Oil Sands Boom Dries Up in Alberta, Taking Thousands of Jobs With it


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010

Oil Sands Boom Dries Up in Alberta,
Taking Thousands of Jobs With it


After an extraordinary boom that attracted many of the world’s largest energy companies and about $200 billion worth of investments to oil sands development over the last 15 years, the industry is in a state of financial stasis, and navigating the decline has proved challenging. Pipeline plans that would create new export markets, includingKeystone XL, have been hampered by environmental concerns and political opposition. The hazy outlook is creating turmoil in a province and a country that has become dependent on the energy business.

Canada is now dealing with the economic fallout, having slipped into a mild recession earlier this year. And Alberta, which relies most heavily on oil royalties, now expects to post a deficit of 6 billion Canadian dollars, or about $4.5 billion. The political landscape has also shifted.

Last spring, a left-of-center government ended four decades of rule by the Conservative Party of Canada in Alberta. Federally, polls suggest that the Conservative Party — which championed Keystone XL and repeatedly resisted calls for stricter greenhouse gas emission controls in the oil sands — is struggling to get re-elected in October.

“The pendulum has swung,” said Stephen Ross, the president of Devonian Properties, an Alberta development company that has built several residential and commercial properties in Fort McMurray.
Why in the fuck would you find this amusing? :slap:
Because it is helping to save what little environment we have left.

I could give a fuck about Canadian oil jobs, just like BP Oil jobs in the Gulf after that royal fuck-up.

Why would I give a shit about people who have no emergency plans for something so monumentally important to American livelihoods, like fisherman, restaurants, etc.?


Let the fucking Arabs pump the oil from their wasteland. Who gives a flying fuck if there is an oil spill in the Saudi desert?
Where's the humor in that?

50,000 people have been laid off in the Alberta energy industry. And many tens of thousands more in secondary and tertiary industries are also going to lose their jobs.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that in most businesses, when the price of something falls by two-thirds, people are going to lose their jobs. It's ironic that leftists would cheer this because even more Americans are going to get canned.

The economics of the oil sands are such that oil sands production will NOT go down. That's because the upfront costs are massive but the operating costs are small. Thus, once the capital is in the ground, the oil gets pulled out at low cost. The operating costs of oil sands giant Suncor is about $28, lower than 95% of all production in the US. And the production profiles of oil sands fields are decades, perhaps even a century.

American rigs will lay down before production in the oil sands will fall. New American oil production is primarily via fracking. Fracked fields have a high decline curve, meaning that a hole runs dry in a few years. Thus, the upfront capex costs are low but the operating costs are high. American companies will stop production sooner.

Low prices hurt new oil sands capex but it doesn't hurt current production, unless oil will fall into the lows $20s for a prolonged period of time. All that oil sands product is still coming, whether Keystone is built or not.
Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.
Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.

Who, exactly, is "we?"

If you wish to send American dollars to Canadian workers, feel free. I doubt many other Americans would agree.

Otherwise, Canadian producers pay high taxes, and Canada has generous social programs.

Almost all of those receiving UI would rather be working though.
Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.

Who, exactly, is "we?"

If you wish to send American dollars to Canadian workers, feel free. I doubt many other Americans would agree.

Otherwise, Canadian producers pay high taxes, and Canada has generous social programs.

Almost all of those receiving UI would rather be working though.
I'm talking about whatever U.S. jobs are lost due to Green energy, and lower foreign oil prices.
Why in the fuck would you find this amusing? :slap:
Because it is helping to save what little environment we have left.

I could give a fuck about Canadian oil jobs, just like BP Oil jobs in the Gulf after that royal fuck-up.

Why would I give a shit about people who have no emergency plans for something so monumentally important to American livelihoods, like fisherman, restaurants, etc.?


Let the fucking Arabs pump the oil from their wasteland. Who gives a flying fuck if there is an oil spill in the Saudi desert?
I don't know why I tolerate your Left-wing enviro-Nazi bullshit. "What little environment we have left". :lol:

It's not only the Canadian oil sands project that is in the shitter, it's tens of thousands of U.S. workers with families who are now unemployed. It's Caterpillar who is laying off thousands. It's U.S. steel mills that are cutting production and laying off... workers with families.

