ok. I will ask. SunniMan.....

Purely rhetorical question springs to mind. If the "6 day creation" myth in Genesis is fundamental to Judaism then why is it only Christian zealots who are trying to impose it on public school children?

Remember this--Judaism is Fundemental to Christianity--without it, what you have left is the pagan philosophies of Plato/Aristotle/Socrates(namely, ethics) and parts/plagarized remnants of other religions.

Add in the concept that Christians tend to think that everything that is good/beneficial is of god, therefore Jesus. therefore the byproduct of christianity and therefore subject to christian control, it is no surprise to see Fundies trying to dictate what children should be taught.

The only problem I have with my own opinion(as it actually is) is that we do not see Fundies trying to control even more things including the interpretation of the constitution,as according to the Bible, the dictation of American lifestyles, the criminalization of ususry(interests) and so forth.

Or maybe they are, and I am not that observant!!:tongue:

The attempts to obstruct gay marriage and outlaw abortion fit into the category of trying to interpret the "constitution,as according to the Bible, the dictation of American lifestyles" in my opinion.

Bullshit. etc. I already commented, but managed to lose DeTard.
First thing First--you are trying to use "physical realities" to prove or disprove "Metaphysical statements"

For instance, Science implies that it would be impossible for the earth to be formed, cooled, and man come dancing up on it within 6 days--but it is in Genesis and Jews(I maybe mistaken--I really am not an expert on Judaism so you may have to ask Jew this question) believe as part of their faith

Purely rhetorical question springs to mind. If the "6 day creation" myth in Genesis is fundamental to Judaism then why is it only Christian zealots who are trying to impose it on public school children?

Because we are sick of loons passing off their theories, which are long on assumption and short on actual evidence, as "science". If schools are going to teach crap creation theories, they might as well teach our creation theory along with them.

Otherwise, quit teaching your crap as "fact".


Your ignorance must be blissful.

Remember this--Judaism is Fundemental to Christianity--without it, what you have left is the pagan philosophies of Plato/Aristotle/Socrates(namely, ethics) and parts/plagarized remnants of other religions.

Add in the concept that Christians tend to think that everything that is good/beneficial is of god, therefore Jesus. therefore the byproduct of christianity and therefore subject to christian control, it is no surprise to see Fundies trying to dictate what children should be taught.

The only problem I have with my own opinion(as it actually is) is that we do not see Fundies trying to control even more things including the interpretation of the constitution,as according to the Bible, the dictation of American lifestyles, the criminalization of ususry(interests) and so forth.

Or maybe they are, and I am not that observant!!:tongue:

The attempts to obstruct gay marriage and outlaw abortion fit into the category of trying to interpret the "constitution,as according to the Bible, the dictation of American lifestyles" in my opinion.

Bullshit. etc. I already commented, but managed to lose DeTard.

Controlling Anger -- Before It Controls You
Purely rhetorical question springs to mind. If the "6 day creation" myth in Genesis is fundamental to Judaism then why is it only Christian zealots who are trying to impose it on public school children?

Because we are sick of loons passing off their theories, which are long on assumption and short on actual evidence, as "science". If schools are going to teach crap creation theories, they might as well teach our creation theory along with them.

Otherwise, quit teaching your crap as "fact".


Your ignorance must be blissful.


I see you found your place....obviously you're working with a slight to moderate delay.
Jeremiah and Cmike.....you both have done a wonderful job in talking back and forth and being so polite and understanding of each other. Kudos to you both.

Thank you for your kind words.

We debated each other one-on-one in the bull ring regarding jesus.

Our religoins are different but we respect each other.

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