?
No one "regimented" those companies. There are all (or were) privately owned.

And the ones where Trump lowered their taxes and removed regulations were not?
Put 100 people in a room and ask them if they have gained anything at all with scum bags tax cut for the rich and they will just laugh at you. Regulations are there to protect us, not from the slime of big government but protect us from the slime of big business , These regulation cutting ding dong's on the right are here trying to convince us that big business can be trusted to take care of us , These people want a nanny state having big business take care of us. Ya sure they can be trusted, I trust government 100 times over big business, simply because of the influence of money profits in big business. Without regulations they would eat our children for their bottom line.

Those tax cuts and regulation removals are responsible for the economy we have today. Lowest unemployment in nearly 50 years, and at this pace, we are likely to beat that record as well. Consumer confidence at it's highest level. Small business confidence at record levels since polling started. Lowest unemployment for minorities since records were kept. Household income hitting a new high along with the constant stock market records.

Unless somebody is totally ignorant of tax filings, most people would say tax cuts have worked for them, especially if they filed their 2018 returns. Next year the Commie Care fine will be removed, and there will be even more of a savings for POOR AND MIDDLE-CLASS families.

Most people benefited from rich to poor with Trump's tax policies. Get with the program.
Unless you can show me ,with a chart, that shows that anything changed as far as the rate of increase in any aspects of our economy from Obama's presidency till now , then this is still Obama's economy , every chart representing all aspects of our economy show either a slowdown when scum bag came into office or staying flat , holding the same rate on increase as Obamas years in office, You can't do this because there isn't any chart that shows that scum bag contributed in any way to our economy , To repeat myself for the hundredth time , it is only Scum bags economy if he did anything at all to help in any way across the board any aspect of our economy , hell this isn't rocket science .
For the last several days all we've heard is "racist white shooter." - "This Trump's fault!"
Leftist lies, talking points that they got together with their Media whores to create that narrative..

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan ‘leftist’ who supported Elizabeth Warren

This LEFTIST freak was a pathetic Lizzy Fakeass Indian supporter..

You Commies ALWAYS overplay your hand..
What a hoot, this clown also supported Gun control. Here's a real fact that can be verified in many places . In 2018 there was 50 people killed in hate crimes, all of the Killers where right wing sweethearts like you haters here. Not one killer from the left all hater like you . You gave us one example and I gave you 50 , so I win again.

What is a hate crime? A white guy kills a black it’s a hate crime but when a black guy lights a white child on fire or a group of black kids kill a white couple, that’s not s hate crime. When whites trash a mosque it’s a hate crime. When Muslim shoots up an Army base, it’s workplace violence not a hate crime.

Hate crime is a bullshit term create as a tool by you lefties. There is no official definition or consensus on it.
YOU REALLY WOULD SAY ANYTHING TO GET AROUND THIS TRUTH" In 2018 there was 50 people killed in hate crimes, all of the Killers where right wing sweethearts like you haters here. Not one killer from the left all hater like you . You gave us one example and I gave you 50 , so I win again." Your hate crime description is bullshit. Your stuck with the above fact, you can't hide from this by lying or distorting , They are the facts and you haters look like pigs, with these numbers. EVER HATE CRIME MURDER WAS AT THE HAND OF YOUR HATE GROUP YOU CALL A PARTY< OF THE 50 YOU HATERS MURDERED ALL 50

The fallacy with this argument is that only white people are charged with hate crimes. When non whites commit violence or murder against whites, it’s not defined as a hate crime
Get a life , look at the law itself, tell me when a majority needs assistance from the threat of a minority. Read the aw to start with, you showing that you have no clue what it is even.
Perhaps, but that only supports his actions, not his life view on things. However we on the right are at least honest enough to say that all of Warren's rants along with Sander's is not responsible for his actions. Too bad the left has to politicize every damn thing possible.

You are right. He didn't go out and shoot capitalists. If they were shooting capitalists, we'd have fucking BANNED guns by now.

