Oklahoma approves “Tread on You” bill, allows drivers to defend themselves against rioters!

if that is him in his avatar pic he certainly is the weak cowardly type ... i mean just look at the little smart ass spineless prick .

Perhaps just young, and beset by the ignorance and folly that comes of not yet having had to try to get by in the real world. There might be hope for him when he grows up, moves out on his own, gets a job, and pays his own rent and other bills; and gets some firsthand experience with how the world actually works.
if that is him in his avatar pic he certainly is the weak cowardly type ... i mean just look at the little smart ass spineless prick .

Perhaps just young, and beset by the ignorance and folly that comes of not yet having had to try to get by in the real world. There might be hope for him when he grows up, moves out on his own, gets a job, and pays his own rent and other bills; and gets some firsthand experience with how the world actually works.
yeah maybe you are right ... i shouldnt have been so brutal on the guy .... we look like what we look like and that cant be helped .... and a certainly dont have any room to comment on other peoples looks ...i look like ive chased parked cars ...lol...
Awesome! This needs to happen in every state!

The Senate Public Safety Committee has given approval to Senate Bill 560, which would provide criminal and civil protections for drivers who feel threatened by riots or crowds of people circling a vehicle.


IsKinda that the real Nome of the Bill? That's awesome.

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