Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

When you get another 21 years in the classroom, a Bachelor's degree, teacher's certification, and Master's degree in education, then and only will your opinion matter over mine.

You spent 13 years as a student. Do you think they let former inmates runs the prisons?

And after thirteen years as a student I had realized that I learned more through my own studies than what was offered in our public school systems.
My Aunt went from a teachers aid to a top school district official in leftist liberal Oregon.
She's eightytwo now and still sharp as a tack....she's appalled at the quality of an American public education.

In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

"The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!"

The raw materials being the children?

He's calling out the lefty sixties parents.....kind of ironic really.

Oh okay I misinterpreted. Well most of those 1960s parents are now the grandparents, very few 1960s adults have young children at school now perhaps some do but the majority of the parents would have been born in the 1980s.

Of course they dont.
But who raised the next batch of entitled little shits?
You have no clue as to how to run a school, so why are you even commenting?

We all went to school and have a pretty good grasp of how things work considering we spent 13 years in the system.
Being a teacher isnt rocket science nor is being an administrator.
I've found that the teachers we have these days are self important grandiose assholes.

When you get another 21 years in the classroom, a Bachelor's degree, teacher's certification, and Master's degree in education, then and only will your opinion matter over mine.

You spent 13 years as a student. Do you think they let former inmates runs the prisons?

And after thirteen years as a student I had realized that I learned more through my own studies than what was offered in our public school systems.
My Aunt went from a teachers aid to a top school district official in leftist liberal Oregon.
She's eightytwo now and still sharp as a tack....she's appalled at the quality of an American public education.

In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

And how did that happen?

Bad parenting. This kid's parents obviously have set no boundaries for him so he thought he could just do what he wanted,
He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

Or punish the kid that was unaccounted for because he didn't follow directions.

The protest was not obligatory so the teacher was not obligated to be there.

The students still must be supervised when on school grounds. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.
So the options were different. Send him home, send him to the principal, call the parents. Suspend him? Libtards are assholes.

The young boy in hindsight should have gone home, considering the other children walked out to go on a SJW Bedwetting March there should have been no problem with that boy just going home. They suspended him because Leftists hate ALL children they cannot control with the Group Think, they probably have that boy listed as a Subversive now who needs Re-Educating so he falls in line with the Mini SJWs.
We all went to school and have a pretty good grasp of how things work considering we spent 13 years in the system.
Being a teacher isnt rocket science nor is being an administrator.
I've found that the teachers we have these days are self important grandiose assholes.

When you get another 21 years in the classroom, a Bachelor's degree, teacher's certification, and Master's degree in education, then and only will your opinion matter over mine.

You spent 13 years as a student. Do you think they let former inmates runs the prisons?

And after thirteen years as a student I had realized that I learned more through my own studies than what was offered in our public school systems.
My Aunt went from a teachers aid to a top school district official in leftist liberal Oregon.
She's eightytwo now and still sharp as a tack....she's appalled at the quality of an American public education.

In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

And how did that happen?

Bad parenting.

And when did leftist politics start taking hold in the American school systems and the so called higher education facilities?
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

Or punish the kid that was unaccounted for because he didn't follow directions.

The protest was not obligatory so the teacher was not obligated to be there.

The students still must be supervised when on school grounds. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.
So the options were different. Send him home, send him to the principal, call the parents. Suspend him? Libtards are assholes.

The young boy in hindsight should have gone home, considering the other children walked out to go on a SJW Bedwetting March there should have been no problem with that boy just going home. They suspended him because Leftists hate ALL children they cannot control with the Group Think, they probably have that boy listed as a Subversive now who needs Re-Educating so he falls in line with the Mini SJWs.

I doubt they'd have let him leave.
He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

Or punish the kid that was unaccounted for because he didn't follow directions.

The protest was not obligatory so the teacher was not obligated to be there.

The students still must be supervised when on school grounds. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.
So the options were different. Send him home, send him to the principal, call the parents. Suspend him? Libtards are assholes.

They did send him home! They sent him to the principal, probably called the parents and suspended him for being a dumbass!

I'll bet you a horse turd to a donut and let you hold the stakes in your mouth that this brat has had a few trips to see the principal before this incident.
When you get another 21 years in the classroom, a Bachelor's degree, teacher's certification, and Master's degree in education, then and only will your opinion matter over mine.

You spent 13 years as a student. Do you think they let former inmates runs the prisons?

