Ok, enough with the damn tweeting. Ok?

Smart enough to kick everyone's ass and become our president.


and not have enough character to do anything with it .
You won't hear about the things he's accomplished by watching CNN and MSNBC.

Trump has already done more for Americans in 6 months than obama did in 8 years.

The information is out there, Siete. Look it up.

if its out there should be easy enough for you to show me ...

border wall
deport 15 million mexicans
create millions and millions of jobs
bla bla bla

uuuuuuh, no. not no, but HELL NO !
I'm not here to hold your hand and explain things. That's your moms job.

The things Trump has accomplished in the past 6 months is easy to find. Maybe you should stop being lazy and educate yourself.
You might even earn a few points if you're able to post something that seems somewhat intelligent.

youre a very low minority, boy

The latest figures for Trump include 27% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19. (see trends).


27% ... -19

my worry is that the leftist bedwetting over trump(rump derangement syndrome as some would call it) will drown out legit criticisms of president biff, whom I believe to be somewhat of an authoritarian and whom libertarians and constitutionalists should be wary of


In fact I didn't trust him before the election. I can't complain about anything, and he has done some good things. We should be vigilante though. At this point he has earned my trust.

Are you finally embarrassed about who you elected?

Nope...it's hilarious watching the snowflakes melt.

Here is a novel idea if the tweets offend you....don't read them

I don't care what he tweets, but don't you think his actions are just a bit sophomoric and unbecoming of someone who is supposed to be leader of the free world?
Smart enough to kick everyone's ass and become our president.


and not have enough character to do anything with it .
You won't hear about the things he's accomplished by watching CNN and MSNBC.

Trump has already done more for Americans in 6 months than obama did in 8 years.

The information is out there, Siete. Look it up.

if its out there should be easy enough for you to show me ...

border wall
deport 15 million mexicans
create millions and millions of jobs
bla bla bla

uuuuuuh, no. not no, but HELL NO !
I'm not here to hold your hand and explain things. That's your moms job.

The things Trump has accomplished in the past 6 months is easy to find. Maybe you should stop being lazy and educate yourself.
You might even earn a few points if you're able to post something that seems somewhat intelligent.

youre a very low minority, boy

The latest figures for Trump include 27% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19. (see trends).


27% ... -19

Are poll #'s an accomplishment in your world?
How well did they work out for Hillary? lol
my worry is that the leftist bedwetting over trump(rump derangement syndrome as some would call it) will drown out legit criticisms of president biff, whom I believe to be somewhat of an authoritarian and whom libertarians and constitutionalists should be wary of


In fact I didn't trust him before the election. I can't complain about anything, and he has done some good things. We should be vigilante though. At this point he has earned my trust.
my main reason for not voting for him was his silence on repealing the patriot act and his support for denying someone their 2A rights taken away on the basis of being on a terror watch list
Are you finally embarrassed about who you elected?

Nope...it's hilarious watching the snowflakes melt.

Here is a novel idea if the tweets offend you....don't read them

I don't care what he tweets, but don't you think his actions are just a bit sophomoric and unbecoming of someone who is supposed to be leader of the free world?

He's unconventional. After eight years of listening to Ears ramble on about how bad America is I really don't care if Trump tweets. I care what is being done to help America and I like what I'm seeing in some areas, others need work but it's early yet
Are you finally embarrassed about who you elected?

Nope...it's hilarious watching the snowflakes melt.

Here is a novel idea if the tweets offend you....don't read them

I don't care what he tweets, but don't you think his actions are just a bit sophomoric and unbecoming of someone who is supposed to be leader of the free world?
I cringed after hearing several of his comments during his campaign. lol

It wasn't until after he won the primaries that I realized he was doing something right. That's also when I stopped questioning his tactics. lol

Trump is a genius. I have no doubt about that.
Are you finally embarrassed about who you elected?

Nope...it's hilarious watching the snowflakes melt.

Here is a novel idea if the tweets offend you....don't read them

I don't care what he tweets, but don't you think his actions are just a bit sophomoric and unbecoming of someone who is supposed to be leader of the free world?
I cringed after hearing several of his comments during his campaign. lol

It wasn't until after he won the primaries that I realized he was doing something right. That's also when I stopped questioning his tactics. lol

Trump is a genius. I have no doubt about that.

