Okeefe offered ballots 20 times in NC with no ID Oh there's no such thing as voter fraud riiiiight!

1) Go to DMV
2) Order pic ID
3) Pay small surcharge
4) Show up at polls and vote.
5) Happy Now:banana:

Could not be easier........you'd think these people were being asked to lug a large bird bath across the state!!! Only phonies would advocate for being against voter id laws. Total gayness.:gay:

People could only be against this if they wanted to ensure the election is rigged.


Voter ID with photo could easily be produced using a cell phone at the time of registration. The entire form with a facial photo could be electronically transmitted to any other device or devices...such as voter registration data storage/retrieval systems capable of being accessed by work stations at the polling locations.

The government spends billions of dollars on pork and welfare, but cannot afford the simplicity of the above plan to prevent voter fraud?

I bet the GOP has dozens of bills doing this in the states right? Oh wait no, they ONLY have dozens of voter ID suppression laws!
It's not suppression when it's offered for FREE. We hire people to take census. Hire some to visit those who simply cannot afford to go to the DMV, let them take a face picture, have the subject sign a form, email the form with picture to the DMV...go to the next house that requested a free photo ID. What is suppressing about that?

Got a LINK to the GOP's proposal ANYWHERE to do that? ANYWHERE? lol

GAO: Photo ID Voting Restrictions Lowered Turnout in KS, TN

The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification

The 11 percent of eligible voters who lack the required photo ID must travel to a designated government office to obtain one. Yet many citizens will have trouble making this trip. In the 10 states with restrictive voter ID laws:

  • Nearly 500,000 eligible voters do not have access to a vehicle and live more than 10 miles from the nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. Many of them live in rural areas with dwindling public transportation options.

  • More than 10 million eligible voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week.

  • 1.2 million eligible black voters and 500,000 eligible Hispanic voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. People of color are more likely to be disenfranchised by these laws since they are less likely to have photo ID than the general population.

  • Many ID-issuing offices maintain limited business hours.

The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification Brennan Center for Justice

FLORIDA - Florida GOP Election Fraud scandal spreads to ten counties

FLORIDA - “Glitch” wipes out 1,000 early votes in black FL neighborhood

INDIANA - GOP Election Fraud In Indiana’s La Porte County

OHIO - GOP Election Fraud In Ohio’s Ottawa County

OHIO - True The Vote Forged Signatures To Get Observers At Ohio Polls

OREGON - Clackamas County Oregon GOP ballot officials fill in GOP on blank ballots

More below.

This article lists 10 GOP Election Fraud Schemes:

GOP's 10 Election Fraud Schemes To-Date

And this:

ELECTION FRAUD: It's the Voting Machines, Not the Voters

REQUEST FOR UN OBSERVERS ACLU: GOP Election Fraud So Bad We Need UN Observers

RON PAUL'S ACCUSATIONS - These are followed by a host of Ron Paul GOP Election fraud articles who have, apparently chronicled what they consider election fraud during the GOP primaries that were skewed to give the nomination to Mitt Romney.

This link lists out the Ron Paul purported GOP Election Frauds: Election Fraud and Manipulation in the U.S.

Back to the other stories of GOP Election Fraud, 2012:

RNC & NATHAN SPROUL - Republican National Committee Drops Firm Over Voter Fraud Allegations

Study of Anomalies in large counties - PDF file - - 2008/2012 Election Anomalies, Results, Analysis and Concerns Francois Choquette, James Johnson

RNC & NATIAN SPROUL STILL GOING - GOP Election Fraud Still Going Strong!

On Thursday, we reported that the companies of Nathan Sproul, the man at the center of the GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal, are still at work for Republicans in some 10 states. That, despite previous claims by the RNC that they’d fired his company, Strategic Allied Consulting, after fraudulent registration forms the firm collected on behalf of the Florida GOP were discovered in 12 counties across the state late last month, and reports that employees of the company destroyed Democratic registration forms in other states. PETITION - Stop GOP Election Fraud 2012
MICHIGAN - Republican U.S. House Staffers Indicted for Felony Election Fraud as GOP Fraud Epidemic Continues

MAINE - Democrats Pile on Maine GOP ELECTION Fraud – Maine “winner” to be Overturned?

