Okeefe offered ballots 20 times in NC with no ID Oh there's no such thing as voter fraud riiiiight!

You're still quoting him? Dude, put that joint down! You've had enough! Haha!!

Hey Dad2three, here's a nickel's worth of free advice. If you're trying to participate in a legitimate dialogue on current events, it is usually not a good idea to use a blog...especially one with F-bombs.
You're still quoting him? Dude, put that joint down! You've had enough! Haha!!

Hey Dad2three, here's a nickel's worth of free advice. If you're trying to participate in a legitimate dialogue on current events, it is usually not a good idea to use a blog...especially one with F-bombs.

Another Dark Day For Democracy: SCOTUS Allows Racially-Motivated Disenfranchisement Of 600k+ Texas Voters in This Year's Midterm Elections
Despite uncontested findings of purposeful discrimination in the GOP law, strict new Photo ID restrictions allowed to take effect...

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote"

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation

They've become much more slick at packaging their lies now. This was filmed when there was no internet. They never dreamed it would be viewed by the masses.
Dude, stop. You're getting to the "gimme your keys" place on this.

I've already shot a hole in every link you've posted. You would not let me, or any other stranger borrow your TV -- and rightly so, I may add -- because you DON'T KNOW WHO WE ARE. Now all those blogs you keep posting from some pot-smoking doofus who wouldn't understand Life if it bit him on the derriere don't amount to squat.

There IS voter fraud. A REASONABLE method to prevent voter fraud is a picture ID. They issue them gratis here in Texas. So if you come up with a better way to prove you are who you say you are, then picture ID is going to have to suffice. It's fair, it's right, it's common sense! You've known about this election for a long, long time. If you want to do grown up things like vote, you're going to have to also act like a grown up and go get a picture ID.

Common sense. Common sense. Common sense.
"One of the most pervasive political movements going on outside Washington today is the disciplined, passionate, determined effort of Republican governors and legislators to keep most of you from voting next time," Bill Clinton told a group of student activists in July. "Why is all of this going on? This is not rocket science. They are trying to make the 2012 electorate look more like the 2010 electorate than the 2008 electorate" – a reference to the dominance of the Tea Party last year, compared to the millions of students and minorities who turned out for Obama. "There has never been in my lifetime, since we got rid of the poll tax and all the Jim Crow burdens on voting, the determined effort to limit the franchise that we see today."
The GOP War on Voting Rolling Stone
Dude, stop. You're getting to the "gimme your keys" place on this.

I've already shot a hole in every link you've posted. You would not let me, or any other stranger borrow your TV -- and rightly so, I may add -- because you DON'T KNOW WHO WE ARE. Now all those blogs you keep posting from some pot-smoking doofus who wouldn't understand Life if it bit him on the derriere don't amount to squat.

There IS voter fraud. A REASONABLE method to prevent voter fraud is a picture ID. They issue them gratis here in Texas. So if you come up with a better way to prove you are who you say you are, then picture ID is going to have to suffice. It's fair, it's right, it's common sense! You've known about this election for a long, long time. If you want to do grown up things like vote, you're going to have to also act like a grown up and go get a picture ID.

Common sense. Common sense. Common sense.

"There IS voter fraud. A REASONABLE method to prevent voter fraud is a picture ID. They issue them gratis here in Texas"

Let's start with Kennie's story, since it's both amazing and heart-breaking, even if, we fear, not particularly unusual right about now...

As reported by Ed Pilkington at the Guardian this week, Kennie has never left the state of Texas. He's never even ever left Austin, where he was born and raised. He's never had a driver's license, but he does have a state-issued personal ID card and a voter registration card. He has always used them --- or, at least used to --- when voting, since he's always tried to vote in every general election.

But now, neither his personal ID card, which is expired, or his voter registration card is acceptable for voting under the new law.

Kinnie has spent the last year trying and trying to get a supposedly "free" Election Identify Certificate (EIC) in order to vote. Yet, despite repeated trips to the TX Dept. of Public Safety (DPS) to obtain that "free" state-issued ID, Kinnie is still out of luck...

He presented them with his old personal ID card --- issued by the DPS itself and with his photo on it --- but because it is more than 60 days expired (it ran out in 2000) they didn't accept it. Next he showed them an electricity bill, and after that a cable TV bill, but on each occasion they said it didn't cut muster and turned him away.

Each trip to the DPS office involved taking three buses, a journey that can stretch to a couple of hours. Then he had to stand in line, waiting for up to a further three hours to be seen, before finally making another two-hour schlep home.

Kennie was told he'd need to go to a different part of town ("another three-bus trek to the official records office") to get a birth certificate, which costs $23, and then get himself back to the DPS yet again if he wants that "free" ID. He only makes about $15 to $20 per day collecting cans, bottles and metal for recycling, so $23 (plus all the bus fare) is not easy.

Nonetheless, he made the trip, paid the poll tax for the birth certificate and then made the trip back to the DPS. Again. However...

