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Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

Big business doesn't set the prices, the commodity market actually does. $2.80 is reasonable considering our new Governor put a 10 cents per gallon road tax on the fuel; 19 cents per gallon on diesel. Given our economy and prices of fuel in the past, we are not doing all that bad.

Yes, keep bending over for big oil... and let them send someone else's kid over to die to keep the oil flowing.

You are such a tool.

You have no idea what he did or said in that hearing. It was pretty closed up. As always, you are making assumptions and convincing yourself it is truth.

Actually, we know exactly what he did. He called a grand jury AFTER a judge had ALREADY RULED that there was sufficient evidence to prosecute Officer Crybaby.

I have no problem with anybody carrying a firearm legally. I do have a problem with hoods carrying them while selling dope. The point is that much of his family are criminals and problems. Yet the geniuses keep voting the guy in over and over again.

He must be doing an awesome job then, unlike McGinty, who got his ass voted out.

We had a quadruple murder last month. It happened ten houses from where I grew up until the age of 7. Back then, it was the safest neighborhood anybody could imagine. We lived upstairs in a double home owned by my grandparents, and they lived downstairs. A lot of people didn't have AC back then, so my grandparents would leave the front door open in the summer and place a fan in front of the screen door. Never a problem. People used to take walks at night, never a problem. Today, you'd be nuts to live there without a gun.

When you were growing up, Cleveland had industry and jobs... The fact that you can't see the correlation between crime and the war on the working class the rich are conducting is kind of the problem here. You'll just blame the darkies.
nonsense , I challenge you to bring any economical chart from the beginning of Obama's Presidency through the 3 years of scum bag, the magic turd time in office and show us scum bags massive influence on our economy , you can't because the charts ether slow down the rate of increase over Obama or are the same. He has done nothing other then lies that micro minds are controlled by.
You can't show me on any chart how something he has done has effected Obama's Market. Literally if no one was in office it would be the same or better. Your the type of commie boot licker who I can't get any more then the first sentence of your comment out and I always have to stop their because it is such bullshit. Sometimes not even a full sentence,

Commie boot lickers? Tell me, who did the US Communist Party endorse in the Hillary election? How about the Obama election? How about Sanders?

If you look at the US Communist Party manifesto, you would see very few differences between their platform and the Democrat platform. What you would also note is their utter disdain for President Bush, President Trump, and even President Reagan.

You can't name me one policy of DumBama that was responsible for the economic turn around. If you can, tell me, which one was it? Increasing business taxes? Increasing their regulations? Burdening them with Commie Care? What?????

DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. He has regulated many businesses out of existence. It's why we had the slowest post recession growth during his time in office. He was not responsible for that. The Federal reserve was with Quantitive Easing. Businesses (taking advantage of that) were also responsible.
Funny and who in the election did the Nazi party the KKK and the white supremacist endorse. The market is always sensitive to who's elected as president and know from the facts that electing a democrat is a major plus for them as investors and a total complete disaster over time electing a right winger as president. This isn't complicated, simply look at what happened literally the day Obama's was put into office.The market reversed course and flew to where it is now and now is still Obama's economy. There is no chart from the beginning of Obama's presidency till now that you can find that shows anything other then the fact that you can't see any increase in the rate of increase but does in a few charts shows a slow down when scum bag was elected. You surely can't win this argument because other then lies and distortion you have no response.
The idiots from the right that are pointing at the democrats being Socialist and communist are just straight out stupid. There is a definition of socialism and communism and there is no major tenet of them that would suggest any way that there is any communists or socialist governing any where in this country. Simple proof, there is one tenet that has to exist for theere to be either communism or socialism and that is that the means of production is owned and run by government and the sales of their products is also charged to the government. There is none of that anywhere in this country nor is their anyone on the left that is promoting it, Your party charge of us being communist or socialist is straight out stupid with a capital S.

Really? So explain how an admitted Socialist is running for the second time as the nominee for the Democrat party. Explain how the most popular Congresswoman on the left is also an admitted Socialist.

Of course they don't have the power to rule anything yet. There are not enough of them in the party. But as time progresses, so does the Democrat party. They are stepping over Socialism right into Communism.

As for Trump supporters, of course they are behind him in only one regards, and that is his tough stance on border control. Most of the immigrants are coming from the south, not Europe.

The true Nazi's are actually the Democrats in every other way. They spent nearly three years trying to overturn a fair election. Democrats feel they own this country, and anybody against their power is a threat to the state. Piglosi and the Democrats just issued a warning to the Supreme Court about their ruling on cases. A threat to the Supreme Court? This is what I'm talking about. They don't respect who the people chose, and they certainly don't respect their choices for the courts. Sorry, but we live in an elective Republic, and that's how we do things.

