Oklahoma banned students could sue the college and win big

So from now on, anytime college kids sing juvenile stupid songs about Asians, Jews, blacks, whites, etc. we should be looking forward to expulsions and suspensions?

Can anybody cite any other time something like this has happened? Because if not then that means this is the first time college kids sang a racist song on campus?

Is that's as far as your thinking takes you, then yes, that must be what it means.

So is it or isn't it the first time this has happened? And if not what were the consequences?

I think they are over reacting because they want to send a message. How many black frats sing there will never be a honky lambda lambda lambda or omega moo?
They just haven't been caught.

What I wonder is why nobody is concerned about some rap music ON THE AIR, in stores, open to the public that talks about killing whiteys/honkies/crackers, etc but focus on some stupid frat students doing the same thing but in the privacy of a bus?

Maybe the word starts with an H.
I'm a good person. My friends are all good people. We go up to my buddies cabin on 300 acres there isnt a black in 100 miles of us. We drink by the campfire and yell NIGGA as loud as we can. Why? Because there isnt a black within ear shot. None of us are any more or less racist than the average white or black person.

Although this one girl won't go when were there because she's offended. Big baby.

Oh but FYI in college this frat bro of mine tried throwing out a black guy from one of our parties and I beat him up. I hate racists.
Now that this thread has run its course I have an observation, most people posting are hypocrites.

The side supporting the school forgets that they did not support a business that did exactly as the school did. I can certainly see where they don't agree with the baker or the florist that stands on their principle but none the less what they were doing is no less then what the school was doing. On the other hand those who supported the kids chanting racism and thus were denied service are the same ones that said the baker and the florist had the right to refuse services.

Talk about wanting both ways.

Seems to me that if services can be denied because of rhetoric then certainly services should be allowed to be denied if such services goes against sincerely held beliefs. But I doubt either side will see the hypocrisy in their positions.
Dear Freewill I am bumping your post which I found makes an interesting point and ask Judicial review and The Rabbi to answer on the side of people who argue for free speech not being punished by a public university.

For those defending the school's response
I would like to ask rightwinger and Carla_Danger to respond
So from now on, anytime college kids sing juvenile stupid songs about Asians, Jews, blacks, whites, etc. we should be looking forward to expulsions and suspensions?

Can anybody cite any other time something like this has happened? Because if not then that means this is the first time college kids sang a racist song on campus?

Is that's as far as your thinking takes you, then yes, that must be what it means.

So is it or isn't it the first time this has happened? And if not what were the consequences?

I think they are over reacting because they want to send a message. How many black frats sing there will never be a honky lambda lambda lambda or omega moo?
They just haven't been caught.

What I wonder is why nobody is concerned about some rap music ON THE AIR, in stores, open to the public that talks about killing whiteys/honkies/crackers, etc but focus on some stupid frat students doing the same thing but in the privacy of a bus?

Maybe the word starts with an H.
I'm a good person. My friends are all good people. We go up to my buddies cabin on 300 acres there isnt a black in 100 miles of us. We drink by the campfire and yell NIGGA as loud as we can. Why? Because there isnt a black within ear shot. None of us are any more or less racist than the average white or black person.

Although this one girl won't go when were there because she's offended. Big baby.

Oh but FYI in college this frat bro of mine tried throwing out a black guy from one of our parties and I beat him up. I hate racists.
In the privacy of my home, I don't whisper to Mr Gracie "that N pissed me off". I don't go to the beach when I run the dogs and yell nigg*r because none are around, either. The thought never crosses my mind to do so. But I understand that it can happen with some folks. Maybe the black guys telling their bros to kill whitey are nice guys too and its just a way to make a buck. Who knows.

What my opinion is....they were being idiots on the bus. It was not in public. No black person was hurt over their stupid song because none heard it. Yet rap songs on the radio about killing cops, killing whities, killing this one or that one..we are doomed with. Why is that?

Don't answer. You can't. Neither can anyone else. Why? Because they would be wearing the H word.
Is that's as far as your thinking takes you, then yes, that must be what it means.

So is it or isn't it the first time this has happened? And if not what were the consequences?

I think they are over reacting because they want to send a message. How many black frats sing there will never be a honky lambda lambda lambda or omega moo?
They just haven't been caught.

What I wonder is why nobody is concerned about some rap music ON THE AIR, in stores, open to the public that talks about killing whiteys/honkies/crackers, etc but focus on some stupid frat students doing the same thing but in the privacy of a bus?