You want to help the environment, go plant a fucking tree. :slap:

People in my industry eat in restaurants, and they eat fish.

God you are more insane than I ever thought. :fu:
Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.
Name them. Be specific and quote the IRS tax code.
Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.
Name them. Be specific and quote the IRS tax code.

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

President Obama Proposed Repealing $4 Billion In Annual Tax Subsidies For Oil And Gas Companies. From an Associated Press summary of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2013:

Obama would repeal more than $4 billion per year in tax subsidies to oil, gas and other fossil fuel producers. The budget proposal says the plan "eliminates inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that impede investment in clean energy sources and undermine efforts to address the threat of climate change.''

Energy Expert: "The Incremental Change In Production That Might Result From Changing Oil Subsidies Will Have No Impact On World Oil Prices." According to Severin Borenstein, co-director of U.C. Berkeley's Center for the Study of Energy Markets, cutting subsidies for oil companies "would not affect gasoline prices."


Oil Industry Analyst: Impact Would Be Negligible

Tom Kloza, an oil industry analyst and founder of the Oil Price Information Service, agreed that the impact would be negligible. "It is a small amount of money considering the huge sums flowing in and out of oil futures," he said, referring to the commodity markets.

Playing Politics with Gasoline Prices

Former API Economist: Ending Oil Subsidies Would Have "Very Little" Effect On Gasoline Prices


Says the oil industry subsidies that President Barack Obama is attacking don’t exist
Bill Johnson on Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 in a news conference


The nonpartisan taxpayer watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the U.S. tax code currently contains about $5 billion in yearly tax breaks that are exclusive to the oil and gas industry, and says the industry also benefits from an extra $5.5 billion worth of general business tax provisions that companies in other industries also claim.

"The oil and gas industry often argues the tax breaks they take advantage of are available to every industry," the group’s vice president, Steve Ellis, said in an email. "But obviously other industries can’t realistically claim the Intangible Drilling Costs tax credit (created in 1918) or the Expensing of Tertiary Injectants tax credit or the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit for blending ethanol into fuel."

...While use of the word "subsidy" to describe tax credits for the energy industry seems most popular among Democrats, plenty of Republicans have used that phrasing, too.

...A March 2012 Congressional Budget Office report on federal financial support for energy development and production also refers to energy tax preferences as "subsidies."

Bill Johnson says subsidies for the oil companies that Barack Obama has attacked don't exist
Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.
Name them. Be specific and quote the IRS tax code.

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

President Obama Proposed Repealing $4 Billion In Annual Tax Subsidies For Oil And Gas Companies. From an Associated Press summary of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2013:

Obama would repeal more than $4 billion per year in tax subsidies to oil, gas and other fossil fuel producers. The budget proposal says the plan "eliminates inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that impede investment in clean energy sources and undermine efforts to address the threat of climate change.''

Energy Expert: "The Incremental Change In Production That Might Result From Changing Oil Subsidies Will Have No Impact On World Oil Prices." According to Severin Borenstein, co-director of U.C. Berkeley's Center for the Study of Energy Markets, cutting subsidies for oil companies "would not affect gasoline prices."

Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim That Cutting Tax Breaks For Oil Companies Will Boost Gas Prices

Oil Industry Analyst: Impact Would Be Negligible

Tom Kloza, an oil industry analyst and founder of the Oil Price Information Service, agreed that the impact would be negligible. "It is a small amount of money considering the huge sums flowing in and out of oil futures," he said, referring to the commodity markets.

Playing Politics with Gasoline Prices

Former API Economist: Ending Oil Subsidies Would Have "Very Little" Effect On Gasoline Prices

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

Says the oil industry subsidies that President Barack Obama is attacking don’t exist
Bill Johnson on Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 in a news conference


The nonpartisan taxpayer watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the U.S. tax code currently contains about $5 billion in yearly tax breaks that are exclusive to the oil and gas industry, and says the industry also benefits from an extra $5.5 billion worth of general business tax provisions that companies in other industries also claim.

"The oil and gas industry often argues the tax breaks they take advantage of are available to every industry," the group’s vice president, Steve Ellis, said in an email. "But obviously other industries can’t realistically claim the Intangible Drilling Costs tax credit (created in 1918) or the Expensing of Tertiary Injectants tax credit or the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit for blending ethanol into fuel."