On the other hand, El Paso Guy did go out and shoot Mexicans, because tRump called them invaders, animals, rapists, murderers, and so on.

So where is this evidence of yours that's why he did it? Oh, that's right, the MSM told you that was the reason even though they don't know themselves.

It reminds me of the Gifford's shooting. The first thing to hit the MSM was how Palin used a crosshairs commercial that inspired this nut to shoot Gifford's. Turned out that the guy didn't even know who Palin was. He was obsessed with Gifford's which is why he shot her.

It doesn't matter who a shooter shoots, we don't ban guns because it would be a violation of the US Constitution.
Lets go with the facts here, as far as numbers are concerned. In 2018 50 people where killed in hate crimes in this country ,all of them were killed by right wingers not one was killed by anyone on the left. Nothing else has to be said. By the way in total hate crimes the right makes up 3 out of every 4 instances, You have no argument here either, You always hate it when facts get in the way of your opinions don't you./

Oh please, hate crimes is special protection for those that assault likely Democrat voters. They seldom apply to white people which whites are most of the Republican constituency. You come up with some half-ass site nobody ever heard of before to support your phony claim.
This guy has never heard of the Anti-Defamation League. So how can anyone discuss anything with that level of ignorance.
800 point drop.. Trump is done living off of Obama's hard work.

It dropped like a rock several times during his administration. Each time the MSM sent out the end of the world signals. A few days later, it bounced right back up, just like it did the last time.

One of which fired him for being emotionally unstable and lacking the maturity to be a police officer.

What you don't understand about police work is that IT IS all politics. If you knew a police officer, that's what they would tell you.

Except the TOY was under his coat, and Officer McCryBaby jumped out of the car and immediately started firing...

Geese oh man, why are you commenting on a situation you know so little about? The gun was in his pants. The video showed him pulling it out of his pants just before the officer fired.

Did you actually read the statement, or did the big words confuse you. NOWHETE in that statement did they say, Yup, everything is fine." The reality is, in all these cases, the Federal government doesn't have a lot of standing to get involved...

They do in civil rights cases. What the DOJ said four years ago is that they were following the investigation. They never brought federal charges to the officer so apparently they didn't see anything amiss with the investigation conducted by several law enforcement agencies.

Um, no... they were rightfully upset that justice wasn't done.

But more to the point, the mayor was probably told by legal counsel, "We can't win this case!" Nobody settles for seven figures on a case they can win.

This Mayor is a criminal himself. You don't know this guy from Adam. He is not replacing police officers that are retiring, and some of our police cars are over ten years old. With all the murders we have here, we only have one detective on each shift which is what you would find in most middle-class suburbs. In the meantime, he got Council to pass a 2.5 million dollar expenditure for a dirt bike park. Why a dirt bike park? Because his grandson kept getting busted for riding his dirt bike on the street. Thankfully they rescinded that measure.

If the jerk off even thought about not paying off that pig, it would have been his last term in office. If the officer that shot Tamir was black, the mother wouldn't have gotten twenty cents.
Its Obama's market and it Obama's Economy still. Numbers are the whole story when it comes to our economy, so to the hate party ,show us the numbers, show us were scum bag did anything to help in any way with the economy. This will be represented by numbers not your opinions. Your rating him against Obama so show us the numbers, show us how Scum bags rate of increase of any part of the Economy increased the rate over Obama.. Instead of this non stop bullshit that these clowns are trying to push through here as facts,
800 point drop.. Trump is done living off of Obama's hard work.

It dropped like a rock several times during his administration. Each time the MSM sent out the end of the world signals. A few days later, it bounced right back up, just like it did the last time.

One of which fired him for being emotionally unstable and lacking the maturity to be a police officer.

What you don't understand about police work is that IT IS all politics. If you knew a police officer, that's what they would tell you.

Except the TOY was under his coat, and Officer McCryBaby jumped out of the car and immediately started firing...