Maybe the word starts with an H.
I'm a good person. My friends are all good people. We go up to my buddies cabin on 300 acres there isnt a black in 100 miles of us. We drink by the campfire and yell NIGGA as loud as we can. Why? Because there isnt a black within ear shot. None of us are any more or less racist than the average white or black person.

Although this one girl won't go when were there because she's offended. Big baby.

Oh but FYI in college this frat bro of mine tried throwing out a black guy from one of our parties and I beat him up. I hate racists.
In the privacy of my home, I don't whisper to Mr Gracie "that N pissed me off". I don't go to the beach when I run the dogs and yell nigg*r because none are around, either. The thought never crosses my mind to do so. But I understand that it can happen with some folks. Maybe the black guys telling their bros to kill whitey are nice guys too and its just a way to make a buck. Who knows.

What my opinion is....they were being idiots on the bus. It was not in public. No black person was hurt over their stupid song because none heard it. Yet rap songs on the radio about killing cops, killing whities, killing this one or that one..we are doomed with. Why is that?

Don't answer. You can't. Neither can anyone else. Why? Because they would be wearing the H word.
Give me some examples. 3 songs you want to use as an example.
Is that's as far as your thinking takes you, then yes, that must be what it means.

So is it or isn't it the first time this has happened? And if not what were the consequences?

I think they are over reacting because they want to send a message. How many black frats sing there will never be a honky lambda lambda lambda or omega moo?
They just haven't been caught.

What I wonder is why nobody is concerned about some rap music ON THE AIR, in stores, open to the public that talks about killing whiteys/honkies/crackers, etc but focus on some stupid frat students doing the same thing but in the privacy of a bus?

Maybe the word starts with an H.
I'm a good person. My friends are all good people. We go up to my buddies cabin on 300 acres there isnt a black in 100 miles of us. We drink by the campfire and yell NIGGA as loud as we can. Why? Because there isnt a black within ear shot. None of us are any more or less racist than the average white or black person.

Although this one girl won't go when were there because she's offended. Big baby.

Oh but FYI in college this frat bro of mine tried throwing out a black guy from one of our parties and I beat him up. I hate racists.
In the privacy of my home, I don't whisper to Mr Gracie "that N pissed me off". I don't go to the beach when I run the dogs and yell nigg*r because none are around, either. The thought never crosses my mind to do so. But I understand that it can happen with some folks. Maybe the black guys telling their bros to kill whitey are nice guys too and its just a way to make a buck. Who knows.

What my opinion is....they were being idiots on the bus. It was not in public. No black person was hurt over their stupid song because none heard it. Yet rap songs on the radio about killing cops, killing whities, killing this one or that one..we are doomed with. Why is that?

Don't answer. You can't. Neither can anyone else. Why? Because they would be wearing the H word.
It is probably illegal and or against the rules for a frat to not allow blacks in. True or false? Now do you think this frat does?
They were drunk frats singin' a racist ditty... SO WHAT?

They're no more or less racist than obama, his old lady, holder, waters, lee or the dishonorable 'reverend' wright... racist TO THE BONE each and every ONE OF 'EM!
They were drunk frats singin' a racist ditty... SO WHAT?

They're no more or less racist than obama, his old lady, holder, waters, lee or the dishonorable 'reverend' wright... racist TO THE BONE each and every ONE OF 'EM!
Yet in 7 years he hasn't done shit for the black community. In fact with all the killings it feels like the early 60s all over again.

We shall overcome
So is it or isn't it the first time this has happened? And if not what were the consequences?

I think they are over reacting because they want to send a message. How many black frats sing there will never be a honky lambda lambda lambda or omega moo?
They just haven't been caught.

What I wonder is why nobody is concerned about some rap music ON THE AIR, in stores, open to the public that talks about killing whiteys/honkies/crackers, etc but focus on some stupid frat students doing the same thing but in the privacy of a bus?

Maybe the word starts with an H.
I'm a good person. My friends are all good people. We go up to my buddies cabin on 300 acres there isnt a black in 100 miles of us. We drink by the campfire and yell NIGGA as loud as we can. Why? Because there isnt a black within ear shot. None of us are any more or less racist than the average white or black person.

Although this one girl won't go when were there because she's offended. Big baby.