You can't change the fact that the Nazi Party in the US backs Trump. They have NEVER backed either the Democratic nor the Republican party. But they do back the party of Trump. Why is that? Now, you can lie out your ass like you are doing now. Or you can try and spin history where you claim the old Nazis were Socialists when in fact they were right wing fascists. Well, here is Merrian Webster's definition, not the bastarized BS you keep claiming. You will see that if Trump were left unchecked this is exactly where things would lead.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

BTW, Mussolini and his government fit that same definition as did Hitler and his nazi government. Fascism fights to defeat liberal Democracy as well as any form of Socialism. It uses unfettered Capitalism to get and keep it's power. But you keep rewriting history and lying out your ass. You keep covering for your Fuehrer. You keep disregarding the damage that's being done in this extremely important time in history. But when your Fuehrer is done and the Republican Party rebuilds (should take it about 10 years) the damage that an unchecked Democratic Party and it's leftist ways without moderation will be on your butt. I probably won't be alive to see it but my Grand Kids will be. But they are going to have to pay off the debt as will their Grand Children.

So? Just cause the Nazi party backed Trump doesnt mean Trump.backs or supports the Nazi party. Any more than if the communist party supports a Democrat means the Democrats support the communist. Who by the way, killed more people than the Nazis ever did.
He thinks they're very fine people.
Commie boot lickers? Tell me, who did the US Communist Party endorse in the Hillary election? How about the Obama election? How about Sanders?

If you look at the US Communist Party manifesto, you would see very few differences between their platform and the Democrat platform. What you would also note is their utter disdain for President Bush, President Trump, and even President Reagan.

You can't name me one policy of DumBama that was responsible for the economic turn around. If you can, tell me, which one was it? Increasing business taxes? Increasing their regulations? Burdening them with Commie Care? What?????

DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. He has regulated many businesses out of existence. It's why we had the slowest post recession growth during his time in office. He was not responsible for that. The Federal reserve was with Quantitive Easing. Businesses (taking advantage of that) were also responsible.
Funny and who in the election did the Nazi party the KKK and the white supremacist endorse. The market is always sensitive to who's elected as president and know from the facts that electing a democrat is a major plus for them as investors and a total complete disaster over time electing a right winger as president. This isn't complicated, simply look at what happened literally the day Obama's was put into office.The market reversed course and flew to where it is now and now is still Obama's economy. There is no chart from the beginning of Obama's presidency till now that you can find that shows anything other then the fact that you can't see any increase in the rate of increase but does in a few charts shows a slow down when scum bag was elected. You surely can't win this argument because other then lies and distortion you have no response.
The idiots from the right that are pointing at the democrats being Socialist and communist are just straight out stupid. There is a definition of socialism and communism and there is no major tenet of them that would suggest any way that there is any communists or socialist governing any where in this country. Simple proof, there is one tenet that has to exist for theere to be either communism or socialism and that is that the means of production is owned and run by government and the sales of their products is also charged to the government. There is none of that anywhere in this country nor is their anyone on the left that is promoting it, Your party charge of us being communist or socialist is straight out stupid with a capital S.

Really? So explain how an admitted Socialist is running for the second time as the nominee for the Democrat party. Explain how the most popular Congresswoman on the left is also an admitted Socialist.

Of course they don't have the power to rule anything yet. There are not enough of them in the party. But as time progresses, so does the Democrat party. They are stepping over Socialism right into Communism.

As for Trump supporters, of course they are behind him in only one regards, and that is his tough stance on border control. Most of the immigrants are coming from the south, not Europe.

The true Nazi's are actually the Democrats in every other way. They spent nearly three years trying to overturn a fair election. Democrats feel they own this country, and anybody against their power is a threat to the state. Piglosi and the Democrats just issued a warning to the Supreme Court about their ruling on cases. A threat to the Supreme Court? This is what I'm talking about. They don't respect who the people chose, and they certainly don't respect their choices for the courts. Sorry, but we live in an elective Republic, and that's how we do things.

You can't change the fact that the Nazi Party in the US backs Trump. They have NEVER backed either the Democratic nor the Republican party. But they do back the party of Trump. Why is that? Now, you can lie out your ass like you are doing now. Or you can try and spin history where you claim the old Nazis were Socialists when in fact they were right wing fascists. Well, here is Merrian Webster's definition, not the bastarized BS you keep claiming. You will see that if Trump were left unchecked this is exactly where things would lead.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

BTW, Mussolini and his government fit that same definition as did Hitler and his nazi government. Fascism fights to defeat liberal Democracy as well as any form of Socialism. It uses unfettered Capitalism to get and keep it's power. But you keep rewriting history and lying out your ass. You keep covering for your Fuehrer. You keep disregarding the damage that's being done in this extremely important time in history. But when your Fuehrer is done and the Republican Party rebuilds (should take it about 10 years) the damage that an unchecked Democratic Party and it's leftist ways without moderation will be on your butt. I probably won't be alive to see it but my Grand Kids will be. But they are going to have to pay off the debt as will their Grand Children.

So? Just cause the Nazi party backed Trump doesnt mean Trump.backs or supports the Nazi party. Any more than if the communist party supports a Democrat means the Democrats support the communist. Who by the way, killed more people than the Nazis ever did.

Putin, the Commie, backs Trump. So does that mean Trump is both Commie and Nazi? Or is that just the voices in his head.

