Oklahoma banned students could sue the college and win big



I am Asian American, and who is being hateful here?
1. you make ugly comments about smell and hate directed at RACE.
Who are you talking about?

2. I am angry to see Black business plans get NO HELP from people like you,
who turn around and attack me for supporting these plans. Because I'm not Black?

I fix the problem by continuing to support these solid plans
while asking for help from people who accept responsibility and power for fulfilling these plans.

I would LOVE to create jobs and leadership positions for BLACK people to lead these plans
but I keep running into people you and Nutz who attack me for not being Black?

I can only guess you are doing this to "justify why you are not helping
a national historic Freed Slave District with restoration plans."

You have to attack me as a threat to you, or it makes no sense why you are not helping.
I'm not even White, yet I support the natural rights of Gladys House, who is a native descendant
in RECLAIMING land and community rights to develop as they originally planned.

That is just a natural law that if people built the settlement and passed the legacy to the church community to keep it going, then that heritage should have been respected.

You don't have to be Black to defend the rights of Black residents to restore their rights that were violated by abuse of eminent domain to take their land away.

I never meant to be in charge of this project anyway, I was just volunteering, but nobody else would help. They were all too scared to go against the powers that be that wanted that land.

and sadly, the other academic support that wanted to help, a lot of them were treated this same way as you just did. Called nasty names for trying to help, and accused of either being racists or trying to take advantage when it was the opposite.

What is wrong with this picture?

Anonymous1977 can you show me where I have done or said anything racist here?
Compared with the hateful race laced remarks you made?

The most you could criticize me for is making SEXIST remarks that
"men like you" are letting minority women do all the work while you
do nothing but complain.

Are you content with that station in life?

1. You can see from my photos posted I am Asian.
My birth certificate says both my parents are WHITE in color.
You can say my culture is WHITE if you believe that Constitutionalism is WHITE.
but my Buddhist culture is more associated with Asian.

2. I cannot go into detail about anything you sent me by PM because that is against the rules.

But the general response I have gotten is avoidance.

Avoiding the solutions that WOMEN like Gladys House, Catherine Roberts, Sally Wickers
and me have been promoting in Freedmen's Town. Gladys and Sally are Black but have
gotten NO HELP from males who want to sit around and blame other people
while women are working 2-3 jobs to pay for the work to promote development plans for FT.

Catherine Roberts invested thousands of dollars to hire an engineering team to show the
City of Houston how to preserve the historic brick streets in place, and go through the sidewalks
to redo the underground utilities. She is a WHITE WOMAN
are you going to take issue with that, that a WHITE WOMAN paid her own money to
preserve Freed Slave history while all these other Black leaders and groups DID NOTHING.

Go ahead. Complain that White and Asian women are pushing for national historic preservation
while people like you who CLAIM to support unity and empowerment of Blacks

I have asked and posted these plans online, gone to City Council and other meetings to get support
for the Residents' plans.

But working two jobs I am exhausted and had to stop.

I cannot continue to keep working two jobs, to pay off loans of over 60,000 dollars on credit I lent to nonprofit groups and volunteers in not just one but two districts with similar campus development plans both overrun and destroyed by corporate interests.

I am looking for serious people willing to back these plans,
not just a bunch of people "COMPLAINING about Black/White racism" but then doing nothing
when it comes to a real plan of action.

So Anonymous1977 if you and others want to wait around while
working women like Gladys and me try to promote this project,
I am not afraid to ask the students with this incident if they would like to help.

Again I can't go into detail about anything you said on PM
but the general impression I got from you and Nutz
was no thank you.

Which means Gladys House is still working on her own,
and at least she appreciates the 8500 - 10,000 I have
lent her to cover her expenses while she promotes her plans that I find worth the investment.
I even presented them to Allen West's foundation, and offered to transfer the
10,000 I set aside in a LLC for this project IF WE COULD FIND THE RIGHT LEADERSHIP.

I've been paying high interest on that loan to put that down payment aside to buy the land,
and would VERY MUCH like to TRANSFER this project to BLACK LEADERSHIP.
But I can't find any besides Gladys willing to take this on.

Are you going to attack the thousands I have invested of my
own labor because I am Asian American?

If only Black people are supposed to work on Black empowerment
then why aren't you chipping in instead of
"standing on the sidelines" questioning if I am WHITE?

