OK! What if . . . . . . ?

You do like to be humiliated, don't you. Even the Jewish Virtual Library confirms that as usual I am the purveyor of facts and you are one of the forum's bullshitters.
Yeah, palistanian "saudi sheikhs", owning 99% of the mandate palestine, is the prime example of them, of course.
Israel has "effective control" over the entire area. They control 80% of what goes in to and out of Gaza. Gazans cannot leave by air or sea without Israeli permission.
But they can, it's that they just like it, see, they have that panache, sitting in shitt to blame Israel for it, of course.
Uh huh. Exactly as I thought. I still wouldn't be enough.

I knew I'd get you fucker to show your true colors. You do not want peace at all, you want the whole land and the Jews dead or gone.
How about a peace plan where "only" 2/3 of the Jews were kicked out of Israel?


NO why should theJews be kicked out of their country that was granted legally. No one is asking for 2/3 of the arab muslims to be kicked out of their countries as part of a peace plan are they ?
2/3 have already been kicked out and not allowed to return.

When did this happen and who kicked them out ?
Then why don't you disprove it using verifiable links. Israel announced its intentions to leave gaza and the Palestinians started to ramp up the attacks. In the end the difference between the numbers of attacks prior to the move and the numbers after the move showed an increase of 500%
Of course you won't watch it. Israel supporters prefer to remain stupid. Tomorrow you will come back with the same lies.

And how does this refute my words ?


So you cant answer, why aren't I surprised at your silence.............

Stupid question. You got to be how old and know nothing. That is quite remarkable.

So how does this refute my words, and stop deflecting because you have been shown to be unable to answer
Just more islamonazi propaganda from the catholic Nazi based on LIES

You do realise that many negotiations and prominent legal observers still considers Gaza as "occupied territory" don't you?!

And yet hamas swore that gaza was not occupied and had not been since 2005. So who is the better authority, and why does international law show that Israel does not occupy gaza

Which international law would that be then Phoney?

This one

Occupation and international humanitarian law: questions and answers

Article 42 of the 1907 Hague Regulations (HR) states that a " territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised. "

So is gaza completely under the control of the Israeli army 24/7, which would mean no tunnels, illegal rockets or attacks on Israel.

Gaza is not "completely" under the control of Israel... But then that is NOT a stipulation within your linked article is it!

However, as you know, Israel controls Gazan air and sea plus it controls the movement in and out of Gaza, not just of Palestinians but also foreign nationals.

The UN and a significant number of countries still consider Gaza as occupied based upon the above facts.

Taking the cherry picked quote you have made from your linked article, it is very clear that Gazan territory is still occupied by Israel as it is Israel who continues to maintain control of air and sea.

Furthermore, quoting from your linked article, it is very clear that Israel breaks this law on a number of examples... I won't cherry pick them all as, undoutably, you have read the whole article so will know this as fact!

"The main rules of the law applicable in case of occupation state that:

  • The occupant does not acquire sovereignty over the territory.

  • Occupation is only a temporary situation, and the rights of the occupant are limited to the extent of that period.

Try again as that is what the link says. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised

So the Israelis don't occupy gaza as they do not have authority over any of the land, and do not have military personel stationed in gaza.

Not cherry picked at all as it is the first definition that is on the page detailing actual international law

Israel has not acquired sovereignty over gaza

the occupating ended in 2005 making it temporary, now it is blockaded because of islamonazi terrorism and violence
You do realise that many negotiations and prominent legal observers still considers Gaza as "occupied territory" don't you?!

And yet hamas swore that gaza was not occupied and had not been since 2005. So who is the better authority, and why does international law show that Israel does not occupy gaza

Which international law would that be then Phoney?

This one

Occupation and international humanitarian law: questions and answers

Article 42 of the 1907 Hague Regulations (HR) states that a " territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised. "

So is gaza completely under the control of the Israeli army 24/7, which would mean no tunnels, illegal rockets or attacks on Israel.

Gaza is not "completely" under the control of Israel... But then that is NOT a stipulation within your linked article is it!

However, as you know, Israel controls Gazan air and sea plus it controls the movement in and out of Gaza, not just of Palestinians but also foreign nationals.

The UN and a significant number of countries still consider Gaza as occupied based upon the above facts.

