Old Yeller: Joe Biden's new nickname, courtesy of left-wing publication Axios


This is probably the best one yet, although Joe Blow is pretty good, too.

The corporate media is turning on Biden.

Old yeller: Biden's private fury​

In the story of Old Yeller, Travis is faced with the harsh decision that he must kill Old Yeller after the fight with the wolf, which he does because he cannot risk Old Yeller becoming sick and turning on the family.

So calling Joe "Old Yeller" is kinda disturbing. Is the DNC going to have Joe put down or something?

That's just cruel to do that to an old man. :eek-52:
In the story of Old Yeller, Travis is faced with the harsh decision that he must kill Old Yeller after the fight with the wolf, which he does because he cannot risk Old Yeller becoming sick and turning on the family.

So calling Joe "Old Yeller" is kinda disturbing. Is the DNC going to have Joe put down or something?

That's just cruel to do that to an old man. :eek-52:
I think it's cruel to the citizens of the USA not to. Hahahaha
It'd be awesome for someone to grow a pair, tell him he's nothing but a controlled meat puppet who doesn't make any of the calls & invite him to GF himself.

In the story of Old Yeller, Travis is faced with the harsh decision that he must kill Old Yeller after the fight with the wolf, which he does because he cannot risk Old Yeller becoming sick and turning on the family.

So calling Joe "Old Yeller" is kinda disturbing. Is the DNC going to have Joe put down or something?

That's just cruel to do that to an old man. :eek-52:
can't wait for this movie to come out
Could be the cocaine that's making him hostile. It's a known side effect of the booger sugar the whole white trash Biden family seems to like.
Probably in part due to his dementia

Though Ari Fleischer confirmed that he's forever been a nasty asshole.
Old Yeller the domesticated dog gave his life to protect his family of humans from harm. I challenge anyone to read the original novel by Gipson and not crying.
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Excellent. Another BDS thread. Biden must really be curbstombing the Republicans

Of course, there's also the news that the Republicans are recruiting Chinese spies for testimony that needs to be deflected from.
Excellent. Another BDS thread. Biden must really be curbstombing the Republicans

Of course, there's also the news that the Republicans are recruiting Chinese spies for testimony that needs to be deflected from.
Biden is a court jester that keeps us all entertained. He's a side show at a low rate circus. He would be endlessly hilarious if he wasn't such an embarrassment.
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