OK this Hillary Clinton photo is really scary, no photoshopping, who is this

In Her First Speech Since Losing The Election, Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House

"Hillary Clinton struggled to leave her house following her election defeat last week, she said during her first public appearance on Wednesday.

“Now I will admit, coming here tonight wasn’t the easiest thing for me,” Clinton said at a gala held for the Children’s Defense Fund. “There have been a few times this past week when all I wanted to do was just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again.”


“I know many of you are deeply disappointed about the results of the election,” the former secretary of state said at one point, adding, “I am too, more than I can ever express.”


"Clinton has been seen outside of her home only once in the past week."


In Her First Speech Since Losing The Election, Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House [VIDEO]

'Clinton stated the hardest thing she has had to come to grips with is the fact that now that her political career is over, her future destroyed, nothing now separates her from common people, the 'deplorables'. Knowing I am on the same level now with the 'Deplorables' is almost more than I can bare.'


Poor Hillary.....

(YES, that last set of statements / quotes were a JOKE!)
Wow, the resentments for you guys run very deep.

I guess one should expect childishness. Kicking people when they're down. And all manner of screwed up behavior from Republicans and Trump supporters.

You guys have been hysterical and furious ever since Obama won the election in 2008.

I'm really hoping you guys don't stay cranky forever
WHO HAS BEEN FURIOUS AND HYSTERICAL???? It's the ones holding the crayons and play dough in their SAFE SPACE or out Violently protesting! Give me a break! lmao!
How many candidates and their supporters assume the fetal position after their defeat?
Sounds like toxicmedia is the one hysterical and furious. Maybe you should curl up into a fetal ball for a while, dear.
The way I heard...you Trump supporters would have moved on already, and focused on the future, except the Liberal meltdown continues to command all the attention - crying, refusing to leave their houses, calling for the overthrow of the Govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.....

You're terrified that Liberals are going to take over, murder you because you're white, and assassinate who?
Assassinate?! You are unhinged. This thread is about having fun at Hillary's expense. That's all. Maybe you would be more comfortable over at the Conspiracy Theory section, you can tell them about "the way you heard".
See post #37.

He's one of yours.

It's hard to tell the rational ones from most of them
Sounds like toxicmedia is the one hysterical and furious. Maybe you should curl up into a fetal ball for a while, dear.
The way I heard...you Trump supporters would have moved on already, and focused on the future, except the Liberal meltdown continues to command all the attention - crying, refusing to leave their houses, calling for the overthrow of the Govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.....

You're terrified that Liberals are going to take over, murder you because you're white, and assassinate who?
Assassinate?! You are unhinged. This thread is about having fun at Hillary's expense. That's all. Maybe you would be more comfortable over at the Conspiracy Theory section, you can tell them about "the way you heard".
See post #37.

He's one of yours.

It's hard to tell the rational ones from most of them
LOL One of "mine"? You really need to stop putting people in narrow categories. It only makes your outlook smaller. From what I've seen of you here, you can't afford that.
In Her First Speech Since Losing The Election, Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House

"Hillary Clinton struggled to leave her house following her election defeat last week, she said during her first public appearance on Wednesday.

“Now I will admit, coming here tonight wasn’t the easiest thing for me,” Clinton said at a gala held for the Children’s Defense Fund. “There have been a few times this past week when all I wanted to do was just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again.”


“I know many of you are deeply disappointed about the results of the election,” the former secretary of state said at one point, adding, “I am too, more than I can ever express.”


"Clinton has been seen outside of her home only once in the past week."


In Her First Speech Since Losing The Election, Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House [VIDEO]

'Clinton stated the hardest thing she has had to come to grips with is the fact that now that her political career is over, her future destroyed, nothing now separates her from common people, the 'deplorables'. Knowing I am on the same level now with the 'Deplorables' is almost more than I can bare.'


Poor Hillary.....

(YES, that last set of statements / quotes were a JOKE!)
Wow, the resentments for you guys run very deep.