...While use of the word "subsidy" to describe tax credits for the energy industry seems most popular among Democrats, plenty of Republicans have used that phrasing, too.

...A March 2012 Congressional Budget Office report on federal financial support for energy development and production also refers to energy tax preferences as "subsidies."

Bill Johnson says subsidies for the oil companies that Barack Obama has attacked don't exist
Is your name Synthaholic? Fuck off.
Why in the fuck would you find this amusing? :slap:
Because it is helping to save what little environment we have left.

I could give a fuck about Canadian oil jobs, just like BP Oil jobs in the Gulf after that royal fuck-up.

Why would I give a shit about people who have no emergency plans for something so monumentally important to American livelihoods, like fisherman, restaurants, etc.?


Let the fucking Arabs pump the oil from their wasteland. Who gives a flying fuck if there is an oil spill in the Saudi desert?
I don't know why I tolerate your Left-wing enviro-Nazi bullshit. "What little environment we have left". :lol:

It's not only the Canadian oil sands project that is in the shitter, it's tens of thousands of U.S. workers with families who are now unemployed. It's Caterpillar who is laying off thousands. It's U.S. steel mills that are cutting production and laying off... workers with families.

You want to help the environment, go plant a fucking tree. :slap:

People in my industry eat in restaurants, and they eat fish.

God you are more insane than I ever thought. :fu:

Jobs — Fossil Fuels Vs. Renewables Laser Talk

In 2012, there were a total of 137,650 permanent coal-related jobs nationwide [1], and 806,831 oil and gas jobs as of 2011
[2]. By contrast, there were 3,401,279 green jobs in 2011 [3]. The Department of Energy predicts using conservative estimates that by 2030 there will be over half a million wind jobs alone [4].

Renewable energy provides more jobs than fossil fuels

The overall job story is that renewable energy will provide more and higher paying jobs, with more diverse opportunities [5].

This is because $1 million dollars worth of oil and natural gas output directly creates 0.8 jobs, and $1 million of coal produces 1.9 jobs. Compare that to building retrofits for energy efficiency (7 jobs per million), mass transit services (11 jobs), building the smart grid (4.3), wind (4.6), solar (5.4), and biomass power generation (7.4) [6].

The green economy already supports more jobs than the fossil fuel economy, and has for years, even though renewable energy accounts for only 11.98% of our domestically produced energy [7].

The writing is on the wall: the key to creating American jobs now and in the future is not investment in fossil fuels, it is investment in the green economy.

Skeptic Claims and One-Liners

Carbon Fee Skeptic Claim: Putting a price on carbon will cost jobs.
One-Liner: Wind, solar, and biomass generate 2.5 – 9.25 times as many jobs as coal, oil, and gas for every $1 million contribution to GDP.

Jobs - Fossil Fuels Vs. Renewables - Citizens' Climate Lobby
Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.
Name them. Be specific and quote the IRS tax code.

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

President Obama Proposed Repealing $4 Billion In Annual Tax Subsidies For Oil And Gas Companies. From an Associated Press summary of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2013:

Obama would repeal more than $4 billion per year in tax subsidies to oil, gas and other fossil fuel producers. The budget proposal says the plan "eliminates inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that impede investment in clean energy sources and undermine efforts to address the threat of climate change.''

Energy Expert: "The Incremental Change In Production That Might Result From Changing Oil Subsidies Will Have No Impact On World Oil Prices." According to Severin Borenstein, co-director of U.C. Berkeley's Center for the Study of Energy Markets, cutting subsidies for oil companies "would not affect gasoline prices."

Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim That Cutting Tax Breaks For Oil Companies Will Boost Gas Prices

Oil Industry Analyst: Impact Would Be Negligible

Tom Kloza, an oil industry analyst and founder of the Oil Price Information Service, agreed that the impact would be negligible. "It is a small amount of money considering the huge sums flowing in and out of oil futures," he said, referring to the commodity markets.