Oh but FYI in college this frat bro of mine tried throwing out a black guy from one of our parties and I beat him up. I hate racists.
In the privacy of my home, I don't whisper to Mr Gracie "that N pissed me off". I don't go to the beach when I run the dogs and yell nigg*r because none are around, either. The thought never crosses my mind to do so. But I understand that it can happen with some folks. Maybe the black guys telling their bros to kill whitey are nice guys too and its just a way to make a buck. Who knows.

What my opinion is....they were being idiots on the bus. It was not in public. No black person was hurt over their stupid song because none heard it. Yet rap songs on the radio about killing cops, killing whities, killing this one or that one..we are doomed with. Why is that?

Don't answer. You can't. Neither can anyone else. Why? Because they would be wearing the H word.
It is probably illegal and or against the rules for a frat to not allow blacks in. True or false? Now do you think this frat does?
It's illegal to deny blacks a rental unit too. But it's done. Can't say no to a family..any race...with children in an apartment either. But it's done.
Disband the fraternity. Do NOT suspend the students in that frat. If you do, then you have to do the same with black fraternities that do not allow whites.

What about those two schools that had the meeting of Black Lives Matter and whites were NOT ALLOWED TO ATTEND? How about that?
Is that's as far as your thinking takes you, then yes, that must be what it means.

So is it or isn't it the first time this has happened? And if not what were the consequences?

I think they are over reacting because they want to send a message. How many black frats sing there will never be a honky lambda lambda lambda or omega moo?
They just haven't been caught.

What I wonder is why nobody is concerned about some rap music ON THE AIR, in stores, open to the public that talks about killing whiteys/honkies/crackers, etc but focus on some stupid frat students doing the same thing but in the privacy of a bus?

Maybe the word starts with an H.
I'm a good person. My friends are all good people. We go up to my buddies cabin on 300 acres there isnt a black in 100 miles of us. We drink by the campfire and yell NIGGA as loud as we can. Why? Because there isnt a black within ear shot. None of us are any more or less racist than the average white or black person.

Although this one girl won't go when were there because she's offended. Big baby.

Oh but FYI in college this frat bro of mine tried throwing out a black guy from one of our parties and I beat him up. I hate racists.
In the privacy of my home, I don't whisper to Mr Gracie "that N pissed me off". I don't go to the beach when I run the dogs and yell nigg*r because none are around, either. The thought never crosses my mind to do so. But I understand that it can happen with some folks. Maybe the black guys telling their bros to kill whitey are nice guys too and its just a way to make a buck. Who knows.

What my opinion is....they were being idiots on the bus. It was not in public. No black person was hurt over their stupid song because none heard it. Yet rap songs on the radio about killing cops, killing whities, killing this one or that one..we are doomed with. Why is that?

Don't answer. You can't. Neither can anyone else. Why? Because they would be wearing the H word.
When you say you dont whisper it do you mean you say it loud and agerly or you dont ever ever say it in your home. My parents would never. We say it in the woods because its the only place we are sure we're alone.

Could you imagine if a black was lost in the woods at night and heard us? Lol.
I think they are over reacting because they want to send a message. How many black frats sing there will never be a honky lambda lambda lambda or omega moo?
They just haven't been caught.

What I wonder is why nobody is concerned about some rap music ON THE AIR, in stores, open to the public that talks about killing whiteys/honkies/crackers, etc but focus on some stupid frat students doing the same thing but in the privacy of a bus?

Maybe the word starts with an H.
I'm a good person. My friends are all good people. We go up to my buddies cabin on 300 acres there isnt a black in 100 miles of us. We drink by the campfire and yell NIGGA as loud as we can. Why? Because there isnt a black within ear shot. None of us are any more or less racist than the average white or black person.

Although this one girl won't go when were there because she's offended. Big baby.

Oh but FYI in college this frat bro of mine tried throwing out a black guy from one of our parties and I beat him up. I hate racists.
In the privacy of my home, I don't whisper to Mr Gracie "that N pissed me off". I don't go to the beach when I run the dogs and yell nigg*r because none are around, either. The thought never crosses my mind to do so. But I understand that it can happen with some folks. Maybe the black guys telling their bros to kill whitey are nice guys too and its just a way to make a buck. Who knows.

What my opinion is....they were being idiots on the bus. It was not in public. No black person was hurt over their stupid song because none heard it. Yet rap songs on the radio about killing cops, killing whities, killing this one or that one..we are doomed with. Why is that?

