Ok, enough with the damn tweeting. Ok?

I don't care what he does.

He defeated hitlery.

I don't even care how. I don't care about anything else he does at this point because no matter what it is, bed wetters will squeal like the swine they are. So fuck it. Let 'em squeal about tweets and shit. Trump is still working to undermine their regressive agenda with business like efficiency. As long as he leaves my fuckin guns alone and actually keeps most illegal aliens out then I have no problems.

I wrote Ted Cruz on my ballot. I didn't believe Trump was different enough from hitlery to matter.

I stand delightfully corrected. Trump has exceeded the expectations I had for Cruz. I judged him WAY wrong.

That said I've called him "The World's Richest Professional Clown" and I stand by it. He is clowning the fuck out of the apparatchiks and their propaganda. He has their attention turned entirely away from what really makes the circus function. While they're shitting themselves over what Trump said about that Mika Brzezinski thing, who looks like one of those japanese fuckbots we've seen online, technicians are shoveling up all the piles of obama legacy left behind by the performance animals. Once they're done Trump will be out of the spotlight and another show will begin.

We agree that he's a professional clown, but to essentially sacrifice the fundamental dignity and credibility of the office of President of the United States to express anger and frustration seems like a pretty rash move.
I cannot defend it anymore. Some of it is sort of funny.

I am sick of it.

No, I don't think the pathetic stupid left would be treating him good if he was more presidential. Look at polite Bush.

However, I am sick of it myself.

Just stop it.

I'm sure he'll heed your advice straight away
We agree that he's a professional clown, but to essentially sacrifice the fundamental dignity and credibility of the office of President of the United States to express anger and frustration seems like a pretty rash move.

People knew what they were voting for. Trump is behaving no different as President than he did prior to the election. So no one should be surprised. He's a clown.

But the people thought he was the least worst choice. Hillary was simply more unacceptable than he was.
We agree that he's a professional clown, but to essentially sacrifice the fundamental dignity and credibility of the office of President of the United States to express anger and frustration seems like a pretty rash move.
People knew what they were voting for. Trump is behaving no different as President than he did prior to the election. So no one should be surprised. He's a clown. But the people thought he was the least worst choice. Hillary was simply more unacceptable than he was.
I'd wonder how many people who voted for him made an assumption about his behavior in office if he won, that he would finally just settle down and act like an adult of at least average dignity and respect.
I cannot defend it anymore. Some of it is sort of funny.

I am sick of it.

No, I don't think the pathetic stupid left would be treating him good if he was more presidential. Look at polite Bush.

However, I am sick of it myself.

Just stop it.

It's just a sign that it's working. The shills are getting triggered, as Donald gives the truth directly to people, and there is nothing they can do. Exciting humor included as well.
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If the president stopped using twitter, he would be labeled by his detractors as a weak and spineless coward who can't stand up for what he believes in.

Keep on tweeting Mr. President and happy independence day!
We agree that he's a professional clown, but to essentially sacrifice the fundamental dignity and credibility of the office of President of the United States to express anger and frustration seems like a pretty rash move.

You keep insisting there was dignity left in the office after the meat puppet. The way I see it, the office was forever sullied. The fact that an incompetent marxist queer like that, could have been marketed well enough to get him elected TWICE reflects poorly on the American public.

So Trump is a clown. Big deal. It's an upgrade, a massive upgrade for half the cost. He is also working to undermine and undo that pathetic traitor's regressive agenda. He has the media spun up about stupid shit. It's fun to watch.
We agree that he's a professional clown, but to essentially sacrifice the fundamental dignity and credibility of the office of President of the United States to express anger and frustration seems like a pretty rash move.

You keep insisting there was dignity left in the office after the meat puppet. The way I see it, the office was forever sullied. The fact that an incompetent marxist queer like that, could have been marketed well enough to get him elected TWICE reflects poorly on the American public.

So Trump is a clown. Big deal. It's an upgrade, a massive upgrade for half the cost. He is also working to undermine and undo that pathetic traitor's regressive agenda. He has the media spun up about stupid shit. It's fun to watch.
Could you provide a few examples, in addition of the photos of Obama bowing in the Middle East, of behaviors of his that were anywhere near the types of behaviors Trump has displayed from the campaign on? I'll be ready with those, from talking about the size of his dick in a Presidential debate to the constant childish name-calling and a nice selection of his tweets.
Could you provide a few examples, in addition of the photos of Obama bowing in the Middle East, of behaviors of his that were anywhere near the types of behaviors Trump has displayed from the campaign on? I'll be ready with those, from talking about the size of his dick in a Presidential debate to the constant childish name-calling and a nice selection of his tweets.

You're equating that to undermining global stability, deliberately stifling businesses and the economy, attempting to manipulate foreign elections and crying about unproven Russian attempts, letting thousands of scumbags out of prison, keeping eric holder covered, emboldening malcontents to riot over the justified shooting of thugs and all the other scummy shit I can't bring to mind with Trump's childish tweets?