Playing Politics with Gasoline Prices

Former API Economist: Ending Oil Subsidies Would Have "Very Little" Effect On Gasoline Prices

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

Says the oil industry subsidies that President Barack Obama is attacking don’t exist
Bill Johnson on Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 in a news conference


The nonpartisan taxpayer watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the U.S. tax code currently contains about $5 billion in yearly tax breaks that are exclusive to the oil and gas industry, and says the industry also benefits from an extra $5.5 billion worth of general business tax provisions that companies in other industries also claim.

"The oil and gas industry often argues the tax breaks they take advantage of are available to every industry," the group’s vice president, Steve Ellis, said in an email. "But obviously other industries can’t realistically claim the Intangible Drilling Costs tax credit (created in 1918) or the Expensing of Tertiary Injectants tax credit or the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit for blending ethanol into fuel."

...While use of the word "subsidy" to describe tax credits for the energy industry seems most popular among Democrats, plenty of Republicans have used that phrasing, too.

...A March 2012 Congressional Budget Office report on federal financial support for energy development and production also refers to energy tax preferences as "subsidies."

Bill Johnson says subsidies for the oil companies that Barack Obama has attacked don't exist
Is your name Synthaholic? Fuck off.

Got it lil bitch, you HATE FACTS.

Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.
Name them. Be specific and quote the IRS tax code.

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

President Obama Proposed Repealing $4 Billion In Annual Tax Subsidies For Oil And Gas Companies. From an Associated Press summary of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2013:

Obama would repeal more than $4 billion per year in tax subsidies to oil, gas and other fossil fuel producers. The budget proposal says the plan "eliminates inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that impede investment in clean energy sources and undermine efforts to address the threat of climate change.''

Energy Expert: "The Incremental Change In Production That Might Result From Changing Oil Subsidies Will Have No Impact On World Oil Prices." According to Severin Borenstein, co-director of U.C. Berkeley's Center for the Study of Energy Markets, cutting subsidies for oil companies "would not affect gasoline prices."

Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim That Cutting Tax Breaks For Oil Companies Will Boost Gas Prices

Oil Industry Analyst: Impact Would Be Negligible

Tom Kloza, an oil industry analyst and founder of the Oil Price Information Service, agreed that the impact would be negligible. "It is a small amount of money considering the huge sums flowing in and out of oil futures," he said, referring to the commodity markets.

Playing Politics with Gasoline Prices

Former API Economist: Ending Oil Subsidies Would Have "Very Little" Effect On Gasoline Prices

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

Says the oil industry subsidies that President Barack Obama is attacking don’t exist
Bill Johnson on Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 in a news conference


The nonpartisan taxpayer watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the U.S. tax code currently contains about $5 billion in yearly tax breaks that are exclusive to the oil and gas industry, and says the industry also benefits from an extra $5.5 billion worth of general business tax provisions that companies in other industries also claim.

"The oil and gas industry often argues the tax breaks they take advantage of are available to every industry," the group’s vice president, Steve Ellis, said in an email. "But obviously other industries can’t realistically claim the Intangible Drilling Costs tax credit (created in 1918) or the Expensing of Tertiary Injectants tax credit or the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit for blending ethanol into fuel."

...While use of the word "subsidy" to describe tax credits for the energy industry seems most popular among Democrats, plenty of Republicans have used that phrasing, too.

...A March 2012 Congressional Budget Office report on federal financial support for energy development and production also refers to energy tax preferences as "subsidies."

Bill Johnson says subsidies for the oil companies that Barack Obama has attacked don't exist
Is your name Synthaholic? Fuck off.
Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.
Name them. Be specific and quote the IRS tax code.

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

President Obama Proposed Repealing $4 Billion In Annual Tax Subsidies For Oil And Gas Companies. From an Associated Press summary of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2013:

Obama would repeal more than $4 billion per year in tax subsidies to oil, gas and other fossil fuel producers. The budget proposal says the plan "eliminates inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that impede investment in clean energy sources and undermine efforts to address the threat of climate change.''

Energy Expert: "The Incremental Change In Production That Might Result From Changing Oil Subsidies Will Have No Impact On World Oil Prices." According to Severin Borenstein, co-director of U.C. Berkeley's Center for the Study of Energy Markets, cutting subsidies for oil companies "would not affect gasoline prices."

Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim That Cutting Tax Breaks For Oil Companies Will Boost Gas Prices

Oil Industry Analyst: Impact Would Be Negligible

Tom Kloza, an oil industry analyst and founder of the Oil Price Information Service, agreed that the impact would be negligible. "It is a small amount of money considering the huge sums flowing in and out of oil futures," he said, referring to the commodity markets.

Playing Politics with Gasoline Prices

Former API Economist: Ending Oil Subsidies Would Have "Very Little" Effect On Gasoline Prices

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

Says the oil industry subsidies that President Barack Obama is attacking don’t exist
Bill Johnson on Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 in a news conference


The nonpartisan taxpayer watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the U.S. tax code currently contains about $5 billion in yearly tax breaks that are exclusive to the oil and gas industry, and says the industry also benefits from an extra $5.5 billion worth of general business tax provisions that companies in other industries also claim.

"The oil and gas industry often argues the tax breaks they take advantage of are available to every industry," the group’s vice president, Steve Ellis, said in an email. "But obviously other industries can’t realistically claim the Intangible Drilling Costs tax credit (created in 1918) or the Expensing of Tertiary Injectants tax credit or the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit for blending ethanol into fuel."

...While use of the word "subsidy" to describe tax credits for the energy industry seems most popular among Democrats, plenty of Republicans have used that phrasing, too.

...A March 2012 Congressional Budget Office report on federal financial support for energy development and production also refers to energy tax preferences as "subsidies."

Bill Johnson says subsidies for the oil companies that Barack Obama has attacked don't exist
Is your name Synthaholic? Fuck off.
Take the easy route, and cut and paste that bullshit. Then I'll address it. :slap:
Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.
Name them. Be specific and quote the IRS tax code.

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

President Obama Proposed Repealing $4 Billion In Annual Tax Subsidies For Oil And Gas Companies. From an Associated Press summary of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2013:

Obama would repeal more than $4 billion per year in tax subsidies to oil, gas and other fossil fuel producers. The budget proposal says the plan "eliminates inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that impede investment in clean energy sources and undermine efforts to address the threat of climate change.''

Energy Expert: "The Incremental Change In Production That Might Result From Changing Oil Subsidies Will Have No Impact On World Oil Prices." According to Severin Borenstein, co-director of U.C. Berkeley's Center for the Study of Energy Markets, cutting subsidies for oil companies "would not affect gasoline prices."

Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim That Cutting Tax Breaks For Oil Companies Will Boost Gas Prices

Oil Industry Analyst: Impact Would Be Negligible

Tom Kloza, an oil industry analyst and founder of the Oil Price Information Service, agreed that the impact would be negligible. "It is a small amount of money considering the huge sums flowing in and out of oil futures," he said, referring to the commodity markets.

Playing Politics with Gasoline Prices

Former API Economist: Ending Oil Subsidies Would Have "Very Little" Effect On Gasoline Prices

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

Says the oil industry subsidies that President Barack Obama is attacking don’t exist
Bill Johnson on Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 in a news conference


The nonpartisan taxpayer watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the U.S. tax code currently contains about $5 billion in yearly tax breaks that are exclusive to the oil and gas industry, and says the industry also benefits from an extra $5.5 billion worth of general business tax provisions that companies in other industries also claim.

"The oil and gas industry often argues the tax breaks they take advantage of are available to every industry," the group’s vice president, Steve Ellis, said in an email. "But obviously other industries can’t realistically claim the Intangible Drilling Costs tax credit (created in 1918) or the Expensing of Tertiary Injectants tax credit or the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit for blending ethanol into fuel."

...While use of the word "subsidy" to describe tax credits for the energy industry seems most popular among Democrats, plenty of Republicans have used that phrasing, too.

...A March 2012 Congressional Budget Office report on federal financial support for energy development and production also refers to energy tax preferences as "subsidies."

Bill Johnson says subsidies for the oil companies that Barack Obama has attacked don't exist
Is your name Synthaholic? Fuck off.
Really, is 20 seconds of your time worth more than my 38 years in this industry? :dunno:
I thought not. And that's why I've taken a liking to you.

Against my better judgement. ;)
Take the $4B in subsidies that we lavish on mega-successful oil companies and use it to ease the suffering of laid-off oil employees until they can find respectable employment.
Name them. Be specific and quote the IRS tax code.

