OK! What if . . . . . . ?

RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
Why not?
As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.
Cool, but what has all that to do with "Other Arabs From The Same General Area Who Are In Deep Denial About Never Being Able To Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death."? It has nothing to do with those palistanian folks, whose singular raison d'etre isn't getting a life and a job, like nations do, but the destruction and looting of what others built, of course.

I think some Arab contries could do more. For example, it's time now for them to start integrating resettling some Palestinians in refugee camps - the Right of Return is not going to happen. Regardless of what you think of the Palestinians they have a just cause - the same cause that the Jews had, when they developed their country through means that included terrorism directed at civilians. Deliberately moving millions of people off land they have inhabited as long as the Jews is not feasible, at least not according to the mores of today, which Israel seems to aspire to. What is a realistic solution - do you have one? Or do you honestly think adding millions to the refugee problem is going to solve anything? Why should Israel have the entire territory, stripped of it's inhabitants? Is a one-state solution, which includes Palestinian citizens feasible at this point? Is a two state solution?

RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
The problem, of course, is the nations of origins of the beggars and squatters posing as "Pal'istanians" are refused the right of return by those nations. The Black September event in Jordan was a disaster for the poser "Pal'istanians" in that every Arab nation saw the liability in accepting their homegrown Islamic terrorists.
Most originated in the areas called West Bank, Gaza, Israel. Silly to pretend otherwise unless you can prove they all came from what is now called Jordan.
Poor "indigenous" settlers-squatters from the hood.

You shouldn't talk about the Jews that way. Many of them, too, are indiginous.
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
The problem, of course, is the nations of origins of the beggars and squatters posing as "Pal'istanians" are refused the right of return by those nations.

The Black September event in Jordan was a disaster for the poser "Pal'istanians" in that every Arab nation saw the liability in accepting their homegrown Islamic terrorists.

As usual the Zionazis make up their own history and ignore the fact that the squatters are the invading Jews as official records prove. It is amazing how effective their brain washing has been. The ignorant, uneducated dimwits haven't a clue how to perform proper research.

From the official documents:




General Assembly


3 September 1947









Lake Success
New York

"11. The most striking demographic features of Palestine are, first, the rate at which the total population has grown in the last twenty-five years; second, the manner in which the proportions of the two major national groups, the Arabs and Jews, have changed; and third, the relative importance of immigration and rate of natural increase in their effect on the total population and on the proportion of Jews to Arabs. These are the essential and dynamic elements of what is, in detail, a very complicated matter. In addition, it is important to consider briefly the present regional distribution of the population.

12. The total settled population of Palestine at the end of 1946 was estimated to be nearly 1,846,000.42/ This is nearly three times the total population as revealed by the census of 1922 or, more exactly, an increase of 184 per cent.

13. Since the main lines of conflict in Palestine are between Jews and Arabs as conscious national groups, it is of some importance to distinguish the population according to this classification. On this basis, the population at the end of 1946 was estimated as follows:

Arabs, 1,203,000; Jews, 608,000; others, 35,000; Total, 1,846,000.

14. It will have been noticed that not only has there been a remarkably rapid increase in the total population of Palestine but also the proportion of Jews in the total has greatly increased, from 12.91 -per cent in 1922 to 32.96 per cent in 1946. Conversely, of course, the Arab proportion has fallen since 1922. The Moslem proportion of the population (almost entirely Arab) has fallen from about 75 per cent of the total to 60 per cent, and the Christian proportion (very largely Arab) from 11 per cent to 8 per cent. Thus, at the present time about one-third of the total settled population is Jewish.


15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths. Indeed, the natural rate of increase of Moslem Arabs in Palestine is the highest in recorded statistics,1 a phenomenon explained by very high fertility rates coupled with a marked decline in death rates as a result of improved conditions of life and public health, The natural rate of increase of Jews is also relatively high, but is conditioned by a favorable age distribution of the population due to the high rate of immigration.

Your link says immigration it does not say invasion or squatters.

Someone post this so that freddy dumbo can see it and demands he shows were his link mentions invasion by Jews.
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
The problem, of course, is the nations of origins of the beggars and squatters posing as "Pal'istanians" are refused the right of return by those nations. The Black September event in Jordan was a disaster for the poser "Pal'istanians" in that every Arab nation saw the liability in accepting their homegrown Islamic terrorists.
Most originated in the areas called West Bank, Gaza, Israel. Silly to pretend otherwise unless you can prove they all came from what is now called Jordan.
Poor "indigenous" settlers-squatters from the hood.

