Oklahoma HB 2656 and HB 2780


Return to Freedom
Jun 28, 2009
CNN Story

This story is a little disturbing as written because she wrote the story with a different twist than every other story I've read on the issue so far. What we have here is a perfect description of what happens when our Governments gets too big and too powerful. This story as written is designed to SCARE you into thinking that Doctors can now and will lie to prevent abortions.

The situation is much more complicated and no where near as bad as it sounds. What you need to be aware of is the HB 2780 also mentioned has been dubbed the Sonogram bill, making it a requirement for all mothers to be given a Sonogram. The bill would require the procedure be done and the mother be given the "option" to view the results. That makes the threat of HB 2656 very small. If they had passed HB 2656 without HB 2780 there would be a huge gap in Women's rights but that doesn't seem to be the case here in Oklahoma.

Pro-Choice people are trying to spin it that way to create support for the Pro-Choice movement in Oklahoma which is VERY SMALL. See HB 2656 is really about tort reform in preventing law suits. HB 2780 ensures that women will in fact have access to the information on the health of their fetus. Pro-Choice people are pissed about that as well because now a woman cannot get an abortion without first being given the Sonogram. See it's win win or a lose lose depending on your perspective.

Like so many other issues today they are never as clear as they seem until you look at more than one source of information.
question about the sonogram - this seems to be a stand alone service that is required - does the doctor actually have to view it ? can this entire procedure be done by the sonographer with the doctor never seeing the sonogram ?
well it took me about 50 times of reading and re-reading but it finally dawned on me.
i understand now ! as usual the yellow press took an opportunity to go completely hysterical and totally LIE. as i see it - there is only one possible scenario where the doctor MIGHT be protected. but he wold have to be completely stup or crazy to do it. i'll let you figure it out, but suffice it to say that most of the headlines you read about this are simply not true. pretty much complete bullshit.

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