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

President Obama Proposed Repealing $4 Billion In Annual Tax Subsidies For Oil And Gas Companies. From an Associated Press summary of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2013:

Obama would repeal more than $4 billion per year in tax subsidies to oil, gas and other fossil fuel producers. The budget proposal says the plan "eliminates inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that impede investment in clean energy sources and undermine efforts to address the threat of climate change.''

Energy Expert: "The Incremental Change In Production That Might Result From Changing Oil Subsidies Will Have No Impact On World Oil Prices." According to Severin Borenstein, co-director of U.C. Berkeley's Center for the Study of Energy Markets, cutting subsidies for oil companies "would not affect gasoline prices."

Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim That Cutting Tax Breaks For Oil Companies Will Boost Gas Prices

Oil Industry Analyst: Impact Would Be Negligible

Tom Kloza, an oil industry analyst and founder of the Oil Price Information Service, agreed that the impact would be negligible. "It is a small amount of money considering the huge sums flowing in and out of oil futures," he said, referring to the commodity markets.

Playing Politics with Gasoline Prices

Former API Economist: Ending Oil Subsidies Would Have "Very Little" Effect On Gasoline Prices

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

Says the oil industry subsidies that President Barack Obama is attacking don’t exist
Bill Johnson on Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 in a news conference


The nonpartisan taxpayer watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the U.S. tax code currently contains about $5 billion in yearly tax breaks that are exclusive to the oil and gas industry, and says the industry also benefits from an extra $5.5 billion worth of general business tax provisions that companies in other industries also claim.

"The oil and gas industry often argues the tax breaks they take advantage of are available to every industry," the group’s vice president, Steve Ellis, said in an email. "But obviously other industries can’t realistically claim the Intangible Drilling Costs tax credit (created in 1918) or the Expensing of Tertiary Injectants tax credit or the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit for blending ethanol into fuel."

...While use of the word "subsidy" to describe tax credits for the energy industry seems most popular among Democrats, plenty of Republicans have used that phrasing, too.

...A March 2012 Congressional Budget Office report on federal financial support for energy development and production also refers to energy tax preferences as "subsidies."

Bill Johnson says subsidies for the oil companies that Barack Obama has attacked don't exist
Is your name Synthaholic? Fuck off.
Really, is 20 seconds of your time worth more than my 38 years in this industry? :dunno:

The Solar Industry Created More Jobs In 2014 Than Oil And Gas Extraction



The Solar Industry Created More Jobs In 2014 Than Oil And Gas Extraction

Canada’s green energy sector has grown so quickly and has become such an important part of the economy that it now employs more people than the oil sands.

Green energy sector jobs surpass total oil sands employment - The Globe and Mail
Name them. Be specific and quote the IRS tax code.

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

President Obama Proposed Repealing $4 Billion In Annual Tax Subsidies For Oil And Gas Companies. From an Associated Press summary of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2013:

Obama would repeal more than $4 billion per year in tax subsidies to oil, gas and other fossil fuel producers. The budget proposal says the plan "eliminates inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that impede investment in clean energy sources and undermine efforts to address the threat of climate change.''

Energy Expert: "The Incremental Change In Production That Might Result From Changing Oil Subsidies Will Have No Impact On World Oil Prices." According to Severin Borenstein, co-director of U.C. Berkeley's Center for the Study of Energy Markets, cutting subsidies for oil companies "would not affect gasoline prices."

Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim That Cutting Tax Breaks For Oil Companies Will Boost Gas Prices

Oil Industry Analyst: Impact Would Be Negligible

Tom Kloza, an oil industry analyst and founder of the Oil Price Information Service, agreed that the impact would be negligible. "It is a small amount of money considering the huge sums flowing in and out of oil futures," he said, referring to the commodity markets.

Playing Politics with Gasoline Prices

Former API Economist: Ending Oil Subsidies Would Have "Very Little" Effect On Gasoline Prices

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

Says the oil industry subsidies that President Barack Obama is attacking don’t exist
Bill Johnson on Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 in a news conference


The nonpartisan taxpayer watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the U.S. tax code currently contains about $5 billion in yearly tax breaks that are exclusive to the oil and gas industry, and says the industry also benefits from an extra $5.5 billion worth of general business tax provisions that companies in other industries also claim.