You shouldn't talk about the Jews that way. Many of them, too, are indiginous.

tell that to monte who cant see the difference between invaders and legal immigrants
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.


As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.

You want to add to the crisis solely because Israel wants the entire territory?

The last person to suggest "resettling" an entire ethnic population was Hitler. It didn't end well.

No it was the mufti after Hitler died and he wanted to re-settle the Jews into mass graves
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
Why not?
As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.
Cool, but what has all that to do with "Other Arabs From The Same General Area Who Are In Deep Denial About Never Being Able To Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death."? It has nothing to do with those palistanian folks, whose singular raison d'etre isn't getting a life and a job, like nations do, but the destruction and looting of what others built, of course.

I think some Arab contries could do more. For example, it's time now for them to start integrating resettling some Palestinians in refugee camps - the Right of Return is not going to happen. Regardless of what you think of the Palestinians they have a just cause - the same cause that the Jews had, when they developed their country through means that included terrorism directed at civilians. Deliberately moving millions of people off land they have inhabited as long as the Jews is not feasible, at least not according to the mores of today, which Israel seems to aspire to. What is a realistic solution - do you have one? Or do you honestly think adding millions to the refugee problem is going to solve anything? Why should Israel have the entire territory, stripped of it's inhabitants? Is a one-state solution, which includes Palestinian citizens feasible at this point? Is a two state solution?

Cut the aid going to the Palestinians and you would see a very quick about face and them begging for peace talks with Israel. This would be so they could then go begging for more aid to prop up their failed country and economy
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.


As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.

You want to add to the crisis solely because Israel wants the entire territory?

The last person to suggest "resettling" an entire ethnic population was Hitler. It didn't end well.

No it was the mufti after Hitler died and he wanted to re-settle the Jews into mass graves

The Mufti was a minor figure compared to Hitler. Don't whitewash Hitler - that's what the Holocaust Deniers are doing. Hitler found he couldn't expel the Jews so he resorted to extermination.
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
Why not?
As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.
Cool, but what has all that to do with "Other Arabs From The Same General Area Who Are In Deep Denial About Never Being Able To Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death."? It has nothing to do with those palistanian folks, whose singular raison d'etre isn't getting a life and a job, like nations do, but the destruction and looting of what others built, of course.

I think some Arab contries could do more. For example, it's time now for them to start integrating resettling some Palestinians in refugee camps - the Right of Return is not going to happen. Regardless of what you think of the Palestinians they have a just cause - the same cause that the Jews had, when they developed their country through means that included terrorism directed at civilians. Deliberately moving millions of people off land they have inhabited as long as the Jews is not feasible, at least not according to the mores of today, which Israel seems to aspire to. What is a realistic solution - do you have one? Or do you honestly think adding millions to the refugee problem is going to solve anything? Why should Israel have the entire territory, stripped of it's inhabitants? Is a one-state solution, which includes Palestinian citizens feasible at this point? Is a two state solution?

Cut the aid going to the Palestinians and you would see a very quick about face and them begging for peace talks with Israel. This would be so they could then go begging for more aid to prop up their failed country and economy

While we're at it, let's cut all aid to Israel.
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
Why not?
As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.
Cool, but what has all that to do with "Other Arabs From The Same General Area Who Are In Deep Denial About Never Being Able To Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death."? It has nothing to do with those palistanian folks, whose singular raison d'etre isn't getting a life and a job, like nations do, but the destruction and looting of what others built, of course.

I think some Arab contries could do more. For example, it's time now for them to start integrating resettling some Palestinians in refugee camps - the Right of Return is not going to happen. Regardless of what you think of the Palestinians they have a just cause - the same cause that the Jews had, when they developed their country through means that included terrorism directed at civilians. Deliberately moving millions of people off land they have inhabited as long as the Jews is not feasible, at least not according to the mores of today, which Israel seems to aspire to. What is a realistic solution - do you have one? Or do you honestly think adding millions to the refugee problem is going to solve anything? Why should Israel have the entire territory, stripped of it's inhabitants? Is a one-state solution, which includes Palestinian citizens feasible at this point? Is a two state solution?