My point exactly. Just cause one group or one person supports someone it doesn't mean that person supports the group or ideals. In this case Trump has said more than once how white supremacy is bad. He has never said any where or at any time, anything about supporting Nazis.
Ohhhhhh shittttt Well lookie lookie...

The Ohio gunman described himself on social media as a pro-Satan “leftist” who wanted Joe Biden’s generation to die off, hated President Trump and law enforcement, and hoped to vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president.
To be fair righties kill a lot more, they are also encouraged by the presidents rethoric.

You mean like the Ohio killer was not affected by talk of putting kids in cages, calling detention centers concentration camps,, and telling the public they make people drink out of toilets?
You noticed I said righties do it more ? FBI director appointed by trump recognizes the rise of hate crimes from white nationalists...debunk it with alt facts? Or you are a sympathizer ?

So where is this white nationalist organization at? How do we identify them? Do they wear uniforms or something?

White nationalism is a made up term by the left. Kooks are not part of any organization, they are simply kooks that kill people in large numbers just like what happened under Hussein.

During this weekend, one was a paranoid white guy who felt threatened by minorities. The other was a Satin worshiper that loves Elizabeth Warren. Neither were part of any organization. Again, just kooks. But for us on the right to assign blame to Warren is just as stupid as those on the left placing blame on Trump. In fact with the guy in El Paso, his other issues were more left than right.

White nationalists have no organization which is what makes them so deadly. They are lone wolves for the most part however they are aware of what others do. The El Paso shooter cited the New Zealand shooter wo attacked mosques.

White nationalism is not made up. The El Paso shooter was a white nationalist. He was not a kook. He went all the way to El Paso to kill Hispanics.

"Main gun: AK46 (WASR 10) – I realized pretty quickly that this isn’t a great choice since it’s the civilian version of the ak47. It’s not designed to shoot rounds quickly, so it overheats massively after about 100 shots fired in quick succession. I’ll have to use a heat-resistant glove to get around this.

8m3 bullet: The bullet, unlike pretty much any other 7.62×39 bullet, actually fragments like a pistol hollow point when shot out of an ak47 at the cost of penetration. Penetration is still reasonable, but not nearly as a normal ak47 bullet. The ak47 is definitely a bad choice without this bullet design, and may still be with it.

The other gun(if I get one): the ar15 – Pretty much any variation of this gun doesn’t heat up nearly as fast as the AK47. The round of this gun isn’t designed to fragment, but instead tumbles inside a target causing lethal wounding. This gun is probably better, but I wanted to explore different options. The ar15 is probably the best gun for military applications but this isn’t a military application.

This will be a test of which is more lethal, either it’s fragmentation or tumbling.

I didn’t spend much time preparing for this attack. Maybe a month, probably less. I have to do this before I lose my nerve. I figured that an under-prepared attack and a meh manifesto is better than no attack and no manifesto."

This is not the ramblings of a madman. This is someone who thought this out carefully. Very few mass shootings are done by kooks.

Trump is partially to blame as he has encouraged hostility towards Hispanics by using terms such as invasion, invader, animals, rapists and murderers. Please name the talking points that Warren used to make the Dayton shooter violent. For the El Paso shooter, immigration was is number 1 issue and that is why he went to El Paso.

Sorry, no matter how hard you try you can't run from the fact that the guy was a leftist. He was also a racist. Obama also called it an invasion. So is he to blame to?

Are you also one that says video games and rap songs and movies can encourage violence?
Commie boot lickers? Tell me, who did the US Communist Party endorse in the Hillary election? How about the Obama election? How about Sanders?

If you look at the US Communist Party manifesto, you would see very few differences between their platform and the Democrat platform. What you would also note is their utter disdain for President Bush, President Trump, and even President Reagan.

You can't name me one policy of DumBama that was responsible for the economic turn around. If you can, tell me, which one was it? Increasing business taxes? Increasing their regulations? Burdening them with Commie Care? What?????

DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. He has regulated many businesses out of existence. It's why we had the slowest post recession growth during his time in office. He was not responsible for that. The Federal reserve was with Quantitive Easing. Businesses (taking advantage of that) were also responsible.
Funny and who in the election did the Nazi party the KKK and the white supremacist endorse. The market is always sensitive to who's elected as president and know from the facts that electing a democrat is a major plus for them as investors and a total complete disaster over time electing a right winger as president. This isn't complicated, simply look at what happened literally the day Obama's was put into office.The market reversed course and flew to where it is now and now is still Obama's economy. There is no chart from the beginning of Obama's presidency till now that you can find that shows anything other then the fact that you can't see any increase in the rate of increase but does in a few charts shows a slow down when scum bag was elected. You surely can't win this argument because other then lies and distortion you have no response.
The idiots from the right that are pointing at the democrats being Socialist and communist are just straight out stupid. There is a definition of socialism and communism and there is no major tenet of them that would suggest any way that there is any communists or socialist governing any where in this country. Simple proof, there is one tenet that has to exist for theere to be either communism or socialism and that is that the means of production is owned and run by government and the sales of their products is also charged to the government. There is none of that anywhere in this country nor is their anyone on the left that is promoting it, Your party charge of us being communist or socialist is straight out stupid with a capital S.