And after thirteen years as a student I had realized that I learned more through my own studies than what was offered in our public school systems.
My Aunt went from a teachers aid to a top school district official in leftist liberal Oregon.
She's eightytwo now and still sharp as a tack....she's appalled at the quality of an American public education.

In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

And how did that happen?

Bad parenting.

And when did leftist politics start taking hold in the American school systems and the so called higher education facilities?

Leftist politics in schools has nothing to do with the decline of two parent families, divorce, no fathers in the home, crime, and drug abuse that runs rampant in the parenting of our students.
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

Or punish the kid that was unaccounted for because he didn't follow directions.

The protest was not obligatory so the teacher was not obligated to be there.

The students still must be supervised when on school grounds. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.
So the options were different. Send him home, send him to the principal, call the parents. Suspend him? Libtards are assholes.

They did send him home! They sent him to the principal, probably called the parents and suspended him for being a dumbass!

I'll bet you a horse turd to a donut and let you hold the stakes in your mouth that this brat has had a few trips to see the principal before this incident.

I kind of doubt it.
Kids that can think past the political bullshit are generally well adjusted.
Or punish the kid that was unaccounted for because he didn't follow directions.

The protest was not obligatory so the teacher was not obligated to be there.

The students still must be supervised when on school grounds. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.
So the options were different. Send him home, send him to the principal, call the parents. Suspend him? Libtards are assholes.

The young boy in hindsight should have gone home, considering the other children walked out to go on a SJW Bedwetting March there should have been no problem with that boy just going home. They suspended him because Leftists hate ALL children they cannot control with the Group Think, they probably have that boy listed as a Subversive now who needs Re-Educating so he falls in line with the Mini SJWs.

I doubt they'd have let him leave.

You are probably correct that's how twisted their logic is, children going out of school on a SJW Bedwetting March is okay, young boy not wanting to do that and goes home instead not allowed, put school in Lock Down to keep the Mini White Supremacist Racist Bigot Literally Hitler locked in the school.
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

Or punish the kid that was unaccounted for because he didn't follow directions.

The protest was not obligatory so the teacher was not obligated to be there.

The students still must be supervised when on school grounds. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.
So the options were different. Send him home, send him to the principal, call the parents. Suspend him? Libtards are assholes.

They did send him home! They sent him to the principal, probably called the parents and suspended him for being a dumbass!

I'll bet you a horse turd to a donut and let you hold the stakes in your mouth that this brat has had a few trips to see the principal before this incident.
Manufactured horseshit!
And after thirteen years as a student I had realized that I learned more through my own studies than what was offered in our public school systems.
My Aunt went from a teachers aid to a top school district official in leftist liberal Oregon.
She's eightytwo now and still sharp as a tack....she's appalled at the quality of an American public education.

In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

And how did that happen?

Bad parenting.

And when did leftist politics start taking hold in the American school systems and the so called higher education facilities?

Leftist politics in schools has nothing to do with the decline of two parent families, divorce, no fathers in the home, crime, and drug abuse that runs rampant in the parenting of our students.

The hell it doesnt.
They were raised and indoctrinated in a leftist environment just like the kids of today.
All this crap stems from the sixties bullshit.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Uh, as soon as possible, let us know how this poor little kid was supposed to learn anything in an empty classroom. With no teacher. And let us all know why it is a good idea for a child to stay alone in a classroom rather than be in a supervised situation with the majority of students, Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! No, that is you that is making this a political issue. Not the students. Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.
Uh, that is a stupid sentence. No one is trying to make the kid an example. I know from 3 grand kids going through similar protests in high schools near me, in a VERY pro gun area, that the issue is as they said: the safety of the kids for the administration, and the safety of the kids for the kids themselves.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts
As a con troll, you simply post con talking points. Try to empathize with the kids instead of simply posting right wing nut case talking points, along with the talking points of the NRA. You see, neither the schools not the kids are trolls. That is your issue.

So in other words, anyone not agreeing with YOU is a troll, obviously a "con troll" (new, made up liberal word for the day to make oneself sound "tuned in" to the issues), and unless they go along with your thinking, they simply are not empathizing with the children! Just as anyone who questions abortion is "against women," and anyone who believes strongly in the reasons behind the 2nd amendment is selfish and pro-violence, and anyone who wants economic self-actualization is indifferent to the poor, and anyone believing we need healthcare reform wants the sick and infirm to die, and anyone who wants affirmative action ended is against blacks, and anyone believing in Voter ID is discriminatory towards minorities, and anyone who supports border law enforcement is just a neocon white nationalist anti-Mexican and anti-immigration? Have I missed any?
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

He said he wasnt picking sides and school was no place for politics.
So he stayed on neutral ground.

