Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You can not turn up to school. That's fine. Or you can be in school and do what the school says. Fine. But he did neither.

You can not turn up at school or you can be in school and choose not to attend a non-school event on school time.

Let's just apply that to the ACT test like we are giving next week. If he is not taking the test, should he just be allowed to do as he wishes or should he go where he is directed?

Pay attention. An ACT test is a school event and is necessary. Therefore, if he had refused to show up for the test then he should be disciplined. The protest was neither a school event or necessary.

He could have stayed home.

He thought he was going to school to learn so why would he have stayed home?

What if he says he is not going to college and doesn't need to take the test? You amateurs have never faced these situations! They are happen minute by minute throughout the day!

This situation is no different than when a teacher in our school received a phone call while in class saying his father had passed away. The students were taken to another room and they were supervised by another teacher for the remainder of the class. Are you saying that the teacher's father dying was a school event that should have required the student remain in the distraught teacher's classroom?

Is there no limit that you will not exceed to demonstrate how big a dumbass you want people to see you as?
Tsk tsk....someone's not being a good Socialist...

The next logical situation for the Leftist SJWs will be to resurrect the Komsomol complete with Pioneer's Uniform with red cap and badge:

Wow. You do have an imagination, me boy. Stupid imagination, but an imagination.
Perhaps you should start a movie project, eh. Though you probably want to figure out where you go when you go broke.
Problem with your line of BS is the usual, me boy. The Komsomol did not keep growing, or have any actual impact on the world. And you ignore that truth. You see, you forgot to mention that, along with Communism, the Komsomol is dead. It was disbanded in 1991,
You see, me boy, you make a complete fool of yourself when you suggest that a very large number of independent students from across the nation are somehow a group of organized kids. They are far from organized, but I think what bothers you most is that they have, unlike you and your con troll friends, working minds.
Stupid post. Really stupid. But thanks for trying to play.
What is it with all the ‘me boy’ milarky?
You sound like a demented pirate :laugh2:
I guess you would have to ask the administrators, school board and superintendent in that school district. It damn sure wasn't the teachers.

So then, (assuming you are correct) the school administrators, school board or the superintendent gave orders to have a non-school event on school time but the one kid who refused to participate because he felt (and rightly so) that politics had no place on school grounds gets punished.

You are half right.

He was given a choice. He refused and received punishment. Had I been the assistant principal, he would have gotten 3 days to think about it instead of just one. Defiance of a school official was three days when I was an AP. Being really stupid and telling your teacher or any other adult to get f-ed, and you were gone for a minimum of 5 days.

That would all be well and good if the protest had been an actual school event. But it was not.

We can argue all day about whether this kid was right in defying the school's orders to go to study hall or the protest but in the end, the protest was still not a school event and they chose to have it during school hours on school property when it did not have to be. All of this would be moot if they had chosen to have a gathering after school hours at the school or elsewhere.

This boy should not have been punished because these people were too stupid or lazy to schedule a protest outside of school hours as they should have done from the start.

Where did I ever argue in support of the protest?

That is not the thread topic, is it?

Where did I argue that you argued in support of the protest? I don't know what you're talking about.

His actions were misconduct and were punished.

I realize that they viewed his actions as "misconduct" and punished him. I'm saying it was not justified because it was not a school event and should not have taken place on school time in the first place.

That is not the topic of the thread. I suggest you reread the OP.
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.
Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

Too bad! So sad! Your Dad!
Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

The phony excuse used by the school district is just a cover for left wing radical political correctness.
One teacher or guidance counselor could have stayed with the student.

The kid was given a choice. He refused to follow instructions. You apparently could not get that from the article. He was probably being a defiant little shit about it and THAT will get you suspended. The kids don't get to make the rules for themselves.

We are quickly becoming a nation of dumbasses that cannot think!


If that was indeed the case, I will stand corrected, That being said a teacher or guidance counselor still could have been in the classroom and the school district would make clear to the parents and public at large no political gamesmanship was involved.

Who do you think was supervising the study hall and why?
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

Too bad! So sad! Your Dad!

Dude...stop trying to save your legacy when we all know it's a failed system.
You sound like barry trying sell his library and legacy.
Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

Too bad! So sad! Your Dad!

Dude...stop trying to save your legacy when we all know it's a failed system.
You sound like barry trying sell his library and legacy.

You might have been failed by the system, but you are the exception rather than the rule.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You can not turn up to school. That's fine. Or you can be in school and do what the school says. Fine. But he did neither.

You can not turn up at school or you can be in school and choose not to attend a non-school event on school time.

Let's just apply that to the ACT test like we are giving next week. If he is not taking the test, should he just be allowed to do as he wishes or should he go where he is directed?

Pay attention. An ACT test is a school event and is necessary. Therefore, if he had refused to show up for the test then he should be disciplined. The protest was neither a school event or necessary.

He could have stayed home.

He thought he was going to school to learn so why would he have stayed home?

What if he says he is not going to college and doesn't need to take the test? You amateurs have never faced these situations! They are happen minute by minute throughout the day!

Amateur? Please. I've been doing this for twelve years.

