Okeefe offered ballots 20 times in NC with no ID Oh there's no such thing as voter fraud riiiiight!

Dude, I am NOT GOP.

BUT, I do need a TV for one day. Will you or will you not let me borrow your tv?

Conservative/Libertarian/GOPer, ALL the same nutters


Thank you for playing along with my little demonstration. You can post all the links of people postulating about voter ID laws all you want, but you can't even bring yourself to answer my question. The reason why is because you saw where I was going with it and it renders all of your links banal and vacuous. IT'S CALLED COMMON SENSE, BRO!

You wouldn't loan me your TV because you don't know who the @#$%! I am!! Well hey, smart guy, the volunteers at the polling location don't know who the @#$%!! I am either!!

Common sense, common sense, common sense. It defeats liberals every single time.

You would not trust me with something of value, so why should anyone else in this country act any different than the behavior you displayed for us all tonight?

Go ahead, post more links about how there's no voter fraud, and how it's all a big GOP scam to keep black people from voting, blah blah blah...
...but YOU yourself would not extend the trust to a stranger, but you expect our election volunteers to do what you refused? Hahaha!!

Thank you very much!!

I have just won the internet!! Yay, me!!

Common sense? Weird, you mean like getting a FELONY for impersonating another at the polls? WHY? lol

PLEASE explain this MYTH that there are people eroaming the streets trying to turn the election, one vote at a time?

WHY couldn't Dubya's DOJ 5 YEAR unprecedented, 300+ million votes, find even ONE case to prosecute of voter impersonation? The ONLY vote fraud GOP voter ID suppression laws stop?

In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,”

There is more fraud in absentee ballots and voter registration than any other categories. The analysis shows 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud and 400 cases of registration fraud. A required photo ID at the polls would not have prevented these cases.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations
Oh hey man, I already won this internet.

You wouldn't let me borrow your tv, remember?

Why won't you let me borrow your tv, bro?

I have just won this internet and this topic is now closed. (I know what you're thinking and you are dang right I'm suppressing and oppressing you all at once)

So you live in right wing delusion world, where tax cuts brings in more revenues, wars can be fought for free and MYTHICAL voter fraud can be fought with voter suppression?

Yes, 'close' this internet' debate, lol

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’
Oh hey man, I already won this internet.

You wouldn't let me borrow your tv, remember?

Why won't you let me borrow your tv, bro?


Yes, an EPIDEMIC of people going to the polls to impersonate others right? lol

I will make ONE MORE and ONLY ONE MORE because I've already won this internet.

EVERY vote counts, right? Well if ONE and ONLY ONE illegal vote gets counted, that discounts someone else's legitimate vote and EVERY REASONABLE ACTION MUST BE TAKEN TO PRESERVE THE SANCTITY OF THE BALLOT BOX!!

I whipped your butt fair and square on this internet and now you've reduced yourself to name calling like a little kid that just got told he can't have candy at the check out line.
Dude, I am NOT GOP.

BUT, I do need a TV for one day. Will you or will you not let me borrow your tv?

Conservative/Libertarian/GOPer, ALL the same nutters


Thank you for playing along with my little demonstration. You can post all the links of people postulating about voter ID laws all you want, but you can't even bring yourself to answer my question. The reason why is because you saw where I was going with it and it renders all of your links banal and vacuous. IT'S CALLED COMMON SENSE, BRO!

You wouldn't loan me your TV because you don't know who the @#$%! I am!! Well hey, smart guy, the volunteers at the polling location don't know who the @#$%!! I am either!!

Common sense, common sense, common sense. It defeats liberals every single time.

You would not trust me with something of value, so why should anyone else in this country act any different than the behavior you displayed for us all tonight?

Go ahead, post more links about how there's no voter fraud, and how it's all a big GOP scam to keep black people from voting, blah blah blah...
...but YOU yourself would not extend the trust to a stranger, but you expect our election volunteers to do what you refused? Hahaha!!

Thank you very much!!

I have just won the internet!! Yay, me!!


New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Top Pennsylvania Republican Admits Voter ID Helped Suppress Obama Voters

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’

GAO: Photo ID Voting Restrictions Lowered Turnout in KS, TN
Since I've already won this internet because you won't let me borrow your tv, do you just want to insult each other now?
I will make ONE MORE and ONLY ONE MORE because I've already won this internet.

