Oklahoma banned students could sue the college and win big

If this message board had the same standards as a university you wouldn't be here.

Oh to be sure, no American would be here if this board took to the same irrational rules regarding speech as Leftist Universities use.

But I'm sure this board would also quickly find out what MSNBC, disp-Air America and CNN found out when they went hard left. It's not much of a business model... .

Most of these so called Americans wouldn't even make it at Liberty University.
This is fantastic news!

People have gotten so wrapped up in themselves that they think anything that offends them is racist... If we're going to be equal, lets be treated equal.

So start with those black panther members that were chanting to kill whitey and kill the cracker babies...

Any of you liberals down to debate that?

Debate what exactly?
Black Panthers, and students on either side of this issue are welcome to join in.
If you want to do something to end oppressive division and discrimination by race or class,
let's build a school system that takes on these issues and creates tracks for anyone to work
their way up from the bottom to the top levels of being self-governing and running your own schools and cities.

I couldn't agree more, Emily. They do have classes for diversity (similar to what you suggest), however, they're only offered to mean white people that said something kinda sorta offensive about blacks, gays, or illegals. And lets not forget about all those extra point seminars at Universities all over America about white privilege. Every attempt the lefty progressives make to "end oppression in America" makes things twice as bad as they were before.

Oh really, feel free to elaborate on how exactly things are twice as bad.
Soon they'll expel students for disagreeing with Obama, because obviously they are racist.

That would be extreme

They should just expel those students who carry guns
Why not demand everyone' s voting record and expel Republicans? Republicans are bigger threat than ISIS, right?

While Republicans support ISIS, I think we can just start with the guns....

Don't you?

I don't know how you do it. How do you come in here every day and argue with so many dull and dishonest people? You must be a man of great tolerance and patience. I have yet to find even one so called conservative on this forum who presents a challenge of honest debate. They never seem to be able to just do it straight without all the bull shit.
Yes, Nutz fearful. You are afraid of Aryan, Klan, Racist and Tea Party groups.
And you hide behind that projected blame and don't respond to this
solution of setting up a campus district for reclaiming equal authority in Govt.

Anonymous1977 also. I think Asclepias sees the bigger picture and is realistic about what this is going to take.

That's why Gladys House , a Black woman Republican can't get any help for her
Veteran housing plans and other business developments in Freedmen's Town.
Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

The men won't stand up and take charge, they complain and sit down.

Judicial review wants to take on this crisis as a national issue
and people find it easier to make fun of him rather than take that seriously.
Since the implications are beyond the scope of what most people are willing to look at.

he may flake out also.
And that's why we end up with Ted Cruz who doesn't make sense to people.
Because it's easier to criticize than to stand up for reforms and try to do what it takes to fix problems.

You disappoint me Nutz
I just hope Judicial review doesn't wimp out. it will take a lot a work.
Easier to criticize others than correct the real problems.

I will try to support JR in making the right contacts and pushing plans that can be logistically developed. Without enough support, that's why plans come out sounding crazy to others like Ted Cruz. With the right support, the kinks and biases can be worked out where it is reconcileable with the goals of all other parties and not in conflict.

Sorry Nutz if you don't see the bigger picture. JR does and Asclepias.
Maybe that's enough to form a Tea Party team and get something sailing smoothly.

Whoa, emilynghiem lol. Where did this come from?

I wondered what an Asian woman would be so interested in Blacks for?

You're really a White person, aren't you?...White people can be really stinky sometimes lol:

As a WHITE CHRISTIAN male,. Where do these puked get off thinking they are superior to another race because of theirskin? Where do they get these IDITOIC ideas?
Yes, Nutz fearful. You are afraid of Aryan, Klan, Racist and Tea Party groups.
And you hide behind that projected blame and don't respond to this
solution of setting up a campus district for reclaiming equal authority in Govt.

Anonymous1977 also. I think Asclepias sees the bigger picture and is realistic about what this is going to take.

That's why Gladys House , a Black woman Republican can't get any help for her
Veteran housing plans and other business developments in Freedmen's Town.
Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

The men won't stand up and take charge, they complain and sit down.

Judicial review wants to take on this crisis as a national issue
and people find it easier to make fun of him rather than take that seriously.
Since the implications are beyond the scope of what most people are willing to look at.

he may flake out also.
And that's why we end up with Ted Cruz who doesn't make sense to people.
Because it's easier to criticize than to stand up for reforms and try to do what it takes to fix problems.

You disappoint me Nutz
I just hope Judicial review doesn't wimp out. it will take a lot a work.
Easier to criticize others than correct the real problems.