Why did you even say that Anonymous1977?

Look you White animal (smells like one any way, with your White people smell lol,) I didn't waste my time on your post. Get a life, you waste.

Your race (the White race) is the only race who acts like this:


May God soon remove your HATEFUL evil race from the planet, unless you reform.
Last edited:


I am Asian American, and who is being hateful here?
1. you make ugly comments about smell and hate directed at RACE.
Who are you talking about?

2. I am angry to see Black business plans get NO HELP from people like you,
who turn around and attack me for supporting these plans. Because I'm not Black?

I fix the problem by continuing to support these solid plans
while asking for help from people who accept responsibility and power for fulfilling these plans.

I would LOVE to create jobs and leadership positions for BLACK people to lead these plans
but I keep running into people you and Nutz who attack me for not being Black?

I can only guess you are doing this to "justify why you are not helping
a national historic Freed Slave District with restoration plans."

You have to attack me as a threat to you, or it makes no sense why you are not helping.
I'm not even White, yet I support the natural rights of Gladys House, who is a native descendant
in RECLAIMING land and community rights to develop as they originally planned.

That is just a natural law that if people built the settlement and passed the legacy to the church community to keep it going, then that heritage should have been respected.

You don't have to be Black to defend the rights of Black residents to restore their rights that were violated by abuse of eminent domain to take their land away.

I never meant to be in charge of this project anyway, I was just volunteering, but nobody else would help. They were all too scared to go against the powers that be that wanted that land.

and sadly, the other academic support that wanted to help, a lot of them were treated this same way as you just did. Called nasty names for trying to help, and accused of either being racists or trying to take advantage when it was the opposite.

What is wrong with this picture?

Anonymous1977 can you show me where I have done or said anything racist here?
Compared with the hateful race laced remarks you made?

The most you could criticize me for is making SEXIST remarks that
"men like you" are letting minority women do all the work while you
do nothing but complain.

Are you content with that station in life?

1. You can see from my photos posted I am Asian.
My birth certificate says both my parents are WHITE in color.
You can say my culture is WHITE if you believe that Constitutionalism is WHITE.
but my Buddhist culture is more associated with Asian.

2. I cannot go into detail about anything you sent me by PM because that is against the rules.

But the general response I have gotten is avoidance.

Avoiding the solutions that WOMEN like Gladys House, Catherine Roberts, Sally Wickers
and me have been promoting in Freedmen's Town. Gladys and Sally are Black but have
gotten NO HELP from males who want to sit around and blame other people
while women are working 2-3 jobs to pay for the work to promote development plans for FT.

Catherine Roberts invested thousands of dollars to hire an engineering team to show the
City of Houston how to preserve the historic brick streets in place, and go through the sidewalks
to redo the underground utilities. She is a WHITE WOMAN
are you going to take issue with that, that a WHITE WOMAN paid her own money to
preserve Freed Slave history while all these other Black leaders and groups DID NOTHING.

Go ahead. Complain that White and Asian women are pushing for national historic preservation
while people like you who CLAIM to support unity and empowerment of Blacks

I have asked and posted these plans online, gone to City Council and other meetings to get support
for the Residents' plans.

But working two jobs I am exhausted and had to stop.

I cannot continue to keep working two jobs, to pay off loans of over 60,000 dollars on credit I lent to nonprofit groups and volunteers in not just one but two districts with similar campus development plans both overrun and destroyed by corporate interests.

I am looking for serious people willing to back these plans,
not just a bunch of people "COMPLAINING about Black/White racism" but then doing nothing
when it comes to a real plan of action.

So Anonymous1977 if you and others want to wait around while
working women like Gladys and me try to promote this project,
I am not afraid to ask the students with this incident if they would like to help.

Again I can't go into detail about anything you said on PM
but the general impression I got from you and Nutz
was no thank you.

Which means Gladys House is still working on her own,
and at least she appreciates the 8500 - 10,000 I have
lent her to cover her expenses while she promotes her plans that I find worth the investment.
I even presented them to Allen West's foundation, and offered to transfer the
10,000 I set aside in a LLC for this project IF WE COULD FIND THE RIGHT LEADERSHIP.

I've been paying high interest on that loan to put that down payment aside to buy the land,
and would VERY MUCH like to TRANSFER this project to BLACK LEADERSHIP.
But I can't find any besides Gladys willing to take this on.