Geese oh man, why are you commenting on a situation you know so little about? The gun was in his pants. The video showed him pulling it out of his pants just before the officer fired.

Did you actually read the statement, or did the big words confuse you. NOWHETE in that statement did they say, Yup, everything is fine." The reality is, in all these cases, the Federal government doesn't have a lot of standing to get involved...

They do in civil rights cases. What the DOJ said four years ago is that they were following the investigation. They never brought federal charges to the officer so apparently they didn't see anything amiss with the investigation conducted by several law enforcement agencies.

Um, no... they were rightfully upset that justice wasn't done.

But more to the point, the mayor was probably told by legal counsel, "We can't win this case!" Nobody settles for seven figures on a case they can win.

This Mayor is a criminal himself. You don't know this guy from Adam. He is not replacing police officers that are retiring, and some of our police cars are over ten years old. With all the murders we have here, we only have one detective on each shift which is what you would find in most middle-class suburbs. In the meantime, he got Council to pass a 2.5 million dollar expenditure for a dirt bike park. Why a dirt bike park? Because his grandson kept getting busted for riding his dirt bike on the street. Thankfully they rescinded that measure.

If the jerk off even thought about not paying off that pig, it would have been his last term in office. If the officer that shot Tamir was black, the mother wouldn't have gotten twenty cents.
Its Obama's market and it Obama's Economy still. Numbers are the whole story when it comes to our economy, so to the hate party ,show us the numbers, show us were scum bag did anything to help in any way with the economy. This will be represented by numbers not your opinions. Your rating him against Obama so show us the numbers, show us how Scum bags rate of increase of any part of the Economy increased the rate over Obama.. Instead of this non stop bullshit that these clowns are trying to push through here as facts,

Hiring by US businesses hits a record high

Trump Scoreboard shows acceleration in jobs growth even with unemployment rate at new lows

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

US median household income climbs to new high of $61,372


And these are only a few of TRUMP's accomplishments.

That big-eared bozo has been out of office for nearly three years, yet the totally ignorant are still giving him credit for the work of other people.

Let me explain how an economy works: When the economy is low, there is only one direction it can go, and that is up. When the economy is doing okay, it's much harder to make it great.

I have listed several policies that Trump created to accomplish this feat, you on the other hand cannot tell me one thing DumBama did for the economy, jobs or businesses in general. You are merely giving him credit because he was there, and now giving him credit when he isn't.

Again, anything that happened under DumBama was the result of Quantitive Easing; look it up. Furthermore is the fact that no real impact took place in our economy until the fuel prices drastically decreased which Ears had absolutely nothing to do with. It was fracking that not only gave us the energy to reduce costs, but to be the worlds largest energy supplier. Hussein and the Democrats have long stood against fracking and still do.

I so wish I copied the topic where I predicted this exact scenario. I predicted that once the Republicans got in and crated real jobs instead of the Obama part-time or minimum wage jobs, you on the left would be giving him accolades. I was right then and I'm right now.
So now the definition of fascism:

(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc.,and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
(sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
(initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism,especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Definition of fascism | Dictionary.com

Unless you are going to lie about it, these definitions are more left than right. Let's look at that:

A dictator having complete power, and forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism. Now who is it that sends people to opposition rallies to disrupt them? Who is it that stops rallies with threats or violence? Who is it that marches in protest at their colleges to stop conservative speakers? Who is it that sent government agencies to spy on a political opponent and even illegally submitted false documents to get surveillance warrants? Who said that you should "shout them down" anytime you are in presence of conservatives at a restaurant?

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

Regimenting all industry and commerce. How, by lowering their taxes and removing regulations?

Who is it that "regimented" industries like Solyndara, Planned Parenthood, electric cars manufacturers, trial lawyers? Who uses taxpayer money to subsidize windmill and solar panel industries and instillation? Who closed down auto dealerships?
No one "regimented" those companies. There are all (or were) privately owned.