When people get killed because Trump fucked something up let me know. The whole world has mooselimbs running amok and you're worried about 140 characters in the twiterverse.
Could you provide a few examples, in addition of the photos of Obama bowing in the Middle East, of behaviors of his that were anywhere near the types of behaviors Trump has displayed from the campaign on? I'll be ready with those, from talking about the size of his dick in a Presidential debate to the constant childish name-calling and a nice selection of his tweets.

You're equating that to undermining global stability, deliberately stifling businesses and the economy, attempting to manipulate foreign elections and crying about unproven Russian attempts, letting thousands of scumbags out of prison, keeping eric holder covered, emboldening malcontents to riot over the justified shooting of thugs and all the other scummy shit I can't bring to mind with Trump's childish tweets?

When people get killed because Trump fucked something up let me know. The whole world has mooselimbs running amok and you're worried about 140 characters in the twiterverse.
Political issues and personal behaviors/temperament are two different things.
Have you noticed that the primary motivation for many Trombies is the thought that liberals are upset?

Low bar. Low expectations. Low results.

Low expectations means it didn't take much to expose the shallowness of upsetting "liberals"! And "low results" well enough said.
If the liberal/ MSM can't take it hey it's a big world out there and "snowflakes" melt rather quickly!

Political issues and personal behaviors/temperament are two different things.


As President so far as I can tell Trump has worked in my interests. He has not simply slowed down regressivism, or pandered to it. He hasn't negotiated. He is undermining it. I'm already pretty sure he has 8 years if he wants it. He can purge regressives from DC and make that place run more efficiently if he really wants to.

What he does as "Trump" himself, he is his own man. A character, clown, whatever. What he does on twitter makes not a legal bit of difference. Therefore...

Political issues and personal behaviors/temperament are two different things.


As President so far as I can tell Trump has worked in my interests. He has not simply slowed down regressivism, or pandered to it. He hasn't negotiated. He is undermining it. I'm already pretty sure he has 8 years if he wants it. He can purge regressives from DC and make that place run more efficiently if he really wants to.

What he does as "Trump" himself, he is his own man. A character, clown, whatever. What he does on twitter makes not a legal bit of difference. Therefore...
Which is exactly what I said in the OP.
I cannot defend it anymore. Some of it is sort of funny.

I am sick of it.

No, I don't think the pathetic stupid left would be treating him good if he was more presidential. Look at polite Bush.

However, I am sick of it myself.

Just stop it.

He's not going to, now what?

Impeach him? LOL

He's doing just to yank your chains...and you're playing right into it

The President of the U.S. is no fucking joke.

/----- Billy Clinton turned the presidency into a sex video and Obama turned it into a total embarrassment

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Which is exactly what I said in the OP.

No, you were implying people did not care about a serious issue, because of their delight that the bed wetters were doing what they always do anyway, piss and moan.

I maintained that the issue (Trump tweets) is not serious, and the reason no one cares isn't as much their delight in watching moonbats foam at the mouth, as their contentment with what he has accomplished in spite of the endeavors of those against him. The moonbat tears are just icing on the cake. It's the legal results we're impressed with.

I cannot defend it anymore. Some of it is sort of funny.

I am sick of it.

No, I don't think the pathetic stupid left would be treating him good if he was more presidential. Look at polite Bush.

However, I am sick of it myself.

Just stop it.

He's not going to, now what?

Impeach him? LOL

He's doing just to yank your chains...and you're playing right into it

The President of the U.S. is no fucking joke.

/----- Billy Clinton turned the presidency into a sex video and Obama turned it into a total embarrassment

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

There are videos?
I cannot defend it anymore. Some of it is sort of funny.

I am sick of it.

No, I don't think the pathetic stupid left would be treating him good if he was more presidential. Look at polite Bush.

However, I am sick of it myself.

Just stop it.

He's not going to, now what?

Impeach him? LOL

He's doing just to yank your chains...and you're playing right into it

The President of the U.S. is no fucking joke.

/----- Billy Clinton turned the presidency into a sex video and Obama turned it into a total embarrassment

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

No sex videos and Obama had more peoples' respect than Trump could ever dream of.
I cannot defend it anymore. Some of it is sort of funny.

I am sick of it.

No, I don't think the pathetic stupid left would be treating him good if he was more presidential. Look at polite Bush.

However, I am sick of it myself.

Just stop it.

He's not going to, now what?

Impeach him? LOL

He's doing just to yank your chains...and you're playing right into it

The President of the U.S. is no fucking joke.

/----- Billy Clinton turned the presidency into a sex video and Obama turned it into a total embarrassment

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

No sex videos and Obama had more peoples' respect than Trump could ever dream of.
/----- Having sex in the Oval Office with an intern his daughter's age then lying about it on national TV then admitting it was true classifies as a sex video. And if everyone respected Obozo sooooooooooooooooo much why did Hildabeast lose?
Trump has no choice but to communicate with tweets. It's not like he has access to an honest press. Past presidents would simply give their remarks to the press who would report it to the people.

Trump has a press that will not report what he actually said. They will add, subtract and twist what he said then editorialize in the echo chamber until the public has no idea what he really said.

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