Are you going to attack the thousands I have invested of my
own labor because I am Asian American?

If only Black people are supposed to work on Black empowerment
then why aren't you chipping in instead of
"standing on the sidelines" questioning if I am WHITE?

Why did you even say that Anonymous1977?

**** you, you White turd!...

YOUR race (the White race) is the only race who acts like this:


May God soon remove your HATEFUL evil race from the planet, unless you reform.
Anonymous1977 Why are you projecting onto me the very behavior you denounce?
Why are you demanding that a race be removed from the planet?
That sounds like Klan or Aryan extremists who believe Blacks should be deported back to Africa.

Do you know you are talking with an American born Asian?
Are you saying that Asians who "talk or smell White" should be removed from the planet, too?
What are you saying. And why?

**** you, you White turd!...

YOUR race (the White race) is the only race who acts like this:


May God soon remove your HATEFUL evil race from the planet, unless you reform.
Anonymous1977 Why are you projecting onto me the very behavior you denounce?
Why are you demanding that a race be removed from the planet?
That sounds like Klan or Aryan extremists who believe Blacks should be deported back to Africa.

Do you know you are talking with an American born Asian?
Are you saying that Asians who "talk or smell White" should be removed from the planet, too?
What are you saying. And why?

This is what I'm saying you SKUNK (White (not Asian)) waste:

YOUR race (the White race) is the only race who behaves like this:


May God soon remove your HATEFUL evil race from the planet, unless you reform.
... So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.

There's nothing illegal about singing a racist tune. What's more... as the Rap Industry proves day in and out, it's a constitutionally PROTECTED RIGHT!

There's also nothing illegal about a university expelling the racists.
... So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.

There's nothing illegal about singing a racist tune. What's more... as the Rap Industry proves day in and out, it's a constitutionally PROTECTED RIGHT!

There's also nothing illegal about a university expelling the racists.
LOL!!! Yeah, there is somethng highly illegal about it. Or have you missed the last 57 pages of this discussion, which is what you usually do?
... So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.

There's nothing illegal about singing a racist tune. What's more... as the Rap Industry proves day in and out, it's a constitutionally PROTECTED RIGHT!

There's also nothing illegal about a university expelling the racists.
LOL!!! Yeah, there is somethng highly illegal about it. Or have you missed the last 57 pages of this discussion, which is what you usually do?

Really? I'm still waiting for you to admit you're fucking retarded for claiming that universities can't expel students for incidents happening off campus.
... So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.

There's nothing illegal about singing a racist tune. What's more... as the Rap Industry proves day in and out, it's a constitutionally PROTECTED RIGHT!

There's also nothing illegal about a university expelling the racists.
LOL!!! Yeah, there is somethng highly illegal about it. Or have you missed the last 57 pages of this discussion, which is what you usually do?

Really? I'm still waiting for you to admit you're fucking retarded for claiming that universities can't expel students for incidents happening off campus.
You'll wait until hell freezes over or until you drown yourself. Because I'm not wrong. I am very seldom wrong. I am wrong far less often than you are right, which is nearly never.
... So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.

There's nothing illegal about singing a racist tune. What's more... as the Rap Industry proves day in and out, it's a constitutionally PROTECTED RIGHT!

There's also nothing illegal about a university expelling the racists.
LOL!!! Yeah, there is somethng highly illegal about it. Or have you missed the last 57 pages of this discussion, which is what you usually do?
besides there being nothing illegal about it.you just support other racists
... So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.

There's nothing illegal about singing a racist tune. What's more... as the Rap Industry proves day in and out, it's a constitutionally PROTECTED RIGHT!

There's also nothing illegal about a university expelling the racists.
LOL!!! Yeah, there is somethng highly illegal about it. Or have you missed the last 57 pages of this discussion, which is what you usually do?

Really? I'm still waiting for you to admit you're fucking retarded for claiming that universities can't expel students for incidents happening off campus.
You'll wait until hell freezes over or until you drown yourself. Because I'm not wrong. I am very seldom wrong. I am wrong far less often than you are right, which is nearly never.

So you want to claim that universities cannot expel a student who murders someone off campus?

Great! Let's hear your argument.
... So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.

There's nothing illegal about singing a racist tune. What's more... as the Rap Industry proves day in and out, it's a constitutionally PROTECTED RIGHT!

