Oklahoma Passes Bill Banning ALL Abortions - No Rape Exceptions - 10 years in Prison for Performing one

To give equal time, I knew a woman, an executive, who was violently raped. She elected to raise the biracial girl. It did not go well. The poor kid paid for that rape every day of her life until she hanged herself at age 17. Mother was well on her way to alcoholism and drank herself to death. So... abortion isn't the worst thing to happen.

Agreed, that's why I say ever girl is different. I've seen interviews with women who generally have one to two abortions a year and it doesn't bother them the least. I've seen interviews with woman that had one in their lifetime and that decision tortures them every single day.
Very irresponsible. However, the burden of her decision is on her head and she’s the one who has to live with it.

True, but that doesn't mean the legislature withhold making law so she has other more convenient options. If people don't like the laws written by their state reps, they have the option to recall them or vote them out next election in support of potential representatives that support their point of view.

Many people on the left keep bringing up our electoral college stating we should be a pure democracy. Well.........that's what state elections are, the majority rules right or wrong.
This is total insanity. Roe versus Wade came into being because of egregious abortion laws, and this law has to be the most egregious of all. On the news yesterday a woman who wanted to have a child and her husband just found out that the baby she was carrying was unviable at 23 weeks so she had to have an abortion. And going to the clinic, anti-abortion protesters further tormented her. This is why abortion should be a medical issue between a person and their doctor and the government should stay the hell out of the situation. They just f*** everything up.
Yeah, the government should stay out of murder.
This is total insanity. Roe versus Wade came into being because of egregious abortion laws, and this law has to be the most egregious of all. On the news yesterday a woman who wanted to have a child and her husband just found out that the baby she was carrying was unviable at 23 weeks so she had to have an abortion. And going to the clinic, anti-abortion protesters further tormented her. This is why abortion should be a medical issue between a person and their doctor and the government should stay the hell out of the situation. They just f*** everything up.

Bullshit. Roe v. Wade came into being because a handful of arrogant pricks decided it was "egregious" for states to operate contrary to what they, in their "greater wisdom", thought they should. Period. Full stop.
Bullshit. Roe v. Wade came into being because a handful of arrogant pricks decided it was "egregious" for states to operate contrary to what they, in their "greater wisdom", thought they should. Period. Full stop.
Nah. It came into being because the founders assumed that certain basic rights, like ownership of one's body, for example, were obvious and beyond reach of the state. The Court, in accordance with the Ninth Amendment, should protect such rights, even if the they aren't mentioned expressly in the Bill of Rights.
How does that work exactly?
Dirty whore enters abortion clinic and claims she was raped by an unknown which authorizes the murder of the unborn?
OR do we wait three years for the trial and conviction of the rapist and then abort the three year old?

this mirrors my own thoughts but you brought it out into the open.. (my own thoughts were tending to stay in the old unconscious a little too much... sigh)

OK has some problems (used to live there)

but it has been red and therefore "right" on many things for a long time.

America's need to pay attention to their own business and stop worrying about what their neighbors are doing. We're supposed to be a free Nation not a totalitarian fascist state.
Yeah… I’ll keep that in mind when someone is being beaten to death in front of me. How naive can you get?
America's need to pay attention to their own business and stop worrying about what their neighbors are doing. We're supposed to be a free Nation not a totalitarian fascist state.
Indeed... MYOB
The last thing we need is more people on this Earth especially people that aren't wanted.
Meanwhile you beg Mexico to send tens of millions of their rejects for Americans to foster.
Do you see why sane people can’t really take you seriously?
Nonsense. This isn’t an Anarchy state. If you want to kill others with impunity, a nation that protects the life, and Liberty of all isn’t going to suit you…
If the "others" you imagine I am killing are inside my body, they are none of your fucking business. Full stop.
Yeah… I’ll keep that in mind when someone is being beaten to death in front of me. How naive can you get?
yeh, as per usual the liberals don't bother to think their dumb thoughts out to their always illogical conclusions

it's why America is going down the tubes, assuming it hasn't already

it's also why the Catholic Church has... gone to hell, as it were. They essentially destroyed the Church at Vatican II-- the liberals, that is-- with the consent or resigned acceptance of the clergy.. Then... DUH... said clergy were shocked (just shocked!) when Catholics left in droves.. OOPS... Maybe we should go a little bit back to Tradition like Archbishop Lefebvre said... we're losing $$!!
If the "others" you imagine I am killing are inside my body, they are none of your fucking business. Full stop.
No matter where they are in this country, they are entitled to the protections of our society.

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