And the ones where Trump lowered their taxes and removed regulations were not?
Put 100 people in a room and ask them if they have gained anything at all with scum bags tax cut for the rich and they will just laugh at you. Regulations are there to protect us, not from the slime of big government but protect us from the slime of big business , These regulation cutting ding dong's on the right are here trying to convince us that big business can be trusted to take care of us , These people want a nanny state having big business take care of us. Ya sure they can be trusted, I trust government 100 times over big business, simply because of the influence of money profits in big business. Without regulations they would eat our children for their bottom line.

Those tax cuts and regulation removals are responsible for the economy we have today. Lowest unemployment in nearly 50 years, and at this pace, we are likely to beat that record as well. Consumer confidence at it's highest level. Small business confidence at record levels since polling started. Lowest unemployment for minorities since records were kept. Household income hitting a new high along with the constant stock market records.

Unless somebody is totally ignorant of tax filings, most people would say tax cuts have worked for them, especially if they filed their 2018 returns. Next year the Commie Care fine will be removed, and there will be even more of a savings for POOR AND MIDDLE-CLASS families.

Most people benefited from rich to poor with Trump's tax policies. Get with the program.
Unless you can show me ,with a chart, that shows that anything changed as far as the rate of increase in any aspects of our economy from Obama's presidency till now , then this is still Obama's economy , every chart representing all aspects of our economy show either a slowdown when scum bag came into office or staying flat , holding the same rate on increase as Obamas years in office, You can't do this because there isn't any chart that shows that scum bag contributed in any way to our economy , To repeat myself for the hundredth time , it is only Scum bags economy if he did anything at all to help in any way across the board any aspect of our economy , hell this isn't rocket science .

It must be rocket science to you because you still can't figure it out.

How much lower can unemployment get than the lowest in 49 years? When was the last time in our country when we had several million more jobs than people to fill them?
For the last several days all we've heard is "racist white shooter." - "This Trump's fault!"
Leftist lies, talking points that they got together with their Media whores to create that narrative..

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan ‘leftist’ who supported Elizabeth Warren

This LEFTIST freak was a pathetic Lizzy Fakeass Indian supporter..

You Commies ALWAYS overplay your hand..
What a hoot, this clown also supported Gun control. Here's a real fact that can be verified in many places . In 2018 there was 50 people killed in hate crimes, all of the Killers where right wing sweethearts like you haters here. Not one killer from the left all hater like you . You gave us one example and I gave you 50 , so I win again.

What is a hate crime? A white guy kills a black it’s a hate crime but when a black guy lights a white child on fire or a group of black kids kill a white couple, that’s not s hate crime. When whites trash a mosque it’s a hate crime. When Muslim shoots up an Army base, it’s workplace violence not a hate crime.

Hate crime is a bullshit term create as a tool by you lefties. There is no official definition or consensus on it.
YOU REALLY WOULD SAY ANYTHING TO GET AROUND THIS TRUTH" In 2018 there was 50 people killed in hate crimes, all of the Killers where right wing sweethearts like you haters here. Not one killer from the left all hater like you . You gave us one example and I gave you 50 , so I win again." Your hate crime description is bullshit. Your stuck with the above fact, you can't hide from this by lying or distorting , They are the facts and you haters look like pigs, with these numbers. EVER HATE CRIME MURDER WAS AT THE HAND OF YOUR HATE GROUP YOU CALL A PARTY< OF THE 50 YOU HATERS MURDERED ALL 50

The fallacy with this argument is that only white people are charged with hate crimes. When non whites commit violence or murder against whites, it’s not defined as a hate crime
Get a life , look at the law itself, tell me when a majority needs assistance from the threat of a minority. Read the aw to start with, you showing that you have no clue what it is even.

It’s a bullshit tool designed to make liberals feel good about themselves. Rarely, if ever, are non-whites charged with hate crimes. White shoots a non-white, it’s a hate crime. Non-whites torture and kill a white couple, not a hate crime.
That's how low the Democrats have sunk...