I guess one should expect childishness. Kicking people when they're down. And all manner of screwed up behavior from Republicans and Trump supporters.

You guys have been hysterical and furious ever since Obama won the election in 2008.

I'm really hoping you guys don't stay cranky forever
WHO HAS BEEN FURIOUS AND HYSTERICAL???? It's the ones holding the crayons and play dough in their SAFE SPACE or out Violently protesting! Give me a break! lmao!
Sounds like toxicmedia is the one hysterical and furious. Maybe you should curl up into a fetal ball for a while, dear.
The way I heard...you Trump supporters would have moved on already, and focused on the future, except the Liberal meltdown continues to command all the attention - crying, refusing to leave their houses, calling for the overthrow of the Govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.....

You're terrified that Liberals are going to take over, murder you because you're white, and assassinate who?
Assassinate?! You are unhinged. This thread is about having fun at Hillary's expense. That's all. Maybe you would be more comfortable over at the Conspiracy Theory section, you can tell them about "the way you heard".
See post #37.

He's one of yours.

It's hard to tell the rational ones from most of them
LOL One of "mine"? You really need to stop putting people in narrow categories. It only makes your outlook smaller. From what I've seen of you here, you can't afford that.
Well then you are one of the happy Trump supporters.

I think you're probably over estimating the overall happiness level of Trump supporters.\

Part of what drew them to Trump was unhappiness...was it not?

They're all about to shift gears from anti government, anti establishment, grumpy old white guys......

To unquestioningly patriotic Trump loyalists
In Her First Speech Since Losing The Election, Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House

"Hillary Clinton struggled to leave her house following her election defeat last week, she said during her first public appearance on Wednesday.

“Now I will admit, coming here tonight wasn’t the easiest thing for me,” Clinton said at a gala held for the Children’s Defense Fund. “There have been a few times this past week when all I wanted to do was just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again.”


“I know many of you are deeply disappointed about the results of the election,” the former secretary of state said at one point, adding, “I am too, more than I can ever express.”


"Clinton has been seen outside of her home only once in the past week."


In Her First Speech Since Losing The Election, Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House [VIDEO]

'Clinton stated the hardest thing she has had to come to grips with is the fact that now that her political career is over, her future destroyed, nothing now separates her from common people, the 'deplorables'. Knowing I am on the same level now with the 'Deplorables' is almost more than I can bare.'


Poor Hillary.....

(YES, that last set of statements / quotes were a JOKE!)
Wow, the resentments for you guys run very deep.

I guess one should expect childishness. Kicking people when they're down. And all manner of screwed up behavior from Republicans and Trump supporters.

You guys have been hysterical and furious ever since Obama won the election in 2008.

I'm really hoping you guys don't stay cranky forever
WHO HAS BEEN FURIOUS AND HYSTERICAL???? It's the ones holding the crayons and play dough in their SAFE SPACE or out Violently protesting! Give me a break! lmao!
Sounds like toxicmedia is the one hysterical and furious. Maybe you should curl up into a fetal ball for a while, dear.
The way I heard...you Trump supporters would have moved on already, and focused on the future, except the Liberal meltdown continues to command all the attention - crying, refusing to leave their houses, calling for the overthrow of the Govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.....

You're terrified that Liberals are going to take over, murder you because you're white, and assassinate who?
Assassinate?! You are unhinged. This thread is about having fun at Hillary's expense. That's all. Maybe you would be more comfortable over at the Conspiracy Theory section, you can tell them about "the way you heard".
See post #37.

He's one of yours.

It's hard to tell the rational ones from most of them
LOL One of "mine"? You really need to stop putting people in narrow categories. It only makes your outlook smaller. From what I've seen of you here, you can't afford that.
Well then you are one of the happy Trump supporters.

I think you're probably over estimating the overall happiness level of Trump supporters.\

Part of what drew them to Trump was unhappiness...was it not?

They're all about to shift gears from anti government, anti establishment, grumpy old white guys......