When he took it to the DPS (another three buses there, three buses back, another two hours waiting in line) they told him that the name on the birth certificate didn't match the name on his voter registration card. The birth certificate has him down as Eric Caruthers - his mother's maiden name - even though his parents were married at the time he was born.

Bad luck, Eric. Guess you should have thought of that when you were born. No voting this year for you.

In Eric Kennie's case, there is no clear way out of the morass. He could go to court and ask for the name on his birth certificate to be changed to correct the error, but that would take hiring a lawyer for a fee that he could not afford.
The one thing he is not prepared to do is to give up the fight. Though he has admitted defeat this election cycle, he is determined to find a way through the mess and regain his vote.
"I do need to vote, I really do," he said. "It's too late for me, but this is for the next generation. They need us to get out the people who harm us and bring in folk who will make things a little better."

Kennie is hardly the only one having trouble exercising the right he had always enjoyed up until the Texas Republicans decided to take it away in their shameful drive to retain political power.

The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU's School of Law has been detailing similar stories. Here are a sampling...
TX GOP Photo ID Voter Suppression Working as Hoped Keeping Certain Voters From Voting The BRAD BLOG

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’
Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression

Governor Chris Christie: Same-Day Voter Registration Is a “Trick” and GOP Needs to Win Gubernatorial Races So They Control “Voting Mechanisms”

Fran Millar: Georgia Senator Complains About Polling Place Being Too Convenient for Black Voters

Doug Preis: An Ohio GOP Chair Says We Shouldn’t Accommodate the “Urban — Read African-American — Voter-Turnout Machine”

Greg Abbott: Texas AG Says Partisan Districting Decisions Are Legal, Even if There Are “Incidental Effects” on Minority Voters

Ted Yoho: Only Property Owners Should Vote

Don Yelton: North Carolina GOP Precinct Chair: Voter ID Law Will “Kick Democrats in the Butt” and Hurt “Lazy Blacks”

Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression
blah! blah! blah!

D23, I AM NOT GOP!! NOT! I despise the GOP!

Hey, since you keep quoting BobsBlog as "fact", I'm going to tell jokes.

What is the difference between a Democrat, Progressive, Liberal, Socialist and a Marxist?
Christie’s gross confession: “Moderate” admits GOP’s voter suppression agenda

Christie says in new speech that GOP governors must control states' "voting mechanism" to win in '16.

“Would you rather have Rick Scott in Florida overseeing the voting mechanism, or Charlie Crist?” he asked. “Would you rather have Scott Walker in Wisconsin overseeing the voting mechanism, or would you rather have Mary Burke? Who would you rather have in Ohio, John Kasich or Ed FitzGerald?” he asked.

“The fact is it doesn’t matter if you don’t really care what happens in these states, you’re going to care about who is running the state in November of 2016, what kind of political apparatus they’ve set up and what kind of governmental apparatus they’ve set up to ensure a full and fair election in 2016,” he said. “All of those things are incredibly important.”

There are so many things wrong with Christie’s confession.

Christie 8217 s gross confession 8220 Moderate 8221 admits GOP 8217 s voter suppression agenda - Salon.com
O'Keefe: I am John Doe
Pollster: Welcome Mr Doe, just sign here and you can vote
O'Keefe: Runs away

Democracy in action
Of course he didn't sign anything...if he signed he'd be breaking the law.

This stuff is simple...why play word games? you aren't fooling anyone.

Imagine that?

If you sign illegally, you are breaking the law and face prison. No wonder O'Keefe wouldn't sign illegally....as would anyone else
Yeah cause no one ever breaks the law in this country. Were you born this way?
The point is that it stopped him from, voter fraud, Kind of destroyed his point, and yours.
Spelling! Get it? Haha! They all the same!

I don't know why Dad2three is buying BobsBlog's bull.

At least he knows what I look like...but alas, even that is not enough for him to trust me with his TV.

I like D-2-3, he's misguided, sure. But seems like a decent enough guy...that said, he's being a hypocrite. But that's ok. I've got loads of liberal friends and I accept them "bugs and all". It's part of the package. Liberalism is a mental disorder. But hey, we all got our bugs, don't we. I wash my hands excessively (so I've been told). BUT at least I AM NEVER SICK.
Haha! I'm dangerous alright. You should see me empty the clips on those two bad boys I'm holding my profile pic...and if you're a bass. Well, you can pray, but it ain't gonna save ya.

(Patriot Arms M4 & H&K MP5 if anyone is curious)

Dad2three, will you let NoNukes borrow your tv?
I don't know why Dad2three is buying BobsBlog's bull.

At least he knows what I look like...but alas, even that is not enough for him to trust me with his TV.

I like D-2-3, he's misguided, sure. But seems like a decent enough guy...that said, he's being a hypocrite. But that's ok. I've got loads of liberal friends and I accept them "bugs and all". It's part of the package. Liberalism is a mental disorder. But hey, we all got our bugs, don't we. I wash my hands excessively (so I've been told). BUT at least I AM NEVER SICK.

ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the USA? lol

Just one?

And STILL waiting for that 'common sense' thing explaining why someone commits a FELONY to impersonate someone at the poll, getting one vote at a time?

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