[/QUOTE]This situation is no different than when a teacher in our school received a phone call while in class saying his father had passed away. The students were taken to another room and they were supervised by another teacher for the remainder of the class. Are you saying that the teacher's father dying was a school event that should have required the student remain in the distraught teacher's classroom?

Is there no limit that you will not exceed to demonstrate how big a dumbass you want people to see you as?[/QUOTE]

Don't be an idiot. You can't compare a situation that is out of everyone's control where a faculty member has lost a loved one to a stupid protest that was totally unnecessary and entirely within their power to schedule for a later time.

And don't start with the childish ad hominim attacks on my intelligence. It's weak and petty and a waste of time.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.

He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.

He was supposed to be in the class, along with the other students and the teacher. There was no reason this protest couldn't have been done after school hours.
Agreed. But they couldn’t be sure of the turn out unless they had a captive audience.
We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

Too bad! So sad! Your Dad!

Dude...stop trying to save your legacy when we all know it's a failed system.
You sound like barry trying sell his library and legacy.

You might have been failed by the system, but you are the exception rather than the rule.

No...i actually succeeded in spite of the system.
He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

Or punish the kid that was unaccounted for because he didn't follow directions.

The protest was not obligatory so the teacher was not obligated to be there.

The students still must be supervised when on school grounds. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.

If they had chosen to have the event after school hours or at a different location then the teachers would not have had to go outside. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.
He was given a choice. He refused both options. Play dumbass games, win dumbass prizes!

At least he's not a partisan.

The young boy demonstrated an Independent Thought Process and that is something that they do not like children having.

He will be punished because his thought process was faulty.

His thought process was faulty? What he deviated from Group Think? He chose not to get involved with the teachers bringing POLITICS into the classroom, interesting that you have no opinion on the teachers who allowed the other children to walk out of the school during school time to attend a SJW Bedwetting March when the children all should have been INSIDE the school being educated in traditional educational topics by the teachers.

The teachers did not bring politics into the classroom. Are you seriously that ignorant?

Once again, for possible penetration of a few thick skulls, teachers do not make those decisions! We do as we are instructed, just like the young man should have done.
So the principals instructed the teachers to leave the classrooms and to punish any kids who didn’t want to protest but wanted to be where they where supposed to be - in the classroom?
That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

Too bad! So sad! Your Dad!

Dude...stop trying to save your legacy when we all know it's a failed system.
You sound like barry trying sell his library and legacy.

You might have been failed by the system, but you are the exception rather than the rule.

No...i actually succeeded in spite of the system.

But but but you should have stayed in that school system and now instead of being a very successful businessman you could be on Food Stamps :smoke:
How about the residual effect of this also. They are creating a society of Groupthink. Where these "activists" apparently take a stand, but when they face a contrarian stance, they punish the kid!

What kind of Operation is this they are running? "Kids, follow what The Man tells you, and if you dare be an individual, you will be punished. You must agree with our position on guns or else..." If I am the parents I make a beeline to the school and demand an explanation.

Now I understand why so many home school their kids.
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And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

Too bad! So sad! Your Dad!

Dude...stop trying to save your legacy when we all know it's a failed system.
You sound like barry trying sell his library and legacy.

You might have been failed by the system, but you are the exception rather than the rule.

No...i actually succeeded in spite of the system.

But but but you should have stayed in that school system and now instead of being a very successful businessman you could have been on Food Stamps :smoke:

My success had nothing to do with my education.
It was all about finding my nook and going at it with maniacal determination and being able to see the signs when my choice of careers started to become obsolete.
I then went after my second career with the same fervor.
At least he's not a partisan.

The young boy demonstrated an Independent Thought Process and that is something that they do not like children having.

He will be punished because his thought process was faulty.

His thought process was faulty? What he deviated from Group Think? He chose not to get involved with the teachers bringing POLITICS into the classroom, interesting that you have no opinion on the teachers who allowed the other children to walk out of the school during school time to attend a SJW Bedwetting March when the children all should have been INSIDE the school being educated in traditional educational topics by the teachers.

The teachers did not bring politics into the classroom. Are you seriously that ignorant?

Once again, for possible penetration of a few thick skulls, teachers do not make those decisions! We do as we are instructed, just like the young man should have done.
So the principals instructed the teachers to leave the classrooms and to punish any kids who didn’t want to protest but wanted to be where they where supposed to be - in the classroom?

They are supposed to be where they are told to be. In this case, he was to go to the study hall if they didn't go to the protest, The students needed to be supervised at all times. Would you want 30 teachers supervising 30 individual students and no one watching hundred of other students?
Too bad! So sad! Your Dad!

Dude...stop trying to save your legacy when we all know it's a failed system.
You sound like barry trying sell his library and legacy.

You might have been failed by the system, but you are the exception rather than the rule.

No...i actually succeeded in spite of the system.

But but but you should have stayed in that school system and now instead of being a very successful businessman you could have been on Food Stamps :smoke:

My success had nothing to do with my education.
It was all about finding my nook and going at it with maniacal determination and being able to see the signs when my choice of careers started to become obsolete.
I then went after my second career with the same fervor.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

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