OK Republicans, let’s stop the impeachment once and for all

How many millions of dollars will be wasted by democrats, and for what?
Politicians, on BOTH sides don't care about what ain't theirs- OPM- Other Peoples Money- they never have and never will - see Davy Crockett and the farmer Bunce story- he, Davy Crockett, is the ONLY politician to ever tell the arrogant cock suckers in the District of Criminals, it ain't your's to give- but, they all act like it is and those who want more funds for their retirement port folios are the worst- they're lying scum, leeches, who never did an honest day's work in the sad story of their miserable existence-

But politicians should be concerned how John Q. Public is going to react to the needless spending of millions and millions of dollars just because idiot democrats don't want to wait a week and a half. Any politician, on the left OR the right, who backs impeachment should rightly expect to have a fight when they come up for re-election...

And any President that completely disregards the Constitution of the United States and it's Laws should be impeached, convicted and thrown in prison regardless when they do it. Even after leaving the office.


You really don't have a fucking clue as to how this all works, do you?

When a person gets impeached, and then is convicted by the Senate, that person doesn't go to prison. If a person is convicted by the Senate while in office, he is removed from office. If he's already left office, which would be the case with Donald Trump, upon conviction he would be barred from ever serving as President again.

That's only a single scnario where that would possibly matter: That 67 Senators vote in favor of conviction.

And that's just not going to happen....
Do the same with BLM and Antifa.
Neither BLM nor ANTIFA have anything to do with the lawlessness that MAGArats are engaging in
Hang in there. Trump isn't done yet and it will be most interesting.
You sound hopeful of more destruction and death
They had their own lawlessness........6 months of riots, looting, rape and murder.

I like your idea of shooting them on sight.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

What NEEDS to be done is burn it down and start all over.
How many millions of dollars will be wasted by democrats, and for what?
Politicians, on BOTH sides don't care about what ain't theirs- OPM- Other Peoples Money- they never have and never will - see Davy Crockett and the farmer Bunce story- he, Davy Crockett, is the ONLY politician to ever tell the arrogant cock suckers in the District of Criminals, it ain't your's to give- but, they all act like it is and those who want more funds for their retirement port folios are the worst- they're lying scum, leeches, who never did an honest day's work in the sad story of their miserable existence-

But politicians should be concerned how John Q. Public is going to react to the needless spending of millions and millions of dollars just because idiot democrats don't want to wait a week and a half. Any politician, on the left OR the right, who backs impeachment should rightly expect to have a fight when they come up for re-election...

And any President that completely disregards the Constitution of the United States and it's Laws should be impeached, convicted and thrown in prison regardless when they do it. Even after leaving the office.
You mean like lying to congress? (I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Or what about hiding (deleting) subpoenaed evidence? Are you saying the Clintons should be in prison? Is that what you are saying? Or is that different.

I know. That's different because...well,,,,, its different.

It's degrees. Shoplifting a few candybars is handled differently than capital murder. In this case, Clinton lied to a Grand Jury and was impeached but the Senate didn't come up with the votes to remove him from office. He lied about a blow job. How many Married Men won't admit that they got a smoke job away from home to their wives? But those same lying (content) men didn't try to being an entire nation to it's knees not only once but twice.

Aww yes, the sensationalism......"bring it to its knees" Lol. More wild liberal rhetoric.

Hang in there. Trump isn't done yet and it will be most interesting. Just found out Pelousy hasn't reported to the House in two days. Wonder where that hag is. Bet she knows what's coming. Her laptop got swiped after all. Wonder what was on that bad boy. LOL
You'll need to ask the pos terrorist who's in jail about that.
How many millions of dollars will be wasted by democrats, and for what?
Politicians, on BOTH sides don't care about what ain't theirs- OPM- Other Peoples Money- they never have and never will - see Davy Crockett and the farmer Bunce story- he, Davy Crockett, is the ONLY politician to ever tell the arrogant cock suckers in the District of Criminals, it ain't your's to give- but, they all act like it is and those who want more funds for their retirement port folios are the worst- they're lying scum, leeches, who never did an honest day's work in the sad story of their miserable existence-

But politicians should be concerned how John Q. Public is going to react to the needless spending of millions and millions of dollars just because idiot democrats don't want to wait a week and a half. Any politician, on the left OR the right, who backs impeachment should rightly expect to have a fight when they come up for re-election...

And any President that completely disregards the Constitution of the United States and it's Laws should be impeached, convicted and thrown in prison regardless when they do it. Even after leaving the office.


You really don't have a fucking clue as to how this all works, do you?

When a person gets impeached, and then is convicted by the Senate, that person doesn't go to prison. If a person is convicted by the Senate while in office, he is removed from office. If he's already left office, which would be the case with Donald Trump, upon conviction he would be barred from ever serving as President again.