Begs the question what if the Palestinians don't want to be integrated as "Lebanese","Syrians" or "Saudis"? Why didn't the Kurds integrate with Iran, Turkey and Syria? They too have fought for an independant Kurdistan just as long as the Palestinians have been fighting against the Zionist invaders of Palestine. An independant Kurdistan is finally becoming a possibility, 5, 10, 20 years from now who's to say it won't happen for Palestine?
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
Why not?
As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.
Cool, but what has all that to do with "Other Arabs From The Same General Area Who Are In Deep Denial About Never Being Able To Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death."? It has nothing to do with those palistanian folks, whose singular raison d'etre isn't getting a life and a job, like nations do, but the destruction and looting of what others built, of course.
I think some Arab contries could do more. For example, it's time now for them to start integrating resettling some Palestinians in refugee camps - the Right of Return is not going to happen. Regardless of what you think of the Palestinians they have a just cause - the same cause that the Jews had, when they developed their country through means that included terrorism directed at civilians. Deliberately moving millions of people off land they have inhabited as long as the Jews is not feasible, at least not according to the mores of today, which Israel seems to aspire to. What is a realistic solution - do you have one? Or do you honestly think adding millions to the refugee problem is going to solve anything? Why should Israel have the entire territory, stripped of it's inhabitants? Is a one-state solution, which includes Palestinian citizens feasible at this point? Is a two state solution?
One-state "solution" is the palistanian wettest of dreams (room full of free hookers excluding), in which they immediately flood that state with millions of "refugees" and redistribute what's not theirs, and jews won't want anything of it, of course. Two-state "solution" is the palistanian nightmare, in which they have to think about jobs and garbage trucks, and palistanian career "refugees", millions of them, that they helped so much to maintain; the current palistanian "government" is fully on the international handouts from foreign donors, that's not fun, running a state, and they want nothing of it. Palistanians have to be resettled. An office of the emigrant assistance is a good start for eurohypocrites, of course.
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.


As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.

You want to add to the crisis solely because Israel wants the entire territory?

The last person to suggest "resettling" an entire ethnic population was Hitler. It didn't end well.

No it was the mufti after Hitler died and he wanted to re-settle the Jews into mass graves

The Mufti was a minor figure compared to Hitler. Don't whitewash Hitler - that's what the Holocaust Deniers are doing. Hitler found he couldn't expel the Jews so he resorted to extermination.

The mufti was Hitlers equal when it came to the holoci=ust of the Jews so stop trying to white wash Palestinian Nazis. The mufti found he did not have the support to mass murder the Jews so he went to Hitler with his ideas and help
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
Why not?
As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.
Cool, but what has all that to do with "Other Arabs From The Same General Area Who Are In Deep Denial About Never Being Able To Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death."? It has nothing to do with those palistanian folks, whose singular raison d'etre isn't getting a life and a job, like nations do, but the destruction and looting of what others built, of course.
I think some Arab contries could do more. For example, it's time now for them to start integrating resettling some Palestinians in refugee camps - the Right of Return is not going to happen. Regardless of what you think of the Palestinians they have a just cause - the same cause that the Jews had, when they developed their country through means that included terrorism directed at civilians. Deliberately moving millions of people off land they have inhabited as long as the Jews is not feasible, at least not according to the mores of today, which Israel seems to aspire to. What is a realistic solution - do you have one? Or do you honestly think adding millions to the refugee problem is going to solve anything? Why should Israel have the entire territory, stripped of it's inhabitants? Is a one-state solution, which includes Palestinian citizens feasible at this point? Is a two state solution?
Cut the aid going to the Palestinians and you would see a very quick about face and them begging for peace talks with Israel. This would be so they could then go begging for more aid to prop up their failed country and economy
While we're at it, let's cut all aid to Israel.
Yeah, hehe. Cool for message board taunts, not feasible in reality - the US have to maintain the reserve currency sphere, so, it's a no-no. Palistan, on the other hand, is, in this respect, a non-productive anus of the earth, whose govt salaries are fully paid by the international donors, so, it's a very feasible yes-yes.
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
Why not?
As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.
Cool, but what has all that to do with "Other Arabs From The Same General Area Who Are In Deep Denial About Never Being Able To Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death."? It has nothing to do with those palistanian folks, whose singular raison d'etre isn't getting a life and a job, like nations do, but the destruction and looting of what others built, of course.

I think some Arab contries could do more. For example, it's time now for them to start integrating resettling some Palestinians in refugee camps - the Right of Return is not going to happen. Regardless of what you think of the Palestinians they have a just cause - the same cause that the Jews had, when they developed their country through means that included terrorism directed at civilians. Deliberately moving millions of people off land they have inhabited as long as the Jews is not feasible, at least not according to the mores of today, which Israel seems to aspire to. What is a realistic solution - do you have one? Or do you honestly think adding millions to the refugee problem is going to solve anything? Why should Israel have the entire territory, stripped of it's inhabitants? Is a one-state solution, which includes Palestinian citizens feasible at this point? Is a two state solution?