You mean that they will nominate someone with 40 years of experience in government instead of a racist game show host?

Yeah, man, that's crazy talk.

Tell you what, next time you want to fly somewhere, we'll give you a choice of a pilot with decades of experience, or a whacky game show host who has never flown a plane before.

Let me know which one you go with.
You can't change the fact that the Nazi Party in the US backs Trump. They have NEVER backed either the Democratic nor the Republican party. But they do back the party of Trump. Why is that? Now, you can lie out your ass like you are doing now. Or you can try and spin history where you claim the old Nazis were Socialists when in fact they were right wing fascists. Well, here is Merrian Webster's definition, not the bastarized BS you keep claiming. You will see that if Trump were left unchecked this is exactly where things would lead.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

BTW, Mussolini and his government fit that same definition as did Hitler and his nazi government. Fascism fights to defeat liberal Democracy as well as any form of Socialism. It uses unfettered Capitalism to get and keep it's power. But you keep rewriting history and lying out your ass. You keep covering for your Fuehrer. You keep disregarding the damage that's being done in this extremely important time in history. But when your Fuehrer is done and the Republican Party rebuilds (should take it about 10 years) the damage that an unchecked Democratic Party and it's leftist ways without moderation will be on your butt. I probably won't be alive to see it but my Grand Kids will be. But they are going to have to pay off the debt as will their Grand Children.

So what damage do you speak of? The great economy, low taxes, what?

The debt increases regardless who is President, so that seems to be a problem nobody can stop. The right wants to use money to protect the country and take less from citizens, and the left wants to use the money for......yes.......socialism.

I just explained why they back up Trump, and that is Trump is attending to (or trying to) the border problem. Even the Nazi's are smart enough to see the entire Democrat plan, and that is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history. When they succeed in that, we will be taking the first step towards ending the Great Experiment.

I read "Free Ride, Free Ride, Free Ride" over and over again. The Debt can be take care of. Yes it takes years and decades but it can be taken care. But it has to start. The ones you insult by calling them Rinos are almost all Fiscal Conservatives. That was the main focus of the Republican Party before the Party of Trump and of course Bush Jr.. AFter the party of Trump is gone, it's going to take at least 10 years to put the Republican Party back together again where it can become a Fiscal force once again. So don't give me that crap that no one can do anything about it. That's just another free ride.

The Border Problem was created by Trump who went after the Muslims. It just so happens that it affected the southern borders as an after thought. The 2000 and 3000 person carvans didn't exist before. Before, the seekers could either make their way to the US Embassy in their respective countries or jump across to another country and apply there. About 15% were approved and there were non profit agencies that would assist them getting to the US and doing all the paperwork. But when that was ended, here they came, all of them. What was left was that they had to get into the US and apply for asylum in the US. Once more, you just gave another free ride. You will notice that the 2000 and 3000 person caravans have stopped. It isn't just Mexico putting a stop to it. They can now apply for asylum in different countries at the US Embasies like it always we before your Goon screwed the pooch. But everyone is stuck with the thousands that are already at the border now and they have no way or how to go anywhere else.

Speaking of taking less from the Citizens. My Taxes went up. My Medicare went down, my Tricare went down. yes, others benefited from it but NOT the seniors that paid into the Social Security all of their lives. And that isn't Trumps money. It's MY money and he is just stealing.

What country do you live in? The southern border has been a problem for generations. Even Reagan addressed this problem when he gave amnesty to all those illegals. The Democrats promised if he did that, they would take action on the border which they never did. This hardly started with Trump.

Invaders are using our own system against us. They know when they get here, they will never be granted asylum in most cases. But in the past, YES, THE PAST, they were given court dates which they never attended; at least not the final one where the final decision was made. But they applied for asylum because it was a way to enter the country without crossing rivers or deserts. After they applied, we let them in to wait years for their date. It has nothing to do with being able to apply elsewhere.

