OK Republicans, let’s stop the impeachment once and for all

Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

America, as we have seen this past week is more divided than even liberal progressives thought...Why you idiots would want to throw gas on the fire is beyond me.....But we all should unite right?

America isn't "divided". It's been cleft in two by a Republican Party which can only suvive by lying to the people about the Democrats. Republicans have no policies, no platform, and no plans for the nation, other than to hate Democrats. You don't elect politicians to run your country, you election people who will fight against the Democrats.

Democrats are trying to keep the country from going into the crapper, and Republicans are determined to keep you there. These endless economic crashes are the direct result. I have been watching the Republican Party since Reagan and scratching my head at their behaviour.

The only way Republicans can get elected is to lie. They've become very good at it. Nobody does a character assassination like the Republican Party. That's why the Lincoln Project ads were so good. But it's time for the Republican Party to come up with something other than racism and hate as a platform. To get some ideas of governance other than "cut taxes and double the deficit", because there's no taxes left to cut, and it's time to cut up your credit cards.

Yeah, lincoln project was so good................

Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
Exactly right.
Nixon was not impeached only because Republican leaders told him he no longer had their support and it was time to go.

Republicans put the nation above Party in dealing with Nixon

They are no longer willing to do that. These are the same Republican Senators and Congressmen who emerged from a bunker hiding from wild “Stop the Steal” protestors and still voted to support the fantasy that 2020 was a stolen election
So dead people voting and judges turning over state legislatures is just a fantasy
Actually those are lies.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

America, as we have seen this past week is more divided than even liberal progressives thought...Why you idiots would want to throw gas on the fire is beyond me.....But we all should unite right?
America, as we have seen this past week is more divided than even liberal progressives thought...Why you idiots would want to throw gas on the fire is beyond me.....But we all should unite right?
We don’t avoid doing the hard work of holding this insurrectionist president to account because the intellectually and emotionally weak among us may become further upset. Whether impeachment makes it through the Senate or not is irrelevant. The purpose is to record for posterity who stood up against such actions and who stood for the protection of our democratic republic from such actions even when doing nothing would be far easier given the time the insurrectionist in chief has left.

Leftists like yourself Hutch don't give two shits about this Republic...The aim of individuals like yourself over the past 40 years at least, as been to tear it down....

The Republican Party has done far more to destroy the Republic than Democrats. Voter suppression, gerrymandering, vilifying and demonizing Democrats. Reagan let the Fairness Doctrine expire so that Republicans could get on the airwaves and lie, lie, lie, and Democrats couldn't demand equal time to refute the lies. People like Limbaugh, Beck, and other hate radio hosts demonized Democrats, and created the rural/urban divide.

All of this to stop non-white people from holding any power in the country. You continue to elect increasingly unqualified, and incompetent white males to run your government under the Republican banner, as long as they promised to keep blacks out of power positions. That's what McConnell has done to the courts - packed them full of white male conservative judges. It's all about race with Republicans.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

America, as we have seen this past week is more divided than even liberal progressives thought...Why you idiots would want to throw gas on the fire is beyond me.....But we all should unite right?

America isn't "divided". It's been cleft in two by a Republican Party which can only suvive by lying to the people about the Democrats. Republicans have no policies, no platform, and no plans for the nation, other than to hate Democrats. You don't elect politicians to run your country, you election people who will fight against the Democrats.

Democrats are trying to keep the country from going into the crapper, and Republicans are determined to keep you there. These endless economic crashes are the direct result. I have been watching the Republican Party since Reagan and scratching my head at their behaviour.

The only way Republicans can get elected is to lie. They've become very good at it. Nobody does a character assassination like the Republican Party. That's why the Lincoln Project ads were so good. But it's time for the Republican Party to come up with something other than racism and hate as a platform. To get some ideas of governance other than "cut taxes and double the deficit", because there's no taxes left to cut, and it's time to cut up your credit cards.

Republicans understand that they must continue to divide the American people with misinformation, conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies to maintain their authoritarian, minority rule.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
Exactly right.
Nixon was not impeached only because Republican leaders told him he no longer had their support and it was time to go.