I will try to support JR in making the right contacts and pushing plans that can be logistically developed. Without enough support, that's why plans come out sounding crazy to others like Ted Cruz. With the right support, the kinks and biases can be worked out where it is reconcileable with the goals of all other parties and not in conflict.

Sorry Nutz if you don't see the bigger picture. JR does and Asclepias.
Maybe that's enough to form a Tea Party team and get something sailing smoothly.

Whoa, emilynghiem lol. Where did this come from?

I wondered what an Asian woman would be so interested in Blacks for?

You're really a White person, aren't you?...White people can be really stinky sometimes lol:

1. You can see from my photos posted I am Asian.
My birth certificate says both my parents are WHITE in color.
You can say my culture is WHITE if you believe that Constitutionalism is WHITE.
but my Buddhist culture is more associated with Asian.

2. I cannot go into detail about anything you sent me by PM because that is against the rules.

But the general response I have gotten is avoidance.

Avoiding the solutions that WOMEN like Gladys House, Catherine Roberts, Sally Wickers
and me have been promoting in Freedmen's Town. Gladys and Sally are Black but have
gotten NO HELP from males who want to sit around and blame other people
while women are working 2-3 jobs to pay for the work to promote development plans for FT.

Catherine Roberts invested thousands of dollars to hire an engineering team to show the
City of Houston how to preserve the historic brick streets in place, and go through the sidewalks
to redo the underground utilities. She is a WHITE WOMAN
are you going to take issue with that, that a WHITE WOMAN paid her own money to
preserve Freed Slave history while all these other Black leaders and groups DID NOTHING.

Go ahead. Complain that White and Asian women are pushing for national historic preservation
while people like you who CLAIM to support unity and empowerment of Blacks

I have asked and posted these plans online, gone to City Council and other meetings to get support
for the Residents' plans.

But working two jobs I am exhausted and had to stop.

I cannot continue to keep working two jobs, to pay off loans of over 60,000 dollars on credit I lent to nonprofit groups and volunteers in not just one but two districts with similar campus development plans both overrun and destroyed by corporate interests.

I am looking for serious people willing to back these plans,
not just a bunch of people "COMPLAINING about Black/White racism" but then doing nothing
when it comes to a real plan of action.

So Anonymous1977 if you and others want to wait around while
working women like Gladys and me try to promote this project,
I am not afraid to ask the students with this incident if they would like to help.

Again I can't go into detail about anything you said on PM
but the general impression I got from you and Nutz
was no thank you.

Which means Gladys House is still working on her own,
and at least she appreciates the 8500 - 10,000 I have
lent her to cover her expenses while she promotes her plans that I find worth the investment.
I even presented them to Allen West's foundation, and offered to transfer the
10,000 I set aside in a LLC for this project IF WE COULD FIND THE RIGHT LEADERSHIP.

I've been paying high interest on that loan to put that down payment aside to buy the land,
and would VERY MUCH like to TRANSFER this project to BLACK LEADERSHIP.
But I can't find any besides Gladys willing to take this on.

Are you going to attack the thousands I have invested of my
own labor because I am Asian American?

If only Black people are supposed to work on Black empowerment
then why aren't you chipping in instead of
"standing on the sidelines" questioning if I am WHITE?

Why did you even say that Anonymous1977?
Haven't you noticed the habit that when a White Man is in a group,
how many people are conditioned to defer to him as leading?

What's sad is even among the Black leaders and activists,
they seem to DEFER to the system of dividing rich from poor,
liberal from conservative, and then blame the Whites for this system of class.

Why follow it then? Why can't we work as equals and break this trend of judging and dividing?

I even offered a campus model for organizing communities
to manage their own schools, businesses and govt.

And the response I got from people I thought would jump at the chance to
launch a model for govt reform,
all turn to excuses why they don't want to be part of a solution.

Why is that?

Is it a male thing? To blame race or class and then divide by TERRITORY?
Somehow there is some need to be in charge, and not have to cooperate and work with others as equals?
Is that it?

It's got to be some other issue than race.
So from now on, anytime college kids sing juvenile stupid songs about Asians, Jews, blacks, whites, etc. we should be looking forward to expulsions and suspensions?

Can anybody cite any other time something like this has happened? Because if not then that means this is the first time college kids sang a racist song on campus?
So from now on, anytime college kids sing juvenile stupid songs about Asians, Jews, blacks, whites, etc. we should be looking forward to expulsions and suspensions?