Seems like he's smarter than the teacher.

Wrong. If a police officer tell you to get out of your car at a traffic stop, are you going to wait to get shot because you don't like the options you were given?

Thats has to be the worst analogy I've ever heard.

Why do you think these young people get shot for failing to follow a police officer's instructions? It is a learned behavior!
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

He said he wasnt picking sides and school was no place for politics.
So he stayed on neutral ground.

Seems like he's smarter than the teacher.

Wrong. If a police officer tell you to get out of your car at a traffic stop, are you going to wait to get shot because you don't like the options you were given?

Thats has to be the worst analogy I've ever heard.

Why do you think these young people get shot for failing to follow a police officer's instructions? It is a learned behavior!

So the teacher is going to open fire on a student?
Like I said...worst analogy ever.
In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

And how did that happen?

Bad parenting.

And when did leftist politics start taking hold in the American school systems and the so called higher education facilities?

Leftist politics in schools has nothing to do with the decline of two parent families, divorce, no fathers in the home, crime, and drug abuse that runs rampant in the parenting of our students.

The hell it doesnt.
They were raised and indoctrinated in a leftist environment just like the kids of today.
All this crap stems from the sixties bullshit.

I have three adult children that are products of the public school system. None of them were indoctrinated and I don't indoctrinate my students.

Just today, I found out I will be replacing an Army reservist being recalled to active duty and he will miss the remainder of the school year. I'll bet his students that I am inheriting are not indoctrinated. None of the other students suffer from that either. Maybe they are indoctrinated in the People's Republic of Taxachusetts, Mexifornia, Oregone to lunch, Washyourhandsington, or any other liberal dominated state, so may or may not be true.
Or punish the kid that was unaccounted for because he didn't follow directions.

The protest was not obligatory so the teacher was not obligated to be there.

The students still must be supervised when on school grounds. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.
So the options were different. Send him home, send him to the principal, call the parents. Suspend him? Libtards are assholes.

The young boy in hindsight should have gone home, considering the other children walked out to go on a SJW Bedwetting March there should have been no problem with that boy just going home. They suspended him because Leftists hate ALL children they cannot control with the Group Think, they probably have that boy listed as a Subversive now who needs Re-Educating so he falls in line with the Mini SJWs.

I doubt they'd have let him leave.

Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

He said he wasnt picking sides and school was no place for politics.
So he stayed on neutral ground.

Seems like he's smarter than the teacher.

Wrong. If a police officer tell you to get out of your car at a traffic stop, are you going to wait to get shot because you don't like the options you were given?

Depends on the reason as to why I was pulled over or stopped. One night over a year ago I had the misfortune of being on a road that was doing a checkspot. When the officer came over and asked for my driver's license and insurance I replied "Am I being detained?" The cop said "Yes" and I said for what crime am I being detained for. He asked again more aggressively, I said so what violation of one of your acts, statutes or codes do you suspect me of"? Then he went into this spiel that checkpoints are legal via a SCOTUS ruling for all drivers to comply....to which I responded with "I am not engaged in commerce so I am not "driving" per Black's Law Dictionary 6th edition and that I am merely traveling and wish to go on my way. Needless to say, Barney Fife was getting red faced and told me to exit my vehicle and I told him that I want to see his supervisor. Deputy Dawg had no choice but to comply. She showed up a few minutes later and asked me what the problem was and I told her that I am refusing to contract with the CITY OF BRANDON.INC and unless they are detaining me for having violated one of their corporate acts, statutes, codes or ordinances that I wish to TRAVEL unimpeded. She said "Have a good night"......our silence is our consent. Knowledge is power, "Admiral"......
He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

It is the typical Leftist inversion of things, that young boy was doing the correct thing so he must be the one punished.

By correct you mean being defiant and not following instructions?

So who gave the instruction to have an unsanctioned protest on school time?

I guess you would have to ask the administrators, school board and superintendent in that school district. It damn sure wasn't the teachers.
He was given a choice. He refused both options. Play dumbass games, win dumbass prizes!

At least he's not a partisan.

He should do his suspension and just suck it up! That would be non-partisan.

Actually no....non-partisan would have entailed having the kids in the classroom learning the three R's.

Wrong again. Google gives you access to numerous on-line dictionaries. As a teacher, I suggest you make use of them.

Wait...you've never heard of the three R's?

The word you need to look up is "non-partisan", dumbass!

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