Ok, I can see closing this

added pork and/or non-starters to the bill that got it tabled.
pork, cow, chicken,venison and a LOT of bull.....

standard fare is adding XXXX 'negotiated pages' to an XXXXXXXXXXXX page bill 24 hrs before the vote on it Will

So that blood is on Moscow Mitch’s hands?

Why would it be on his hands?
You’re clueless, or just acting clueless? There have been bi-partisan bills on his desk for almost a year to deal with this loophole.

and do those bills ONLY cover the loophole?

or are they filled with a dem wish list?
Do you not know what bi-partisan means?

It means capitulation.
We've been telling you all along it's too easy to get a gun.
Why should it be hard? Possessing firearms is a right. If you were any more stupid we'd have to water you. What it's to easy to do is let those hating muslim garbage come here and kill us.

Would-be terrorists could exploit gun law loophole used by Saudi pilot in Pensacola shooting rampage: FBI

"Mohammed Alshamrani, 21, a second lieutenant in the Saudi air force who was in the United States for flight training, was able to buy a Glock 9 mm pistol from a Florida gun shop by taking advantage of a federal gun law exception that allows foreign nationals to legally purchase weapons with a valid hunting license."

Get access to firearms because they have a hunting license?

Maybe there should be something on the hunting license to restricting what they are allowed to hint?

Foreign nationals should never be allowed Citizen gun rights... Full Stop!
You’re clueless, or just acting clueless? There have been bi-partisan bills on his desk for almost a year to deal with this loophole.

and do those bills ONLY cover the loophole?

or are they filled with a dem wish list?
Do you not know what bi-partisan means?


NOW, start listing the wish list the dems inserted that are preventing it from going anywhere.
You’re making the claim that this list exists. Tell us all about it.

I'm making the claim that dems, and possibly pubs, added pork and/or non-starters to the bill that got it tabled.

your seemingly inability to provide a link to the bill makes me think I'm correct.

as to it being bipartisan, what was the vote in the House to get it passed?
Yet you continue to talk out your ass, making accusations that you can’t back up.

“It probably contained...” fuck that shit. You can either debate, or you can just run your mouth all day.
The left in this thread conflate CITIZEN RIGHTS with those who come here illegally or on restricted visas that should have none of these rights.. Until they assimilate and become full citizens they should never have unsupervised access to weapons.
You’re clueless, or just acting clueless?

…… says a fan of A.O.C.

What's next -- Miley Cyrus asking if somebody is slutty or just acting slutty?

The constitution guarantees citizens the right to bear arms. Using the actions of a non citizen to chip away at this guarantee is just silly.
and do those bills ONLY cover the loophole?

or are they filled with a dem wish list?
Do you not know what bi-partisan means?


NOW, start listing the wish list the dems inserted that are preventing it from going anywhere.
You’re making the claim that this list exists. Tell us all about it.

I'm making the claim that dems, and possibly pubs, added pork and/or non-starters to the bill that got it tabled.

your seemingly inability to provide a link to the bill makes me think I'm correct.

as to it being bipartisan, what was the vote in the House to get it passed?
Yet you continue to talk out your ass, making accusations that you can’t back up.

“It probably contained...” fuck that shit. You can either debate, or you can just run your mouth all day.

Yet you continue to talk out your ass, making accusations that you can’t back up.

AOC, YOU'RE the one that brought up the bill, and yet you seem to have NO idea what is in it.


who hunts w/a 9mm pistol?


Not the point.

Because of that loophole, any legal or illegal alien with a hunting license can purchase any firearm from a .22 derringer to an AK-47.

That particular loophole needs closed
I don’t think an illegal alien falls under the definition-

Nonimmigrant classifications include:

  • Foreign government officials;
  • Visitors for business and for pleasure;
  • Foreign nationals in transit through the United States;
  • Treaty traders and investors;
  • Students;
  • International representatives;
  • Temporary workers and trainees;
  • Representatives of foreign information media;
  • Exchange visitors;
  • Fiancé(e)s of U.S. citizens;
  • Intracompany transferees;
  • NATO officials; and
  • Religious workers.
Nonimmigrant Visa Definition | U.S. Immigration Glossary
May a nonimmigrant alien who has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa possess a firearm or ammunition in the United States? | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
and do those bills ONLY cover the loophole?

or are they filled with a dem wish list?
Do you not know what bi-partisan means?