That's only a single scnario where that would possibly matter: That 67 Senators vote in favor of conviction.

And that's just not going to happen....

You leave out the fact that stupid memo that prevents a President from being brought into a court of law for just about anything no longer applies after he leaves office no matter whether he resigns, runs out his term or is removed by the Senate. The smartest thing Rump could do is to cut a deal with Pence and resign today. But he won't. And after throwing Pence under the bus, there is a good chance that even then a pardon won't be forth coming. Rump is out of options at this point. And he has 9 days to figure out another "Here, hold my beer"moment or moments.
How many millions of dollars will be wasted by democrats, and for what?
Politicians, on BOTH sides don't care about what ain't theirs- OPM- Other Peoples Money- they never have and never will - see Davy Crockett and the farmer Bunce story- he, Davy Crockett, is the ONLY politician to ever tell the arrogant cock suckers in the District of Criminals, it ain't your's to give- but, they all act like it is and those who want more funds for their retirement port folios are the worst- they're lying scum, leeches, who never did an honest day's work in the sad story of their miserable existence-

But politicians should be concerned how John Q. Public is going to react to the needless spending of millions and millions of dollars just because idiot democrats don't want to wait a week and a half. Any politician, on the left OR the right, who backs impeachment should rightly expect to have a fight when they come up for re-election...

And any President that completely disregards the Constitution of the United States and it's Laws should be impeached, convicted and thrown in prison regardless when they do it. Even after leaving the office.


You really don't have a fucking clue as to how this all works, do you?

When a person gets impeached, and then is convicted by the Senate, that person doesn't go to prison. If a person is convicted by the Senate while in office, he is removed from office. If he's already left office, which would be the case with Donald Trump, upon conviction he would be barred from ever serving as President again.

That's only a single scnario where that would possibly matter: That 67 Senators vote in favor of conviction.

And that's just not going to happen....

You leave out the fact that stupid memo that prevents a President from being brought into a court of law for just about anything no longer applies after he leaves office no matter whether he resigns, runs out his term or is removed by the Senate. The smartest thing Rump could do is to cut a deal with Pence and resign today. But he won't. And after throwing Pence under the bus, there is a good chance that even then a pardon won't be forth coming. Rump is out of options at this point. And he has 9 days to figure out another "Here, hold my beer"moment or moments.

What the fuck are you talking about? We're discussing impeachment. Put down the bottle and get with the program. A conviction in the Senate is pretty much a non-starter, which means that the ramifications of an impeachment are pretty much on-existent.

Trump will be impeached a second time, not because of what he said, but because idiot liberals hate him so much they'll vote for impeachment even if they don't believe it's warranted. But an impeachment is nothing more than being formally charged. He will be found not guilty in the Senate, and will therefore always be "not guilty", just like last time.

Of course, mentally retarded libs will refer to him as "impeached President Trump" as if that's, somehow, meaningful, and will only make themselves look petty and weak in the long run, just like last time...
How many millions of dollars will be wasted by democrats, and for what?
Politicians, on BOTH sides don't care about what ain't theirs- OPM- Other Peoples Money- they never have and never will - see Davy Crockett and the farmer Bunce story- he, Davy Crockett, is the ONLY politician to ever tell the arrogant cock suckers in the District of Criminals, it ain't your's to give- but, they all act like it is and those who want more funds for their retirement port folios are the worst- they're lying scum, leeches, who never did an honest day's work in the sad story of their miserable existence-

But politicians should be concerned how John Q. Public is going to react to the needless spending of millions and millions of dollars just because idiot democrats don't want to wait a week and a half. Any politician, on the left OR the right, who backs impeachment should rightly expect to have a fight when they come up for re-election...

And any President that completely disregards the Constitution of the United States and it's Laws should be impeached, convicted and thrown in prison regardless when they do it. Even after leaving the office.


You really don't have a fucking clue as to how this all works, do you?

When a person gets impeached, and then is convicted by the Senate, that person doesn't go to prison. If a person is convicted by the Senate while in office, he is removed from office. If he's already left office, which would be the case with Donald Trump, upon conviction he would be barred from ever serving as President again.

That's only a single scnario where that would possibly matter: That 67 Senators vote in favor of conviction.

And that's just not going to happen....

You leave out the fact that stupid memo that prevents a President from being brought into a court of law for just about anything no longer applies after he leaves office no matter whether he resigns, runs out his term or is removed by the Senate. The smartest thing Rump could do is to cut a deal with Pence and resign today. But he won't. And after throwing Pence under the bus, there is a good chance that even then a pardon won't be forth coming. Rump is out of options at this point. And he has 9 days to figure out another "Here, hold my beer"moment or moments.