WISCONSIN - - GOP election fraud in Wisconsin

MICHIGAN - INGHAM COUNTY, MICHIGAN - one-woman grand jury to investigate House Speaker Jase Bolger and party-switching state Rep. Roy Schmidt's foiled election-rigging scheme, court officials announced Tuesday.

VIRGINIA - State Senator McEachin calls for Federal Investigation of GOP election fraud

OHIO - Tagg Romney Invested in Ohio Electronic Voting Machines

Google search for - "Republican election fraud"

FLORIDA - Suspicious voter registration forms found in 10 Florida counties

MASSACHUSETTS - Longmeadow Republican Election Fraud

MICHIGAN - Four GOP House Staffers From Michigan Indicted for Election Fraud

Okay, so voter fraud does exist.

So NO, you can't differentiate between voter REGISTRATION fraud and other frauds, when the GOP war on voting is ONLY concerned with voter suppression with voter ID laws, which ONLY stops voter impersonation at the poll, almost zero of that having happened!

The first case of voter fraud in New Mexico this election has been confirmed by the Rio Arriba County Clerk's Office.

According to the Rio Arriba County Clerk's office, a voter trying to cast an early ballot in Espanola Saturday was told he had already voted three days prior.

The man told poll workers he hadn't voted. He was then shown the signature of the voter, but he says it wasn't his signature.

Officials say they were able to confirm that the signature on the original ballot did not match the legal voter's signature on file.

Poll workers allowed the man to vote on a provisional ballot, but election officials will have to determine whether the provisional ballot can be counted. Elections officials have no legal means of actually verifying signatures or confirming identification of a voter.

"The poll workers and the Rio Arriba County Clerk’s office did a good job in responding to the situation, following all the procedures available to them," said Bobbi Shearer of the Secretary of State’s office Saturday, "I have nothing, but praise for their efforts to try to ensure integrity in the election. It is just that under current law there are no means available to poll workers to help them determine if a voter is actually the person he says he is."

Shearer said the fraudulent voter's vote has already gone through a tabulator and cannot be identified or separated from all the legitimate ballots in the machine.

Rio Arriba County also fell under scrutiny just two years ago when campaign workers were caught offering alchol to voters.

If voters have any concerns or wish to report an irregularity of any kind, they are encouraged to call the Secretary of State’s office: 1-800-477-3632.

ONE case proves the need to restrict the millions of others right? lol

In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,”

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

You are against strengthening the integrity of American elections based solely off partisan hyperbole that showing an ID is 'voter suppression', even though you cannot show any evidence of that occurring in the states that enacted and enforced voter ID. You would rather leave open vulnerabilities within our election process, because in instance after instance it is Democrats that benefit from having ineligible voters participating. 1,000's of ineligible felons gave Al Franken his Senate seat.

Maybe it will be enough to keep the Senate, keep you fingers crossed.

GAO: Photo ID Voting Restrictions Lowered Turnout in KS, TN

Reagan-Appointed Federal Judge Who Approved First Photo ID Law in 2008 Writes Devastating Dissent AGAINST Photo ID Voting Restrictions

Judge Richard Posner: 'If the WI legislature says witches are a problem, shall WI courts be permitted to conduct witch trials?'...
Local North Carolina state news from Raleigh NC NewsObserver.com


RALEIGH — North Carolina elections officials told state lawmakers Wednesday that they have identified hundreds, and potentially thousands, of voters who may have cast ballots in two states in the 2012 general election.

Republican legislators on an elections oversight committee quickly reacted, calling the number of possible voter fraud cases “shocking,” “outrageous” and “proof positive” that fraud is occurring in North Carolina elections. They called on elections officials to investigate all possible fraud and refer potential criminal cases for prosecution. Double voting is a felony.

