Oklahoma banned students could sue the college and win big

The idea that when you're a student you have the right to say anything you want, any time, under any circumstances,

and be protected from any consequences is so absurd that it's hard to believe anyone could even think that.
I don't think anyone is entertaining that idea.

My position is that the government and its agents cannot restrict or punish speech based solely on content. SAE was perfectly justified in shutting down the chapter, but the University would not have been.

and thats the point, either we have free speech or we don't. If what you say offends someone, tough shit. Lots of stuff said by the left offends me, but I would fight for their right to say it.

who got kicked out of school for rioting in Ferguson and screaming "kill the cops" " kill whitey" ? No one.

of course most of the rioters were not in any school to get kicked out of.

In my opinion it is the school's choice to refuse service. The students have the right to say what they want but there may be a price to pay for that right.

What I look for is equality in enforcement, which I do not see.

That's true. OU has the right to refuse. The students have the right to say what they want. We'll see what the university does when some rap surfaces referring to killing whitey, smacking the bitch, beating the pigs and so on.

That is where equality comes in. If they ignore the black rhetoric, if that happens, and they don't enforce their policy that is discrimination and that should get them in trouble, but we both know it would not.

There is a black organization on OU campus, that should be immediately disbanded or at least its name changed. But that won't happen either.

Never the less the school does have the right, as does individuals, to refuse service for their standards and beliefs.
"Many universities, under pressure to respond to the concerns of those who are the objects of hate, have adopted codes or policies prohibiting speech that offends any group based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.

That's the wrong response, well-meaning or not. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects speech no matter how offensive its content. Speech codes adopted by government-financed state colleges and universities amount to government censorship, in violation of the Constitution. And the ACLU believes that all campuses should adhere to First Amendment principles because academic freedom is a bedrock of education in a free society.

How much we value the right of free speech is put to its severest test when the speaker is someone we disagree with most. Speech that deeply offends our morality or is hostile to our way of life warrants the same constitutional protection as other speech because the right of free speech is indivisible: When one of us is denied this right, all of us are denied. Since its founding in 1920, the ACLU has fought for the free expression of all ideas, popular or unpopular. That's the constitutional mandate. "
Hate Speech on Campus American Civil Liberties Union
The students have a perfect case. They were off campus in a private venue. Punishing people for unpopular statements is exactly what the 1A was meant to prevent.

Yes, and OU even invaded that privacy. The school needs to be sued for infringement.

That's why i said "WIN BIG" in the thread title. They wont just win on the grounds of their free speech being violated and censored, but they were publicly slandered and made an example of for exercising their right to free speech, which could have LIFE long implications that affect every part of their life and even finances.

This take punitive damages to a whole new stratosphere.

free speech is not limitless. (see real life caselaw) and schools always have certain limits.

again, where are you getting your pretend legal assessments?

That's not the point and what is violating the fist amendment. Free speech is a "right" and everybody has a "right" to say whatever they want to say, and to not allow that "right", by EXPELLING "ANY" student that says something that someone doesn't like or deems offensive is a direct violation of the First amendment of free speech.

Again it has NOTHING to do with what was said. It's that they said it, "according to the university."

Are you aware that students sign a contract to enroll in a university?
The idea that when you're a student you have the right to say anything you want, any time, under any circumstances,

and be protected from any consequences is so absurd that it's hard to believe anyone could even think that.
I don't think anyone is entertaining that idea.

Maybe you should have bothered to read the OP:

"Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say..."

So, you're for limited speech?

Who isn't?
Hate speech is like yelling "fire!" in a movie theater when there isn't one....It's illegal.
Do you think colleges should allow the KKK and neo-nazis to have fraternities?

They allow black organizations.
The idea that when you're a student you have the right to say anything you want, any time, under any circumstances,

and be protected from any consequences is so absurd that it's hard to believe anyone could even think that.
I don't think anyone is entertaining that idea.

Maybe you should have bothered to read the OP:

"Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say..."

The issue is whether OU had the right to expell them. SAE was perfectly justified in shutting down the chapter, but the actions of OU are a totally different issue.

Is there anything any group could say that you would think that the school should act upon? What if this bus were returning from a KKK midnight cross burning, would the school be able to then act upon that situation? You and I both know there are limits to what a person can say, I don't need to bring up yelling fire in a movie theater.

Do you agree that a school, or anyone else, has the right to refuse services? Ever?

A government institution which is what a University is classified as CANNOT prohibit free speech. Period.

What is going on you moron is that you want to this PUBLIC university to be a PRIVATE university SO BAD so you can have a POINT, but it's NOT going to happen. STOP TROLLING.
The idea that when you're a student you have the right to say anything you want, any time, under any circumstances,

and be protected from any consequences is so absurd that it's hard to believe anyone could even think that.
I don't think anyone is entertaining that idea.

Maybe you should have bothered to read the OP:

"Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say..."

So, you're for limited speech?

That's my quote and you need to read it again. I'm for free speech right to NOT be violated. PRO free speech
The idea that when you're a student you have the right to say anything you want, any time, under any circumstances,

and be protected from any consequences is so absurd that it's hard to believe anyone could even think that.
I don't think anyone is entertaining that idea.

Maybe you should have bothered to read the OP:

"Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say..."

So, you're for limited speech?

Who isn't?