Really? So explain how an admitted Socialist is running for the second time as the nominee for the Democrat party. Explain how the most popular Congresswoman on the left is also an admitted Socialist.

Of course they don't have the power to rule anything yet. There are not enough of them in the party. But as time progresses, so does the Democrat party. They are stepping over Socialism right into Communism.

As for Trump supporters, of course they are behind him in only one regards, and that is his tough stance on border control. Most of the immigrants are coming from the south, not Europe.

The true Nazi's are actually the Democrats in every other way. They spent nearly three years trying to overturn a fair election. Democrats feel they own this country, and anybody against their power is a threat to the state. Piglosi and the Democrats just issued a warning to the Supreme Court about their ruling on cases. A threat to the Supreme Court? This is what I'm talking about. They don't respect who the people chose, and they certainly don't respect their choices for the courts. Sorry, but we live in an elective Republic, and that's how we do things.

You can't change the fact that the Nazi Party in the US backs Trump. They have NEVER backed either the Democratic nor the Republican party. But they do back the party of Trump. Why is that? Now, you can lie out your ass like you are doing now. Or you can try and spin history where you claim the old Nazis were Socialists when in fact they were right wing fascists. Well, here is Merrian Webster's definition, not the bastarized BS you keep claiming. You will see that if Trump were left unchecked this is exactly where things would lead.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

BTW, Mussolini and his government fit that same definition as did Hitler and his nazi government. Fascism fights to defeat liberal Democracy as well as any form of Socialism. It uses unfettered Capitalism to get and keep it's power. But you keep rewriting history and lying out your ass. You keep covering for your Fuehrer. You keep disregarding the damage that's being done in this extremely important time in history. But when your Fuehrer is done and the Republican Party rebuilds (should take it about 10 years) the damage that an unchecked Democratic Party and it's leftist ways without moderation will be on your butt. I probably won't be alive to see it but my Grand Kids will be. But they are going to have to pay off the debt as will their Grand Children.

So? Just cause the Nazi party backed Trump doesnt mean Trump.backs or supports the Nazi party. Any more than if the communist party supports a Democrat means the Democrats support the communist. Who by the way, killed more people than the Nazis ever did.
He thinks they're very fine people.

That's already been proven over and over to be a false flag. Yet leftists keep repeating the lie like they always do. They live by the mantra of " if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it." I guess you are evidence of that.
So you have no answer to my question.


Here's another question you can't answer... since you anti-Antifa, and Antifa is anti-fascist-- doesn't that make you pro-fascist?

Antifa is not anti-fascist, they area anti-American.
Nope, they are anti-fascists. Which is why they show up to take on the fascist rightwing neonaziss, kkk and other assorted white supremacists. Unfortunately, some of them do cross the line and attack innocent folks. I condemn such attacks. But I have no problem with them going after fascists.

So now the definition of fascism:

(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc.,and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
(sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
(initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism,especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Definition of fascism | Dictionary.com

Unless you are going to lie about it, these definitions are more left than right. Let's look at that:

A dictator having complete power, and forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism. Now who is it that sends people to opposition rallies to disrupt them? Who is it that stops rallies with threats or violence? Who is it that marches in protest at their colleges to stop conservative speakers? Who is it that sent government agencies to spy on a political opponent and even illegally submitted false documents to get surveillance warrants? Who said that you should "shout them down" anytime you are in presence of conservatives at a restaurant?

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

Regimenting all industry and commerce. How, by lowering their taxes and removing regulations?

Who is it that "regimented" industries like Solyndara, Planned Parenthood, electric cars manufacturers, trial lawyers? Who uses taxpayer money to subsidize windmill and solar panel industries and instillation? Who closed down auto dealerships?
No one "regimented" those companies. There are all (or were) privately owned.

And the ones where Trump lowered their taxes and removed regulations were not?

What Trump is pushing is pure capitalism. One in which businesses get what they want at the expense of others. Businesses saw their taxes lowered by taking deductions from ordinary people. Some of the regulations were needed and were removed but some were needed. In the last few weeks, trump wants to allow a gold mining company to mine in Alaska which would destroy the ecosystem in Alaska and gut the Endangered Species Act.
Only republicans would take the word of a murderer on its face value.
/—-/ Oh, but if he said he was a pro 2nd Amendment Trump supporter you and your leftard buddies would be all over it.

I don't have lefttard buddies. Democrats hate me because I I have libertarian impulses (except on guns) and vote Green. Greens hate me because I oppose the $15 minimum wage and support nuclear over wind/solar. Republicans hate me because they hate everybody. I am a pilgrim in an unholy land everywhere I go.
/—-/ Republicans don’t hate everyone. Stop with the Strawman arguments.

Trump has said he could shoot someone and face no consequences...

Trump at rallies joked about shooting immigrants...

He has said white supremacy groups are good people..

