Oklahoma approves “Tread on You” bill, allows drivers to defend themselves against rioters!


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Awesome! This needs to happen in every state!

The Senate Public Safety Committee has given approval to Senate Bill 560, which would provide criminal and civil protections for drivers who feel threatened by riots or crowds of people circling a vehicle.


Its been law for some time in most states. You have the right to defend yourself if you feel that your life or that of another is threatened. Use of deadly force is authorized in these cases and running over these fuckwits is defending yourself. We have to many left wing judges who think you should be a victim that can not retaliate and protect your own life. Its sad that it must be further codified in our laws to stop this judicial activism.
Unconstitutional, will be removed soon.

Law or no law. Surround my car and start beating on windows, I am putting the accelerator to the floor.
that is vehicular manslaughter if you kill one of the people you "accelerate" over.
Not when you are surrounded by a violent mob that wants to beat your brains out of you.
Unconstitutional, will be removed soon.

Law or no law. Surround my car and start beating on windows, I am putting the accelerator to the floor.
that is vehicular manslaughter if you kill one of the people you "accelerate" over.
NO.. IF you feel your life is in danger or that of another is in danger, you have the right to defend yourself and others. At this point deadly force is justified and using your car is using deadly force. You do this shit and you lose every time.

Let me guess... Your ANTIFA and you think you have the right to terrorize people...
Unconstitutional, will be removed soon.

Law or no law. Surround my car and start beating on windows, I am putting the accelerator to the floor.
that is vehicular manslaughter if you kill one of the people you "accelerate" over.
Don't give a fuck.
Don't touch my ride or threaten me by surrounding my ride.
This should be a federal law but I know they're too busy renaming military bases to take anything else up right now.-wamose

Protestors are protected under the 1st amendment, the right to redress your government.
Idiots surrounding a vehicle are beyond protesters and now entering criminal activity.
Harrassment, vandalism, trespassing, blocking a public roadway.
Carry signs and yell like idiots all you want.
Get the fuck out of the road!!!!
This should be a federal law but I know they're too busy renaming military bases to take anything else up right now.-wamose

Protestors are protected under the 1st amendment, the right to redress your government.
The right to PEACFULLY ASSEMBLE..... This does not include blocking streets and smashing or burning shit to the ground... At that point you are infringing on others rights and we have the right to defend ourselves.
The right to PEACFULLY ASSEMBLE..... This does not include blocking streets and smashing or burning shit to the ground... At that point you are infringing on others rights and we have the right to defend ourselves.-Billy_Bob

if you have the right to defend yourselves from peaceful protestors, then why is Kyle Rittenhouse in jail right now waiting for trial for murder?
The right to PEACFULLY ASSEMBLE..... This does not include blocking streets and smashing or burning shit to the ground... At that point you are infringing on others rights and we have the right to defend ourselves.-Billy_Bob

if you have the right to defend yourselves from peaceful protestors, then why is Kyle Rittenhouse in jail right now waiting for trial for murder?
Judicial Activism.... We have a judicial system that has been corrupted. There are also higher courts that can correct this but they must let a lower court rule before they can overturn. ITs not a perfect system but its the best in the world.
This should be a federal law but I know they're too busy renaming military bases to take anything else up right now.-wamose

Protestors are protected under the 1st amendment, the right to redress your government.
Come on Qdog. The people who burned and looted Minneapolis considered themselves protestors too. Your rights end where another persons begins. I have claustrophobia and wouldn't think twice about driving through a crowd to get out of there, regardless what the law says.
Awesome! This needs to happen in every state!

The Senate Public Safety Committee has given approval to Senate Bill 560, which would provide criminal and civil protections for drivers who feel threatened by riots or crowds of people circling a vehicle.



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