Prepare for gun grabber tears.... Senate anti-gun proposals don't seem to give them what they wanted.....good....I hope it stays that way...

The police are doing what the wolves want. You honestly think the wolves are going to investigate their plundering of the hen house?

Don't be stupid.
So you don’t think the courts will rule that the police illegally attacked these people?
No, I don't think they will ever get the chance.
Ok, so we both agree that the courts will not rule that the police illegally attacked these people.

I’m not sure why you would say “not yet” regarding something you don’t believe will happen.
Ok, so we both agree that the courts will not rule that the police illegally attacked these people.

I’m not sure why you would say “not yet” regarding something you don’t believe will happen.

I just find it amusing how you defend gross corruption in the legal system.

Says a lot about you. None of it good.
So what do you intend to do about this “gross corruption in the legal system”?

Work to restore the vote. Until then the corruptocrats will continue to destroy this country.
It sounds incredibly vague, like you're not actually going to do anything whatsoever.

Feel free to believe whatever you wish.

In fact I encourage you to think that nothing will happen.

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