The slowdown is because of Mexico's actions on their southern border. Every border agent I seen being interviewed credits Trump with that. As for your Medicare or SS, if you live the average lifespan in this country, you will withdraw much, much more than you put in. That's why the system is failing.

If we want to keep these programs (and most Americans do) then we need to fund them. That's all. I haven't had a raise in SS or Medicare deductions in many years, even decades with Medicare. How is it insurance companies have to keep raising rates annually, and the government, not one cent????

It used to be a very much smaller problem when we primarily had only to deal with Mexicans illegally entering into the US. Hardly any children. The Border Patrol knew how to handle that and had the manpower, resources and training to do that job. But the refusal of the Embassies in the other countries to accept the applications for entry made the journey from the top 3 Central American Countries a necessity to those people where if they make it to the US Soil, they can apply. That was an offshoot of the Muslim game Trump dreamed up in 2017. You are still giving him a free ride.

Yes, it's a mess now and we need to temporarily fund it. And the Embassies are now able to process the applications once again. It's not all Mexican intervention and never was. That's Trump trying to make you look another direction to hide his gaff. No more free rides. We need to get a handle on it and get the Border Patrol back to patrolling the border. Even if it means increasing the funding. But we are paying for a Trump mistake. No more free rides on this one.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Asylum claims always had to be made on our land. After Trump ordered foreigners to apply at their embassies, a liberal judge stopped it, just like they stopped him from refusing asylum claims if they didn't come in at a point of entry.

Nearly all of Trump's attempts to control the border were stopped by congressional Democrats or commie activist judges. Left without resistance, the border problems would be pretty much solved today. All the great ideas to control the problem came from Trump, and stopped by Democrats, because Democrats want as many of these vermin in the country as they can get.

Trump created the problem. He stopped the asylum seekers ability to apply at "Friendly" countries US Embassies until just about a month ago. His target was to stop Muslims from the Middle East but that change in policy had a negative affect in Central America. People used to jump the border into Mexico, apply at the nearest US Embassy, get the process started, go back to their home countries and wait. About 15% of these applications were approved. There were non profits that would then assist the ones that were approved in the paperwork, transportation and financial to get to the United States and usually have a job waiting for them. The President has complete autonomy over this. When he stopped this method due to his Muslim scare, it caused thousands of people from central America to have no choice but to make the journey to the US Borders and take advantage of the Feet Dry law that a President doesn't have any control over.

To add to the disaster, there is an exerpt from a Refugee and Asylum page.
Refugees and Asylees in the United States
In 2017, the Trump administration implemented increased vetting for refugees, citing security concerns; this slowed the process of admissions. Furthermore, President Trump reduced the number of refugees the United States accepts annually—first reducing the 110,000 level originally set for FY 2017 by the Obama administration to 50,000, then to 45,000 for FY 2018, and to a record low of 30,000 for FY 2019. Approximately 15,000 refugees had been resettled during the first seven months of FY 2019 (October 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019).

So the numbers at the border continued to pile up due to the lessening of the immigration numbers. And the fact that the immigrants could no longer apply for asylum in friendly countries force then to make it to the US Borders and apply feet dry. Before, the ones that weren't approved by the US Embassies in the Friendly Countries knew that they would also not be approved at the border so they didn't make the journey. Yes, some did with the express intention of illegal crossing but the majority just went home. Trumps policies brought this into being. It became an Emergency only after the Trump Policy Changes directed at the Muslim Nations also affected the Central American Nations. Trump didn't think this one out very well and it blew up in all our faces. So don't give him another free ride on this one. You do that too much already.
That's how low the Democrats have sunk...

You mean that they will nominate someone with 40 years of experience in government instead of a racist game show host?

Yeah, man, that's crazy talk.

Tell you what, next time you want to fly somewhere, we'll give you a choice of a pilot with decades of experience, or a whacky game show host who has never flown a plane before.