Taking the cherry picked quote you have made from your linked article, it is very clear that Gazan territory is still occupied by Israel as it is Israel who continues to maintain control of air and sea.

Furthermore, quoting from your linked article, it is very clear that Israel breaks this law on a number of examples... I won't cherry pick them all as, undoutably, you have read the whole article so will know this as fact!

"The main rules of the law applicable in case of occupation state that:

  • The occupant does not acquire sovereignty over the territory.

  • Occupation is only a temporary situation, and the rights of the occupant are limited to the extent of that period.

Try again as that is what the link says. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised

So the Israelis don't occupy gaza as they do not have authority over any of the land, and do not have military personel stationed in gaza.

Not cherry picked at all as it is the first definition that is on the page detailing actual international law

Israel has not acquired sovereignty over gaza

the occupating ended in 2005 making it temporary, now it is blockaded because of islamonazi terrorism and violence
What do you seriously see as a solution?

I'm going to butt into the middle of this and say this. Coyote, you know me to have tried to be impartial or at the least open minded, but! With the two faced actions of Abbas of late; on the one side inciting the Pals and on the other appealing to the ICC and the UN about the Israeli 'violence' of the last few weeks without claiming any Pal violence, or as if the Pals have been sitting innocently by and not doing a damn thing; I say FUCK IT!

Meanwhile Netanyahu has been doing his own incitement.

Has he, then you will be able to link to him saying that Israelis should be killing Palestinians out of hand because their filthy feet are defiling the temple mount ?

Saying the mufti must share the blame for the holocaust is not inciting violence
In any deal, the Christians including the Armenians will want the Jewish squatters in Christian Jerusalem out.

Monti, your totally extreme ignorance is showing. But it is to be expected.

Please tell me exactly where the Jews are living in the Armenian quarter. Please show me exactly where there are Jewish 'squatters' in the Christian quarter. With pictures taken with your own camera. No bullshit. Just facts on the ground asshat.

You do like to be humiliated, don't you. Even the Jewish Virtual Library confirms that as usual I am the purveyor of facts and you are one of the forum's bullshitters.

" The major part of the residential section was evacuated. Some were illegally appropriated by Jewish squatters."

Jerusalem's The Armenian Quarter | Jewish Virtual Library

And we see this in your link as the opening paragraph

The Armenian Quarter occupies the southwest corner of the Old City. It covers one-sixth of the area contained inside the ancient walls. It is believed that between 35 and 25 B.C., the Jewish King, Herod built a fortress and his palace along the western wall of the Quarter which at that time was called The Upper City ( Zion) since it was ( and now is ) relatively on higher ground than the other Quarters. After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70, the area was occupied by the Tenth Roman ( Fretensis) Legion and became a government center. In the beginning of the twentieth century this western-most section of the Quarter was used as a cow pasture and to this day it is called as such.

So no actual Armenians have lived there since Herods time proving that you are a LIAR
What do you seriously see as a solution?

I'm going to butt into the middle of this and say this. Coyote, you know me to have tried to be impartial or at the least open minded, but! With the two faced actions of Abbas of late; on the one side inciting the Pals and on the other appealing to the ICC and the UN about the Israeli 'violence' of the last few weeks without claiming any Pal violence, or as if the Pals have been sitting innocently by and not doing a damn thing; I say FUCK IT!
I support the Opressed=Palestinians, Palestinians are fighting for Freedom.........Israel are their Opressors....You see Teddy why didn't the Jews fight their oppessors...The Germans.....you didn't ...you just took the German MONEY and WAR REPARATION,which Germany are still paying 70 years after the war...... You took a weak route and Slaughtered the INNOCENT PEACEFUL Palestinians.....AND STOLE THEIR LAND,and you are still are STEALING AND MURDERING .........Israel and Guys like you have no MORAL BACKBONE......NONE AT ALL,yet you arrogantly speak as if you have the Moral High Ground.......Your High Ground is infact the GUTTER....You are Morally BANKRUPT..steve......Give me reasons why Palestinians should trust you.....with your shameful history towards them.