I think he uses it as a tool and at times it's a little over the top but he's always been a showman
my main reason for not voting for him was his silence on repealing the patriot act and his support for denying someone their 2A rights taken away on the basis of being on a terror watch list

For the time being the anti-gunners seem to be taking a while to recover from the loss of their sociopath hag. Gun control isn't even a subject discussed after recent high profile shootings. As long as Trump leaves our fucking guns alone, not much else concerns me.

The terror watch list needs to go. If the government finds you to be a potential threat that should not be armed in society, a society that's full of weapons, then you should not be in that society, or you should have the ability to challenge the government's assertion that you are a threat.
Are you finally embarrassed about who you elected?

Nope...it's hilarious watching the snowflakes melt.

Here is a novel idea if the tweets offend you....don't read them

I don't care what he tweets, but don't you think his actions are just a bit sophomoric and unbecoming of someone who is supposed to be leader of the free world?
I cringed after hearing several of his comments during his campaign. lol

It wasn't until after he won the primaries that I realized he was doing something right. That's also when I stopped questioning his tactics. lol

Trump is a genius. I have no doubt about that.

I think he uses it as a tool and at times it's a little over the top but he's always been a showman
He's been using twitter to play the media and speak directly to the people.

Trump knows exactly what he's doing. This is a guy who is always thinking ahead. :)
Trump's hardcore brainwashed cult base cheers him on with his tweets while others begin leaving the fold and voicing dissatisfaction. It truly shows how delusional that hardcore base is. Just look at this thread. A trump supporter voices dissatisfaction with his tweeting, like so many other supporters, yet a group of delusional supports is cheering him on. They will swear it does not indicate a split or weakening of the trump base and cult.
I still support our President. A far better choice than the alternative. Just because some don't like the tweets does not mean we are abandoning him. It's not like the leftists offer a valid alternative, or even a rational argument. The crap you guys come up with makes Trump's tweets seem mellow by comparison.
Trump's hardcore brainwashed cult base cheers him on with his tweets while others begin leaving the fold and voicing dissatisfaction. It truly shows how delusional that hardcore base is. Just look at this thread. A trump supporter voices dissatisfaction with his tweeting, like so many other supporters, yet a group of delusional supports is cheering him on. They will swear it does not indicate a split or weakening of the trump base and cult.

So, is Trump supposed to take it from the media 24/7 (lies and fake stories) and not say anything. How good would you be at that I wonder.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I cannot defend it anymore. Some of it is sort of funny.

I am sick of it.

No, I don't think the pathetic stupid left would be treating him good if he was more presidential. Look at polite Bush.

However, I am sick of it myself.

Just stop it.

You've elected a little boy--who addresses criticism with elementary school playground comments. You're fat, you're ugly, you're so stupid--I had you down at Mar a Lago, and I am never inviting you to another one of my birthday party's--LOL

You can bet that every White House adviser & his lawyers have begged Trump to stop it. Every week they're having to circle the wagons around something he has said or tweeted.

The problem is he can't stop. He's a narcissist and his entire world centers around him defending himself. You saw it throughout the primaries, you probably thought he was joking, or it was cute and funny. Most people thought he would change after he was elected or that someone else could control him. A Narcissist requires constant attention, but that attention has to come in the form of praise & adoration. A Narcissist cannot tolerate any form of criticism. Knowing that any President, no matter how good they are, is going to get media criticism coming in from every direction 24 hours a day--7 days a week. All other Presidents have simply ignored negative news coverage. Which goes to show-- just how unfit Trump was to become POTUS.

A great article on this:
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

While it makes for great night Comedy T.V. and SNL, I am certain Republicans in the house and Senate are tired of having to drop issues--to come to his defense every week. Who can take Republicans seriously anymore?
Last edited:
I cannot defend it anymore. Some of it is sort of funny.

I am sick of it.

No, I don't think the pathetic stupid left would be treating him good if he was more presidential. Look at polite Bush.

However, I am sick of it myself.

Just stop it.

You've elected a little boy.

You can bet that every White House adviser & his lawyers have begged Trump to stop it. Every week they're having to circle the wagons around something he has said or tweeted.

