Okeefe offered ballots 20 times in NC with no ID Oh there's no such thing as voter fraud riiiiight!


Voter ID with photo could easily be produced using a cell phone at the time of registration. The entire form with a facial photo could be electronically transmitted to any other device or devices...such as voter registration data storage/retrieval systems capable of being accessed by work stations at the polling locations.

The government spends billions of dollars on pork and welfare, but cannot afford the simplicity of the above plan to prevent voter fraud?

I bet the GOP has dozens of bills doing this in the states right? Oh wait no, they ONLY have dozens of voter ID suppression laws!
It's not suppression when it's offered for FREE. We hire people to take census. Hire some to visit those who simply cannot afford to go to the DMV, let them take a face picture, have the subject sign a form, email the form with picture to the DMV...go to the next house that requested a free photo ID. What is suppressing about that?

Got a LINK to the GOP's proposal ANYWHERE to do that? ANYWHERE? lol

GAO: Photo ID Voting Restrictions Lowered Turnout in KS, TN

The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification

The 11 percent of eligible voters who lack the required photo ID must travel to a designated government office to obtain one. Yet many citizens will have trouble making this trip. In the 10 states with restrictive voter ID laws:

    • Nearly 500,000 eligible voters do not have access to a vehicle and live more than 10 miles from the nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. Many of them live in rural areas with dwindling public transportation options.
    • More than 10 million eligible voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest state ID-issuing office open more than two days a week.
    • 1.2 million eligible black voters and 500,000 eligible Hispanic voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. People of color are more likely to be disenfranchised by these laws since they are less likely to have photo ID than the general population.
    • Many ID-issuing offices maintain limited business hours.

The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification Brennan Center for Justice
Got a legitimate reason for not backing such a plan?

You mean since Dubya's DOJ UNPRECEDENTED 5 year investigation of over 300+ million votes found ZERO people to prosecute for impersonating other voters?

It's simply GOP voter suppression

GAO: Photo ID Voting Restrictions Lowered Turnout in KS, TN

Why Voter ID Laws Aren’t Really about Fraud

Why Voter ID Laws Aren t Really about Fraud Government Elections Politics FRONTLINE PBS

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason they pushed new election law
Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... www.palmbeachpost.com

6 Other Times Republicans Admitted Voting Restrictions Are Just About Disenfranchising Democrats The National Memo

Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

Republicans Admit Voter ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters - The Daily Beast

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’

Top Pennsylvania Republican Admits Voter ID Helped Suppress Obama Voters
Disenfranchising voters never is mentioned in any of these articles, not once does anyone say that a black person should not be allowed to vote. Liberal spin. When democratic strategies want to have month long early voting only to have more time to herd people to the polls, people who would probably of their own initiative not vote, a republican strategy to counter artificial voting is only common sense.

I don't pay any attention to operatives talking about voter fraud, I am all ears to an individual who said he or she jumped through all the hoops and was not allowed to vote. If someone really wants to vote in this country there is nothing to stop them.

Got it, you prefer LESS VOTING.

92-Year Old Woman Loses Right to Vote Due to Expired Drivers License in Alabama
State GOP's voter suppression law working as designed

"92-Year Old Texas Woman Denied Photo ID to Vote for Lack of Birth Certificate"

"93-Year Old Man Disenfranchised Today in Alabama for Lack of Photo ID"

Top Pennsylvania Republican Admits Voter ID Helped Suppress Obama Voters

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’
Disenfranchising voters never is mentioned in any of these articles, not once does anyone say that a black person should not be allowed to vote. Liberal spin. When democratic strategies want to have month long early voting only to have more time to herd people to the polls, people who would probably of their own initiative not vote, a republican strategy to counter artificial voting is only common sense.

I don't pay any attention to operatives talking about voter fraud, I am all ears to an individual who said he or she jumped through all the hoops and was not allowed to vote. If someone really wants to vote in this country there is nothing to stop them.

Top Pennsylvania Republican Admits Voter ID Helped Suppress Obama Voters

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’

Texas AG Admits If Minorities Voted For Us, Republicans Wouldn’t Have to Suppress Votes
Texas AG Admits If Minorities Voted For Us Republicans Wouldn t Have to Suppress Votes

Ohio GOP Admits Early Voting Cutbacks Are Racially Motivated

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote"

10 miles huh. I guess none of these people get to walmarts or the hospitals or the banks to cash their pay checks. And there is not one mention of poor white people, seems racist to me. I bet you everyone of these poor people has a cellphone. I wonder how much that costs, hmmmmmm. More than a birth certificate and marriage license I bet. Why is it that any citizen has to have different criteria to vote, like poor people get special treatment, I don't think so. Wonder if they could find a ride to pick up their welfare checks and food stamps, bet they do. Another false premise supporting a bogus argument.