Republicans put the nation above Party in dealing with Nixon

They are no longer willing to do that. These are the same Republican Senators and Congressmen who emerged from a bunker hiding from wild “Stop the Steal” protestors and still voted to support the fantasy that 2020 was a stolen election
So dead people voting and judges turning over state legislatures is just a fantasy

Yes, they are fantasies. No evidence of any of this happening at all.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
Well, kiss my grits. RHIP* so we dims gonna exploit it! Let's not be further condemned for a third error that has to have proof of wrongdoing so whatever we can do that doesn't have to go through scrutiny of other elected bodies who find the nab not guilty, let's just smear a little censure on the angel of a God we do not believe in because our lies have been believed in by everybody who loves Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews who tell us what we love to hear. If we say so, the Republicans have to agree with us or we will make a law that provides calumny against anyone who is a Trump supporter, since all of them are on our hit list for ruin and humiliation that we could not get with the founders bad laws that made us conformists. Bleh! :lalala:

*RHIP = Rank Has Its Privilege
If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

so you’re gonna impeach a man who will already be out of office before the Senate can even begin to discuss the topic?

Offer another option

How do we respond to Trumps horrific actions? Just say “Let’s ignore it because he is leaving anyway”

I offered an alternative in the OP
Why won’t Republicans take it?

The Republicans aren't going to denounce their own people, their own voters.

Maybe if Republican senators moved en masse to the Democrat Party to have a united front where they are in agreement?

Republicans unilaterally condemned the violent attacks on Congress. But they won’t condemn those that participated or the reason for the attack.......A vicious unfounded lie

Why would they condemn protesting against Biden and resisting a Biden Regime? That's the job of the loyal opposition, to fight those who are ruling with everything you have.

If people went to far, they need chastised.

But people aren't going to agree with Sleepy Joe.
Nothing wrong with protesting Biden or his policies

It is wrong to attack Congress to stop an election
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
Exactly right.
Nixon was not impeached only because Republican leaders told him he no longer had their support and it was time to go.

Republicans put the nation above Party in dealing with Nixon

They are no longer willing to do that. These are the same Republican Senators and Congressmen who emerged from a bunker hiding from wild “Stop the Steal” protestors and still voted to support the fantasy that 2020 was a stolen election
So dead people voting and judges turning over state legislatures is just a fantasy
4 dead peoplevoted

All for Trump
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

America, as we have seen this past week is more divided than even liberal progressives thought...Why you idiots would want to throw gas on the fire is beyond me.....But we all should unite right?
Ignoring an attack on Congress only adds to the fire.

The only way to extinguish the fire is to admit that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased. Not because it will stop the violence, but because it is true.

Congress cannot tolerate an attack on Congress to stop the election process. They cannot stand for members being threatened and intimidated. They must hold Trump accountable.
Ignoring the treasonous attack on America’s democracy by Trump-incited thugs and criminals – as conservatives would have us do – would be both reprehensible and wrong.

No one is ignoring anything...I haven't seen one Republican yet that has said that anythig should be ignored, in fact the opposite....Most that I know of, including myself are saying that those that breeched the Capitol should be found, arrested, and have the book thrown at them...
And those who spread the lies that sent them?
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
Oh anything to create a little hate of the president------Trump didn't do anything. People are responsible for their own actions and trump did not tell these people to attack capital police.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
When they don't, and they won't, after we impeach the president we need to look at the senators and representatives that supported his coup attempt. Especially Hawley and Cruz. They are every bit as guilty as tRump and should be removed from office as well.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

America, as we have seen this past week is more divided than even liberal progressives thought...Why you idiots would want to throw gas on the fire is beyond me.....But we all should unite right?
America, as we have seen this past week is more divided than even liberal progressives thought...Why you idiots would want to throw gas on the fire is beyond me.....But we all should unite right?
We don’t avoid doing the hard work of holding this insurrectionist president to account because the intellectually and emotionally weak among us may become further upset. Whether impeachment makes it through the Senate or not is irrelevant. The purpose is to record for posterity who stood up against such actions and who stood for the protection of our democratic republic from such actions even when doing nothing would be far easier given the time the insurrectionist in chief has left.

Leftists like yourself Hutch don't give two shits about this Republic...The aim of individuals like yourself over the past 40 years at least, as been to tear it down....
Leftists like yourself Hutch don't give two shits about this Republic...The aim of individuals like yourself over the past 40 years at least, as been to tear it down....
Your retarded brethren literally just tried to tear it down, dope.
Grow up and stop being an idiot child.

Not so sure that those people breeching the Capitol were ALL from the right, or Trump supporters...Investigations will reveal....Now that is not to say that there were a fair number of overzealous Trump supporters in that group, but as a whole, I, as well as most Republican's that I know of don't support that kind of nonsense...

But, I will take your point that this was a terrible event, and shouldn't have been done...