The problem is he can't. He's a narcissist and his entire world centers around him defending himself. You saw it through out the primaries, you probably thought he was joking, or it was cute.. Most people thought he would change after he was elected or that someone else could control him. A Narcissist requires constant attention, but that attention has to come in the form of praise & adoration. A Narcissist cannot tolerate any form of criticism. Knowing that any President, no matter how good they are, is going to get media criticism coming in from every direction 24 hours a day--7 days a week, just shows how unfit Trump was to ever become POTUS.

A great article on this:
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

No worthwhile nureoscientist would make that claim without interviewing the individual.

Count on the quack is a Clinton supporter
I have no problem with President Trump using Twitter, it's another way to bypass the treacherous mainstream media.

Smart enough to kick everyone's ass and become our president.


and not have enough character to do anything with it .
You won't hear about the things he's accomplished by watching CNN and MSNBC.

Trump has already done more for Americans in 6 months than obama did in 8 years.

The information is out there, Siete. Look it up.

if its out there should be easy enough for you to show me ...

border wall
deport 15 million mexicans
create millions and millions of jobs
bla bla bla

uuuuuuh, no. not no, but HELL NO !
I'm not here to hold your hand and explain things. That's your moms job.

The things Trump has accomplished in the past 6 months is easy to find. Maybe you should stop being lazy and educate yourself.
You might even earn a few points if you're able to post something that seems somewhat intelligent.
So you can't find those "accomplishments" either
Smart enough to kick everyone's ass and become our president.


and not have enough character to do anything with it .
You won't hear about the things he's accomplished by watching CNN and MSNBC.

Trump has already done more for Americans in 6 months than obama did in 8 years.

The information is out there, Siete. Look it up.

if its out there should be easy enough for you to show me ...

border wall
deport 15 million mexicans
create millions and millions of jobs
bla bla bla

uuuuuuh, no. not no, but HELL NO !
I'm not here to hold your hand and explain things. That's your moms job.

The things Trump has accomplished in the past 6 months is easy to find. Maybe you should stop being lazy and educate yourself.
You might even earn a few points if you're able to post something that seems somewhat intelligent.
So you can't find those "accomplishments" either
I wouldn't be supporting him if I thought he wasn't accomplishing anything.
I have no problem with President Trump using Twitter, it's another way to bypass the treacherous mainstream media.

I agree. I have a problem with his tact.

Let me put it this way. Ever hear Ben Shapiro?

I love when he debates liberals. He is intellectual, he does not come across belligerent. Yes, I am a bit hypocritical here, cause I myself have little tact.

Example of shapiro.

Here he is actually debating a liberal.

Last edited:
Tweeting is how Trump talks to the citizens who voted him in. Fake News Networks constantly distorting and slanting everything that comes out of the White House, leaves him no choice. Tweet On!
I get that, but they are ridiculous and childish. Sorry, I have to say it.

Fine, Tweet....but be more intellectual with it. Have a person proof read them.

Too late now, but I am just sick of it. Granted, I like that he calls out the media. He can do that with more intellectual humor.

Not this 5th grade stuff.
I tend to agree. Just remember, Trump ain't no polition. He's a different kind of cat that says what he feels. Nothing pc about this guy. Its part of his appeal and partly why he was elected.
Tweeting is how Trump talks to the citizens who voted him in. Fake News Networks constantly distorting and slanting everything that comes out of the White House, leaves him no choice. Tweet On!
I get that, but they are ridiculous and childish. Sorry, I have to say it.

Fine, Tweet....but be more intellectual with it. Have a person proof read them.

Too late now, but I am just sick of it. Granted, I like that he calls out the media. He can do that with more intellectual humor.

Not this 5th grade stuff.
I tend to agree. Just remember, Trump ain't no polition. He's a different kind of cat that says what he feels. Nothing pc about this guy. Its part of his appeal and partly why he was elected.
Like I said, it is not so much the tweeting as much as it is the childish tact.

Try to clarify. Reagan never went into the Oval Office without a jack and tie. He saw the presidency as something bigger than himself.

Now, I wish with the Tweets he would be more tactful. It is not WHAT a person says, it is how a person says it.

I like that he hammers the media. If he did it like Ben Shapiro debates, he would be impressing me.

He would still not be a "politician," but I think his points would come across better.

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