Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

At least he's not a partisan.

The young boy demonstrated an Independent Thought Process and that is something that they do not like children having.

He will be punished because his thought process was faulty.

His thought process was faulty? What he deviated from Group Think? He chose not to get involved with the teachers bringing POLITICS into the classroom, interesting that you have no opinion on the teachers who allowed the other children to walk out of the school during school time to attend a SJW Bedwetting March when the children all should have been INSIDE the school being educated in traditional educational topics by the teachers.

The teachers did not bring politics into the classroom. Are you seriously that ignorant?

Once again, for possible penetration of a few thick skulls, teachers do not make those decisions! We do as we are instructed, just like the young man should have done.

Teachers are bringing politics into those classrooms, in the shape of pushing the Diversity crap, the Transgender crap, the White Guilt crap, the Anti-Conservative crap etc.

Hello? Anyone home? Thought not. Not sure what planet you are on, Leftist Planet it seems.

Hello dumbass! Teachers are not pushing those issues! A few SJWs in communist states, yes! Generally, not a chance!
At least he's not a partisan.

He should do his suspension and just suck it up! That would be non-partisan.

Actually no....non-partisan would have entailed having the kids in the classroom learning the three R's.

Wrong again. Google gives you access to numerous on-line dictionaries. As a teacher, I suggest you make use of them.

Wait...you've never heard of the three R's?

The word you need to look up is "non-partisan", dumbass!

You sure about that teach?
Definition of NONPARTISAN
We all went to school and have a pretty good grasp of how things work considering we spent 13 years in the system.
Being a teacher isnt rocket science nor is being an administrator.
I've found that the teachers we have these days are self important grandiose assholes.

When you get another 21 years in the classroom, a Bachelor's degree, teacher's certification, and Master's degree in education, then and only will your opinion matter over mine.

You spent 13 years as a student. Do you think they let former inmates runs the prisons?

And after thirteen years as a student I had realized that I learned more through my own studies than what was offered in our public school systems.
My Aunt went from a teachers aid to a top school district official in leftist liberal Oregon.
She's eightytwo now and still sharp as a tack....she's appalled at the quality of an American public education.

In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

"The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!"

The raw materials being the children?

He's calling out the lefty sixties parents.....kind of ironic really.

It was not just the sixties. Our society began crumbling then and continues to this day. My kids were in school from the late 80s through 2012. My grandsons are in school now. They seem to be doing fine. Am I just that much better than everyone else at parenting?
He should do his suspension and just suck it up! That would be non-partisan.

Actually no....non-partisan would have entailed having the kids in the classroom learning the three R's.

Wrong again. Google gives you access to numerous on-line dictionaries. As a teacher, I suggest you make use of them.

Wait...you've never heard of the three R's?

The word you need to look up is "non-partisan", dumbass!

You sure about that teach?
Definition of NONPARTISAN

Stop with the dumbass act. You are too good of an actor! It's too believable.
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

Or punish the kid that was unaccounted for because he didn't follow directions.

The protest was not obligatory so the teacher was not obligated to be there.

The students still must be supervised when on school grounds. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.
So the options were different. Send him home, send him to the principal, call the parents. Suspend him? Libtards are assholes.

The young boy in hindsight should have gone home, considering the other children walked out to go on a SJW Bedwetting March there should have been no problem with that boy just going home. They suspended him because Leftists hate ALL children they cannot control with the Group Think, they probably have that boy listed as a Subversive now who needs Re-Educating so he falls in line with the Mini SJWs.

The conservatard education bashers called and want their bumper stickers back!
Libtards are asshole bastards.

This thread has turned into a coming out of the closet party for conservatards!
Well, the admiral exposes his true colors!

I hate conservatives that are self-appointed experts on education when they couldn't teach a fish to swim.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!
Or punish the kid that was unaccounted for because he didn't follow directions.

The protest was not obligatory so the teacher was not obligated to be there.

The students still must be supervised when on school grounds. That is a little inconvenient truth that everyone seems intent on overlooking.
So the options were different. Send him home, send him to the principal, call the parents. Suspend him? Libtards are assholes.

They did send him home! They sent him to the principal, probably called the parents and suspended him for being a dumbass!

