Oklahoma banned students could sue the college and win big

I have no clue of what you're talking about. Freedmen's Town was a proposal to preserve 10 historical houses for disabled vets. I have no idea of how that relates to the Oklahoma University.

If you followed all my other threads and links I posted,
I explained that because the UO incident referenced lynching and racial discrimination/exclusion of Blacks,
then I offered the Freedmen's Town project for the students to help raise funds for,
and set up internships helping to restore those plans and build the campus there.

I also posted in another thread I LINKED to
that the Chef who lost his job because the fraternity chapter shut
could have a job as the cook onsite that is written into the Veteran housing budget proposed to VA and HUD.

I asked Gladys House about this idea and she invited me to the next meeting this Sat
to present the proposal. I would expect to go through Sheila Jackson Lee's office to propose this formally.

Why not ask the students and/or the SAE chapter to take on this community service project?
Sorry you missed all that.

Too many people posted slams back and forth, so I tried to bump the posts that made points.
Mine were also lost in the shuffle and hidden on another thread.

If you don't care to be part of the solution, this is mainly for JR who does want one.
Thanks anyway Carla_Danger and I will set up a separate thread to address what liberties or rights were violated with ACA since you and others don't seem to get that. Likewise some people don't see the harm caused here either.
The scariest thing here...is that you think JR can be taken seriously on any given topic. It will eventually devolve into him pissing himself .
I have no clue of what you're talking about. Freedmen's Town was a proposal to preserve 10 historical houses for disabled vets. I have no idea of how that relates to the Oklahoma University.

If you followed all my other threads and links I posted,
I explained that because the UO incident referenced lynching and racial discrimination/exclusion of Blacks,
then I offered the Freedmen's Town project for the students to help raise funds for,
and set up internships helping to restore those plans and build the campus there.

I also posted in another thread I LINKED to
that the Chef who lost his job because the fraternity chapter shut
could have a job as the cook onsite that is written into the Veteran housing budget proposed to VA and HUD.

I asked Gladys House about this idea and she invited me to the next meeting this Sat
to present the proposal. I would expect to go through Sheila Jackson Lee's office to propose this formally.

Why not ask the students and/or the SAE chapter to take on this community service project?
Sorry you missed all that.

Too many people posted slams back and forth, so I tried to bump the posts that made points.
Mine were also lost in the shuffle and hidden on another thread.

If you don't care to be part of the solution, this is mainly for JR who does want one.
Thanks anyway Carla_Danger and I will set up a separate thread to address what liberties or rights were violated with ACA since you and others don't seem to get that. Likewise some people don't see the harm caused here either.

Good luck with your endeavors.
I have no clue of what you're talking about. Freedmen's Town was a proposal to preserve 10 historical houses for disabled vets. I have no idea of how that relates to the Oklahoma University.

If you followed all my other threads and links I posted,
I explained that because the UO incident referenced lynching and racial discrimination/exclusion of Blacks,
then I offered the Freedmen's Town project for the students to help raise funds for,
and set up internships helping to restore those plans and build the campus there.

I also posted in another thread I LINKED to
that the Chef who lost his job because the fraternity chapter shut
could have a job as the cook onsite that is written into the Veteran housing budget proposed to VA and HUD.

I asked Gladys House about this idea and she invited me to the next meeting this Sat
to present the proposal. I would expect to go through Sheila Jackson Lee's office to propose this formally.

Why not ask the students and/or the SAE chapter to take on this community service project?
Sorry you missed all that.

Too many people posted slams back and forth, so I tried to bump the posts that made points.
Mine were also lost in the shuffle and hidden on another thread.

If you don't care to be part of the solution, this is mainly for JR who does want one.
Thanks anyway Carla_Danger and I will set up a separate thread to address what liberties or rights were violated with ACA since you and others don't seem to get that. Likewise some people don't see the harm caused here either.
The scariest thing here...is that you think JR can be taken seriously on any given topic. It will eventually devolve into him pissing himself .

He wants to be heard on a national level. LOL!
I have no clue of what you're talking about. Freedmen's Town was a proposal to preserve 10 historical houses for disabled vets. I have no idea of how that relates to the Oklahoma University.

If you followed all my other threads and links I posted,
I explained that because the UO incident referenced lynching and racial discrimination/exclusion of Blacks,
then I offered the Freedmen's Town project for the students to help raise funds for,
and set up internships helping to restore those plans and build the campus there.

I also posted in another thread I LINKED to
that the Chef who lost his job because the fraternity chapter shut
could have a job as the cook onsite that is written into the Veteran housing budget proposed to VA and HUD.

I asked Gladys House about this idea and she invited me to the next meeting this Sat
to present the proposal. I would expect to go through Sheila Jackson Lee's office to propose this formally.