No you support and defend islamonazi terrorism and violence because you want to see the Jews wiped out.
I see no problem with that at all. After all, the Arabs that stayed in Israel and did not become part of the newly created (or want to be) 'Palestinian' identity do enjoy equal rights. They have members in the Knesset and on the Israeli Supreme court.
Whatever the Palestinian's identify with, is none of your (or Israel's) god-damn business!

You have no right, denying them, they're rights. Period.

What rights are they then, as there is no legal right to be an Israeli citizen
This one

Occupation and international humanitarian law: questions and answers

Article 42 of the 1907 Hague Regulations (HR) states that a " territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised. "

So is gaza completely under the control of the Israeli army 24/7, which would mean no tunnels, illegal rockets or attacks on Israel.
Israel has "effective control" over the entire area. They control 80% of what goes in to and out of Gaza. Gazans cannot leave by air or sea without Israeli permission. It is a prison.

It also satisfy's the laws of occupation.

No as it has to be 100% MILITARY CONTROL only having 80% control proves under international law that gaza is not occupied.
How about a peace plan where "only" 2/3 of the Jews were kicked out of Israel?


NO why should theJews be kicked out of their country that was granted legally. No one is asking for 2/3 of the arab muslims to be kicked out of their countries as part of a peace plan are they ?
2/3 have already been kicked out and not allowed to return.

When did this happen and who kicked them out ?
Of course you won't watch it. Israel supporters prefer to remain stupid. Tomorrow you will come back with the same lies.

And how does this refute my words ?


So you cant answer, why aren't I surprised at your silence.............

Stupid question. You got to be how old and know nothing. That is quite remarkable.

So how does this refute my words, and stop deflecting because you have been shown to be unable to answer

Israel did not end the occupation. It just moved it to the edges. Israel still patrols Gaza regularly. It still attacks and sometimes kills Palestinians inside Gaza. It regularly destroys private property inside Gaza. It still controls the population registry, ID cards, Passports and travel. It controls all imports and exports. It keeps 90% of factories from operating. It keeps 1/3 of Gaza's farmland out of production.

The Palestinians can control what's left.
You do realise that many negotiations and prominent legal observers still considers Gaza as "occupied territory" don't you?!

And yet hamas swore that gaza was not occupied and had not been since 2005. So who is the better authority, and why does international law show that Israel does not occupy gaza

Which international law would that be then Phoney?

This one

Occupation and international humanitarian law: questions and answers

Article 42 of the 1907 Hague Regulations (HR) states that a " territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised. "

So is gaza completely under the control of the Israeli army 24/7, which would mean no tunnels, illegal rockets or attacks on Israel.

Gaza is not "completely" under the control of Israel... But then that is NOT a stipulation within your linked article is it!

However, as you know, Israel controls Gazan air and sea plus it controls the movement in and out of Gaza, not just of Palestinians but also foreign nationals.

The UN and a significant number of countries still consider Gaza as occupied based upon the above facts.

Taking the cherry picked quote you have made from your linked article, it is very clear that Gazan territory is still occupied by Israel as it is Israel who continues to maintain control of air and sea.

Furthermore, quoting from your linked article, it is very clear that Israel breaks this law on a number of examples... I won't cherry pick them all as, undoutably, you have read the whole article so will know this as fact!

"The main rules of the law applicable in case of occupation state that:

  • The occupant does not acquire sovereignty over the territory.

  • Occupation is only a temporary situation, and the rights of the occupant are limited to the extent of that period.

Try again as that is what the link says. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised

So the Israelis don't occupy gaza as they do not have authority over any of the land, and do not have military personel stationed in gaza.

Not cherry picked at all as it is the first definition that is on the page detailing actual international law

Israel has not acquired sovereignty over gaza

the occupating ended in 2005 making it temporary, now it is blockaded because of islamonazi terrorism and violence

This one is a really funny Phoney fail...

The 'convenient' exchange of the word "territory" as stated in your link replaced by YOUR word "land"...

You will find that territory extends beyond JUST "land"...

You and all the other zionuts can call it what you like... Fact remains that Israel has significant control over Gazan territory and its people... That's why those that matter consider Gaza still being occupied!
This one

Occupation and international humanitarian law: questions and answers

Article 42 of the 1907 Hague Regulations (HR) states that a " territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised. "

So is gaza completely under the control of the Israeli army 24/7, which would mean no tunnels, illegal rockets or attacks on Israel.
Israel has "effective control" over the entire area. They control 80% of what goes in to and out of Gaza. Gazans cannot leave by air or sea without Israeli permission. It is a prison.

