OK this Hillary Clinton photo is really scary, no photoshopping, who is this

In Her First Speech Since Losing The Election, Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House

"Hillary Clinton struggled to leave her house following her election defeat last week, she said during her first public appearance on Wednesday.

“Now I will admit, coming here tonight wasn’t the easiest thing for me,” Clinton said at a gala held for the Children’s Defense Fund. “There have been a few times this past week when all I wanted to do was just to curl up with a good book or our dogs and never leave the house again.”


“I know many of you are deeply disappointed about the results of the election,” the former secretary of state said at one point, adding, “I am too, more than I can ever express.”


"Clinton has been seen outside of her home only once in the past week."


In Her First Speech Since Losing The Election, Hillary Says She’s Struggling To Leave Her House [VIDEO]

'Clinton stated the hardest thing she has had to come to grips with is the fact that now that her political career is over, her future destroyed, nothing now separates her from common people, the 'deplorables'. Knowing I am on the same level now with the 'Deplorables' is almost more than I can bare.'


Poor Hillary.....

(YES, that last set of statements / quotes were a JOKE!)
Wow, the resentments for you guys run very deep.

I guess one should expect childishness. Kicking people when they're down. And all manner of screwed up behavior from Republicans and Trump supporters.

You guys have been hysterical and furious ever since Obama won the election in 2008.

I'm really hoping you guys don't stay cranky forever

Wow, the resentments for you guys run very deep.
What 'resentment'?

Conservatives would have moved on already and focused on the future, except the Liberal meltdown continues to command all the attention - crying, refusing to leave their houses, calling for the overthrow of the Govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.....

So I decided to create 1 Thread where all the Libs could come and join with us for a Big ol' Hillary Pity Party, to get it all out of your system so we can all finally move forward.

Ungrateful little shits aren't they....
Wow, the resentments for you guys run very deep.
What 'resentment'?

Conservatives would have moved on already and focused on the future, except the Liberal meltdown continues to command all the attention - crying, refusing to leave their houses, calling for the overthrow of the Govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.....

So I decided to create 1 Thread where all the Libs could come and join with us for a Big ol' Hillary Pity Party, to get it all out of your system so we can all finally move forward.
Right.....Liberals are still making you hysterical and furious.

I'm so sorry you let those liberals own you.

You poor things...tossed around emotionally like rag dolls...bless your dear hearts.

Those Liberals are just........oh!!!....they make me so angry.....they're "not nice people"!!!!


Lying didnt win you the white house,what makes you think it'll work now?
The age of the pantsuit is over....

And she looks terrible....like she needs her blue glasses....
I had a neighbor I wanted to grab her pussy so I dressed up all the time. When she rejected me I went back to wearing jogging pants and not shaving.

Can you remind us why Hillary Clinton was the obvious choice for president?
Also, can you tell me if there is any crime she could have committed as the secretary of state that would have caused you to look elsewhere?

Something much bigger than deleting emails. Especially since Bush did it and you didn't care.

Something bigger than Benghazi since Bush had 10 benghazis.

The Clinton years were awesome. That's why you guys spent 20 years ruining her name. It worked!

P.S. Tell us how Republicans are going to help the middle class and poor? I want a good laugh.
It didn't look too scary to me. The thing of it is that we have to rely on the Brits for news about Hillary because the dishonest slobbering mainstream media is still in a protective mode. Is the rumor about a CNN reporter witnessing a Hillary meltdown where she attacked Podesta and had to be restrained really true? If the left wing media has their way we will never know.
Think about it, the campsign is,over and she'd have to pay out of pocket for the beauty transformation team.
Damn, they were good.
Please go away hiLIARy......far away. Do not show your fat ugly face anymore. LEAVE US ALONE!

Nobody loves you, Not your daughter. Not your cheating pig of husband. Not even your dogs. You're despised by everyone and everything.

You are a foul, despoiled, rotten, decrepit, sickening, twisted, power hungry witch.

I had a neighbor I wanted to grab her pussy so I dressed up all the time. When she rejected me I went back to wearing jogging pants and not shaving.

I'm sure she told you that if she dated you, you would be her pussy and she already had one, so you are redundant....
YIKES! She'll be hospitalized in weeks. Both for mental and physical reasons. Stay tuned.
I guess after Zander's comment this thread can no longer be considered a 'Snowflake Safe Zone'... :p
Sounds like toxicmedia is the one hysterical and furious. Maybe you should curl up into a fetal ball for a while, dear.
The way I heard...you Trump supporters would have moved on already, and focused on the future, except the Liberal meltdown continues to command all the attention - crying, refusing to leave their houses, calling for the overthrow of the Govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.....

You're terrified that Liberals are going to take over, murder you because you're white, and assassinate who?
Please go away hiLIARy......far away. Do not show your fat ugly face anymore. LEAVE US ALONE!

Nobody loves you, Not your daughter. Not your cheating pig of husband. Not even your dogs. You're despised by everyone and everything.

You are a foul, despoiled, rotten, decrepit, sickening, twisted, power hungry witch.

Breathe a little.

Just change the channel

Look who the cry baby is now.

You righties are going to have so much trouble transitioning from anti-government cry babies...to unconditional supporters of the Trump government
Please go away hiLIARy......far away. Do not show your fat ugly face anymore. LEAVE US ALONE!

Nobody loves you, Not your daughter. Not your cheating pig of husband. Not even your dogs. You're despised by everyone and everything.

You are a foul, despoiled, rotten, decrepit, sickening, twisted, power hungry witch.

Well that solves the mystery as to why Hillary Clinton passed on appointing you her campaign spokesperson........
Sounds like toxicmedia is the one hysterical and furious. Maybe you should curl up into a fetal ball for a while, dear.
The way I heard...you Trump supporters would have moved on already, and focused on the future, except the Liberal meltdown continues to command all the attention - crying, refusing to leave their houses, calling for the overthrow of the Govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.....

You're terrified that Liberals are going to take over, murder you because you're white, and assassinate who?
Assassinate?! You are unhinged. This thread is about having fun at Hillary's expense. That's all. Maybe you would be more comfortable over at the Conspiracy Theory section, you can tell them about "the way you heard".

That is a pretty goofy look for the Trump. Its a face he makes a lot though when the media asks him a stupid question.

Photoshoped horse shit is all you got.

Trump is healthy, wealthy and has wings of angels


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