Old 'Blue-eyes' light goes to Barry's homeland


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
That's right Mia's 'love child' Rowan conceived a couple of years after she had married Woody Allan (Pot Black?) has gone to the land of Barry's birth. Rowan's rating on MSNBC are sagging lower than the Bull Dyke Madcow's 'girlfriends' tits.
Talk about pathetic desperation. MSNBC can't find any of Bobo's supporters in the States so they send the winner of the 'Cronkite Award' for journalism excellence after three days on the air to find some in Kenya. Hope he packed a bunch of free cell phones and gift coupons for McDonald 'Happy Meals'. Two hundred years ago White skinned/blue eyed people looking for slaves took along pieces of broken mirror and glass beads to win over the locals. Times really haven't changed have they?
Sort of hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. Amidst Dwindling Poll Numbers, MSNBC Travels to Kenya to Locate Obama Fans - Daily Surge

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