Why not ask the students and/or the SAE chapter to take on this community service project?
Sorry you missed all that.

Too many people posted slams back and forth, so I tried to bump the posts that made points.
Mine were also lost in the shuffle and hidden on another thread.

If you don't care to be part of the solution, this is mainly for JR who does want one.
Thanks anyway Carla_Danger and I will set up a separate thread to address what liberties or rights were violated with ACA since you and others don't seem to get that. Likewise some people don't see the harm caused here either.
The scariest thing here...is that you think JR can be taken seriously on any given topic. It will eventually devolve into him pissing himself .

So true. Personally, I'd be more for suspending the lads pending some re-education and apology. And, the same for the frat. But, it appears the national frat was ok with a total shutdown. But, there's no free speech issue here. One's admittance to school is not without a agreement to abide by school rules. The lads are now free to join the Klan or engage in any hate speech they choose without the school or state punishing them.
I have no clue of what you're talking about. Freedmen's Town was a proposal to preserve 10 historical houses for disabled vets. I have no idea of how that relates to the Oklahoma University.

If you followed all my other threads and links I posted,
I explained that because the UO incident referenced lynching and racial discrimination/exclusion of Blacks,
then I offered the Freedmen's Town project for the students to help raise funds for,
and set up internships helping to restore those plans and build the campus there.

I also posted in another thread I LINKED to
that the Chef who lost his job because the fraternity chapter shut
could have a job as the cook onsite that is written into the Veteran housing budget proposed to VA and HUD.

I asked Gladys House about this idea and she invited me to the next meeting this Sat
to present the proposal. I would expect to go through Sheila Jackson Lee's office to propose this formally.

Why not ask the students and/or the SAE chapter to take on this community service project?
Sorry you missed all that.

Too many people posted slams back and forth, so I tried to bump the posts that made points.
Mine were also lost in the shuffle and hidden on another thread.

If you don't care to be part of the solution, this is mainly for JR who does want one.
Thanks anyway Carla_Danger and I will set up a separate thread to address what liberties or rights were violated with ACA since you and others don't seem to get that. Likewise some people don't see the harm caused here either.
The scariest thing here...is that you think JR can be taken seriously on any given topic. It will eventually devolve into him pissing himself .

Hey Nutz if you can be saved from a thread that was going to hell, over blaming the Tea Party for an unrelated attack,
and show that you can be reasonable and aren't a troll, I have no doubt JR can overcome any obstacles that
stand in his way as well. We'll see if you, Asclepias, Anonymous or JR is the first to back up Gladys House and Freedmen's Town on the campus plans for public education and training on Constitutional principles and ethics. Remember I have a 10-20 million dollar bet riding on the Tea Party as a key player in Constitutional outreach, and not just a "white racist" front, but a unifying focus that everyone can organize under, from Latino's to the Klan without conflict where we stick to the Constitution.
I have no clue of what you're talking about. Freedmen's Town was a proposal to preserve 10 historical houses for disabled vets. I have no idea of how that relates to the Oklahoma University.

If you followed all my other threads and links I posted,
I explained that because the UO incident referenced lynching and racial discrimination/exclusion of Blacks,
then I offered the Freedmen's Town project for the students to help raise funds for,
and set up internships helping to restore those plans and build the campus there.

I also posted in another thread I LINKED to
that the Chef who lost his job because the fraternity chapter shut
could have a job as the cook onsite that is written into the Veteran housing budget proposed to VA and HUD.

I asked Gladys House about this idea and she invited me to the next meeting this Sat
to present the proposal. I would expect to go through Sheila Jackson Lee's office to propose this formally.

Why not ask the students and/or the SAE chapter to take on this community service project?
Sorry you missed all that.

Too many people posted slams back and forth, so I tried to bump the posts that made points.
Mine were also lost in the shuffle and hidden on another thread.

If you don't care to be part of the solution, this is mainly for JR who does want one.
Thanks anyway Carla_Danger and I will set up a separate thread to address what liberties or rights were violated with ACA since you and others don't seem to get that. Likewise some people don't see the harm caused here either.
The scariest thing here...is that you think JR can be taken seriously on any given topic. It will eventually devolve into him pissing himself .

