Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

He's calling out the lefty sixties parents.....kind of ironic really.

It was not just the sixties. Our society began crumbling then and continues to this day. My kids were in school from the late 80s through 2012. My grandsons are in school now. They seem to be doing fine. Am I just that much better than everyone else at parenting?

Could be.
Or you're not in a liberal infested school district.

Really? I have taught in 8 different school districts in two states and for the DoD. Both of those states had the two most recent school shootings. I obviously have no clue as to what I am talking about.

You didnt say if they were liberal or not.

So you think south Florida is a conservative after the Parkland shooting?

The shooting in Kentucky was in a rural high school in the middle of BFE!

You tell me.
Thats some pretty ambiguous answers.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!

Answer honestly, if you can. When was the last time you sat through a class in a public school classroom? When was the last time you read a textbook used in a high school social studies classroom?

If you can't honestly say within the past 5 years, you have no clue as to what you are talking about and should just hold your water.

Look....I understand your need to defend your life's work.
But to deny the influence of progressives in our school systems is madness.

No, you don't know about influence of progressives except in the few isolated cases the media covers.

Dude.....this Shit is happening in Fucken Texas!!!!

What "shit"? I don't play guessing games with dumbasses!

Follow along.....
Libtards are asshole bastards.

This thread has turned into a coming out of the closet party for conservatards!
Well, the admiral exposes his true colors!

I hate conservatives that are self-appointed experts on education when they couldn't teach a fish to swim.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!

Answer honestly, if you can. When was the last time you sat through a class in a public school classroom? When was the last time you read a textbook used in a high school social studies classroom?

If you can't honestly say within the past 5 years, you have no clue as to what you are talking about and should just hold your water.
Sorry troll, the end result is clear to those paying attention. You are destroying our children.
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.
This thread has turned into a coming out of the closet party for conservatards!
Well, the admiral exposes his true colors!

I hate conservatives that are self-appointed experts on education when they couldn't teach a fish to swim.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!

Answer honestly, if you can. When was the last time you sat through a class in a public school classroom? When was the last time you read a textbook used in a high school social studies classroom?

If you can't honestly say within the past 5 years, you have no clue as to what you are talking about and should just hold your water.
Sorry troll, the end result is clear to those paying attention. You are destroying our children.

I am educating your children because I don't play your political fuck-fuck games. You education bashers need someone to blame your personal failure on so you conveniently blame whatever you have in common.
Well, the admiral exposes his true colors!

I hate conservatives that are self-appointed experts on education when they couldn't teach a fish to swim.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!

Answer honestly, if you can. When was the last time you sat through a class in a public school classroom? When was the last time you read a textbook used in a high school social studies classroom?

If you can't honestly say within the past 5 years, you have no clue as to what you are talking about and should just hold your water.
Sorry troll, the end result is clear to those paying attention. You are destroying our children.

I am educating your children because I don't play your political fuck-fuck games. You education bashers need someone to blame your personal failure on so you conveniently blame whatever you have in common.

I retired at 46 thank you.
And it sure didnt have anything to do with my public education.
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.
I hate conservatives that are self-appointed experts on education when they couldn't teach a fish to swim.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!

Answer honestly, if you can. When was the last time you sat through a class in a public school classroom? When was the last time you read a textbook used in a high school social studies classroom?

If you can't honestly say within the past 5 years, you have no clue as to what you are talking about and should just hold your water.
Sorry troll, the end result is clear to those paying attention. You are destroying our children.

I am educating your children because I don't play your political fuck-fuck games. You education bashers need someone to blame your personal failure on so you conveniently blame whatever you have in common.

I retired at 46 thank you.
And it sure didnt have anything to do with my public education.

You are obviously the exception, rather than the rule, but that still doesn't mean you know diddly-squat about education, now does it?
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.
He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

It is the typical Leftist inversion of things, that young boy was doing the correct thing so he must be the one punished.

By correct you mean being defiant and not following instructions?

So who gave the instruction to have an unsanctioned protest on school time?

I guess you would have to ask the administrators, school board and superintendent in that school district. It damn sure wasn't the teachers.

So then, (assuming you are correct) the school administrators, school board or the superintendent gave orders to have a non-school event on school time but the one kid who refused to participate because he felt (and rightly so) that politics had no place on school grounds gets punished.
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

It is the typical Leftist inversion of things, that young boy was doing the correct thing so he must be the one punished.

By correct you mean being defiant and not following instructions?

So who gave the instruction to have an unsanctioned protest on school time?

I guess you would have to ask the administrators, school board and superintendent in that school district. It damn sure wasn't the teachers.

So then, (assuming you are correct) the school administrators, school board or the superintendent gave orders to have a non-school event on school time but the one kid who refused to participate because he felt (and rightly so) that politics had no place on school grounds gets punished.

You are half right.

He was given a choice. He refused and received punishment. Had I been the assistant principal, he would have gotten 3 days to think about it instead of just one. Defiance of a school official was three days when I was an AP. Being really stupid and telling your teacher or any other adult to get f-ed, and you were gone for a minimum of 5 days.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You can not turn up to school. That's fine. Or you can be in school and do what the school says. Fine. But he did neither.

You can not turn up at school or you can be in school and choose not to attend a non-school event on school time.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You can not turn up to school. That's fine. Or you can be in school and do what the school says. Fine. But he did neither.

