Okeefe offered ballots 20 times in NC with no ID Oh there's no such thing as voter fraud riiiiight!

We are still waiting for your math to show up, give us the data in percentages that shows how many cases of voter fraud there are in any state. Numbers too. Then tell us how many have been prosecuted for voter fraud.
The oneness is on you! You are making the accusation.

First, your math is really lacking, maybe you need to go back to school. Secondly, nothing has been done of any consequence in states that do not require proof of who you are, since these major election frauds were discovered, to stop it from happening again. Third, I don't want fraud occurring from anyone in elections, left, right up, down, in between, whatever! I want my vote to count. Period. We are becoming a laughing stock in our elections, when once we were the shining beacon in which other new republics and democracies aspired to.

And last, Rolling Stone, really? Now I know why you think the way you do.
The Adlai E. Marcos Style Of Politics - Chicago Tribune

Ever heard od Democrat Adlai Stevenson, III?
By insisting as a minority of one that he really won the 1982 gubernatorial election, Stevenson is keeping up with Marcos, who says the same thing about this year`s Philippine presidential election. According to the Illinois Board of Elections, Gov. James Thompson edged Stevenson by 5,000 votes. But such massive vote fraud was exposed in Chicago following the election that federal law enforcement officials have estimated that 100,000 fraudulent ballots probably were cast for Stevenson.

Just give us a percentage. Either by state or nationally.
Do it.

I love this guy!

EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner
  • Conservative guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe pretended to be a series of North Carolinians who hadn't voted in years

  • In precinct after precinct, election officials offered him ballots without confirming his identity

  • Only one polling place turned him away without an ID, but officials there were breaking the rules in order to do it

  • O'Keefe famously embarrassed US Attorney General Eric Holder by obtaining the cabinet member's ballot in Washington as a protest against the lack of an ID mandate at the polls – a racially charged US controversy

  • New Mexico officials said Saturday that someone had fraudulently voted in the name of a man who later showed up in person to cast his ballot

James O Keefe s video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots Daily Mail Online
You too, give us a percentage of illegal votes cast. By state or my the national scene.

They're suppressing GOP partisan voters?

He's a fool..he'll say anything at this point to defend dear leader's administration.

You need to go back 60+ years? lol

GOP outcries over the phantom menace of voter fraud escalated after 2008, when Obama's candidacy attracted historic numbers of first-time voters.

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone
Wrong! You are the one that wont be able to win. Show us the percentages in any state or in the country that has voter fraud. Then give us the numbers and the numbers of those prosecuted for voter fraud.

You aren't going to win this fight.
10 cases? Where do you get your information? Because right now I can link you to more than that who have either double voted, or voted as an illegal or as the dead in the last 2 years. I guess you also think because drivers licenses don'-t fully stop people from driving without one, we should stop issuing them, too, right?
10 cases of voter impersonation at the poll in 14 years ...

gee ... a card should fix that.


So you keep showing how ignorant you are and don't understand the difference with VOTER IMPERSONATION, the ONLY fraud stopped with GOP voter ID suppression laws and other frauds!
The state of Texas will not accept state of Texas student ID cards.

Anyone want to argue that that is not purely partisan voter suppression?
They hand out texas student id cards to illegal immigrants, so no, voter id is not voter suppression.

The ID is to show who you are when you vote. Registration comes before that. Jesus wake up, Noddy.
Wrong, dumb ass. Registration comes when the democrats sign you up no matter who the hell you are no matter whether you are illegal or not. You can say you are daffy duck and democrats will sign you up to vote.
whatever, bro..I could scour the internet for every case of voter fraud in the history of this nation and you'd still deny it...I'm over it.

...but no one denies that elections have been won/lost in this country based on voter fraud..

So once again, YOUR BULLSHIT PREMISE of some imaginary

"secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

has been debunked, instead you go with a ref herring that fraud HAS been used in the past? lol


whatever, bro..
I'm over it. I couldn't care less. Your hyperpartisan agenda is revealed.

You win, though..I concede.... all that typing in capitals..and bolding your text really beat me down.....it's all very impressive!

so it's resolved...no voter fraud has ever occurred in this country and every time anyone ever tried it they were caught and the matter is settled for all eternity.