Liz Warren has never used language like this:
Warren spoke to WBSM, a New Bedford, Mass-based station, after holding a town hall at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. About five minutes into the interview, WBSM host Tim Dunn brought up the presence of violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville, Va., and asked Warren to explicitly condemn left-wing violence.

"Absent the presence of white nationalists, left-wing protesters threw bottles of urine and rocks at police officers. The same occurred last night at the president's rally. Are you prepared to condemn violence on that part of the left-wing agitators, such as Antifa, as you have the right-wing nationalist group?" Dunn asked.

"Violence is not the way to go. Violence is not the way to advance our interests," Warren responded.

Let's be very clear, Democrats want nothing to do Antifa, they are small and offer nothing to the left.

So you think flakes don't react to claims by the left that President Trump is a white nationalist? That our detention centers are concentration camps? That Trump is putting kids in the Obama cages? That detainees are told to drink toilet water if they are thirsty?

View attachment 273147

I defy you to post one video where Trump said that white supremacists are good people; those words exactly.

The fact is that trump has cut funding for programs to fight right wing extremist groups. Clearly he has ignored the rise of white nationalists in this country which kills more people than Islamic terrorists.
Pro Satan? Sounds like a closet Christian to me.

Nut job religionist for sure. Regardless, every American, left or right should condemn these violent acts.

The right certainly condemns them. The left looks for ways to turn them into political opportunities to promote their agendas.

Sure pal, the rabid right does the very same thing the loony left does. This thread for example and the numerous ways the ballpark nutjobs acts were politicizes. Most regular people left and right will condemn them all.

So what political agenda does the right have to use these shootings? The only time the right chimes in is after the left uses these shootings to promote their anti-gun agenda.

A discussion of gun laws is not playing politics. You are playing politics with that statement.
Leftists wanted us to remove lead from gasoline.

Wasn't most of that passed under Raygun and Bush. States control the smoking bans except in federal building and commercial flights. No more gay bashing. All good things we did. I don't want lead additives back in gas. I wont go to a bar without being able to smoke, and I never cared or thought that much about gays.

Gun control isn't going to happen because of the Constitution.

It's less the Constitution than it is who interprets it. Cities and states are placing all kinds of new regulations on guns, from magazine sizes to types of weapons. Even Trump signed off on bumper stocks (as if it was ever a problem before the Vegas shooting) and is talking about red flags WTF that might be.

Removing lead from gasoline and later paint was long before Reagan in the 70's, however Bush passed the lower sulfur diesel fuel law that sky rocketed diesel fuel. Prior to that, diesel was usually a dollar of so a gallon less than gasoline. It spiked up to a dollar more, and came back down, but it's still more expensive than gas.

The subjects I posted was to demonstrate where these initiatives started and how they ended, and some are still going on. The point is that if we did whatever Democrats wanted to do with gun control laws, it won't stop there. They will only advance to the next step. It's merely a stepping stone like smoking at the movies or just letting gays say they are gay. In my state you can't smoke anywhere in public indoors. No bars, bowling allies, work, nowhere.

The only way to stop that kind of metastasizing is to kill it at the beginning. Because it won't stop there; it never does.

If Trump or the Republicans said to the Democrats they will sign off on gun control, but they have to make a contract with America they will never bring up the subject again, you would see Democrats pull whatever bill off the table, because they know it won't stop there, and they know it won't stop one mass shooting.

In some instances Democrats were right. Removing lead from gas is a good thing. The size of gun magazines should be regulated. You are a paranoid idiot. A typical Trump supporter.
some on the left are saying that Trump's visit was worse to El Paso than the actual shooting

these are sick people, my friends!

Some are saying? Who said this? Names. Quotes.

Trump's visit was incredibly tone death, particularly giving the thumb's up next to a baby whose parents were both slaughtered. But we all know that Trump is a malignant narcissist who wants to be the corpse at every funeral and the bride at every wedding.

Compare Trump to how other Presidents handled disasters on their watch. Trump is the only one smiling.

Leftists wanted us to remove lead from gasoline.

Wasn't most of that passed under Raygun and Bush. States control the smoking bans except in federal building and commercial flights. No more gay bashing. All good things we did. I don't want lead additives back in gas. I wont go to a bar without being able to smoke, and I never cared or thought that much about gays.

Gun control isn't going to happen because of the Constitution.

It's less the Constitution than it is who interprets it. Cities and states are placing all kinds of new regulations on guns, from magazine sizes to types of weapons. Even Trump signed off on bumper stocks (as if it was ever a problem before the Vegas shooting) and is talking about red flags WTF that might be.

Removing lead from gasoline and later paint was long before Reagan in the 70's, however Bush passed the lower sulfur diesel fuel law that sky rocketed diesel fuel. Prior to that, diesel was usually a dollar of so a gallon less than gasoline. It spiked up to a dollar more, and came back down, but it's still more expensive than gas.

The subjects I posted was to demonstrate where these initiatives started and how they ended, and some are still going on. The point is that if we did whatever Democrats wanted to do with gun control laws, it won't stop there. They will only advance to the next step. It's merely a stepping stone like smoking at the movies or just letting gays say they are gay. In my state you can't smoke anywhere in public indoors. No bars, bowling allies, work, nowhere.