“That is outrageous. That is criminal. That is wrong, and it shouldn’t be allowed to go any further without substantial investigations from our local district attorneys who are the ones charged with enforcing these laws,” said Sen. Thom Goolsby, a Wilmington Republican.

Others urged caution until more information about the numbers comes to light.

The numbers of potential voter fraud cases revealed Wednesday were gleaned from a cross-checking of voter records among 28 states. It was the first time North Carolina participated in the cross-check process, which was required under sweeping new election laws passed last year by the Republican-controlled General Assembly.

Specifically, the check found 765 voters whose first and last names, dates of birth and last four digits of their Social Security numbers matched exactly with a voter registered in another state and who voted in both states in 2012. The results also identified 35,750 voters with matching names and dates of birth who voted in North Carolina and another state that year.

Accurate voting rolls needed

Kim Strach, executive director of the State Board of Elections, said her office is investigating the results of the cross-check and knows the identities of the potential offenders. Where there’s evidence that a crime was committed, it will be referred to prosecutors, she said. “We have to ensure that is what happened, and it wasn’t an error on someone’s part,” Strach said.

Strach said the cases could be voter fraud or mistakes made at polling places by precinct officials who attributed votes to the wrong people. Many voters remain on voter rolls after they move to other states, die or otherwise stop voting, and Strach said that increases the potential for mistakes. She stressed the importance of accurate voter rolls. “Even if it’s not voter fraud, a precinct official shouldn’t have the opportunity to choose this person and attribute a vote to them,” Strach said.

Bob Hall of the liberal watchdog group Democracy North Carolina said the public shouldn’t jump to conclusions until more details about the numbers are known. Hall said election investigators have repeatedly found poll worker errors and other explanations in cases that first appeared to be dead people voting or residents of other states casting ballots in North Carolina.

“There may be cases of fraud, but the true scale and conspiracy involved need to be examined more closely before those with political agendas claim they’ve proven guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,” Hall said.

He added that duplicate names don’t automatically signal fraud. “I know there is more than one Bob Hall with my birth date who lives among the 28 states researched,” he said. “For all we know, there may be 35,000 legitimate name and birthday matches.”

Death audit

Rep. David Lewis, a Dunn Republican and co-chairman of the Joint Legislative Elections Oversight Committee, suggested that the evidence of voter fraud is strong – at least among the 765 voters.

“I am very concerned that it would certainly appear to a logical person or reasonable person looking at it that if the person has the exact same name, exact same birthdate and the last four Social Security number, they are almost certainly the same person,” he said. “But again, in this country, of course, you’re not guilty until proven that way.”

Strach also told lawmakers that a recent “10-year death audit” identified more than 13,400 dead people on voter rolls in October – they have since been removed – and that in about 50 instances, votes were attributed to dead people. The board is investigating to determine whether those cases were precinct mistakes or people fraudulently voting under the names of dead people, she said. Strach stressed that those cases could stem from errors made by precincts, caused by deceased former voters remaining on voter rolls.

“We have a vulnerability with our voter rolls when we have people on there that should not be on there,” she said.

Republicans seized the opportunity to claim that the new information was proof that last year’s legislation requiring voters to present identification before voting was the right decision. The requirement begins in 2016.

Claude Pope, N.C. Republican Party chairman, said the potential fraud “represents a significant threat” to election integrity and applauded General Assembly Republicans for passing the voter ID law and “working to protect the integrity of the ballot box.”

Lawmakers also discussed whether the names of voters who appeared to vote twice should be considered public records. Strach said they weren’t because they are part of a criminal investigation. But lawmakers said they wanted the information to be public and suggested they would draft legislation if necessary.

“I’ve always found the best way to expose corruption is to bring daylight to it,” said Rep. Tim Moore, a Cleveland County Republican.

Patrick Gannon writes for the NCInsider.com, a government news service owned by The News & Observer. www.ncinsider.com

Read more here: Local North Carolina state news from Raleigh NC NewsObserver.com

Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters
Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters - The Daily Beast

6 Other Times Republicans Admitted Voting Restrictions Are Just About Disenfranchising Democrats

6 Other Times Republicans Admitted Voting Restrictions Are Just About Disenfranchising Democrats The National Memo
I love this guy!

EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner
  • Conservative guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe pretended to be a series of North Carolinians who hadn't voted in years

  • In precinct after precinct, election officials offered him ballots without confirming his identity

  • Only one polling place turned him away without an ID, but officials there were breaking the rules in order to do it

  • O'Keefe famously embarrassed US Attorney General Eric Holder by obtaining the cabinet member's ballot in Washington as a protest against the lack of an ID mandate at the polls – a racially charged US controversy

  • New Mexico officials said Saturday that someone had fraudulently voted in the name of a man who later showed up in person to cast his ballot

James O Keefe s video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots Daily Mail Online

Only a conservative would try to break voting laws..

Only a liberal would give amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants and register them to vote.

Ronnie was the one giving amnesty. Weird though the GOP had Congress most of the past 20 years, why didn't they stop it?

I wonder as well.
I'm done with you. Personally, I think only TAX PAYERS should be able to vote. How's that for voter suppression?
1) Go to DMV
2) Order pic ID
3) Pay small surcharge
4) Show up at polls and vote.
5) Happy Now:banana:

Could not be easier........you'd think these people were being asked to lug a large bird bath across the state!!! Only phonies would advocate for being against voter id laws. Total gayness.:gay:

People could only be against this if they wanted to ensure the election is rigged.


Voter ID with photo could easily be produced using a cell phone at the time of registration. The entire form with a facial photo could be electronically transmitted to any other device or devices...such as voter registration data storage/retrieval systems capable of being accessed by work stations at the polling locations.

The government spends billions of dollars on pork and welfare, but cannot afford the simplicity of the above plan to prevent voter fraud?

I bet the GOP has dozens of bills doing this in the states right? Oh wait no, they ONLY have dozens of voter ID suppression laws!
It's not suppression when it's offered for FREE. We hire people to take census. Hire some to visit those who simply cannot afford to go to the DMV, let them take a face picture, have the subject sign a form, email the form with picture to the DMV...go to the next house that requested a free photo ID. What is suppressing about that?

Got a LINK to the GOP's proposal ANYWHERE to do that? ANYWHERE? lol

GAO: Photo ID Voting Restrictions Lowered Turnout in KS, TN

The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification

The 11 percent of eligible voters who lack the required photo ID must travel to a designated government office to obtain one. Yet many citizens will have trouble making this trip. In the 10 states with restrictive voter ID laws:

    • Nearly 500,000 eligible voters do not have access to a vehicle and live more than 10 miles from the nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. Many of them live in rural areas with dwindling public transportation options.
    • More than 10 million eligible voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week.
    • 1.2 million eligible black voters and 500,000 eligible Hispanic voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. People of color are more likely to be disenfranchised by these laws since they are less likely to have photo ID than the general population.
    • Many ID-issuing offices maintain limited business hours.

The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification Brennan Center for Justice
Well you know the Republicans always want a police state where everyone must have their papers in order. All rights come from what the government police will allow you to do unless you are a rich accredited investor or earning carried interest, then those rules don't apply.
Last edited:
I love this guy!

EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner
  • Conservative guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe pretended to be a series of North Carolinians who hadn't voted in years

  • In precinct after precinct, election officials offered him ballots without confirming his identity

  • Only one polling place turned him away without an ID, but officials there were breaking the rules in order to do it

  • O'Keefe famously embarrassed US Attorney General Eric Holder by obtaining the cabinet member's ballot in Washington as a protest against the lack of an ID mandate at the polls – a racially charged US controversy

  • New Mexico officials said Saturday that someone had fraudulently voted in the name of a man who later showed up in person to cast his ballot

James O Keefe s video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots Daily Mail Online

Only a conservative would try to break voting laws..

Only a liberal would give amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants and register them to vote.

Have to disagree with you there, the GOP would do the same in a heartbeat if it weren't for their constituents.