NOW, start listing the wish list the dems inserted that are preventing it from going anywhere.
You’re making the claim that this list exists. Tell us all about it.

I'm making the claim that dems, and possibly pubs, added pork and/or non-starters to the bill that got it tabled.

your seemingly inability to provide a link to the bill makes me think I'm correct.

as to it being bipartisan, what was the vote in the House to get it passed?
Yet you continue to talk out your ass, making accusations that you can’t back up.

“It probably contained...” fuck that shit. You can either debate, or you can just run your mouth all day.
And yet you have not backed up your assertion such bills are sitting there waiting.
So that blood is on Moscow Mitch’s hands?

Why would it be on his hands?
You’re clueless, or just acting clueless? There have been bi-partisan bills on his desk for almost a year to deal with this loophole.

Too many flies on that bill.
Name those flies that Moscow Mitch is opposed to.

you won’t. You can’t. Because, as usual, you’re talking out your ass.


Reach into the trash can yourself.
You are incapable of showing any facts, in any thread, on any subject. You just do this shit. Therefore you are just a troll and you’re not worth my time or my eyeballs. Welcome to my ignore list. Merry Christmas!
So that blood is on Moscow Mitch’s hands?

Why would it be on his hands?
You’re clueless, or just acting clueless? There have been bi-partisan bills on his desk for almost a year to deal with this loophole.

and do those bills ONLY cover the loophole?

or are they filled with a dem wish list?
Do you not know what bi-partisan means?


NOW, start listing the wish list the dems inserted that are preventing it from going anywhere.
You’re the one who is claiming there is a list. Without proof.
So that blood is on Moscow Mitch’s hands?

Why would it be on his hands?
You’re clueless, or just acting clueless? There have been bi-partisan bills on his desk for almost a year to deal with this loophole.
Link to those bills, please, since you made the claim.
I predict that all of you will have too much false pride to admit that you look pretty fucking stupid right now.

Text - H.R.8 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019
So that blood is on Moscow Mitch’s hands?

Why would it be on his hands?
You’re clueless, or just acting clueless? There have been bi-partisan bills on his desk for almost a year to deal with this loophole.
Link to those bills, please, since you made the claim.
I predict that all of you will have too much false pride to admit that you look pretty fucking stupid right now.

Text - H.R.8 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019
Bipartisan? No.
And this-
The purpose of this Act is to utilize the current background checks process in the United States to ensure individuals prohibited from gun possession are not able to obtain firearms.

it would have done nothing to prevent this.
We've been telling you all along it's too easy to get a gun.
Why should it be hard? Possessing firearms is a right. If you were any more stupid we'd have to water you. What it's to easy to do is let those hating muslim garbage come here and kill us.
It's too easy to get one. That guy just proved it in a way even you should be able to understand.
Why would it be on his hands?
You’re clueless, or just acting clueless? There have been bi-partisan bills on his desk for almost a year to deal with this loophole.

and do those bills ONLY cover the loophole?

or are they filled with a dem wish list?
Do you not know what bi-partisan means?


NOW, start listing the wish list the dems inserted that are preventing it from going anywhere.
You’re the one who is claiming there is a list. Without proof.

Post the bill you claim they are setting on.

You are incapable of showing any facts

You aren't showing any either, AOC
So that blood is on Moscow Mitch’s hands?

Why would it be on his hands?
You’re clueless, or just acting clueless? There have been bi-partisan bills on his desk for almost a year to deal with this loophole.
Link to those bills, please, since you made the claim.
I predict that all of you will have too much false pride to admit that you look pretty fucking stupid right now.

Text - H.R.8 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019

Right, basically a universal background check.

Not what the thread is about, is it?

Go away little girl, come back when the discussion is about UBC

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