I'll bet you a horse turd to a donut and let you hold the stakes in your mouth that this brat has had a few trips to see the principal before this incident.
Manufactured horseshit!

Yes, this thread is full of it. You are exceeding your quota!
When you get another 21 years in the classroom, a Bachelor's degree, teacher's certification, and Master's degree in education, then and only will your opinion matter over mine.

You spent 13 years as a student. Do you think they let former inmates runs the prisons?

And after thirteen years as a student I had realized that I learned more through my own studies than what was offered in our public school systems.
My Aunt went from a teachers aid to a top school district official in leftist liberal Oregon.
She's eightytwo now and still sharp as a tack....she's appalled at the quality of an American public education.

In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

"The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!"

The raw materials being the children?

He's calling out the lefty sixties parents.....kind of ironic really.

It was not just the sixties. Our society began crumbling then and continues to this day. My kids were in school from the late 80s through 2012. My grandsons are in school now. They seem to be doing fine. Am I just that much better than everyone else at parenting?

Could be.
Or you're not in a liberal infested school district.
Libtards are asshole bastards.

This thread has turned into a coming out of the closet party for conservatards!
Well, the admiral exposes his true colors!

I hate conservatives that are self-appointed experts on education when they couldn't teach a fish to swim.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!

Answer honestly, if you can. When was the last time you sat through a class in a public school classroom? When was the last time you read a textbook used in a high school social studies classroom?

If you can't honestly say within the past 5 years, you have no clue as to what you are talking about and should just hold your water.
When you get another 21 years in the classroom, a Bachelor's degree, teacher's certification, and Master's degree in education, then and only will your opinion matter over mine.

You spent 13 years as a student. Do you think they let former inmates runs the prisons?

And after thirteen years as a student I had realized that I learned more through my own studies than what was offered in our public school systems.
My Aunt went from a teachers aid to a top school district official in leftist liberal Oregon.
She's eightytwo now and still sharp as a tack....she's appalled at the quality of an American public education.

In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

"The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!"

The raw materials being the children?

He's calling out the lefty sixties parents.....kind of ironic really.

It was not just the sixties. Our society began crumbling then and continues to this day. My kids were in school from the late 80s through 2012. My grandsons are in school now. They seem to be doing fine. Am I just that much better than everyone else at parenting?

Well no shit our schools continued to decline.
They're filled with the same leftist shitheads.
And after thirteen years as a student I had realized that I learned more through my own studies than what was offered in our public school systems.
My Aunt went from a teachers aid to a top school district official in leftist liberal Oregon.
She's eightytwo now and still sharp as a tack....she's appalled at the quality of an American public education.

In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

"The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!"

The raw materials being the children?

He's calling out the lefty sixties parents.....kind of ironic really.

It was not just the sixties. Our society began crumbling then and continues to this day. My kids were in school from the late 80s through 2012. My grandsons are in school now. They seem to be doing fine. Am I just that much better than everyone else at parenting?

Could be.
Or you're not in a liberal infested school district.

Really? I have taught in 8 different school districts in two states and for the DoD. Both of those states had the two most recent school shootings. I obviously have no clue as to what I am talking about.
And after thirteen years as a student I had realized that I learned more through my own studies than what was offered in our public school systems.
My Aunt went from a teachers aid to a top school district official in leftist liberal Oregon.
She's eightytwo now and still sharp as a tack....she's appalled at the quality of an American public education.

In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

"The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!"

The raw materials being the children?

He's calling out the lefty sixties parents.....kind of ironic really.

It was not just the sixties. Our society began crumbling then and continues to this day. My kids were in school from the late 80s through 2012. My grandsons are in school now. They seem to be doing fine. Am I just that much better than everyone else at parenting?

Well no shit our schools continued to decline.
They're filled with the same leftist shitheads.

No. They are filled with children of the same leftist shitheads.
Libtards are asshole bastards.

This thread has turned into a coming out of the closet party for conservatards!
Well, the admiral exposes his true colors!

I hate conservatives that are self-appointed experts on education when they couldn't teach a fish to swim.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!