The only way to stop that kind of metastasizing is to kill it at the beginning. Because it won't stop there; it never does.

If Trump or the Republicans said to the Democrats they will sign off on gun control, but they have to make a contract with America they will never bring up the subject again, you would see Democrats pull whatever bill off the table, because they know it won't stop there, and they know it won't stop one mass shooting.

In some instances Democrats were right. Removing lead from gas is a good thing. The size of gun magazines should be regulated. You are a paranoid idiot. A typical Trump supporter.
/——-/ Sometimes democRATs are right, a broken clock is right twice a day, a blind squirrel can find buried acorns, blah blah blah
Leftists wanted us to remove lead from gasoline.

Wasn't most of that passed under Raygun and Bush. States control the smoking bans except in federal building and commercial flights. No more gay bashing. All good things we did. I don't want lead additives back in gas. I wont go to a bar without being able to smoke, and I never cared or thought that much about gays.

Gun control isn't going to happen because of the Constitution.

It's less the Constitution than it is who interprets it. Cities and states are placing all kinds of new regulations on guns, from magazine sizes to types of weapons. Even Trump signed off on bumper stocks (as if it was ever a problem before the Vegas shooting) and is talking about red flags WTF that might be.

Removing lead from gasoline and later paint was long before Reagan in the 70's, however Bush passed the lower sulfur diesel fuel law that sky rocketed diesel fuel. Prior to that, diesel was usually a dollar of so a gallon less than gasoline. It spiked up to a dollar more, and came back down, but it's still more expensive than gas.

The subjects I posted was to demonstrate where these initiatives started and how they ended, and some are still going on. The point is that if we did whatever Democrats wanted to do with gun control laws, it won't stop there. They will only advance to the next step. It's merely a stepping stone like smoking at the movies or just letting gays say they are gay. In my state you can't smoke anywhere in public indoors. No bars, bowling allies, work, nowhere.

The only way to stop that kind of metastasizing is to kill it at the beginning. Because it won't stop there; it never does.

If Trump or the Republicans said to the Democrats they will sign off on gun control, but they have to make a contract with America they will never bring up the subject again, you would see Democrats pull whatever bill off the table, because they know it won't stop there, and they know it won't stop one mass shooting.

In some instances Democrats were right. Removing lead from gas is a good thing. The size of gun magazines should be regulated. You are a paranoid idiot. A typical Trump supporter.

What good would regulating the size of gun magazines do? You people that know nothing about guns have no understanding how stupid you look talking about a subject you're ignorant about. Switching a magazine takes about two seconds. If practiced, it takes less than one second.
Pro Satan? Sounds like a closet Christian to me.

Nut job religionist for sure. Regardless, every American, left or right should condemn these violent acts.

The right certainly condemns them. The left looks for ways to turn them into political opportunities to promote their agendas.

Sure pal, the rabid right does the very same thing the loony left does. This thread for example and the numerous ways the ballpark nutjobs acts were politicizes. Most regular people left and right will condemn them all.

So what political agenda does the right have to use these shootings? The only time the right chimes in is after the left uses these shootings to promote their anti-gun agenda.

A discussion of gun laws is not playing politics. You are playing politics with that statement.

Democrats don't want to have discussions. Democrats want more laws and restrictions on citizens owning firearms. Anytime there is a problem, Democrats want to propose a solution. They think that every problem can be solved by them, when in fact they create more problems than solve.
/—-/ Oh, but if he said he was a pro 2nd Amendment Trump supporter you and your leftard buddies would be all over it.

I don't have lefttard buddies. Democrats hate me because I I have libertarian impulses (except on guns) and vote Green. Greens hate me because I oppose the $15 minimum wage and support nuclear over wind/solar. Republicans hate me because they hate everybody. I am a pilgrim in an unholy land everywhere I go.
/—-/ Republicans don’t hate everyone. Stop with the Strawman arguments.

Trump has said he could shoot someone and face no consequences...

Trump at rallies joked about shooting immigrants...

He has said white supremacy groups are good people..

Liz Warren has never used language like this:
Warren spoke to WBSM, a New Bedford, Mass-based station, after holding a town hall at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. About five minutes into the interview, WBSM host Tim Dunn brought up the presence of violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville, Va., and asked Warren to explicitly condemn left-wing violence.

"Absent the presence of white nationalists, left-wing protesters threw bottles of urine and rocks at police officers. The same occurred last night at the president's rally. Are you prepared to condemn violence on that part of the left-wing agitators, such as Antifa, as you have the right-wing nationalist group?" Dunn asked.

"Violence is not the way to go. Violence is not the way to advance our interests," Warren responded.

Let's be very clear, Democrats want nothing to do Antifa, they are small and offer nothing to the left.

So you think flakes don't react to claims by the left that President Trump is a white nationalist? That our detention centers are concentration camps? That Trump is putting kids in the Obama cages? That detainees are told to drink toilet water if they are thirsty?

View attachment 273147

I defy you to post one video where Trump said that white supremacists are good people; those words exactly.