As usual the shrimp has a solution to this problem. You know how we have blood mobiles? Just go with the vote mobiles. Just stop the fraud of only democratic voters being denied their rights to vote. Oh yeah don't forget Georgia voter I'd has actually increased voter turnout.

The Most Brazen Attempt at Voter Suppression Yet

New revelations show GOP officials in key battleground states are attempting to purge millions of minorities from the voter rolls.
Al Jazeera America reveals massive GOP voter suppression effort Millions of minorities are being purged from voter rolls ahead of midterm elections.

GAO: Photo ID Voting Restrictions Lowered Turnout in KS, TN


NOT the black guy on the top of the ticket in 2008-2012? lol

The Increase in Georgia’s minority voter turnout was due to large increases in voter registration and the excitement around the Obama campaign, despite the voter ID law, but not because of it.
Hans Von Spakovsky 8217 s False Conclusions About Georgia 8217 s Voter ID Impacts - COLORLINES

Voter ID Proponents Muddy the Waters With Misleading Georgia and North Carolina Turnout Numbers

Voter ID Proponents Muddy the Waters With Misleading Georgia and North Carolina Turnout Numbers Rob Richie
Dad2three Hey man, can I borrow your tv? It's a simple yes or no question. I DID promise to bring it back? Why will you not answer a simple yes or no question?
one word answer? It can't be that hard? are you looking for some link to determine your answer?
Dad2three What are you afraid of, bro? I just need to borrow your tv. I promise to bring it back. Please advise. Yes or No?

You can even just say "y" or "n", I'll know what you mean. C'mon smart boy, do you have the courage to step up and answer?
Dude, I am NOT GOP.

BUT, I do need a TV for one day. Will you or will you not let me borrow your tv?
10 miles huh. I guess none of these people get to walmarts or the hospitals or the banks to cash their pay checks. And there is not one mention of poor white people, seems racist to me. I bet you everyone of these poor people has a cellphone. I wonder how much that costs, hmmmmmm. More than a birth certificate and marriage license I bet. Why is it that any citizen has to have different criteria to vote, like poor people get special treatment, I don't think so. Wonder if they could find a ride to pick up their welfare checks and food stamps, bet they do. Another false premise supporting a bogus argument.

As usual the shrimp has a solution to this problem. You know how we have blood mobiles? Just go with the vote mobiles. Just stop the fraud of only democratic voters being denied their rights to vote. Oh yeah don't forget Georgia voter I'd has actually increased voter turnout.

The constitutionality of law is now being challenged before the state Supreme Court, where statistician Bernard Siskin testified on Monday that the measure would disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of registered voters, disproportionately affecting “Democrats and members of minority groups.” “By his calculations, Democrats are three times as likely as Republicans and minorities are about twice as likely as whites to lack a valid ID,” the Huffington Post’s Saki Knafo reported.

Top Pennsylvania Republican Admits Voter ID Helped Suppress Obama Voters ThinkProgress

Why won't you answer? It's a simple Y or N. Why are you being such a coward over a simple yes or no question? Please advise.

Why are you calling me names? I'm just asking if I can borrow your tv. All ya gotta do is say y or n. How about it Dad2three? Please?
Dude, I am NOT GOP.

BUT, I do need a TV for one day. Will you or will you not let me borrow your tv?

Conservative/Libertarian/GOPer, ALL the same nutters


Thank you for playing along with my little demonstration. You can post all the links of people postulating about voter ID laws all you want, but you can't even bring yourself to answer my question. The reason why is because you saw where I was going with it and it renders all of your links banal and vacuous. IT'S CALLED COMMON SENSE, BRO!

You wouldn't loan me your TV because you don't know who the @#$%! I am!! Well hey, smart guy, the volunteers at the polling location don't know who the @#$%!! I am either!!

Common sense, common sense, common sense. It defeats liberals every single time.

You would not trust me with something of value, so why should anyone else in this country act any different than the behavior you displayed for us all tonight?

Go ahead, post more links about how there's no voter fraud, and how it's all a big GOP scam to keep black people from voting, blah blah blah...
...but YOU yourself would not extend the trust to a stranger, but you expect our election volunteers to do what you refused? Hahaha!!

Thank you very much!!

I have just won the internet!! Yay, me!!
I have just won this internet and this topic is now closed. (I know what you're thinking and you are dang right I'm suppressing and oppressing you all at once)

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