You can not turn up at school or you can be in school and choose not to attend a non-school event on school time.

Let's just apply that to the ACT test like we are giving next week. If he is not taking the test, should he just be allowed to do as he wishes or should he go where he is directed?

He could have stayed home.

At my granddaughter's elementary school in (I can't believe this actually happened there) Washington state, they closed the school so as to avoid the protest altogether!
It is the typical Leftist inversion of things, that young boy was doing the correct thing so he must be the one punished.

By correct you mean being defiant and not following instructions?

So who gave the instruction to have an unsanctioned protest on school time?

I guess you would have to ask the administrators, school board and superintendent in that school district. It damn sure wasn't the teachers.

So then, (assuming you are correct) the school administrators, school board or the superintendent gave orders to have a non-school event on school time but the one kid who refused to participate because he felt (and rightly so) that politics had no place on school grounds gets punished.

You are half right.

He was given a choice. He refused and received punishment. Had I been the assistant principal, he would have gotten 3 days to think about it instead of just one. Defiance of a school official was three days when I was an AP. Being really stupid and telling your teacher or any other adult to get f-ed, and you were gone for a minimum of 5 days.

That would all be well and good if the protest had been an actual school event. But it was not.

We can argue all day about whether this kid was right in defying the school's orders to go to study hall or the protest but in the end, the protest was still not a school event and they chose to have it during school hours on school property when it did not have to be. All of this would be moot if they had chosen to have a gathering after school hours at the school or elsewhere.

This boy should not have been punished because these people were too stupid or lazy to schedule a protest outside of school hours as they should have done from the start.
By correct you mean being defiant and not following instructions?

So who gave the instruction to have an unsanctioned protest on school time?

I guess you would have to ask the administrators, school board and superintendent in that school district. It damn sure wasn't the teachers.

So then, (assuming you are correct) the school administrators, school board or the superintendent gave orders to have a non-school event on school time but the one kid who refused to participate because he felt (and rightly so) that politics had no place on school grounds gets punished.

You are half right.

He was given a choice. He refused and received punishment. Had I been the assistant principal, he would have gotten 3 days to think about it instead of just one. Defiance of a school official was three days when I was an AP. Being really stupid and telling your teacher or any other adult to get f-ed, and you were gone for a minimum of 5 days.

That would all be well and good if the protest had been an actual school event. But it was not.

We can argue all day about whether this kid was right in defying the school's orders to go to study hall or the protest but in the end, the protest was still not a school event and they chose to have it during school hours on school property when it did not have to be. All of this would be moot if they had chosen to have a gathering after school hours at the school or elsewhere.

This boy should not have been punished because these people were too stupid or lazy to schedule a protest outside of school hours as they should have done from the start.

Where did I ever argue in support of the protest?

That is not the thread topic, is it?

His actions were misconduct and were punished.
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

Ah ....no study hall isnt neutral.
It implies you are pro 2nd amendment.
Of course I would have been outside with my Pro 2nd megapone if it were me.

Hey,hey Hi Ho you lefist pukes have got to go!!!
Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

Ah ....no study hall isnt neutral.
It implies you are pro 2nd amendment.
Of course I would have been outside with my Pro 2nd megapone if it were me.

Hey,hey Hi Ho you lefist pukes have got to go!!!

No. Stop being a dumbass.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You can not turn up to school. That's fine. Or you can be in school and do what the school says. Fine. But he did neither.

You can not turn up at school or you can be in school and choose not to attend a non-school event on school time.

Let's just apply that to the ACT test like we are giving next week. If he is not taking the test, should he just be allowed to do as he wishes or should he go where he is directed?

Pay attention. An ACT test is a school event and is necessary. Therefore, if he had refused to show up for the test then he should be disciplined. The protest was neither a school event or necessary.

He could have stayed home.

He thought he was going to school to learn so why would he have stayed home?
So who gave the instruction to have an unsanctioned protest on school time?

I guess you would have to ask the administrators, school board and superintendent in that school district. It damn sure wasn't the teachers.

So then, (assuming you are correct) the school administrators, school board or the superintendent gave orders to have a non-school event on school time but the one kid who refused to participate because he felt (and rightly so) that politics had no place on school grounds gets punished.

You are half right.

He was given a choice. He refused and received punishment. Had I been the assistant principal, he would have gotten 3 days to think about it instead of just one. Defiance of a school official was three days when I was an AP. Being really stupid and telling your teacher or any other adult to get f-ed, and you were gone for a minimum of 5 days.

That would all be well and good if the protest had been an actual school event. But it was not.

We can argue all day about whether this kid was right in defying the school's orders to go to study hall or the protest but in the end, the protest was still not a school event and they chose to have it during school hours on school property when it did not have to be. All of this would be moot if they had chosen to have a gathering after school hours at the school or elsewhere.

This boy should not have been punished because these people were too stupid or lazy to schedule a protest outside of school hours as they should have done from the start.

Where did I ever argue in support of the protest?

That is not the thread topic, is it?

Where did I argue that you argued in support of the protest? I don't know what you're talking about.

His actions were misconduct and were punished.

I realize that they viewed his actions as "misconduct" and punished him. I'm saying it was not justified because it was not a school event and should not have taken place on school time in the first place.

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