Hey Nutz if you can be saved from a thread that was going to hell, over blaming the Tea Party for an unrelated attack,
and show that you can be reasonable and aren't a troll, I have no doubt JR can overcome any obstacles that
stand in his way as well. We'll see if you, Asclepias, Anonymous or JR is the first to back up Gladys House and Freedmen's Town on the campus plans for public education and training on Constitutional principles and ethics. Remember I have a 10-20 million dollar bet riding on the Tea Party as a key player in Constitutional outreach, and not just a "white racist" front, but a unifying focus that everyone can organize under, from Latino's to the Klan without conflict where we stick to the Constitution.
You are going to lose your bet and there is no way n hell that I would get invoolved in your hair brain scheme that makes absolutely no sense to anyone.
So true. Personally, I'd be more for suspending the lads pending some re-education and apology. And, the same for the frat. But, it appears the national frat was ok with a total shutdown. But, there's no free speech issue here. One's admittance to school is not without a agreement to abide by school rules. The lads are now free to join the Klan or engage in any hate speech they choose without the school or state punishing them.

Apology and re-education for what, saying something that some people find offensive in nature?

Weren't you people ever taught about sticks, stones, and words?
I have no clue of what you're talking about. Freedmen's Town was a proposal to preserve 10 historical houses for disabled vets. I have no idea of how that relates to the Oklahoma University.

If you followed all my other threads and links I posted,
I explained that because the UO incident referenced lynching and racial discrimination/exclusion of Blacks,
then I offered the Freedmen's Town project for the students to help raise funds for,
and set up internships helping to restore those plans and build the campus there.

I also posted in another thread I LINKED to
that the Chef who lost his job because the fraternity chapter shut
could have a job as the cook onsite that is written into the Veteran housing budget proposed to VA and HUD.

I asked Gladys House about this idea and she invited me to the next meeting this Sat
to present the proposal. I would expect to go through Sheila Jackson Lee's office to propose this formally.

Why not ask the students and/or the SAE chapter to take on this community service project?
Sorry you missed all that.

Too many people posted slams back and forth, so I tried to bump the posts that made points.
Mine were also lost in the shuffle and hidden on another thread.

If you don't care to be part of the solution, this is mainly for JR who does want one.
Thanks anyway Carla_Danger and I will set up a separate thread to address what liberties or rights were violated with ACA since you and others don't seem to get that. Likewise some people don't see the harm caused here either.

Good luck with your endeavors.

Thanks Carla_Danger I sense that you mean well and don't want religious rightwing abuses any more than I do. I am equally concerned about leftwing abuses that people can be just as onesided about, only seeing one and ignoring the other.

Here is the Bullring post if you would please respond and explain how no liberties or rights were violated
including not violating equal protection from discrimination by creed:
Bull Ring - Carla Danger No liberties or rights were violated with ACA mandates US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What in the fuck are you talking about?

You heard me. Did I stutter?

I guess it was your ::cough:: links to whatever in the wide world of fuck you're talking about.
Or are you so arrogant you think you don't need them?

You need a link to prove that students were expelled for racist chants? Watch any news station MSNBC or foxnews.

Ah. No wonder.
I don't have a TV. That's for morons. You're gonna have to break a sweat and essplain yourself.
It's prolly gonna be one of the reasons I don't have TV in the first place.

By far your worst post here on usmb. I said I'm the last poster you'd want to debate on this site because I have the biggest balls and I'm very unpredictable And a genius.

Even the blacks on Hannity said free speech was violated And potential lawsuits should be filed by these students against the university. Hannity was destroyed on fox tonight.

Ah, you're a genius who just doesn't bother with grammar and proper use of idiom? Ok then.

Yeah. You people... All of yall that complain about this, and claim these guys should apologize, etc. There's a big difference between words and actions. Weren't you people taught that "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" when you were kids?
If this message board had the same standards as a university you wouldn't be here.

Oh to be sure, no American would be here if this board took to the same irrational rules regarding speech as Leftist Universities use.

But I'm sure this board would also quickly find out what MSNBC, disp-Air America and CNN found out when they went hard left. It's not much of a business model... .
Why does it matter where they were at? They are still representing their fraternity since they were traveling as a frat.

From the looks and sounds of it, it was much more than a joke as well.
If they were off campus the university has no say in what they did.

How do you know?
Check the video.

There's no video in your post. You have a video that proves that OU's code of conduct does not apply to off-campus activities?
Poor thing.

I guess that means no. So you made up the claim that OU's code of conduct does not apply to any off-campus activities.

So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.
... So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.

There's nothing illegal about singing a racist tune. What's more... as the Rap Industry proves day in and out, it's a constitutionally PROTECTED RIGHT!
If they were off campus the university has no say in what they did.

How do you know?
Check the video.

There's no video in your post. You have a video that proves that OU's code of conduct does not apply to off-campus activities?
Poor thing.

I guess that means no. So you made up the claim that OU's code of conduct does not apply to any off-campus activities.

So I guess that means OU could not expel a football player if he raped a cheerleader while his team was playing in Kansas.

lol, good one.
You understand rape is a crime, right?

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