Cut the aid going to the Palestinians and you would see a very quick about face and them begging for peace talks with Israel. This would be so they could then go begging for more aid to prop up their failed country and economy

While we're at it, let's cut all aid to Israel.

Israel has been trying to do that for at least 20 years and America wont let them, something to do with unfair practices and monopolies that give American firms an unfair advantage. They use the aid and loans to Israel as a subsidy for American defence contractors giving them an advantage in the world markets. They also have a deal with Israel to share defence breakthroughs and Medical equipment.
Still want to stop American aid to Israel that brings in $billions every single year, enough to pay for all the work needed in the USA today
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
Why not?
As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.
Cool, but what has all that to do with "Other Arabs From The Same General Area Who Are In Deep Denial About Never Being Able To Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death."? It has nothing to do with those palistanian folks, whose singular raison d'etre isn't getting a life and a job, like nations do, but the destruction and looting of what others built, of course.

I think some Arab contries could do more. For example, it's time now for them to start integrating resettling some Palestinians in refugee camps - the Right of Return is not going to happen. Regardless of what you think of the Palestinians they have a just cause - the same cause that the Jews had, when they developed their country through means that included terrorism directed at civilians. Deliberately moving millions of people off land they have inhabited as long as the Jews is not feasible, at least not according to the mores of today, which Israel seems to aspire to. What is a realistic solution - do you have one? Or do you honestly think adding millions to the refugee problem is going to solve anything? Why should Israel have the entire territory, stripped of it's inhabitants? Is a one-state solution, which includes Palestinian citizens feasible at this point? Is a two state solution?

Begs the question what if the Palestinians don't want to be integrated as "Lebanese","Syrians" or "Saudis"? Why didn't the Kurds integrate with Iran, Turkey and Syria? They too have fought for an independant Kurdistan just as long as the Palestinians have been fighting against the Zionist invaders of Palestine. An independant Kurdistan is finally becoming a possibility, 5, 10, 20 years from now who's to say it won't happen for Palestine?

Where is your evidence of the alleged Zionist invasion then. Remember the sovereign rulers of Palestine invited the Jews to migrate and settle the land
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.
Why not?
As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.
Cool, but what has all that to do with "Other Arabs From The Same General Area Who Are In Deep Denial About Never Being Able To Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death."? It has nothing to do with those palistanian folks, whose singular raison d'etre isn't getting a life and a job, like nations do, but the destruction and looting of what others built, of course.

I think some Arab contries could do more. For example, it's time now for them to start integrating resettling some Palestinians in refugee camps - the Right of Return is not going to happen. Regardless of what you think of the Palestinians they have a just cause - the same cause that the Jews had, when they developed their country through means that included terrorism directed at civilians. Deliberately moving millions of people off land they have inhabited as long as the Jews is not feasible, at least not according to the mores of today, which Israel seems to aspire to. What is a realistic solution - do you have one? Or do you honestly think adding millions to the refugee problem is going to solve anything? Why should Israel have the entire territory, stripped of it's inhabitants? Is a one-state solution, which includes Palestinian citizens feasible at this point? Is a two state solution?
Begs the question what if the Palestinians don't want to be integrated as "Lebanese","Syrians" or "Saudis"?
Well, that'll mean they aren't about getting a life and a job, of course. And the UNRWA won't help - they have a gainful employment and need that palistanian base. They won't jeopardize their careers built on palistanians.
Why didn't the Kurds integrate with Iran, Turkey and Syria? They too have fought for an independant Kurdistan ...
Well, that's simple. Kurds, as distinct from palistanians and montelatici's bullish, are a nation.
just as long as the Palestinians have been fighting against the Zionist invaders of Palestine ...
Palistanian settlers-squatters have been fighting windmills, because noone's been fighting them, of course, whatever the bullish to the contrary.[/QUOTE]
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.


As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.

You want to add to the crisis solely because Israel wants the entire territory?

The last person to suggest "resettling" an entire ethnic population was Hitler. It didn't end well.

No it was the mufti after Hitler died and he wanted to re-settle the Jews into mass graves

The Mufti was a minor figure compared to Hitler. Don't whitewash Hitler - that's what the Holocaust Deniers are doing. Hitler found he couldn't expel the Jews so he resorted to extermination.