To unquestioningly patriotic Trump loyalists
One thing's for sure. You sure aren't one of the rational ones. LOL
As I pointed out months ago, the fake news (the MSM) actually did photoshop Crooked Hillary's photos that were released on the AP, etc. to make her look younger. It is a really easy technique using the blur and glow filters among others things like camera angles. Remember when The Donald schlonged her at the 3 debates? One reason for the bright light projecting from the podium was to reduce the shadows cast by her wrinkles. Crooked Hillary and her corrupt handlers thought people could be tricked, and many were.
Wow....she looks very tired, unkempt and haggard.
I am a little blown away here...this is not a woman who allows herself to look like this. She looks like someone who just gave up.
In Her First Speech Since Losing The Election, Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House

"Hillary Clinton struggled to leave her house following her election defeat last week, she said during her first public appearance on Wednesday.

“Now I will admit, coming here tonight wasn’t the easiest thing for me,” Clinton said at a gala held for the Children’s Defense Fund. “There have been a few times this past week when all I wanted to do was just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again.”


“I know many of you are deeply disappointed about the results of the election,” the former secretary of state said at one point, adding, “I am too, more than I can ever express.”


"Clinton has been seen outside of her home only once in the past week."


In Her First Speech Since Losing The Election, Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House [VIDEO]

'Clinton stated the hardest thing she has had to come to grips with is the fact that now that her political career is over, her future destroyed, nothing now separates her from common people, the 'deplorables'. Knowing I am on the same level now with the 'Deplorables' is almost more than I can bare.'


Poor Hillary.....

(YES, that last set of statements / quotes were a JOKE!)
Wow, the resentments for you guys run very deep.

I guess one should expect childishness. Kicking people when they're down. And all manner of screwed up behavior from Republicans and Trump supporters.

You guys have been hysterical and furious ever since Obama won the election in 2008.

I'm really hoping you guys don't stay cranky forever
WHO HAS BEEN FURIOUS AND HYSTERICAL???? It's the ones holding the crayons and play dough in their SAFE SPACE or out Violently protesting! Give me a break! lmao!
The way I heard...you Trump supporters would have moved on already, and focused on the future, except the Liberal meltdown continues to command all the attention - crying, refusing to leave their houses, calling for the overthrow of the Govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.....

You're terrified that Liberals are going to take over, murder you because you're white, and assassinate who?
Assassinate?! You are unhinged. This thread is about having fun at Hillary's expense. That's all. Maybe you would be more comfortable over at the Conspiracy Theory section, you can tell them about "the way you heard".
See post #37.

He's one of yours.

It's hard to tell the rational ones from most of them
LOL One of "mine"? You really need to stop putting people in narrow categories. It only makes your outlook smaller. From what I've seen of you here, you can't afford that.
Well then you are one of the happy Trump supporters.

I think you're probably over estimating the overall happiness level of Trump supporters.\

Part of what drew them to Trump was unhappiness...was it not?

They're all about to shift gears from anti government, anti establishment, grumpy old white guys......

To unquestioningly patriotic Trump loyalists
One thing's for sure. You sure aren't one of the rational ones. LOL
Okay, you've done it now....

That hurts my feelings.

I need a Teddy Bear, and the rest of the day off, and I need to primal scream.
Give her a break, as to how she looks so defeated . She just lost her life long dream.

Her dream was the destruction of America as we know it....I'd start break-dancing if I heard she was finally locked up in a laughing academy....and that's no joke.
Wow....she looks very tired, unkempt and haggard.
I am a little blown away here...this is not a woman who allows herself to look like this. She looks like someone who just gave up.

She lost the election, Bill voted for Trump, and Huma is no longer servicing her because she is afraid of going to jail, so why should she be happy?
Give her a break, as to how she looks so defeated . She just lost her life long dream.
Think back to all the mysterious deaths (27 yr old Seth Rich?) , 3 others this year. Clinton foundation tax scam. Years of delay to comply with email, deletion, $6B missing........on and on. Think of the barrage of liberal spin in here for 2 years (pompous).

My "feel sorry" meter is broken.
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