Don't answer. You can't. Neither can anyone else. Why? Because they would be wearing the H word.
It is probably illegal and or against the rules for a frat to not allow blacks in. True or false? Now do you think this frat does?
It's illegal to deny blacks a rental unit too. But it's done. Can't say no to a family..any race...with children in an apartment either. But it's done.
Disband the fraternity. Do NOT suspend the students in that frat. If you do, then you have to do the same with black fraternities that do not allow whites.

What about those two schools that had the meeting of Black Lives Matter and whites were NOT ALLOWED TO ATTEND? How about that?
Ah ah ah. No more questions until you admit that's the difference between rap songs and this case. They are or WERE a sanctioned frat of that public university. The university can't endorse them. And people have been expelled for less. They can't stay on that campus. Who's next George Zimmerman? So you know they can't stay at that university. PR nightmare.

Does any school have a kappa kappa kappa kkk frat? Remember at school or at work you aren't as free as you are in private. You dont have free speech at work. You have to be politically correct or get fired.

So you know you can't get caught not renting to blacks. These men got BUSTED.
So is it or isn't it the first time this has happened? And if not what were the consequences?

I think they are over reacting because they want to send a message. How many black frats sing there will never be a honky lambda lambda lambda or omega moo?
They just haven't been caught.

What I wonder is why nobody is concerned about some rap music ON THE AIR, in stores, open to the public that talks about killing whiteys/honkies/crackers, etc but focus on some stupid frat students doing the same thing but in the privacy of a bus?

Maybe the word starts with an H.
I'm a good person. My friends are all good people. We go up to my buddies cabin on 300 acres there isnt a black in 100 miles of us. We drink by the campfire and yell NIGGA as loud as we can. Why? Because there isnt a black within ear shot. None of us are any more or less racist than the average white or black person.

Although this one girl won't go when were there because she's offended. Big baby.

Oh but FYI in college this frat bro of mine tried throwing out a black guy from one of our parties and I beat him up. I hate racists.
In the privacy of my home, I don't whisper to Mr Gracie "that N pissed me off". I don't go to the beach when I run the dogs and yell nigg*r because none are around, either. The thought never crosses my mind to do so. But I understand that it can happen with some folks. Maybe the black guys telling their bros to kill whitey are nice guys too and its just a way to make a buck. Who knows.

What my opinion is....they were being idiots on the bus. It was not in public. No black person was hurt over their stupid song because none heard it. Yet rap songs on the radio about killing cops, killing whities, killing this one or that one..we are doomed with. Why is that?

Don't answer. You can't. Neither can anyone else. Why? Because they would be wearing the H word.
When you say you dont whisper it do you mean you say it loud and agerly or you dont ever ever say it in your home. My parents would never. We say it in the woods because its the only place we are sure we're alone.

Could you imagine if a black was lost in the woods at night and heard us? Lol.
There is something seriously wrong with you. You have this overwhelming need to go in the woods and yell racial slurs? Really. Yer a fruitloop.

And I am betting you went to see Schindler's List, headed to the balcony where it's dark, and had a snit of giggles, right?
How dare you..Don't you lump the rest of in with those people based solely on skin tone....
You are projecting the very thing you hate. The very thing of which you feel victimized.
You shame yourself.

LOLOL well with all due respect, I did not ask for your guidance on how to view things. I will view what I want to how I want to and whatever SICK White person who for some mysterious reason feels he or she needs to guide others can go to hell.

"God hates workers of iniquity" says the Bible and Whites seem to be the grand masters of working iniquity, so you can make of that what you please.

Peace and have a good night lol.
With the racist bigoted attitude you've projected here, you deserve to be harassed.
Now I am not going to allow you to make me angry because in instances such as this, the self proclaimed victim decides racism is acceptable behavior, I choose to take the high road.
You should stand down. You are making a fool of yourself.

Look man (or woman, or hermaphrodite lol) you don't even know the whole story of me and her, so YOU can go to hell, you ASSuming fool.

I don't really care what you think of me...do you believe that as a White person I have to impress you?

F*ck you, the horse you rode in on, and the whole cavalry behind you...

Good night lol.
So from now on, anytime college kids sing juvenile stupid songs about Asians, Jews, blacks, whites, etc. we should be looking forward to expulsions and suspensions?

Can anybody cite any other time something like this has happened? Because if not then that means this is the first time college kids sang a racist song on campus?

Is that's as far as your thinking takes you, then yes, that must be what it means.

So is it or isn't it the first time this has happened? And if not what were the consequences?