The mufti was Hitlers equal when it came to the holoci=ust of the Jews so stop trying to white wash Palestinian Nazis. The mufti found he did not have the support to mass murder the Jews so he went to Hitler with his ideas and help

A zionut holocaust denier?!?!

Denying history and making up your own 'story' in some attempt to defend zionuts is ridiculous... Look what happened to Netanyahu when he tried to say that the most vile of fascists was actually not so bad!

He ended up looking like and idiot too!
Palistanians should be resettled and that's it, of course.


As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.

You want to add to the crisis solely because Israel wants the entire territory?

The last person to suggest "resettling" an entire ethnic population was Hitler. It didn't end well.

No it was the mufti after Hitler died and he wanted to re-settle the Jews into mass graves

The Mufti was a minor figure compared to Hitler. Don't whitewash Hitler - that's what the Holocaust Deniers are doing. Hitler found he couldn't expel the Jews so he resorted to extermination.

The mufti was Hitlers equal when it came to the holoci=ust of the Jews so stop trying to white wash Palestinian Nazis. The mufti found he did not have the support to mass murder the Jews so he went to Hitler with his ideas and help

A zionut holocaust denier?!?!

Denying history and making up your own 'story' in some attempt to defend zionuts is ridiculous... Look what happened to Netanyahu when he tried to say that the most vile of fascists was actually not so bad!

He ended up looking like and idiot too!

Where is the holocaust denial .............. request # 148 for evidence

As of 2014, there are approximately 4.4 million Palestinians: 1.7 million in the Gaza Strip and 2.7 million in the West Bank. In addition, there are (or were, since who knows the current state) approx 499,189 in refugee camps in Syria; 448,599 in Lebenon and 2,034,641 in camps in Jordan. You are looking at "resettling" 7.5 million people in a region where there are already over 4 million refugees and 7 million internally dispaced people (in Syria) , millions more in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya and Iraq.

You want to add to the crisis solely because Israel wants the entire territory?

The last person to suggest "resettling" an entire ethnic population was Hitler. It didn't end well.

No it was the mufti after Hitler died and he wanted to re-settle the Jews into mass graves

The Mufti was a minor figure compared to Hitler. Don't whitewash Hitler - that's what the Holocaust Deniers are doing. Hitler found he couldn't expel the Jews so he resorted to extermination.

The mufti was Hitlers equal when it came to the holoci=ust of the Jews so stop trying to white wash Palestinian Nazis. The mufti found he did not have the support to mass murder the Jews so he went to Hitler with his ideas and help

A zionut holocaust denier?!?!

Denying history and making up your own 'story' in some attempt to defend zionuts is ridiculous... Look what happened to Netanyahu when he tried to say that the most vile of fascists was actually not so bad!

He ended up looking like and idiot too!

Where is the holocaust denial .............. request # 148 for evidence

You will see that it's a question... This symbol "?" is a question mark...

The way that you are diluting Hitlers part in the Holocaust is no better than denying that that Holocaust ever happened!

With the holocaust starting BEFORE the meeting between the Grand Mufti and Hitler it's is very clear that you are so terribly wrong.... AGAIN!

I find it incredibly difficult to understand why ANY zionut, including Netanyahu, could even consider finding ways to give Hitler only 50% of the guilt!
I see no problem with that at all. After all, the Arabs that stayed in Israel and did not become part of the newly created (or want to be) 'Palestinian' identity do enjoy equal rights. They have members in the Knesset and on the Israeli Supreme court.
Whatever the Palestinian's identify with, is none of your (or Israel's) god-damn business!

You have no right, denying them, they're rights. Period.

What rights are they then, as there is no legal right to be an Israeli citizen
Yes there is. All Palestinians whose normal place of residence was inside what became Israel have the right to become Israeli citizens.

Says who. what law makes it so and when did this law come into effect ?
In international law, when a state is dissolved and new states are established, “the population follows the change of sovereignty in matters of nationality.”5 As a rule, therefore, citizens of the former state should automatically acquire the nationality of the successor state in which they had already been residing.​

Confirmed by article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne.

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

Confirmed again by the Palestinian citizenship order of 1925.

The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

Confirmed again by resolution 181.

1. Citizenship Palestinian citizens residing in Palestine...shall, upon the recognition of independence, become citizens of the State in which they are resident and enjoy full civil and political rights.​

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