False premises, distortions and lies, the ONLY tool in the right wingers tool box

PLEASE refute me IF there is ANOTHER type of fraud GOP voter suppression ID laws stop???? lol

sure...sure..anything you say...just don't type in capitals or bold anymore... :laugh2:

So NO, you CAN'T refute the FACT that the GOP voter suppression plan, voter ID does ANYTHING to stop fraud other than voter impersonation, AND WHY WOULD SOMEONE TRY TO STEAL AN ELECTION ONE VOTE AT A TIME? WHY RISK A FELONY? lol

Kiss my ass. Well after all democrats think their blacks are the most stupid blacks on the planet after all. I would be insulted but apparently they aren't

American blacks are just too stupid.
I showed you in this thread one case of over 100,000 votes in 1 election alone, that were found to be fraudulent. The fact you choose to ignore it is your problem, not mine.
We are still waiting for your math to show up, give us the data in percentages that shows how many cases of voter fraud there are in any state. Numbers too. Then tell us how many have been prosecuted for voter fraud.
The oneness is on you! You are making the accusation.

First, your math is really lacking, maybe you need to go back to school. Secondly, nothing has been done of any consequence in states that do not require proof of who you are, since these major election frauds were discovered, to stop it from happening again. Third, I don't want fraud occurring from anyone in elections, left, right up, down, in between, whatever! I want my vote to count. Period. We are becoming a laughing stock in our elections, when once we were the shining beacon in which other new republics and democracies aspired to.

And last, Rolling Stone, really? Now I know why you think the way you do.
The Adlai E. Marcos Style Of Politics - Chicago Tribune

Ever heard od Democrat Adlai Stevenson, III?
By insisting as a minority of one that he really won the 1982 gubernatorial election, Stevenson is keeping up with Marcos, who says the same thing about this year`s Philippine presidential election. According to the Illinois Board of Elections, Gov. James Thompson edged Stevenson by 5,000 votes. But such massive vote fraud was exposed in Chicago following the election that federal law enforcement officials have estimated that 100,000 fraudulent ballots probably were cast for Stevenson.

Just give us a percentage. Either by state or nationally.
Do it.

I love this guy!

EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner
  • Conservative guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe pretended to be a series of North Carolinians who hadn't voted in years

  • In precinct after precinct, election officials offered him ballots without confirming his identity

  • Only one polling place turned him away without an ID, but officials there were breaking the rules in order to do it

  • O'Keefe famously embarrassed US Attorney General Eric Holder by obtaining the cabinet member's ballot in Washington as a protest against the lack of an ID mandate at the polls – a racially charged US controversy

  • New Mexico officials said Saturday that someone had fraudulently voted in the name of a man who later showed up in person to cast his ballot

James O Keefe s video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots Daily Mail Online
You too, give us a percentage of illegal votes cast. By state or my the national scene.

He's a fool..he'll say anything at this point to defend dear leader's administration.

You need to go back 60+ years? lol

GOP outcries over the phantom menace of voter fraud escalated after 2008, when Obama's candidacy attracted historic numbers of first-time voters.

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone
So once again, YOUR BULLSHIT PREMISE of some imaginary

"secure, uniform ID they verify the picture, swipe the card in the reader and you're in ...the whole process takes a couple of seconds"

has been debunked, instead you go with a ref herring that fraud HAS been used in the past? lol


whatever, bro..
I'm over it. I couldn't care less. Your hyperpartisan agenda is revealed.

You win, though..I concede.... all that typing in capitals..and bolding your text really beat me down.....it's all very impressive!

so it's resolved...no voter fraud has ever occurred in this country and every time anyone ever tried it they were caught and the matter is settled for all eternity.

False premises, distortions and lies, the ONLY tool in the right wingers tool box

PLEASE refute me IF there is ANOTHER type of fraud GOP voter suppression ID laws stop???? lol

sure...sure..anything you say...just don't type in capitals or bold anymore... :laugh2:

So NO, you CAN'T refute the FACT that the GOP voter suppression plan, voter ID does ANYTHING to stop fraud other than voter impersonation, AND WHY WOULD SOMEONE TRY TO STEAL AN ELECTION ONE VOTE AT A TIME? WHY RISK A FELONY? lol

Kiss my ass. Well after all democrats think their blacks are the most stupid blacks on the planet after all. I would be insulted but apparently they aren't

American blacks are just too stupid.

There are black people sitting in huts in Rwanda right now , who if asked would say "Doze American niggah iz stupid"
whatever, bro..
I'm over it. I couldn't care less. Your hyperpartisan agenda is revealed.