I think they are over reacting because they want to send a message. How many black frats sing there will never be a honky lambda lambda lambda or omega moo?
They just haven't been caught.

What I wonder is why nobody is concerned about some rap music ON THE AIR, in stores, open to the public that talks about killing whiteys/honkies/crackers, etc but focus on some stupid frat students doing the same thing but in the privacy of a bus?

Maybe the word starts with an H.
Name one song with such lyrics. Name one without doing an internet search you dried up old hag. All you are doing is regurgitating what another one of your racist friends is spewing...who is regurgitating what the heard.
I think they are over reacting because they want to send a message. How many black frats sing there will never be a honky lambda lambda lambda or omega moo?
They just haven't been caught.

What I wonder is why nobody is concerned about some rap music ON THE AIR, in stores, open to the public that talks about killing whiteys/honkies/crackers, etc but focus on some stupid frat students doing the same thing but in the privacy of a bus?

Maybe the word starts with an H.
I'm a good person. My friends are all good people. We go up to my buddies cabin on 300 acres there isnt a black in 100 miles of us. We drink by the campfire and yell NIGGA as loud as we can. Why? Because there isnt a black within ear shot. None of us are any more or less racist than the average white or black person.

Although this one girl won't go when were there because she's offended. Big baby.

Oh but FYI in college this frat bro of mine tried throwing out a black guy from one of our parties and I beat him up. I hate racists.
In the privacy of my home, I don't whisper to Mr Gracie "that N pissed me off". I don't go to the beach when I run the dogs and yell nigg*r because none are around, either. The thought never crosses my mind to do so. But I understand that it can happen with some folks. Maybe the black guys telling their bros to kill whitey are nice guys too and its just a way to make a buck. Who knows.

What my opinion is....they were being idiots on the bus. It was not in public. No black person was hurt over their stupid song because none heard it. Yet rap songs on the radio about killing cops, killing whities, killing this one or that one..we are doomed with. Why is that?

Don't answer. You can't. Neither can anyone else. Why? Because they would be wearing the H word.
It is probably illegal and or against the rules for a frat to not allow blacks in. True or false? Now do you think this frat does?
It's illegal to deny blacks a rental unit too. But it's done. Can't say no to a family..any race...with children in an apartment either. But it's done.
Disband the fraternity. Do NOT suspend the students in that frat. If you do, then you have to do the same with black fraternities that do not allow whites.

What about those two schools that had the meeting of Black Lives Matter and whites were NOT ALLOWED TO ATTEND? How about that?
You don't know housing laws. You don't know rap music and please show ONE example of a black frat denying whites. Dumb cuntt..
They were drunk frats singin' a racist ditty... SO WHAT?

They're no more or less racist than obama, his old lady, holder, waters, lee or the dishonorable 'reverend' wright... racist TO THE BONE each and every ONE OF 'EM!
Yet in 7 years he hasn't done shit for the black community. In fact with all the killings it feels like the early 60s all over again.

We shall overcome

Oh golly I hope so. At some point, the black community will figure out that whatever is going to get done for them, is going to be done BY THEM!

It's a raw minority, but the black folks I know... have all figured that out, are running their own businesses and generally doing quite well.
The students have a perfect case. They were off campus in a private venue. Punishing people for unpopular statements is exactly what the 1A was meant to prevent.

Thank you. This thread will clearly define the smart posters who believe in the constitution from the morons here at usmb. Specifically the bill of rights.
You don't get off that easily....I'm not a lib..Not by any stretch. However, I think your free speech premise barks up the wrong tree.
Now, if you think you can discuss this rationally, without getting salty, let's have at it. But if you're going to get all high and mighty and go off on your "I am a genius" thingy, then let's not waste each other's time, hmm.

Already have. The case is closed.
Now that this thread has run its course I have an observation, most people posting are hypocrites.

The side supporting the school forgets that they did not support a business that did exactly as the school did. I can certainly see where they don't agree with the baker or the florist that stands on their principle but none the less what they were doing is no less then what the school was doing. On the other hand those who supported the kids chanting racism and thus were denied service are the same ones that said the baker and the florist had the right to refuse services.

Talk about wanting both ways.

Seems to me that if services can be denied because of rhetoric then certainly services should be allowed to be denied if such services goes against sincerely held beliefs. But I doubt either side will see the hypocrisy in their positions.

This thread has not run its course. It's just beginning.

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