Can anybody cite any other time something like this has happened? Because if not then that means this is the first time college kids sang a racist song on campus?

Is that's as far as your thinking takes you, then yes, that must be what it means.
Soon they'll expel students for disagreeing with Obama, because obviously they are racist.

That would be extreme

They should just expel those students who carry guns
Why not demand everyone' s voting record and expel Republicans? Republicans are bigger threat than ISIS, right?

While Republicans support ISIS, I think we can just start with the guns....

Don't you?

I don't know how you do it. How do you come in here every day and argue with so many dull and dishonest people? You must be a man of great tolerance and patience. I have yet to find even one so called conservative on this forum who presents a challenge of honest debate. They never seem to be able to just do it straight without all the bull shit.
Easy..........I just don't take them seriously

Have you met "The Rabbi"?
They were dumb enough to record it.... good riddance. See ya. Good luck making $8 an hour the rest of your lives.
Soon they'll expel students for disagreeing with Obama, because obviously they are racist.

That would be extreme

They should just expel those students who carry guns
Why not demand everyone' s voting record and expel Republicans? Republicans are bigger threat than ISIS, right?

While Republicans support ISIS, I think we can just start with the guns....

Don't you?

I don't know how you do it. How do you come in here every day and argue with so many dull and dishonest people? You must be a man of great tolerance and patience. I have yet to find even one so called conservative on this forum who presents a challenge of honest debate. They never seem to be able to just do it straight without all the bull shit.
Easy..........I just don't take them seriously

Have you met "The Rabbi"?
Oh yeah, we're good pals, fast friends, I think we might even be getting engaged.
1. You can see from my photos posted I am Asian.
My birth certificate says both my parents are WHITE in color.
You can say my culture is WHITE if you believe that Constitutionalism is WHITE.
but my Buddhist culture is more associated with Asian.

2. I cannot go into detail about anything you sent me by PM because that is against the rules.

But the general response I have gotten is avoidance.

Avoiding the solutions that WOMEN like Gladys House, Catherine Roberts, Sally Wickers
and me have been promoting in Freedmen's Town. Gladys and Sally are Black but have
gotten NO HELP from males who want to sit around and blame other people
while women are working 2-3 jobs to pay for the work to promote development plans for FT.

Catherine Roberts invested thousands of dollars to hire an engineering team to show the
City of Houston how to preserve the historic brick streets in place, and go through the sidewalks
to redo the underground utilities. She is a WHITE WOMAN
are you going to take issue with that, that a WHITE WOMAN paid her own money to
preserve Freed Slave history while all these other Black leaders and groups DID NOTHING.

Go ahead. Complain that White and Asian women are pushing for national historic preservation
while people like you who CLAIM to support unity and empowerment of Blacks

I have asked and posted these plans online, gone to City Council and other meetings to get support
for the Residents' plans.

But working two jobs I am exhausted and had to stop.

I cannot continue to keep working two jobs, to pay off loans of over 60,000 dollars on credit I lent to nonprofit groups and volunteers in not just one but two districts with similar campus development plans both overrun and destroyed by corporate interests.

I am looking for serious people willing to back these plans,
not just a bunch of people "COMPLAINING about Black/White racism" but then doing nothing
when it comes to a real plan of action.

So Anonymous1977 if you and others want to wait around while
working women like Gladys and me try to promote this project,
I am not afraid to ask the students with this incident if they would like to help.

Again I can't go into detail about anything you said on PM
but the general impression I got from you and Nutz
was no thank you.

Which means Gladys House is still working on her own,
and at least she appreciates the 8500 - 10,000 I have
lent her to cover her expenses while she promotes her plans that I find worth the investment.
I even presented them to Allen West's foundation, and offered to transfer the
10,000 I set aside in a LLC for this project IF WE COULD FIND THE RIGHT LEADERSHIP.

I've been paying high interest on that loan to put that down payment aside to buy the land,
and would VERY MUCH like to TRANSFER this project to BLACK LEADERSHIP.
But I can't find any besides Gladys willing to take this on.

Are you going to attack the thousands I have invested of my
own labor because I am Asian American?

If only Black people are supposed to work on Black empowerment
then why aren't you chipping in instead of
"standing on the sidelines" questioning if I am WHITE?

Why did you even say that Anonymous1977?

Look you White animal (smells like one any way, with your White people smell lol,) I didn't waste my time on your post. Get a life, you waste.

Your race (the White race) is the only race who acts like this:


May God soon remove your HATEFUL evil race from the planet, unless you reform.

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