What the fuck are you talking about? We're discussing impeachment. Put down the bottle and get with the program. A conviction in the Senate is pretty much a non-starter, which means that the ramifications of an impeachment are pretty much on-existent.

Trump will be impeached a second time, not because of what he said, but because idiot liberals hate him so much they'll vote for impeachment even if they don't believe it's warranted. But an impeachment is nothing more than being formally charged. He will be found not guilty in the Senate, and will therefore always be "not guilty", just like last time.

Of course, mentally retarded libs will refer to him as "impeached President Trump" as if that's, somehow, meaningful, and will only make themselves look petty and weak in the long run, just like last time...

I don't think there will be a conviction in the Senate although it's going to be very very close. But I do think the new AG is going to go after him and his merry band of criminals. The Nation can't allow Rump to keep his foothold like he has. Some of you Traitorist Rumpsters say that it all needs to be brought down to the ground and we rebuild from there. Newsflash: It's already been done. What we need to do now is to take Rump down all the way and remove HIM from the equation. Then that should give the nation the time to heal.
I don't think there will be a conviction in the Senate although it's going to be very very close.

I don't. The Senate needs 2/3 to convict, and they won't have anywhere near that...

But I do think the new AG is going to go after him and his merry band of criminals.

Well, that would certainly prove that Biden's a lying fuck. He's spoken about "unity" and all that other kumbaya bullshit, and he means none of it.

Trump easily could've gone after Clinton and didn't. That's one of the biggest problems I had with him. She put national security at risk in lieu of convenience and Trump declared she didn't need to be dragged through that.

If the new AG goes after Trump, Biden's going to have a difficult time selling his "unity" bullshit to people who already don't like him...

The Nation can't allow Rump to keep his foothold like he has. Some of you Traitorist Rumpsters say that it all needs to be brought down to the ground and we rebuild from there. Newsflash: It's already been done.

First off, understand who you're talking to. When you belch up idiocy like "you Traitorous Rumpsters", all you do is steel the resolve of those who truly want to see Trump back in power. When you say it to someone like me, you only make yourself look ignorant and stupid, because I'm one of those who've supported him in the past who doesn't want to see him back in power...

What we need to do now is to take Rump down all the way and remove HIM from the equation. Then that should give the nation the time to heal.

Are all liberals as naive and ignorant as you?

You're never going to remove him from the equation. That's the point. As long as he's breathing, he'll express his opinions, and he'll have as much right to express those opinions as you have to express yours. Donald Trump will now be a permanent presence in American politics, and there's not a fucking thing the left can do about it...
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I don't think there will be a conviction in the Senate although it's going to be very very close.

I don't. The Senate needs 2/3 to convict, and they won't have anywhere near that...

But I do think the new AG is going to go after him and his merry band of criminals.

Well, that would certainly prove that Biden's a lying fuck. He's spoken about "unity" and all that other kumbaya bullshit, and he means none of it.

Trump easily could've gone after Clinton and didn't. That's one of the biggest problems I had with him. She put national security at risk in lieu of convenience and Trump declared she didn't need to be dragged through that.

If the new AG goes after Trump, Biden's going to have a difficult time selling his "unity" bullshit to people who already don't like him...

The Nation can't allow Rump to keep his foothold like he has. Some of you Traitorist Rumpsters say that it all needs to be brought down to the ground and we rebuild from there. Newsflash: It's already been done.

First off, understand who you're talking to. When you belch up idiocy like "you Traitorous Rumpsters", all you do is steel the resolve of those who truly want to see Trump back in power. When you say it to someone like me, you only make yourself look ignorant and stupid, because I'm one of those who've supported him in the past who doesn't want to see him back in power...

What we need to do now is to take Rump down all the way and remove HIM from the equation. Then that should give the nation the time to heal.

Are all liberals as naive and ignorant as you?

You're never going to remove him from the equation. That's the point. As long as he's breathing, he'll express his opinions, and he'll have as much right to express those opinions as you have to express yours. Donald Trump will now be a permanent presence in American politics, and there's not a fucking thing the left can do about it...

McConnel just decided HE wants Rump Impeached. Care to see how many of HIS followers follow Moscow Mitch on this one? I think I have had enough of your treasonist lies. Enjoy the bitbucket. And I suggest that every do the same with the likes of you. Sorry, no attention coming from this end, Achmed.
I don't think there will be a conviction in the Senate although it's going to be very very close.

I don't. The Senate needs 2/3 to convict, and they won't have anywhere near that...

But I do think the new AG is going to go after him and his merry band of criminals.