As for your name calling, while hiding behind your computer keyboard is just revealing as to your level of testoserone.....
As for your name calling, while hiding behind your computer keyboard is just revealing as to your level of testoserone....
Name calling is not a sign of weakness but rather of exasperation and just getting straight to the point.
I’m done trying to explain the world to incompetent adults who have proven themselves unable, unwilling to listen or who just want to blow it all up.
You all have your own agendas. I find it hard to believe that you all really feel that there is such conspiracies that you espouse. If you do, then calling you a dope is not only apt but rather polite given the circumstances.
If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

so you’re gonna impeach a man who will already be out of office before the Senate can even begin to discuss the topic?

Offer another option

How do we respond to Trumps horrific actions? Just say “Let’s ignore it because he is leaving anyway”

I offered an alternative in the OP
Why won’t Republicans take it?

Bending a knee is no option....It is a humilation...And you know it...
Telling the truth is not a humiliation
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
Oh anything to create a little hate of the president------Trump didn't do anything. People are responsible for their own actions and trump did not tell these people to attack capital police.
Oh anything to create a little hate of the president------Trump didn't do anything. People are responsible for their own actions and trump did not tell these people to attack capital police

What does “ trial by combat” mean to you?
Just asking.
If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

so you’re gonna impeach a man who will already be out of office before the Senate can even begin to discuss the topic?

Offer another option

How do we respond to Trumps horrific actions? Just say “Let’s ignore it because he is leaving anyway”

I offered an alternative in the OP
Why won’t Republicans take it?

Bending a knee is no option....It is a humilation...And you know it...
Telling the truth is not a humiliation
Telling the truth is not a humiliation
Even if it were, it’s theirs to own.
If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

so you’re gonna impeach a man who will already be out of office before the Senate can even begin to discuss the topic?

Offer another option

How do we respond to Trumps horrific actions? Just say “Let’s ignore it because he is leaving anyway”

I offered an alternative in the OP
Why won’t Republicans take it?

Bending a knee is no option....It is a humilation...And you know it...
Telling the truth is not a humiliation

It isn't a "truth" that the Democrats aren't corrupt.

In any event, the hope of Biden here is to eliminate the viable opposition through a program of humiliation, and create a permanent Liberal Governing clique in Washington, just like they have in liberal cities like Detroit, Chicago, and East St. Louis.
If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

so you’re gonna impeach a man who will already be out of office before the Senate can even begin to discuss the topic?

Offer another option

How do we respond to Trumps horrific actions? Just say “Let’s ignore it because he is leaving anyway”

I offered an alternative in the OP
Why won’t Republicans take it?

Bending a knee is no option....It is a humilation...And you know it...
Telling the truth is not a humiliation
Telling the truth is not a humiliation
Even if it were, it’s theirs to own.

If people ARE humiliated or shamed, they will back out of politics and give the libs free reign like they did in the old USSR. That's the D's strategy here.
Offer an alternative

Offer a SOLID Censure of President Trump. Not some mealy mouthed condemnation of violence that ignores the Presidents role. A condemnation that a majority of Republicans won’t sign up to anyway.

In lieu of Impeachment, offer a STRONGLY worded Censure of the Presidents actions leading up to and during the attack on Congress. Offer a Censure that the overwhelming majority of Republicans will support.

In addition to the Trump Censure, offer a bipartisan resolution declaring that the 2020 election was fair and unbiased.

If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment
Well, kiss my grits. RHIP* so we dims gonna exploit it! Let's not be further condemned for a third error that has to have proof of wrongdoing so whatever we can do that doesn't have to go through scrutiny of other elected bodies who find the nab not guilty, let's just smear a little censure on the angel of a God we do not believe in because our lies have been believed in by everybody who loves Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews who tell us what we love to hear. If we say so, the Republicans have to agree with us or we will make a law that provides calumny against anyone who is a Trump supporter, since all of them are on our hit list for ruin and humiliation that we could not get with the founders bad laws that made us conformists. Bleh!

RHIP= Rank Has Its Privilege

The "angel of God we believe in"????? "Angels of God" don't make policy decisions that kill 360,000 of their own citizens, or set their people against one another for their own political gain.

Trump needs to be impeached again, not just to stop him from running in 2024, but for the Republican Party to, once and for all, repudiate Trump and Trumpism, and for Republicans to take responsibility for enabling this shitshow for so long.

The Republican Party needs to stop its slide into white supremacist authoritarianism. Impeaching its leading proponent would be a start.
If Republicans won’t do these two things, Democrats should proceed with Impeachment

so you’re gonna impeach a man who will already be out of office before the Senate can even begin to discuss the topic?

No 2024 for you fools. No rallies, no nothing.
Sounds like Biden is gonna spread so much hate around he will get all the Trump supporters ruined by Clinton and Obama judges, not to mention the new 100 Supreme court justices with Rodham Clinton the new Supreme Court head Justice.

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