EVERY vote counts, right? Well if ONE and ONLY ONE illegal vote gets counted, that discounts someone else's legitimate vote and EVERY REASONABLE ACTION MUST BE TAKEN TO PRESERVE THE SANCTITY OF THE BALLOT BOX!!

Yes, better to restrict THOUSANDS to stop ONE phantom vote right? lol

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote.

"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
Cmon, bro. Now you're just embarrassing yourself. I won this internet already. You're gonna have to go find links for another topic...unless you hook me up with that TV. Haha!
Dude, that has NOTHING to do with it. Now c'mon. Pick yourself up, dust yourself and find an internet you can win. I already won this one.
Over the weekend we noted a few of the heartbreaking stories about some of the born and raised Texans and 93-year old veterans and others who are now being turned away from the polls, unable to vote for the first time, many of whom have also been unable to obtain a supposedly "free" Election Identification Certificate (EIC) from the state, though not for lack of trying, in most cases.

That's all thanks to the Texas Republicans' new Photo ID restrictions at the polls. Before the new law, the state, since 2003, already required ID for every single voter at the polls without a problem. But they've now changed the law to make it much harder to vote, by requiring a small handful of very specific types of state-issued Photo ID to vote in the Lone Star State. The law will help to suppress the votes of some 600,000 registered voters who disproportionately tend to vote for Democrats, as determined during a year-long trial process finding the law "purposefully discriminatory" and an "unconstitutional poll tax".

Though the U.S. Supreme Court did not disagree with the findings of the U.S. District Court that the law is likely to disenfranchise thousands of perfectly legal voters, they allowed its use this year anyway, because the lower court's findings were determined too close to the start of voting to change the rules. (A reason that that Justices Ginsberg, Sotomayor and Kagan rightly found absurd in their stinging dissent.)

Texas GOP Photo ID Voter Suppression Law a Huge Problem for Student Voters This Year The BRAD BLOG
TX GOP Photo ID Voter Suppression Working Nicely
As expected, previously-legal voters -- 93-year old vets, born and raised TX residents -- are now being turned away from the polls by state Republicans' illegal, unconstitutional law.

GOP v. Registration Nation
50,000 new voter registrations said 'missing' in GA; Millions of voters threatened by faulty GOP 'Crosscheck' database scheme;

States With High Black Turnout More Likely to Restrict Voting: Study

GOP's Arkansas AG Candidate Committed Voter Fraud
Ok, BradBlog? I've whipped your butt so bad you don't know whether to go poop or go sailing. Haha!!

Like I said, I've already won this internet and the only way you can change that is to let me come borrow your TV. You won't. I win. Haha!
You're not smoking those "medical" cigarettes are you? Please don't be offended by me being so forward. I just thought since your quoting "BradBlog" you may be on your medication or something.
Ok, BradBlog? I've whipped your butt so bad you don't know whether to go poop or go sailing. Haha!!

Like I said, I've already won this internet and the only way you can change that is to let me come borrow your TV. You won't. I win. Haha![/QUOTE

Ok, BradBlog? I've whipped your butt so bad you don't know whether to go poop or go sailing. Haha!!

Like I said, I've already won this internet and the only way you can change that is to let me come borrow your TV. You won't. I win. Haha!


All told, a dozen states have approved new obstacles to voting. Kansas and Alabama now require would-be voters to provide proof of citizenship before registering. Florida and Texas made it harder for groups like the League of Women Voters to register new voters. Maine repealed Election Day voter registration, which had been on the books since 1973. Five states – Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia – cut short their early voting periods. Florida and Iowa barred all ex-felons from the polls, disenfranchising thousands of previously eligible voters. And six states controlled by Republican governors and legislatures – Alabama, Kansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin – will require voters to produce a government-issued ID before casting ballots. More than 10 percent of U.S. citizens lack such identification, and the numbers are even higher among constituencies that traditionally lean Democratic – including 18 percent of young voters and 25 percent of African-Americans.

The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone

TX GOP Photo ID Voter Suppression Working as Hoped, Keeping (Certain) Voters From Voting

The TX GOP has also kept a 93-year old veteran from being able to vote (because, ya know, fuck him and his "freedom") along with a whole bunch of others this year that we'll get to in a moment, thanks to their new polling place Photo ID law which was found to be both "purposefully discriminatory" and an "unconstitutional poll tax".

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