"The oil and gas industry often argues the tax breaks they take advantage of are available to every industry," the group’s vice president, Steve Ellis, said in an email. "But obviously other industries can’t realistically claim the Intangible Drilling Costs tax credit (created in 1918) or the Expensing of Tertiary Injectants tax credit or the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit for blending ethanol into fuel."

...While use of the word "subsidy" to describe tax credits for the energy industry seems most popular among Democrats, plenty of Republicans have used that phrasing, too.

...A March 2012 Congressional Budget Office report on federal financial support for energy development and production also refers to energy tax preferences as "subsidies."

Bill Johnson says subsidies for the oil companies that Barack Obama has attacked don't exist
Is your name Synthaholic? Fuck off.
Really, is 20 seconds of your time worth more than my 38 years in this industry? :dunno:

The Solar Industry Created More Jobs In 2014 Than Oil And Gas Extraction



The Solar Industry Created More Jobs In 2014 Than Oil And Gas Extraction

Canada’s green energy sector has grown so quickly and has become such an important part of the economy that it now employs more people than the oil sands.

Green energy sector jobs surpass total oil sands employment - The Globe and Mail
Thank you, not Synthoholic.

Double shut the fuck up. :fu:
Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

President Obama Proposed Repealing $4 Billion In Annual Tax Subsidies For Oil And Gas Companies. From an Associated Press summary of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2013:

Obama would repeal more than $4 billion per year in tax subsidies to oil, gas and other fossil fuel producers. The budget proposal says the plan "eliminates inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that impede investment in clean energy sources and undermine efforts to address the threat of climate change.''

Energy Expert: "The Incremental Change In Production That Might Result From Changing Oil Subsidies Will Have No Impact On World Oil Prices." According to Severin Borenstein, co-director of U.C. Berkeley's Center for the Study of Energy Markets, cutting subsidies for oil companies "would not affect gasoline prices."

Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim That Cutting Tax Breaks For Oil Companies Will Boost Gas Prices

Oil Industry Analyst: Impact Would Be Negligible

Tom Kloza, an oil industry analyst and founder of the Oil Price Information Service, agreed that the impact would be negligible. "It is a small amount of money considering the huge sums flowing in and out of oil futures," he said, referring to the commodity markets.

Playing Politics with Gasoline Prices

Former API Economist: Ending Oil Subsidies Would Have "Very Little" Effect On Gasoline Prices

Energy Experts Debunk Right-Wing Defense Of Oil Subsidies

Says the oil industry subsidies that President Barack Obama is attacking don’t exist
Bill Johnson on Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 in a news conference


The nonpartisan taxpayer watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates the U.S. tax code currently contains about $5 billion in yearly tax breaks that are exclusive to the oil and gas industry, and says the industry also benefits from an extra $5.5 billion worth of general business tax provisions that companies in other industries also claim.

"The oil and gas industry often argues the tax breaks they take advantage of are available to every industry," the group’s vice president, Steve Ellis, said in an email. "But obviously other industries can’t realistically claim the Intangible Drilling Costs tax credit (created in 1918) or the Expensing of Tertiary Injectants tax credit or the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit for blending ethanol into fuel."

...While use of the word "subsidy" to describe tax credits for the energy industry seems most popular among Democrats, plenty of Republicans have used that phrasing, too.

...A March 2012 Congressional Budget Office report on federal financial support for energy development and production also refers to energy tax preferences as "subsidies."

Bill Johnson says subsidies for the oil companies that Barack Obama has attacked don't exist
Is your name Synthaholic? Fuck off.
Really, is 20 seconds of your time worth more than my 38 years in this industry? :dunno:

The Solar Industry Created More Jobs In 2014 Than Oil And Gas Extraction



The Solar Industry Created More Jobs In 2014 Than Oil And Gas Extraction

Canada’s green energy sector has grown so quickly and has become such an important part of the economy that it now employs more people than the oil sands.

Green energy sector jobs surpass total oil sands employment - The Globe and Mail
Thank you, not Synthoholic.

Double shut the fuck up. :fu:

LMAOROG :dance:

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