You have a point.
O'Keefe was never given a ballot to vote on because he never signed for it

Far from voter fraud. Shows the system worked
He didn't sign for it because he didn't want to commit fraud.

That is quite a deterrent isn't it?

Worked on O'Keefe
The Right still considers O'Keefe a hero .. weird.

The Left is running from theirs...

"There's an Obama on your shirt!"

"Ahhh get it off, get it off!!!"
"Okeefe offered ballots 20 times in NC with no ID Oh there's no such thing as voter fraud riiiiight!"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, there is no evidence that this isolated incident is occurring elsewhere to the extent that the outcome of any election is changed.

Moreover, no one ever said that isolated incidents of fraud might not occur; rather, incidents of fraud are so rare – fraud by identity in particular – that measures such as voter ID laws are not warranted, and manifest an undue burden to the right to vote.
"Okeefe offered ballots 20 times in NC with no ID Oh there's no such thing as voter fraud riiiiight!"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, there is no evidence that this isolated incident is occurring elsewhere to the extent that the outcome of any election is changed.

Moreover, no one ever said that isolated incidents of fraud might not occur; rather, incidents of fraud are so rare – fraud by identity in particular – that measures such as voter ID laws are not warranted, and manifest an undue burden to the right to vote.

As I told her earlier today, you don't NEED an ID to vote in Carolina. Her article notes the same thing.

Anyone can get a ballot. I can see one online right now. It's *casting a vote* on that ballot that would be problematic. And as the article also notes, O'Keefe didn't get to do that.

TD was drawn in by a deliberately misleading headline --written that way to sell papers -- and apparently didn't bother to read her own aritcle.
O'Keefe was never given a ballot to vote on because he never signed for it

Far from voter fraud. Shows the system worked
No, it shows he has enough sense not to violate election law when offered the chance.

Since so many are being bribed into voting with offers of free cigarettes and such, most won't worry about the law.

Even though this is a problem, the real problem is those who work with elections and have access to perfectly legal, unused ballots. There is nothing from stopping them from filling them out and casting votes on behalf of the millions of people across the country who don't ever vote themselves. Maybe Dems would agree to stopping Motor Voter registration in lieu of Voter ID. Since they claim minorities don't get driver's licenses or IDs, it won't affect them. Only those who intend to vote will bother to register and eliminate millions of ballots that can easily be used by other people. That is where the real cheating is and Dems know it. We need to get serious about keeping our voting system honest and no one should have a problem doing that unless they benefit from a system that allows fraud to continue undetected.
Free cigarettes?

Now you guys are just entering silly land
I love this guy!

EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner
  • Conservative guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe pretended to be a series of North Carolinians who hadn't voted in years

  • In precinct after precinct, election officials offered him ballots without confirming his identity

  • Only one polling place turned him away without an ID, but officials there were breaking the rules in order to do it

  • O'Keefe famously embarrassed US Attorney General Eric Holder by obtaining the cabinet member's ballot in Washington as a protest against the lack of an ID mandate at the polls – a racially charged US controversy

  • New Mexico officials said Saturday that someone had fraudulently voted in the name of a man who later showed up in person to cast his ballot

James O Keefe s video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots Daily Mail Online
Funny how O'Keefe picks one of the only close race states where the Democrat is actually favored. Got to give the talk radio blowhards something to complain about tomorrow.
O'Keefe was never given a ballot to vote on because he never signed for it

Far from voter fraud. Shows the system worked
No, it shows he has enough sense not to violate election law when offered the chance.

Since so many are being bribed into voting with offers of free cigarettes and such, most won't worry about the law.

Even though this is a problem, the real problem is those who work with elections and have access to perfectly legal, unused ballots. There is nothing from stopping them from filling them out and casting votes on behalf of the millions of people across the country who don't ever vote themselves. Maybe Dems would agree to stopping Motor Voter registration in lieu of Voter ID. Since they claim minorities don't get driver's licenses or IDs, it won't affect them. Only those who intend to vote will bother to register and eliminate millions of ballots that can easily be used by other people. That is where the real cheating is and Dems know it. We need to get serious about keeping our voting system honest and no one should have a problem doing that unless they benefit from a system that allows fraud to continue undetected.
Free cigarettes?

