Okay Obama, what does an immigrant look like?

Give me a break! What about someone's face allows our @$$hole-in-chief to determine that the person wasn't born here?

This is a really corrupt misreading.

Listen to the full comment. He says he can see someone's thirst for freedom in their eyes - a person who wasn't born here but wants to be here because of how great this nation is. He was giving the same old "nation of immigrants" speech often given by Republicans about how people from around the world come to this great nation for freedom. He was merely commenting that he can see that hope in their eyes in order to make the point that this nation is a melting pot of dreamers inspired by freedom. Listen to it again. He wasn't making a point about profiling.

(Yawn. Another Republican Hit Job)
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Give me a break! What about someone's face allows our @$$hole-in-chief to determine that the person wasn't born here?

This is a really corrupt misreading.

Listen to the full comment. He says he can see someone's thirst for freedom in their eyes - a person who wasn't born here but wants to be here because of how great this nation is. He was giving the same old "nation of immigrants" speech often given by Republicans about how people from around the world come to this great nation for freedom. He was merely commenting that he can see that hope in their eyes in order to make the point that this nation is a melting pot of dreamers inspired by freedom. Listen to it again. He wasn't making a point about profiling.

(Yawn. Another Republican Hit Job)

Got it. People born here don't have hope. :doubt: Nice job of fluffing for the embarrassment-in-chief.
Give me a break! What about someone's face allows our @$$hole-in-chief to determine that the person wasn't born here?

This is a really corrupt misreading.

Listen to the full comment. He says he can see someone's thirst for freedom in their eyes - a person who wasn't born here but wants to be here because of how great this nation is. He was giving the same old "nation of immigrants" speech often given by Republicans about how people from around the world come to this great nation for freedom. He was merely commenting that he can see that hope in their eyes in order to make the point that this nation is a melting pot of dreamers inspired by freedom. Listen to it again. He wasn't making a point about profiling.

(Yawn. Another Republican Hit Job)

If obama had the courage to look real Americans in the eye, he'd be able to see our thirst for the freedom we once had but that he's been so busy "fundamentally changing" so we can become thralls to his socialist Utopian dream.
Give me a break! What about someone's face allows our @$$hole-in-chief to determine that the person wasn't born here?

Obama: I Can Tell Who Is An Immigrant Here Just By "Looking At Faces" | Video | RealClearPolitics

OBAMA: As I was getting a tour of DreamWorks, I didn't ask, but just looking at faces, I could tell there were some folks who are here not because they were born here, but because they want to be here and they bring extraordinary talents to the United States. And that's part of what makes America special. And that's part of what, by the way, makes California special, because it's always been this magnet of dreamers and strivers. And people coming from every direction saying to themselves, you know, if I work hard there I can have my piece of the American Dream.

How do the faces of 2nd generation and 3rd generation Americans look different from people who immigrated here?
If that is so? And he apparently wishes to give them a 'piece' of it? WHY then is he destroying it? Or is he talking about welfare?
Except he wasn't being PC!

That was so not PC. Shockingly unPC for someone whose main qualification for being president was making speeches that the kind of people who like PC like to hear.
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Any one who doesn't look like this:


or this:


is an immigrant. And yes, it's just that easy.
Any one who doesn't look like this:


or this:


is an immigrant. And yes, it's just that easy.

No wonder O-care is going down in flames. What can be expected from people who don't even have a grasp of their native language? No surprise that technology baffles you.

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