You win, though..I concede.... all that typing in capitals..and bolding your text really beat me down.....it's all very impressive!

so it's resolved...no voter fraud has ever occurred in this country and every time anyone ever tried it they were caught and the matter is settled for all eternity.

False premises, distortions and lies, the ONLY tool in the right wingers tool box

PLEASE refute me IF there is ANOTHER type of fraud GOP voter suppression ID laws stop???? lol

sure...sure..anything you say...just don't type in capitals or bold anymore... :laugh2:

So NO, you CAN'T refute the FACT that the GOP voter suppression plan, voter ID does ANYTHING to stop fraud other than voter impersonation, AND WHY WOULD SOMEONE TRY TO STEAL AN ELECTION ONE VOTE AT A TIME? WHY RISK A FELONY? lol

Kiss my ass. Well after all democrats think their blacks are the most stupid blacks on the planet after all. I would be insulted but apparently they aren't

American blacks are just too stupid.

There are black people sitting in huts in Rwanda right now , who if asked would say "Doze American niggah iz stupid"

Whoop there it is obviously.
you know on every board I hit and I put up South Africa's constitution I wipe out any Democrats bullshit.

Do it people. Take it out there. Hit every board. Show them their lies and smack them with them.
Care enough to tell American blacks they are being played the fools.

Blacks in South Africa can do it.

The Honduras. They can do it.

Are you telling me American blacks are this fucking stupid that they can't get ID?

So NOW we get to follow other nations laws? What type of history do they have?


The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification

Ten states now have unprecedented restrictive voter ID laws. Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin all require citizens to produce specific types of government-issued photo identification before they can cast a vote that will count. Legal precedent requires these states to provide free photo ID to eligible voters who do not have one. Unfortunately, these free IDs are not equally accessible to all voters. This report is the first comprehensive assessment of the difficulties that eligible voters face in obtaining free photo ID.

The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification Brennan Center for Justice
O'Keefe was never given a ballot to vote on because he never signed for it

Far from voter fraud. Shows the system worked
No, it shows he has enough sense not to violate election law when offered the chance.

Since so many are being bribed into voting with offers of free cigarettes and such, most won't worry about the law.

Even though this is a problem, the real problem is those who work with elections and have access to perfectly legal, unused ballots. There is nothing from stopping them from filling them out and casting votes on behalf of the millions of people across the country who don't ever vote themselves. Maybe Dems would agree to stopping Motor Voter registration in lieu of Voter ID. Since they claim minorities don't get driver's licenses or IDs, it won't affect them. Only those who intend to vote will bother to register and eliminate millions of ballots that can easily be used by other people. That is where the real cheating is and Dems know it. We need to get serious about keeping our voting system honest and no one should have a problem doing that unless they benefit from a system that allows fraud to continue undetected.
you know on every board I hit and I put up South Africa's constitution I wipe out any Democrats bullshit.

Do it people. Take it out there. Hit every board. Show them their lies and smack them with them.

SA? You know we live in the US right? What other laws do they have you want to follow? Gun registration? Confiscation?
Isn't that the right wing hero who smears other Americans with edited and false video. No wonder the right trusts him. He's one of them.

What any idiot can see exactly what no one can see...how heavily edited this video might be.

This guy is like the Michael Moore of the far right, except Moore's films are two hours long instead of 6 minutes, because he likes to cover all the bases. And if someone asks him if he's Michael Moore he will say yes. Why doesn't this dipshit own up to who he is?
O'Keefe was never given a ballot to vote on because he never signed for it

Far from voter fraud. Shows the system worked
No, it shows he has enough sense not to violate election law when offered the chance.

Since so many are being bribed into voting with offers of free cigarettes and such, most won't worry about the law.

Even though this is a problem, the real problem is those who work with elections and have access to perfectly legal, unused ballots. There is nothing from stopping them from filling them out and casting votes on behalf of the millions of people across the country who don't ever vote themselves. Maybe Dems would agree to stopping Motor Voter registration in lieu of Voter ID. Since they claim minorities don't get driver's licenses or IDs, it won't affect them. Only those who intend to vote will bother to register and eliminate millions of ballots that can easily be used by other people. That is where the real cheating is and Dems know it. We need to get serious about keeping our voting system honest and no one should have a problem doing that unless they benefit from a system that allows fraud to continue undetected.

More right wing nonsense

How would stopping DMV voter registration OR GOP suppression voter IUD laws stop poll workers doing what you say?

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