Oklahoma Passes Bill Banning ALL Abortions - No Rape Exceptions - 10 years in Prison for Performing one

No matter where they are in this country, they are entitled to the protections of our society.
And I'm saying 'fuck you, no'. You don't get to poke around inside my body. Period. What part of that don't you get? The contents of my body are none of your concern.
And I'm saying 'fuck you, no'. You don't get to poke around inside my body. Period. What part of that don't you get? The contents of my body are none of your concern.
It not your body anyone cares about. And pleading will do you no good.
And I'm saying 'fuck you, no'. You don't get to poke around inside my body. Period. What part of that don't you get? The contents of my body are none of your concern.
Another fine case of “I love individualism“ right up until they beg for free shit and suddenly love collectivism…..hahaha.
Another fine case of “I love individualism“ right up until they beg for free shit and suddenly love collectivism…..hahaha.
Ahh...going back the tried and true 'bald faced lying' strategy. Find any post where I have advocated for free shit and collectivism. While searching, you'll likely find hundreds of posts where I've done the opposite. Anyway, when you fail, no need to come back and apologize. I'll accept your silence as an admission that you're an ignorant little liar.
Ahh...going back the tried and true 'bald faced lying' strategy. Find any post where I have advocated for free shit and collectivism. While searching, you'll likely find hundreds of posts where I've done the opposite. Anyway, when you can't find a single post where I've done that, no need to come back and apologize. I'll accept your failure as an admission that you're an ignorant little liar.
To save time and be productive I’m not referencing you and your positions…I’m referencing the overall position of those you usually speak for/with. The filthy Left.
To save time and be productive I’m not referencing you and your positions…I’m referencing the overall position of those you usually speak for/with. The filthy Left.
LOL - speaking of "collectivism".

If the "others" you imagine I am killing are inside my body, they are none of your fucking business. Full stop.
This is the only valid opinion about abortion. Yes, it is the homicide of a human being and that's okay.
Good for you.
Nah. It came into being because the founders assumed that certain basic rights, like ownership of one's body, for example, were obvious and beyond reach of the state. The Court, in accordance with the Ninth Amendment, should protect such rights, even if the they aren't mentioned expressly in the Bill of Rights.

In that light, all dangerous and deadly recreational narcotics should be legal. If the Constitution protects what you do with your own body, killing yourself for kicks should be included.

All these abortion threads all boil down to the same thing: Is a fetus a living human being. That can never be solved because it's a matter of opinion. Even the courts realize this. You can bring 50 doctors or 50 scientists to testify in court, and some will say a fetus is a human being and others will say not.

So no court can't legitimately say it's you body--your choice because some may consider the fetus as a human being. In my state (and many others) if you get drunk, hit a car and kill a pregnant woman, you will be charged with two murders. Well.......how can that be if a fetus is not legallly considered a human being?
In that light, all dangerous and deadly recreational narcotics should be legal.
If the Constitution protects what you do with your own body, killing yourself for kicks should be included.
All these abortion threads all boil down to the same thing: Is a fetus a living human being.
Not for me. They boil down to overreaching government, and excuses trying justify it. The sad fact is, government can't right all wrongs, it can't prevent all bad things from happening. If we ignore that fact, and try to stretch government beyond reasonable limits - we get really bad government, government that assumes authority over our most private possessions, our thoughts, our opinions and our bodies.
Shooting will. Come and get it, bitch.
a pregnant woman means 2 bodies.

Why should she have control over another's body?

Only the One who created that person has a right to get rid of him/her, meaning the One who made the sperm and the egg and brought them together. Yes, the couple helped but if they didn't want a child.. they need to think about that BEFORE... (key word there) BEFORE

they have one

Say NO to murder
a pregnant woman means 2 bodies.

Why should she have control over another's body?

Only the One who created that person has a right to get rid of him/her, meaning the One who made the sperm and the egg and brought them together. Yes, the couple helped but if they didn't want a child.. they need to think about that BEFORE... (key word there) BEFORE

they have one

Say NO to murder
Say no to busybodies concerning themselves with the contents of your body. Say it emphatically.


Not for me. They boil down to overreaching government, and excuses trying justify it. The sad fact is, government can't right all wrongs, it can't prevent all bad things from happening. If we ignore that fact, and try to stretch government beyond reasonable limits - we get really bad government, government that assumes authority over our most private possessions, our thoughts, our opinions and our bodies.

Which is why we have an election process to decide on who gets to run that government.
Say no to busybodies concerning themselves with the contents of your body. Say it emphatically.
Nah. I’d just as soon hang narcissistic, homicidal, sociopaths. My way saves more lives than ignoring murderers…
And why we have a Constitution to protect our rights - regardless of who is running the government.

There is no constitutional protections when it comes to abortion. It's not mentioned in the document, it's not mentioned in the discussions of rights or amendments by our forefathers.

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