Now you guys are just entering silly land
Trailing in polls California candidate offers scholarships gift cards Reuters

Scholarships are more likely, like this Republican ;)

(Reuters) - Trailing in the polls and getting little media coverage, California's Republican candidate for governor handed out $40,000 in scholarships on Tuesday, just two weeks after offering gift cards to attendees at a campaign event.

Neel Kashkari, a former U.S. Treasury official who is challenging popular Democratic Governor Jerry Brown in the lopsidedly Democratic state, is offering the incentives as his campaign trails Brown's by double digits in the weeks before November's election.
10 miles huh. I guess none of these people get to walmarts or the hospitals or the banks to cash their pay checks. And there is not one mention of poor white people, seems racist to me. I bet you everyone of these poor people has a cellphone. I wonder how much that costs, hmmmmmm. More than a birth certificate and marriage license I bet. Why is it that any citizen has to have different criteria to vote, like poor people get special treatment, I don't think so. Wonder if they could find a ride to pick up their welfare checks and food stamps, bet they do. Another false premise supporting a bogus argument.

As usual the shrimp has a solution to this problem. You know how we have blood mobiles? Just go with the vote mobiles. Just stop the fraud of only democratic voters being denied their rights to vote. Oh yeah don't forget Georgia voter I'd has actually increased voter turnout.
Disenfranchising voters never is mentioned in any of these articles, not once does anyone say that a black person should not be allowed to vote. Liberal spin. When democratic strategies want to have month long early voting only to have more time to herd people to the polls, people who would probably of their own initiative not vote, a republican strategy to counter artificial voting is only common sense.

I don't pay any attention to operatives talking about voter fraud, I am all ears to an individual who said he or she jumped through all the hoops and was not allowed to vote. If someone really wants to vote in this country there is nothing to stop them.
1) Go to DMV
2) Order pic ID
3) Pay small surcharge
4) Show up at polls and vote.
5) Happy Now:banana:

Could not be easier........you'd think these people were being asked to lug a large bird bath across the state!!! Only phonies would advocate for being against voter id laws. Total gayness.:gay:

People could only be against this if they wanted to ensure the election is rigged.


Voter ID with photo could easily be produced using a cell phone at the time of registration. The entire form with a facial photo could be electronically transmitted to any other device or devices...such as voter registration data storage/retrieval systems capable of being accessed by work stations at the polling locations.

The government spends billions of dollars on pork and welfare, but cannot afford the simplicity of the above plan to prevent voter fraud?

I bet the GOP has dozens of bills doing this in the states right? Oh wait no, they ONLY have dozens of voter ID suppression laws!
It's not suppression when it's offered for FREE. We hire people to take census. Hire some to visit those who simply cannot afford to go to the DMV, let them take a face picture, have the subject sign a form, email the form with picture to the DMV...go to the next house that requested a free photo ID. What is suppressing about that?

Got a LINK to the GOP's proposal ANYWHERE to do that? ANYWHERE? lol

GAO: Photo ID Voting Restrictions Lowered Turnout in KS, TN

The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification

The 11 percent of eligible voters who lack the required photo ID must travel to a designated government office to obtain one. Yet many citizens will have trouble making this trip. In the 10 states with restrictive voter ID laws:

    • Nearly 500,000 eligible voters do not have access to a vehicle and live more than 10 miles from the nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. Many of them live in rural areas with dwindling public transportation options.
    • More than 10 million eligible voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week.
    • 1.2 million eligible black voters and 500,000 eligible Hispanic voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. People of color are more likely to be disenfranchised by these laws since they are less likely to have photo ID than the general population.
    • Many ID-issuing offices maintain limited business hours.

The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification Brennan Center for Justice
Got a legitimate reason for not backing such a plan?

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