ok leftists I need you to clear something up

wikipedia has citations for everything, and its peer reviewd

by anyways, US intelligence reported on it a year ago

if they did it in 2016 they should have been able to in 2020
and wiki is not peer-reviewed it's one of those sources that can be edited by anyone
but let's go with peer review who are those that review wiki content?
Allow me to readdress this post saw something that caught my eye.
Bernie sanders was cheated by the democrat party, not Russia
and FURTHERMORE SANDERS IS A COMMUNIST and pro russia why else would someone go to Moscow for a honeymoon?
Sanders getting cheated is why The Pakistani hackers turned on Clinton and handed Podesta emails over to Seth Rich
if they did it in 2016 they should have been able to in 2020
and wiki is not peer-reviewed it's one of those sources that can be edited by anyone
but let's go with peer review who are those that review wiki content?
russia certainly made the attempt in 2020, but the US was expecting it.

Wikipedia is peer reviewed, because anybody can post to the talk section of any page to report any erroneous content. But more important is the citations, linking to the source material. Citations are always required on wikipedia, or it will say "citation needed".

you have a choice, either the key judgements in US intel report or the citations in the wikipedia page.
russia certainly made the attempt in 2020, but the US was expecting it.

Wikipedia is peer reviewed, because anybody can post to the talk section of any page to report any erroneous content. But more important is the citations, linking to the source material. Citations are always required on wikipedia, or it will say "citation needed".

you have a choice, either the key judgements in US intel report or the citations in the wikipedia page.
You never did provide the names of that peer review team
and once again if Russia did it in 2016 they would have done it in 2020 and if Trump was putins buddy Trump would be in the white house
wikipedia has citations for everything, and its peer reviewd
It's reviewed by a bunch of prog morons like you. It's pure trash.
by anyways, US intelligence reported on it a year ago

Unnamed sources, in other words.

Who do you think you're fooling.
russia certainly made the attempt in 2020, but the US was expecting it.

Wikipedia is peer reviewed, because anybody can post to the talk section of any page to report any erroneous content. But more important is the citations, linking to the source material. Citations are always required on wikipedia, or it will say "citation needed".

you have a choice, either the key judgements in US intel report or the citations in the wikipedia page.
Wikipedia is pure prog propaganda. It's reviewed only progs. Any other edits to it are deleted.
Be a little more specific.
Anyway here is the post you made where you were making shit up as if I said it.
Russians didn’t rig the election in 2016
What they did was hack the DNC server and spread disinformation about Hillary.
Trump happily used the information against Hillary
They also used an Army of trolls to infiltrate Facebook and other websites

They tried the same in 2020 but Trump was such a flawed candidate by then
Where did I say Russia rigged the election?
Be a little more specific.
Anyway here is the post you made where you were making shit up as if I said it.

Where did I say Russia rigged the election?

Your quote…

who supposedly won or are you saying the election was rigged too much for Russian interference?
Your quote…

who supposedly won or are you saying the election was rigged too much for Russian interference?
And by your own words bust your bullshit lie. No where in that quote does it say Russia rigged the election.
So we're back to you not making any sense.
Allow me to readdress this post saw something that caught my eye.
Bernie sanders was cheated by the democrat party, not Russia
and FURTHERMORE SANDERS IS A COMMUNIST and pro russia why else would someone go to Moscow for a honeymoon?
Clinton and Obama had no way to combat Trump's turnout and his appeal, so they emailed uncle pooty poot putin on Hillary's secret illegal server and hatched The Russian Collusion Dirty Dossier Plan.

They have to keep that out there because they need lies and false accusations to combat such an opponent who isn't a member of their corrupt globalist club.

These people are nothing but propagandists, and this is why no amount of proof to show that they are lying will ever do.
If Russia interfered with the 2016 election to help Trump and Trump was in the pocket and buddy of Putin.
Why didn't Russia interfere with the 2020 election?
why did Putin stop invading countries only to start back after Trump left the white house?

According to articles in the newspaper, they tried. The left and social media were far more aware of the affiliation between Trump and Russian intelligence (as was documented by the GOP controlled senate).

BTW...there is no "if"...Russia's interference is well documented.
On February 21, 2020, The Washington Post reported that, according to unnamed US officials, Russia was interfering in the Democratic primary in an effort to support the nomination of Senator Bernie Sanders.

Russian interference in the 2020 United States elections​

#2) Is this a serious question? Trump was trying to destroy NATO, why would Putin invade anything when his puppet was doing his work for him?

Telling NATO members to actually pay what they are supposed to by Treaty, thus making NATO stronger is in tour mind "destroying NATO"?

Are you retarded?
Telling NATO members to actually pay what they are supposed to by Treaty, thus making NATO stronger is in tour mind "destroying NATO"?

Are you retarded?

If Trump won in 2020 he would have pulled out of NATO before Putin attacked Ukraine - leaving Poland, Romania, and other border countries to Putin’s wrath

EDIT: Also, don't use that word.
He can't pull out of NATO. How is it you don't know that?

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