Answer honestly, if you can. When was the last time you sat through a class in a public school classroom? When was the last time you read a textbook used in a high school social studies classroom?

If you can't honestly say within the past 5 years, you have no clue as to what you are talking about and should just hold your water.

Look....I understand your need to defend your life's work.
But to deny the influence of progressives in our school systems is madness.
In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

"The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!"

The raw materials being the children?

He's calling out the lefty sixties parents.....kind of ironic really.

It was not just the sixties. Our society began crumbling then and continues to this day. My kids were in school from the late 80s through 2012. My grandsons are in school now. They seem to be doing fine. Am I just that much better than everyone else at parenting?

Could be.
Or you're not in a liberal infested school district.

Really? I have taught in 8 different school districts in two states and for the DoD. Both of those states had the two most recent school shootings. I obviously have no clue as to what I am talking about.

You didnt say if they were liberal or not.
This thread has turned into a coming out of the closet party for conservatards!
Well, the admiral exposes his true colors!

I hate conservatives that are self-appointed experts on education when they couldn't teach a fish to swim.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!

Answer honestly, if you can. When was the last time you sat through a class in a public school classroom? When was the last time you read a textbook used in a high school social studies classroom?

If you can't honestly say within the past 5 years, you have no clue as to what you are talking about and should just hold your water.

Look....I understand your need to defend your life's work.
But to deny the influence of progressives in our school systems is madness.

No, you don't know about influence of progressives except in the few isolated cases the media covers.
In Oregon, she would be correct! Elsewhere, not so much!

The education is not the problem. The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!

"The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!"

The raw materials being the children?

He's calling out the lefty sixties parents.....kind of ironic really.

It was not just the sixties. Our society began crumbling then and continues to this day. My kids were in school from the late 80s through 2012. My grandsons are in school now. They seem to be doing fine. Am I just that much better than everyone else at parenting?

Well no shit our schools continued to decline.
They're filled with the same leftist shitheads.

No. They are filled with children of the same leftist shitheads.

Well no shit.
That was what I was implying.
Well, the admiral exposes his true colors!

I hate conservatives that are self-appointed experts on education when they couldn't teach a fish to swim.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!

Answer honestly, if you can. When was the last time you sat through a class in a public school classroom? When was the last time you read a textbook used in a high school social studies classroom?

If you can't honestly say within the past 5 years, you have no clue as to what you are talking about and should just hold your water.

Look....I understand your need to defend your life's work.
But to deny the influence of progressives in our school systems is madness.

No, you don't know about influence of progressives except in the few isolated cases the media covers.

Dude.....this Shit is happening in Fucken Texas!!!!
"The raw materials that teachers are being provided to educate are substandard. Thank you parents!"

The raw materials being the children?

He's calling out the lefty sixties parents.....kind of ironic really.

It was not just the sixties. Our society began crumbling then and continues to this day. My kids were in school from the late 80s through 2012. My grandsons are in school now. They seem to be doing fine. Am I just that much better than everyone else at parenting?

Could be.
Or you're not in a liberal infested school district.

Really? I have taught in 8 different school districts in two states and for the DoD. Both of those states had the two most recent school shootings. I obviously have no clue as to what I am talking about.

You didnt say if they were liberal or not.

So you think south Florida is a conservative after the Parkland shooting?

The shooting in Kentucky was in a rural high school in the middle of BFE!
I hate conservatives that are self-appointed experts on education when they couldn't teach a fish to swim.
All I can say is the our education centers are bastions of liberal ideas which will bring this country down. Apparently you are a part of that treason. Teaching fish to swim is a ridiculous comparison of what you cannot do, and the falsehood you promote. Shame on you!

Answer honestly, if you can. When was the last time you sat through a class in a public school classroom? When was the last time you read a textbook used in a high school social studies classroom?

If you can't honestly say within the past 5 years, you have no clue as to what you are talking about and should just hold your water.

Look....I understand your need to defend your life's work.
But to deny the influence of progressives in our school systems is madness.

No, you don't know about influence of progressives except in the few isolated cases the media covers.

Dude.....this Shit is happening in Fucken Texas!!!!

What "shit"? I don't play guessing games with dumbasses!

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