There's also nothing illegal about a university expelling the racists.
LOL!!! Yeah, there is somethng highly illegal about it. Or have you missed the last 57 pages of this discussion, which is what you usually do?

Really? I'm still waiting for you to admit you're fucking retarded for claiming that universities can't expel students for incidents happening off campus.
You'll wait until hell freezes over or until you drown yourself. Because I'm not wrong. I am very seldom wrong. I am wrong far less often than you are right, which is nearly never.
you are always wrong
... So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.

There's nothing illegal about singing a racist tune. What's more... as the Rap Industry proves day in and out, it's a constitutionally PROTECTED RIGHT!

There's also nothing illegal about a university expelling the racists.
LOL!!! Yeah, there is somethng highly illegal about it. Or have you missed the last 57 pages of this discussion, which is what you usually do?
besides there being nothing illegal about it.you just support other racists

The idiot thinks that universities can't have a code of conduct. It's amazingly retarded.
If there wasn't a code or rule being violated, then the college just censored free speech and on top of it slandered these students reputation by publicizing this situation in the way that they did, and potentially did financial harm to them.

It's a "public" university. Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say under article 1 of the constitution.
It's a valid legal point.....Morally, those kids are on their own. If you understand my meaning.
However..One item...The right to free speech is not absolute and is only applicable to the federal government.
And given that freedom of speech is not absolute, institutions and employers retain discretion on speech when that speech as deemed by the institution or employer( entity) as harmful to the reputation or well being of said entity.....

For example.. A student at "State university " can grab a bullhorn, go to the student quad and scream that the "Dean of Students is a donkey dick"...And probably nothing will happen to the student....Now if that same student said "I heard on good information that the dean of students sucks donkey dicks"....That would most likely bring sanctions against that student.
same message entirely different meaning.
Quite frankly, I don't think there is a snowball's chance on a hot day in July such as suit would ever be heard. Let alone trying to find 12 of the most bigoted bass ackwards rednecks to sit on a jury....
I think what we have here could be referred to as a "moot point".
If there wasn't a code or rule being violated, then the college just censored free speech and on top of it slandered these students reputation by publicizing this situation in the way that they did, and potentially did financial harm to them.

It's a "public" university. Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say under article 1 of the constitution.

What in the fuck are you talking about?
Normally I don't side with liberals on issues...However, this is not only one of common sense. It is also an issue of morality..Yes one does have the virtual, not absolute, but the virtual right to free speech...However the community also retains the right to deem certain speech to be unacceptable.
This is one of those instances.
Plenty of others have done the same if not worse and gotten away with it, blacks singing racist rap songs encouraging violence towards whites and cops, and Muslims chanting death to the Jews or other anti Semetic profanity on campus. Maybe they should have been punished in a different way, for example suspended, but expelled? It most likely happened because of all the media pressure.
There is a difference....The guys in the frat were not just representing themselves. They represent the Fraternity and the University. What they did can bring harm to both entities. It is based on that premise the students were removed and the Frat house closed.
... So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.

There's nothing illegal about singing a racist tune. What's more... as the Rap Industry proves day in and out, it's a constitutionally PROTECTED RIGHT!

There's also nothing illegal about a university expelling the racists.
LOL!!! Yeah, there is somethng highly illegal about it. Or have you missed the last 57 pages of this discussion, which is what you usually do?
besides there being nothing illegal about it.you just support other racists

The idiot thinks that universities can't have a code of conduct. It's amazingly retarded.

or this is a first amendment issue.
If there wasn't a code or rule being violated, then the college just censored free speech and on top of it slandered these students reputation by publicizing this situation in the way that they did, and potentially did financial harm to them.

It's a "public" university. Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say under article 1 of the constitution.

LOL! Isn't it wonderful that the one's crying over this, are all the same tooth gnashers who demanded that people be ruined for refusing to bake a cake?

Provin' once again that you cannot hide a fascist!

They got hammered and sang a racist song, to themselves... . So what?

I don't listen to the crap, but from time to time I am subjected to PUBLISHED racist crap produced, recorded and distributed by DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of people, to TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.
OPn that issue I disagree with the libs here....Only because they are blurring the lines. I think it is safe to say what these kids did was reprehensible.
On the other hand , liberals jumping OFF the free speech bandwagon is hypocritical.

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