The fact is that trump has cut funding for programs to fight right wing extremist groups. Clearly he has ignored the rise of white nationalists in this country which kills more people than Islamic terrorists.

Really? When did white nationalists kill over 3,000 people in one day?
Antifa is not anti-fascist, they area anti-American.
Nope, they are anti-fascists. Which is why they show up to take on the fascist rightwing neonaziss, kkk and other assorted white supremacists. Unfortunately, some of them do cross the line and attack innocent folks. I condemn such attacks. But I have no problem with them going after fascists.

So now the definition of fascism:

(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc.,and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
(sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
(initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism,especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Definition of fascism | Dictionary.com

Unless you are going to lie about it, these definitions are more left than right. Let's look at that:

A dictator having complete power, and forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism. Now who is it that sends people to opposition rallies to disrupt them? Who is it that stops rallies with threats or violence? Who is it that marches in protest at their colleges to stop conservative speakers? Who is it that sent government agencies to spy on a political opponent and even illegally submitted false documents to get surveillance warrants? Who said that you should "shout them down" anytime you are in presence of conservatives at a restaurant?

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

Regimenting all industry and commerce. How, by lowering their taxes and removing regulations?

Who is it that "regimented" industries like Solyndara, Planned Parenthood, electric cars manufacturers, trial lawyers? Who uses taxpayer money to subsidize windmill and solar panel industries and instillation? Who closed down auto dealerships?
No one "regimented" those companies. There are all (or were) privately owned.

And the ones where Trump lowered their taxes and removed regulations were not?

What Trump is pushing is pure capitalism. One in which businesses get what they want at the expense of others. Businesses saw their taxes lowered by taking deductions from ordinary people. Some of the regulations were needed and were removed but some were needed. In the last few weeks, trump wants to allow a gold mining company to mine in Alaska which would destroy the ecosystem in Alaska and gut the Endangered Species Act.

Yeah, the worlds coming to an end again thanks to Republicans.

Tax deductions don't amount to very much. Trust me, I have over a hundred a year. The tax deduction removal on "ordinary people" were insignificant except to those in the price inflated blue states. You know, those people who always vote for higher taxes? One would think given their stance on taxes, they would be elated with Trump's tax plan.

Oh wait! I forgot. Democrats are for taxing everybody except them.
Yes, keep bending over for big oil... and let them send someone else's kid over to die to keep the oil flowing.

You are such a tool.

Nobody sends kids anywhere. They join our military services on their own.

Since you object to oil so much, I can only assume you don't use the stuff because you don't want to see wars over it. So tell us, when was the last time you owned a car? I'm sure you don't own one now. You peddle your bike everywhere. And how is that windmill in your backyard? What did you pay for it and what do you do when the wind isn't blowing? What kind of shingles do you have on your home? Obviously not regular shingles. Those are made from oil.

Actually, we know exactly what he did. He called a grand jury AFTER a judge had ALREADY RULED that there was sufficient evidence to prosecute Officer Crybaby.

How would a judge rule on anything before a case is heard? Or are you talking about that loud mouth that running for reelection that wrote an opinion piece? You can't figure out why he said the things he did yet?

He must be doing an awesome job then, unlike McGinty, who got his ass voted out.

Yes they did vote him out because he properly did his job. They are ignorant of our laws just like you. They live by jungle law where you lock up anybody you don't like, and not because they broke any laws.

When you were growing up, Cleveland had industry and jobs... The fact that you can't see the correlation between crime and the war on the working class the rich are conducting is kind of the problem here. You'll just blame the darkies.

Industry doesn't stick around where taxes and crime are high. Working people don't stick around where they can't send their kids to a nearby school, and have their kids bussed across town.
Nobody sends kids anywhere. They join our military services on their own.

Okay... then we should allow them to walk into the Sergeants office the say before deployment and give their two week's notice, just like any other job.

Since you object to oil so much, I can only assume you don't use the stuff because you don't want to see wars over it. So tell us, when was the last time you owned a car? I'm sure you don't own one now. You peddle your bike everywhere. And how is that windmill in your backyard? What did you pay for it and what do you do when the wind isn't blowing? What kind of shingles do you have on your home? Obviously not regular shingles. Those are made from oil.

Oh, here's the problem, buddy... We have had 45 years to realize that oil is a commodity we should try to use less of. We could replace it in a lot of applications... but big oil uses its influence in congress to kill those iniatiaves.

Again, Joe's plan for peace. Draft the kids of the rich and the politicians, put them in an elite airborne unit that will be the first send over there for the next war... and you'd be amazed how fast we find alternatives to oil.

How would a judge rule on anything before a case is heard? Or are you talking about that loud mouth that running for reelection that wrote an opinion piece? You can't figure out why he said the things he did yet?

No, I am talking about a judge who ruled there was ALREADY probable cause.

Cleveland Judge Finds Probable Cause to Charge Officers in Tamir Rice Death

In his ruling, Judge Ronald B. Adrine, presiding judge of the Municipal Court, found probable cause to charge Officer Timothy Loehmann, who fired the fatal shot, with murder, involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide and dereliction of duty. He also found probable cause to charge Officer Loehmann’s partner, Officer Frank Garmback, with negligent homicide and dereliction of duty.