You're serious. I always love these threads because it outs the people who are against free speech.
The idea that when you're a student you have the right to say anything you want, any time, under any circumstances,

and be protected from any consequences is so absurd that it's hard to believe anyone could even think that.
I don't think anyone is entertaining that idea.

Maybe you should have bothered to read the OP:

"Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say..."

So, you're for limited speech?

That's my quote and you need to read it again. I'm for free speech right to NOT be violated. PRO free speech

I was talking to carb.
The idea that when you're a student you have the right to say anything you want, any time, under any circumstances,

and be protected from any consequences is so absurd that it's hard to believe anyone could even think that.
I don't think anyone is entertaining that idea.

My position is that the government and its agents cannot restrict or punish speech based solely on content. SAE was perfectly justified in shutting down the chapter, but the University would not have been.

and thats the point, either we have free speech or we don't. If what you say offends someone, tough shit. Lots of stuff said by the left offends me, but I would fight for their right to say it.

who got kicked out of school for rioting in Ferguson and screaming "kill the cops" " kill whitey" ? No one.

of course most of the rioters were not in any school to get kicked out of.

In my opinion it is the school's choice to refuse service. The students have the right to say what they want but there may be a price to pay for that right.

What I look for is equality in enforcement, which I do not see.

That's true. OU has the right to refuse. The students have the right to say what they want. We'll see what the university does when some rap surfaces referring to killing whitey, smacking the bitch, beating the pigs and so on.

That is where equality comes in. If they ignore the black rhetoric, if that happens, and they don't enforce their policy that is discrimination and that should get them in trouble, but we both know it would not.

There is a black organization on OU campus, that should be immediately disbanded or at least its name changed. But that won't happen either.

Never the less the school does have the right, as does individuals, to refuse service for their standards and beliefs.

NONE of the matters. Period. racism and discrimination DO NOT MATTER. FREE SPEECH matters. Stop trolling.
The idea that when you're a student you have the right to say anything you want, any time, under any circumstances,

and be protected from any consequences is so absurd that it's hard to believe anyone could even think that.
I don't think anyone is entertaining that idea.

Maybe you should have bothered to read the OP:

"Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say..."

So, you're for limited speech?

That's my quote and you need to read it again. I'm for free speech right to NOT be violated. PRO free speech

I was talking to carb.

he's agreeing with me.
If there wasn't a code or rule being violated, then the college just censored free speech and on top of it slandered these students reputation by publicizing this situation in the way that they did, and potentially did financial harm to them.

It's a "public" university. Free speech could have been violated a right granted to every citizen no matter what they say under article 1 of the constitution.

They were expelled, according to David Boren, the OU President, for violating school rules, which forbid students from creating a hostile environment for other students.
I don't think anyone is entertaining that idea.

My position is that the government and its agents cannot restrict or punish speech based solely on content. SAE was perfectly justified in shutting down the chapter, but the University would not have been.

and thats the point, either we have free speech or we don't. If what you say offends someone, tough shit. Lots of stuff said by the left offends me, but I would fight for their right to say it.

who got kicked out of school for rioting in Ferguson and screaming "kill the cops" " kill whitey" ? No one.

of course most of the rioters were not in any school to get kicked out of.

In my opinion it is the school's choice to refuse service. The students have the right to say what they want but there may be a price to pay for that right.

What I look for is equality in enforcement, which I do not see.

That's true. OU has the right to refuse. The students have the right to say what they want. We'll see what the university does when some rap surfaces referring to killing whitey, smacking the bitch, beating the pigs and so on.

That is where equality comes in. If they ignore the black rhetoric, if that happens, and they don't enforce their policy that is discrimination and that should get them in trouble, but we both know it would not.

There is a black organization on OU campus, that should be immediately disbanded or at least its name changed. But that won't happen either.

Never the less the school does have the right, as does individuals, to refuse service for their standards and beliefs.

NONE of the matters. Period. racism and discrimination DO NOT MATTER. FREE SPEECH matters. Stop trolling.

Hes not trolling but stating what universities have been doing for decades, shutting free speech down. Hes agreeing with you.
Truth of the matter is every student could be ejected if filmed enough.

No they can't. Not for talking. If they are they can sue and WIN BIG. This university can literally go bankrupt with what they have done if enough students sue them and they opened a wide open door for them to do just that.
Gee imagine my shock at seeing that JR doesn't understand the issue here.

Free Speech only applies to the government passing laws limiting speech, it has NOTHING to do with college rules and regulations.
The idea that when you're a student you have the right to say anything you want, any time, under any circumstances,

and be protected from any consequences is so absurd that it's hard to believe anyone could even think that.
I don't think anyone is entertaining that idea.

My position is that the government and its agents cannot restrict or punish speech based solely on content. SAE was perfectly justified in shutting down the chapter, but the University would not have been.

and thats the point, either we have free speech or we don't. If what you say offends someone, tough shit. Lots of stuff said by the left offends me, but I would fight for their right to say it.

who got kicked out of school for rioting in Ferguson and screaming "kill the cops" " kill whitey" ? No one.

of course most of the rioters were not in any school to get kicked out of.

In my opinion it is the school's choice to refuse service. The students have the right to say what they want but there may be a price to pay for that right.

What I look for is equality in enforcement, which I do not see.

exactly, would the media blitz be the same if it was a black fraternity, chanting about not having any white members?

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