Well, that would certainly prove that Biden's a lying fuck. He's spoken about "unity" and all that other kumbaya bullshit, and he means none of it.

Trump easily could've gone after Clinton and didn't. That's one of the biggest problems I had with him. She put national security at risk in lieu of convenience and Trump declared she didn't need to be dragged through that.

If the new AG goes after Trump, Biden's going to have a difficult time selling his "unity" bullshit to people who already don't like him...

The Nation can't allow Rump to keep his foothold like he has. Some of you Traitorist Rumpsters say that it all needs to be brought down to the ground and we rebuild from there. Newsflash: It's already been done.

First off, understand who you're talking to. When you belch up idiocy like "you Traitorous Rumpsters", all you do is steel the resolve of those who truly want to see Trump back in power. When you say it to someone like me, you only make yourself look ignorant and stupid, because I'm one of those who've supported him in the past who doesn't want to see him back in power...

What we need to do now is to take Rump down all the way and remove HIM from the equation. Then that should give the nation the time to heal.

Are all liberals as naive and ignorant as you?

You're never going to remove him from the equation. That's the point. As long as he's breathing, he'll express his opinions, and he'll have as much right to express those opinions as you have to express yours. Donald Trump will now be a permanent presence in American politics, and there's not a fucking thing the left can do about it...

McConnel just decided HE wants Rump Impeached. Care to see how many of HIS followers follow Moscow Mitch on this one? I think I have had enough of your treasonist lies. Enjoy the bitbucket. And I suggest that every do the same with the likes of you. Sorry, no attention coming from this end, Achmed.

You're nothing but an ignorant fuck who has nothing to offer in the way of intelligent discourse.

What treasonouos lies have I told, you cum-gurgling little fuck?
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

he actually said ' we love you ' & ' you're special' ...

lawmakers were calling him in real time for help - he ignored them. it took days for the WH to finally lower its flag to 1/2 mast in recognition that a cop was killed.

he has yet to call the widow.

he hasn't even spoken to pence until YESTERDAY ...

but you think he's innocent? lol ... you silly little deplorable.
They are special because they are no longer loyal to a country anymore. They are loyal to Trump and his lies; 'These are seditionists,' says FBI veteran of Capitol Hill attackers



is how they got to to DC.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

he actually said ' we love you ' & ' you're special' ...

lawmakers were calling him in real time for help - he ignored them. it took days for the WH to finally lower its flag to 1/2 mast in recognition that a cop was killed.

he has yet to call the widow.

he hasn't even spoken to pence until YESTERDAY ...

but you think he's innocent? lol ... you silly little deplorable.
Ouch. You called me deplorable on an internet site. How manly of you.

actually if you STILL support trump after all this time - then you are a knuckledragging, basket dwelling, poorly educated deplorable trump humper that donny loves long time..

& that is coming from a girl.
One thing that would go a long way to quell the suspicion surrounding this election, would be if Democrats would agree to investigate, and hold hearings on what happened, for the record in those battleground states, and agree to work with state legislatures in getting control how they proceed forward with future elections....

If Democrats would do that, would Trump accept the findings of those hearings?

Unless Trump stops stirring the pot, wild maniacs will continue with their protests.

As they showed on Wednesday, they have no respect for Congress. Why would they accept a Congressional hearing?
Please show me the exact quote Trump said that made people take the capitol or shut up.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
Fuck you, What was that old cigarette commercial with the saying I would rather fight than switch? You are just an Ant American slime that would love to live under Chairman Biden's rule
I have yet to see Republicans offer any alternative to Impeachment other than......Let’s just forget about the whole thing

Which is as it should be. They can't do anything till the 19th and Trump will be out of office and you can bet he won't give shit one about being impeached.

Oh and what a way to unify the country. Imbeciles one and all.

impeachment is equal to an indictment. the trial - & there WILL be a trial, means that he will be facing federal crimes. once he's outa office, donny is no longer immune to prison time. & he will not be able to pardon himself.
One thing that would go a long way to quell the suspicion surrounding this election, would be if Democrats would agree to investigate, and hold hearings on what happened, for the record in those battleground states, and agree to work with state legislatures in getting control how they proceed forward with future elections....

If Democrats would do that, would Trump accept the findings of those hearings?

Unless Trump stops stirring the pot, wild maniacs will continue with their protests.

As they showed on Wednesday, they have no respect for Congress. Why would they accept a Congressional hearing?
Please show me the exact quote Trump said that made people take the capitol or shut up.

Libs are confusing President Trump's speech on 1/6 with that of another Scotsman , Mel Gibson, back in the day. The way the radicals are portraying Trump's speech, people in this country think that Trump painted his face before the march of the Capitol.


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