Done. Let's proceed to trial. That would of course, require a prosecutor who was willing to do his job.

Yes they did vote him out because he properly did his job. They are ignorant of our laws just like you. They live by jungle law where you lock up anybody you don't like, and not because they broke any laws.

Shot a kid playing with a toy.. most of us would be arrested for that.

Industry doesn't stick around where taxes and crime are high. Working people don't stick around where they can't send their kids to a nearby school, and have their kids bussed across town.

Blah, blah, blay... blame the Darkies for what Rich people did... you are such a tool.

Okay... then we should allow them to walk into the Sergeants office the say before deployment and give their two week's notice, just like any other job.

Serving in the military is not just any job. You don't quit when you want, question authority when you want, or make decisions on your missions. You sign a contract that precludes you from those decisions. When you sign up, you are at the behest of the President of the United States.

Oh, here's the problem, buddy... We have had 45 years to realize that oil is a commodity we should try to use less of. We could replace it in a lot of applications... but big oil uses its influence in congress to kill those iniatiaves.

Again, Joe's plan for peace. Draft the kids of the rich and the politicians, put them in an elite airborne unit that will be the first send over there for the next war... and you'd be amazed how fast we find alternatives to oil.

And you'll be amazed at how much more you will spend for energy. Then you and your ilk will be the first ones bitching about the cost of energy and the failing economy because all the residual income people used to spend on recreational items will then be used just for fuel.

Oil companies don't need to influence Congress about anything. Oil is something they don't have to sell to people. If we don't want it, many others are in line willing to take it, like Europeans who pay over seven bucks for a gallon of gasoline.

No, I am talking about a judge who ruled there was ALREADY probable cause.

Cleveland Judge Finds Probable Cause to Charge Officers in Tamir Rice Death

In his ruling, Judge Ronald B. Adrine, presiding judge of the Municipal Court, found probable cause to charge Officer Timothy Loehmann, who fired the fatal shot, with murder, involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide and dereliction of duty. He also found probable cause to charge Officer Loehmann’s partner, Officer Frank Garmback, with negligent homicide and dereliction of duty.

Done. Let's proceed to trial. That would of course, require a prosecutor who was willing to do his job.

Again, he had nothing to do with the case, was a politician looking for votes, and didn't hear any argument of the trial which didn't happen yet. He's nothing more than a public ass kisser just like the failed Mayor of Cleveland.

Shot a kid playing with a toy.. most of us would be arrested for that.

No, we would not. The law states that you can use deadly force if you believe that you (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. Sorry, but that's our law. When somebody pulls out a gun on a police officer, he is within his legal rights to use deadly force. He didn't pull out a plastic see through squirt gun, he pulled out an exact replica of a dangerous firearm.

So what do you think you could charge him with given the fact it was 100% impossible for him to know if it was a real gun or not?

Blah, blah, blay... blame the Darkies for what Rich people did... you are such a tool.

Darkies ruin nearly every place they occupy. Sorry you don't favor statistics.
Serving in the military is not just any job. You don't quit when you want, question authority when you want, or make decisions on your missions. You sign a contract that precludes you from those decisions. When you sign up, you are at the behest of the President of the United States.

Uh, yeah, I kind of got that when I signed up. But that's my point. I signed up because my country faced an existential threat from the USSR at the time (Or so we were told). I did NOT sign up to fight for Jews and the Oil Companies, because the Bad Man in Iraq scared them.

And you'll be amazed at how much more you will spend for energy. Then you and your ilk will be the first ones bitching about the cost of energy and the failing economy because all the residual income people used to spend on recreational items will then be used just for fuel.

Again, we've had 45 years to ween ourselves off of oil... but the oil companies make sure we don't.

Kind of like a pusher giving you free smack when you go to rehab.

Oil companies don't need to influence Congress about anything. Oil is something they don't have to sell to people. If we don't want it, many others are in line willing to take it, like Europeans who pay over seven bucks for a gallon of gasoline.

Then why do they spend BILLIONS lobbying Congress?

Fossil Fuel Industry Has Spent Nearly $2 Billion on Lobbying to Kill Climate Laws - Oil Change International

Wow, Ray, you are a stupid person, aren't you?

Again, he had nothing to do with the case, was a politician looking for votes, and didn't hear any argument of the trial which didn't happen yet. He's nothing more than a public ass kisser just like the failed Mayor of Cleveland.

He was the presiding judge of the municipal court.

So what do you think you could charge him with given the fact it was 100% impossible for him to know if it was a real gun or not?

Sure they could. Indict him, put him in front of a jury of 12 black moms.. DONE!

You see, funny thing, the days of prosecutors sweeping this shit under the rug are OVER baby. They like keeping their jobs.

Darkies ruin nearly every place they occupy. Sorry you don't favor statistics.

yeh, Ray brought the racism again... ever notice that white trash are the most racist people out there?

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