Let me know which one you go with.

Will it be the game of the Week? Is it sweeps week? Oh, pick me, Pick Me!.
It dropped like a rock several times during his administration. Each time the MSM sent out the end of the world signals. A few days later, it bounced right back up, just like it did the last time.

Yeah, this time's different.... everyone is heading for the exits..

So WHEN the Trump Recession comes, does that still make him a good president?

What you don't understand about police work is that IT IS all politics. If you knew a police officer, that's what they would tell you.

I know a lot of cops... none of them would have wanted to ride with a guy who broke down in a crying jag on a gun range.

Geese oh man, why are you commenting on a situation you know so little about? The gun was in his pants. The video showed him pulling it out of his pants just before the officer fired.

So you got a still showing that? Because I've looked at that tape, the kid is just standing there when this cop car barrels down on him, Officer McCrybaby jumps out and blows him away.

They do in civil rights cases. What the DOJ said four years ago is that they were following the investigation. They never brought federal charges to the officer so apparently they didn't see anything amiss with the investigation conducted by several law enforcement agencies.

Or they realized they had no jurisdiction... Now, part of the problem with Holder is that he tended to run his mouth without checking what his actual legal options were, which is why he made a lot of noise about Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown when he really couldn't do anything.

This Mayor is a criminal himself. You don't know this guy from Adam. He is not replacing police officers that are retiring, and some of our police cars are over ten years old.

I've been to your city.. it doesn't look like you have the revenue for that.

With all the murders we have here, we only have one detective on each shift which is what you would find in most middle-class suburbs.

sounds to me like you have poor priorities...

In the meantime, he got Council to pass a 2.5 million dollar expenditure for a dirt bike park. Why a dirt bike park? Because his grandson kept getting busted for riding his dirt bike on the street. Thankfully they rescinded that measure.

So someone realized that you didn't have the money for something that was probably a good idea... but um, if your cops are so overworked that they can't solve murders, WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING BUSTING KIDS RIDING BIKES!?!?

I guess we should be glad the mayor's grandson didn't run into Officer McCrybaby, he'd have probably shot him.

If the jerk off even thought about not paying off that pig, it would have been his last term in office. If the officer that shot Tamir was black, the mother wouldn't have gotten twenty cents.

Well, let's look at that. Even though Cleveland is only 39% White, it's police department is 64% white... And they have to import guys like Crybaby Loehmann to keep it white, I guess.
For the last several days all we've heard is "racist white shooter." - "This Trump's fault!"
Leftist lies, talking points that they got together with their Media whores to create that narrative..

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan ‘leftist’ who supported Elizabeth Warren

This LEFTIST freak was a pathetic Lizzy Fakeass Indian supporter..

You Commies ALWAYS overplay your hand..
What a hoot, this clown also supported Gun control. Here's a real fact that can be verified in many places . In 2018 there was 50 people killed in hate crimes, all of the Killers where right wing sweethearts like you haters here. Not one killer from the left all hater like you . You gave us one example and I gave you 50 , so I win again.

What is a hate crime? A white guy kills a black it’s a hate crime but when a black guy lights a white child on fire or a group of black kids kill a white couple, that’s not s hate crime. When whites trash a mosque it’s a hate crime. When Muslim shoots up an Army base, it’s workplace violence not a hate crime.

Hate crime is a bullshit term create as a tool by you lefties. There is no official definition or consensus on it.
try looking up the actual hate crime law before you post on it with such ignorance...seriously, it's not as you state.
Again, anything that happened under DumBama was the result of Quantitive Easing; look it up. Furthermore is the fact that no real impact took place in our economy until the fuel prices drastically decreased which Ears had absolutely nothing to do with. It was fracking that not only gave us the energy to reduce costs, but to be the worlds largest energy supplier. Hussein and the Democrats have long stood against fracking and still do.

$3.33 at the pump today? What cheap gas?

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