Oklahoma approves “Tread on You” bill, allows drivers to defend themselves against rioters!

This should be a federal law but I know they're too busy renaming military bases to take anything else up right now.-wamose

Protestors are protected under the 1st amendment, the right to redress your government.
1st Amendment does not allow people to be violent or obstruct traffic.
That's right, we've got mayors and police for that.
Unconstitutional, will be removed soon.

Law or no law. Surround my car and start beating on windows, I am putting the accelerator to the floor.
that is vehicular manslaughter if you kill one of the people you "accelerate" over.

Go play in traffic.....
I live over near the 100-car pilup on I-35 the other day. I don't wanna play in traffic, people die in traffic :(

Well there you go.
You've answered your own question.
Dont want to get run over stay off the streets.
Unconstitutional, will be removed soon.

Law or no law. Surround my car and start beating on windows, I am putting the accelerator to the floor.
that is vehicular manslaughter if you kill one of the people you "accelerate" over.
If the case were to go to a jury trial it depends on the specific circumstances and witnesses uninvolved in incident. Now that we have cell phones everywhere to film these events live, courts can use videos as evidence to determine the outcome.

I would agree with your take if there are pedestrians walking across the street and a driver decides to floor it ...that is intentional manslaughter. This discussion, however, is not anything like that situation but a group of hostile people with weapons beating on a car while surrounding it and yelling threats. They continue to yell, break the window of the car, and nobody is coming to your aide, even though there are people watching. That is a crime that shouldn’t even be comfortably committed as these thugs obviously felt quite comfortable in doing it without concern about consequences. As they say the police are normally just three minutes away but a lot can surely happen within three seconds even before intervention arrives. Citizens need to have laws that protect us from thugs for self-defense 100%.
Awesome! This needs to happen in every state!

The Senate Public Safety Committee has given approval to Senate Bill 560, which would provide criminal and civil protections for drivers who feel threatened by riots or crowds of people circling a vehicle.


Funny thing is, a person in the crowd is protected for defending themselves from such drivers by dragging them out of their cars and beating the snot out of them. In fact, that is now the smart thing for them to do, per this new law. Enjoy your ass whoopin'.

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