It also satisfy's the laws of occupation.

No as it has to be 100% MILITARY CONTROL only having 80% control proves under international law that gaza is not occupied.

Thats you making shit up again Phoney...

It does NOT say that in your link!
I see no problem with that at all. After all, the Arabs that stayed in Israel and did not become part of the newly created (or want to be) 'Palestinian' identity do enjoy equal rights. They have members in the Knesset and on the Israeli Supreme court.
Whatever the Palestinian's identify with, is none of your (or Israel's) god-damn business!

You have no right, denying them, they're rights. Period.

What rights are they then, as there is no legal right to be an Israeli citizen
Yes there is. All Palestinians whose normal place of residence was inside what became Israel have the right to become Israeli citizens.
This one

Occupation and international humanitarian law: questions and answers

Article 42 of the 1907 Hague Regulations (HR) states that a " territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised. "
Since you provided the correct link regarding the laws of occupation, I've taken the liberty of using YOUR link to show those laws you are in violation of...

The main rules o f the law applicable in case of occupation state that:

  • The occupant does not acquire sovereignty over the territory.
  • Occupation is only a temporary situation, and the rights of the occupant are limited to the extent of that period.
  • Collective or individual forcible transfers of population from and within the occupied territory are prohibited.
  • Transfers of the civilian population of the occupying power into the occupied territory, regardless whether forcible or voluntary, are prohibited.
  • Collective punishment is prohibited.
  • The taking of hostages is prohibited.
  • Reprisals against protected persons or their property are prohibited.
  • The confiscation of private property by the occupant is prohibited.
  • The destruction or seizure of enemy property is prohibited, unless absolutely required by military necessity during the conduct of hostilities.
And more specifically regarding "effective control"...

still from your link...

2. When does the law of occupation start to apply?

The rules of international humanitarian law relevant to occupied
territories become applicable whenever territory comes under the effective control of hostile foreign armed forces, even if the occupation meets no armed resistance and there is no fighting.
RoccoR - do you remember when we started a thread on proposed solutions to the IP conflict and creating 2 states? (or am I imagining things?) - I recall it was a good thread but can't find it. Might be nice to wake it up again and see what participation we can get :)
Israel did not end the occupation. It just moved it to the edges. Israel still patrols Gaza regularly. It still attacks and sometimes kills Palestinians inside Gaza. It regularly destroys private property inside Gaza. It still controls the population registry, ID cards, Passports and travel. It controls all imports and exports. It keeps 90% of factories from operating. It keeps 1/3 of Gaza's farmland out of production. The Palestinians can control what's left.
Including this bullish, of course.
NO why should theJews be kicked out of their country that was granted legally. No one is asking for 2/3 of the arab muslims to be kicked out of their countries as part of a peace plan are they ?
2/3 have already been kicked out and not allowed to return.

When did this happen and who kicked them out ?
And how does this refute my words ?

So you cant answer, why aren't I surprised at your silence.............
Stupid question. You got to be how old and know nothing. That is quite remarkable.

So how does this refute my words, and stop deflecting because you have been shown to be unable to answer
Israel did not end the occupation. It just moved it to the edges. Israel still patrols Gaza regularly. It still attacks and sometimes kills Palestinians inside Gaza. It regularly destroys private property inside Gaza. It still controls the population registry, ID cards, Passports and travel. It controls all imports and exports. It keeps 90% of factories from operating. It keeps 1/3 of Gaza's farmland out of production.

The Palestinians can control what's left.
You Islamics are your own worst enemy. You create the conditions which cause your own failures and ineptitude and then go chase your Korans looking for convenient (Jooooooooo) bogeymen.

When Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza, you retrograde Islamics had yet another chance to make an attempt at building a working society. However, and as is so often the case with dysfunctional Islamics, you chose instead to spend your UN welfare dollars on arms and ammunition which resulted in the launching of rockets at Israel.

Really, sweetie, wake up, smell the burnt toast and come to the realization that most of the planet has tired of islamo-excuses, islamo-whining and islamo-welfare fraud.

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